-The Children of Darkness- Th...

By Neverland07112

5.4K 40 78

Aurora Riddle is the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange and Lord Voldemort. She grew up with her brother Mattheo... More

Author's space
Main characters
Our suffering begins
The Return of the Dark Lord P1
The train
Welcome to Hogwarts
First Day (P1)
First Day (P2)
Dumbledore's Army
Moments of peace and quiet
Xmas holidays
New Headmistress
Rescue plan
End of the year
The Half-blood prince
"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"
Her mother's daughter
The Last Chance
Dumbledore is dead
New us
Family Loyalties and Forbidden Desires
The Weight of Choices

Getting started

535 5 5
By Neverland07112

4 months ago
Mattheo: Rory! Aurora Hyacinth Riddle opens this door immediately!
A black cat purrs on the back of a little girl with long brown hair.
She turns her head and takes him in her arms, stroking him gently.
Aurora: Good morning Zephyr...
The cat crawls on top of her and begins to meow in satisfaction.
Mattheo: Sis please!
Aurora: Why do you insist on coming down together?
She gets up calmly, puts on her dressing gown and slippers, brushes her hair and with a wave of her wand the bed makes itself.
She opens the door and the cat follows, overtaking her brother, shocked.
Aurora: Come on Mattheo, I don't want to be late for breakfast
The boy impatiently runs after her.
Mattheo: How many times do I have to tell you not to use magic without permission?
Aurora: It's only half past six in the morning, can you not!?
Mattheo: All right, but next time don't do magic when we're not in Snape's class.

She doesn't answer, so the boy blocks her and squeezes her arm, the cat blows.

Aurora: Mattheo, you're hurting me!
Mattheo: Do I make myself clear?!
Aurora: Yes and now leave me, MATTHEO I UNDERSTAND!
He leaves her and Aurora gives him a push
Aurora: Just because you're going to be a Death Eater soon doesn't mean you have to act like an asshole!
They enter the dining room, where there are several trays of food and fruit on the long black and silver table.
At the head of the table is a woman with a sombre, sad look on her face, but as soon as she sees them, her expression changes to a smile.

Narcissa: I wondered when you would grace me with your presence.
Aurora approaches her aunt and gives her a soft kiss on the cheek.
Aurora: Forgive us, Aunt, it won't happen again.
The two siblings take their places at the table.

Narcissa: We need to talk...
She says to her niece
Aurora: What is it?
Narcissa: The time has come, the Dark Lord will return.
Aurora gulps and looks at her brother
Narcissa: Tonight the two of you will travel to Hogwarts, where you will find a pass that will take you to a graveyard.
Mattheo: Hogwarts?
Narcissa: Right, at the cemetery Rory will have to give blood for the rebirth of the Dark One and then Mattheo will have the... privilege of joining the Death Eaters.
Aurora: If these are the orders
Mattheo: Rory, don't look so fucking ungrateful.
Narcissa: Mattheo Black!
He glares at her

Mattheo: My surname is Riddle, I am a son of the Dark Lord! I was born with the sole purpose of honouring my family! And my sister act like a child
Narcissa: She is only fourteen years old, Mattheo...
Mattheo: I was a kid, when my whole world was turned upside down! But at his age, I certainly wasn't a stupid, spoiled little girl!

He gets up and walks away, Narcissa puts her hand to her temple and then makes a plate of food disappear into the boy's room with a spell...

Aurora's POV
Me: I'm sorry, it's my fault for provoking him this morning...
Narcissa: Don't worry about it.
Me: How can you keep making us all this good stuff?
Narcissa: I call it insomnia....
We finish breakfast in silence. I say goodbye and lock myself in my room; I'm worried about my brother....

Mattheo is the stronger of the two, the one who does everything to take care of me when I am ill.
On the contrary, he doesn't often get help, the only person he opens up to is me, but even with me he finds it difficult to express all his feelings.
Zephyrus began to purr, rubbing against my legs, and I took him in my arms and scratched his little head.

Something taps on my window, I turn around and Zephyr comes running towards it.
An eagle owl is sitting outside with a letter in its paw.
I open the window and let the bird in, taking the envelope from its paw. The cat then imitates a swoop and sends the frightened bird flying.
Me: Zephyr!
I sit down on the bed, open the envelope and start to read the letter.

Dear Rory,
I wish you were here with me, and a dance without you, they're all so fucking annoying.
Not to mention that boy with the forehead shapes!
Potter aced the first two rounds of the tournament, I can't stand him, I swear he's a fucking arsehole at everything he does!
I thought he'd croak in the first round, but he's still here, busting my balls, him and the freak without an eye! Do you know what that freak did?
I'd better not tell you, or you'll beat me up for the rest of my life! I don't know how Dumbledore let him teach, he's just got a few screws loose!
At least the Three Wizards tournament is fantastic, I think you would have enjoyed it. There are French girls everywhere, in a few words "paradise"!
Now I must run, I have the ball soon and I can't wait!
All those hours in your room will finally do some good!
Yours, Draco.

P.S. Smell the envelope, I sprayed it with peppermint perfume, yes, the one you love, I had bought two bottles before I left.
I took the envelope in my hands and gently put it under my nose, smiling. He knew how much I loved that scent, I had a methi planted in the courtyard of the manor, I'm crazy about it.
P.S.S sorry I forgot to send you the letter, Disgusting Potter is still alive...and he is cautiously well....

I laugh as I read his 'cautiously' and his dismissive tone comes from miles away!
Folding up the letter, I get out of bed and walk to my desk, grabbing my inkwell and parchment.

Dear Draco,

The door suddenly swings open and my brother throws himself onto the made-up bed, the sort of thing that can make my nerves flutter.
Mattheo: What are you doing, sis?
Me: It's none of your business.
Mattheo: None of my business, huh?
He stands up and pulls Draco's letter out of my hands.
Mattheo: Because I don't get letters from that little brat.
Me: Maybe because you're an asshole!
Mattheo: Or maybe because I don't blow him!
Me: You suck and fuck off!
Mattheo: We all know there's always been this 'sexual' chemistry between you and our cousin, let's call it that...
Me: What do you want Mattheo?
He suddenly gets serious and puts the letter on the table.
Mattheo: How are you, Rory? Are you ready?

Me: I'm scared big brother, Lucius has been preparing me for this for the last four years... but I don't know if I want to do it.
Mattheo: You have no choice.
Me: I don't want to risk dying, Mattheo.
Mattheo: You're certainly not going to die for a little blood....
He hugs me
Mattheo: Sorry if I was hard this morning, it's just that I'm terrified, the dark mark is something that will bind me to him for the rest of my life and I don't want to become like our uncle...
Me: Come on, it's not that bad.
Mattheo: Only because you're like the daughter he never had and that's why he treats you like a princess!
Me: Jealousy doesn't suit you, big brother....
He rolls his eyes and pushes my head back.
Me: Just promise me that we'll be together as always, even after the branding...
Mattheo: Promise me you will never hate me.
Me: I couldn't, Theo, even if I wanted to, and believe me, there are times when I want to!
Mattheo: Promise?
Me: I promise
He gets up and goes to the door
Me: Mattheo!
Mattheo: Yes, sis?
Me: Didn't you promise?
Mattheo: I promise Rory...

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