Lilies for a Lifetime

By howboutnoxoxo

19K 883 347

What do you know about Vincent Russell? Well...most people don't know anything, considering he is an absolute... More

Intro and Notes
Chapter 1 // Bitchin' Beginnings
Chapter 2 // Football? Football.
Chapter 3 // Popularity and Pressure
Chapter 4 // Bottoms Up
Chapter 5 // Girls, Girls, Girls
Chapter 6 // What a Shitshow
Chapter 7 // A Night to Remember
Chapter 8 // Sharing is Caring
Chapter 9 // The Double Breakup
Chaper 9.5 // Practice Makes Perfect, Right?
Chapter 11 // Tears and Tension
Chapter 12 // Some Healthy Communication
Chapter 13 // Blossoming
Chapter 14 // The Christmas Crew
Chapter 15 // Welcome Back...Hottie
Chapter 16 // It Was Just a Joke
Chapter 17 // Burning Desire
Chapter 18 // Wedding Bells
Chapter 19 // Show and Tell
Chapter 20 // Breakup and Make Up
Chapter 21 // Someone is Getting Killed Today
Chapter 22 // Epiphany
Chapter 23 // He's Definitely Not Drowning...I Hope
Chapter 24 // Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 25 // Another Bitchin' Beginning

Chapter 10 // Cheerleader

730 39 16
By howboutnoxoxo

The morning after their first kiss / Age 18...

Vincent tiredly blinks his eyes open when his internal alarm goes off. He groans and sits up in bed, entirely forgetting what he experienced yesterday until he sees Hayden quietly snoozing beside him.


When Vincent glances down and examines Hayden's peaceful features–his mouth slightly ajar, eyebrows relaxed, long eyelashes touching his cheek–his head starts to pound. He buries his head in his hands as his thoughts begin to clash like the formation of a tornado.

Was it a mistake? What the hell happened? Why did I even bring up the idea of dating so soon?

Vincent isn't torn up about the slightly steamy moment he shared with Hayden last night because he is ashamed or weirded out by kissing a guy; his mind is falling to pieces at the notion that he could lose his best friend if anything goes wrong between them.

Vincent can't have that.

Hayden, despite his sleeping state, wiggles closer to Vincent. As soon as Hayden's head touches Vincent's lap, the usually reserved boy freaks out–as if they haven't been this close before.

Vincent instantly but carefully rushes out of bed to splash some water on his face, hoping it provides some clarity. It does him no good so he does it again and again and again...and again until it looks like he has fully submerged his head in a tub of water. He looks in the mirror to see what a mess he's become just because of a little kiss.

...Except it was more than a little kiss.

Vincent can't help but cringe when he remembers how he threw his shirt off in the heat of the moment. He briefly peeks inside his dorm room at Hayden again and almost has a heart attack when he sees how dark the hickey he left on his neck is.

"Oh, god. What the fucking fuckity fucking fuck fuck," Vincent mumbles, pacing around the bathroom. "Jesus Christ. What the shit did I do?"

Since Vincent needs anything to distract himself from the gay crisis that he is undergoing, he decides to take a shower to ease his mind. The only problem is that when he gets into the shower, his thoughts are anything but innocent.

Hell, I really did just go all in last night.

Vincent slaps himself a few times to try and get back his calm and composed attitude, but it's to no avail. Continuing to utter a long line of curses under his breath, he tries to get ready for the day.

Everything is peaceful for the brief moment that he forgets about Hayden Williams, but all of a sudden, when he is brushing his hair, the memories come surging back to him.

Vincent fondly dug his fingers into every part of his best friend's body yesterday. The two boys kept tugging each other closer and closer, getting more passionate by the second as if they had done the devil's tango millions of times before. And damn, Hayden wasn't holding back as he tugged on Vincent's hair yesterday.

Vincent groans again as he covers his face in embarrassment.

While Vincent is having a meltdown in the bathroom, Hayden slowly starts to wake up. However, he still feels exhausted and wants to drift right back to sleep. Stretching out on the bed to get more comfortable, Hayden realizes that Vincent isn't next to him.

Getting up with drowsy confusion, Hayden wanders to the bathroom when he hears Vincent mumbling to himself. Hayden swiftly pushes the door open and Vincent freezes in his spot.

Vincent waits and waits and waits for Hayden to say something that'll either soothe his mind or dissipate the imaginary tension between the two, but Hayden stays silent. As a matter of fact, he remains wordless as he grabs Vincent's hand and pulls him back into their dorm room. Hayden lightly shoves two hands into Vinny's chest and pushes him back onto the bed. Despite the heavy battle going on in Vincent's mind, he complies when Hayden cuddles up to his chest.

Hayden listens to Vincent's heartbeat with a smile as his fingers curl into the fabric of his clothing. Within a matter of seconds, Hayden is lightly snoring into Vincent's chest, causing the latter to grin.

And just like that, Vincent is settled.

He can't let his overthinking mind run circles around him while everything is fine.

Hayden likes him, and he has for a while, so he knows the risks of growing closer than they were before. And Vincent likes him too. It may be a discovery that is less than twenty-four hours old, but it's an honest one.

What's the point of freaking out when falling for a person who already knows your strengths and weaknesses, pet peeves and guilty pleasures, as well as what you care about the most?

Vincent cautiously reaches over to his nightstand and grabs his book. He opens a page and starts peacefully reading.

Vincent can't help but think that this is going to be routine for them in the future, considering he is a morning person while Hayden is the neediest fucking person on earth...but that's one of Vincent's favorite things about him.


Vincent and Hayden are seated inside their local campus cafe. Although Vincent was reluctant to the idea, Hayden convinced them to have a civil sitdown where they can apologize to Johnny–their lovely third roommate.

Due to the college's overwhelming amount of freshmen in housing this year, some dorms were unfortunately assigned three people to a room. Vincent, being his typical self who doesn't like change or new people, has held a grunge on the poor boy since the beginning of the year as if it's his fault.

However, due to the events that unfolded yesterday, Vincent feels guiltier than ever. Hayden also said that he didn't have a choice in the matter if the newly budding pair wants to remain on speaking terms, so Vincent can't get out of this one.

A barista calls out Vincent and Hayden's order. Hayden bounces up to go get their drinks and returns to the table in a flash with a bright smile. He swiftly hands Vincent his drink before squishing himself in the space next to his best friend. Vincent rolls his eyes but doesn't scoot away from the highly affectionate boy.

Hayden excitedly takes a sip of his fancy cup of joe and his face screws up in disgust.

"Oh my god," Hayden spits. "That is vile. How are people getting away with selling this stuff?!"

"I told you you wouldn't like it," Vincent sighs, glancing at Hayden knowingly.

"Let me try yours," Hayden chimes, scooping up Vincent's drink without permission.

"Sure, go right ahead," Vincent says sarcastically.

Hayden immediately lights up at the divine taste. He then gives Vincent his drink back, slouches in his seat, and crosses his arms like a spoiled child.

"Your's tastes better," he mumbles with a visible pout.

Vincent can't help but roll his eyes and let a little chuckle slip from his lips at his best friend's foolishness. He pushes his drink in front of Hayden and grabs the supposedly disgusting one to drink for himself. Hayden perks up at the gesture of kindness but Vincent cuts him off before the energetic boy can say anything.

"Don't make me regret it."

Hayden happily nods and stays quiet as he downs the frappuccino. After a few seconds, he takes Vincent by surprise when he slowly slips his fingers into his palm. Vincent's eyes shoot toward Hayden's face, but he only finds a shy smile plastered onto his features.

"Sorry," Hayden mutters but doesn't let go of Vincent's hand.

Hayden knows that his friend isn't exactly fond of affection, but he still doesn't pull away from the action.

While the two continue to wait for their roommate and Hayden begins to not-so-subtly snuggle into Vincent, Vincent realizes that nothing has changed.

Sure, he and his best friend may have kissed yesterday, but what else is new? Hayden has always been clingy. Hell, even when they were children, not a moment would go by when he wasn't touching him. Not only that, but Hayden knows him–better than anyone, for that matter. Vincent doesn't have to go through any weird talking phases or awkward questions about family because Hayden has seen it all.

Vincent may have freaked the fuck out this morning, but as the day goes by, he's feeling okay with the new side of his relationship with Hayden. After all, Hayden hasn't been able to stop smiling all day, and Vincent would be lying if he said he didn't like the sight. Vincent has also caught Hayden's eyes falling down to his lips, and although Hayden doesn't listen a majority of the time, he respects the fact that Vincent says he needs some space to sort through his thoughts.

Suddenly, the door to the coffee shop chimes. Vincent and Hayden are pulled out of their little world of growing fondness as Johnny walks into the shop.

Vincent, not aware of his facial muscles, watches Johnny approach their table with a scowl.

"Vinny," Hayden reprimands, hitting Vincent on the chest. "Stop glaring at him."

"It's not my fault he has a hateable face," Vincent shrugs.

Hayden just laughs as Johnny sits in the seat across from them.

"Hey, roomie," Hayden grins. "Can I get you anything? Coffee, tea, refresher, pastry?"

Johnny carefully glances at Vincent before saying, "Oh, I can get it mysel–"

"You want tea and a muffin. Got it," Hayden chirps.

Vincent and Johnny begin to protest at the same time, Vincent going as far as tugging Hayden back toward him when tries to leave the table. Hayden just gives him a smug wink before running off, and Vincent can't help but wonder why he likes him of all people.

"So..." Johnny prompts.

"So," Vincent says back shortly.

Vincent knows that he is supposed to be apologizing right now, but he's too proud to accomplish that.

"I'm just going to go ahead and say it," Johnny begins. "Why do you hate me so much?"

"I hate everyone. You're not special," Vincent explains.

"Seriously? I've been nothing but nice to you. I don't know what else to do."

"Not my problem," Vincent shrugs.

Johnny sighs, "I can't believe you and Hayden are even friends in the first place." Johnny then quietly murmurs, "Or more than friends, I don't know."

"You are pushing it," Vincent practically barks at him with an evil glint in his eye.

"See, this is what I mean," Johnny breathes, throwing his hands up in the air. "How can someone as friendly and nice as Hayden associate with you?"

"I'm nice too."

Johnny raises an eyebrow.

"...To people I like," Vincent finishes.

Suddenly, Vincent is getting slapped across the back of the head by a disappointed Hayden.

"Ow, you bitch," Vincent grumbles, rubbing the sore spot.

Hayden then politely hands Johnny his order before planting himself beside Vincent once again.

"I thought I could trust you with something as simple as apologizing, but apparently I can't," Hayden chides. "Say you are sorry, now."

"You're not my fucking mother," Vincent argues.

"Well maybe if you weren't such a stubborn child, I wouldn't have to act like it!" Hayden exclaims.

While Hayden and Vincent are bickering, Johnny is silently sipping away at his tea with the corner of his lips upturned.

"Apologize," Hayden says sternly.

Vincent finally lets out a defeated sigh. He then mumbles something under his breath.

"Louder," Hayden commands.

"I'm sorry," Vincent huffs.

"For being an unwelcoming asshole," Hayden adds.

"For being an unwelcoming asshole," Vincent repeats with slight annoyance.

"For leaving rotten food under your bed."

"You what?" Johnny says, flabbergasted.

Vincent ignores him and says, "For leaving rotten food under your bed."

"For threatening to cut off your genitals yesterday," Hayden continues and Vincent repeats with an eye roll, not knowing where he got that truthful information.

"For threatening to cut off your genitals yesterday."

"And I'm sorry for any other stupid thing that I've done because I'm a grumpy prick."

"And I'm sorry for any other stupid thing that I've done because Hayden is a dumbass."

"Good job, Vinny," Hayden beams before realizing what he said. "Wait a second. That's–"

Johnny cuts Hayden off before they can start fighting again.

"I appreciate your apology," he smiles sincerely. "And I forgive you."

"Don't care," Vincent quietly muses.

"Vincent Russell!" Hayden screeches.

"Kidding, kidding," Vincent says, finally displaying a grin in the presence of Johnny. "I'll attempt to be better."

"I'll take that," Johnny laughs.

"Yay," Hayden cheers with applauding hands. "See what happens when you are civil, Vinny? Peace, love, and friendship. We are a happy family...just like my one true icon, Barney the purple dinosaur said."

Vincent playfully gags as Johnny laughs at Hayden's absurdity.

"Oh, shut it," Hayden grins, circling his arms around Vincent's neck.

"Okay, not that I'm against whatever is going on between you two," Johnny says, gesturing to them both, "but can you at least warn me whenever something is going on in the dorm room?"

"You don't want to join?" Hayden says innocently and Vincent immediately slaps a hand over Hayden's mouth.

Johnny gapes like a fish out of water.

"Jesus Christ," Vincent snorts before looking Hayden in the eyes. "Remember how I always tell you to think before you speak?"

Hayden nods.

"That was one of those instances," Vincent chuckles, finally uncovering Hayden's mouth.

"Okay," Hayden huffs, furrowing his eyebrows as he tries to understand where he went wrong.

"Do you guys want to catch a movie or something?" Vincent finally asks.

"I'm invited?" Johnny says with surprise.

"If you don't ask stupid questions like that again then sure," Vincent grins. "I'll even let you pick the movie."

Hayden gasps with betrayal. "Vinny, I always get to pick!"

"Sorry," Vincent smiles. "How about next time you can pick?"

"Okay," Hayden happily chirps as the three head out of the shop.

For the first time in three months, Johnny has seen Vincent smile for more than five seconds. Not only that, but he is actively engaging in conversation with him without being rude...well, he's still snarky, but that's just part of his charm. Johnny also can't help but notice how soft and fond Vincent's smile is when it concerns Hayden.

Although Johnny doubted their chemistry originally, they are definitely a perfect match.


A few weeks later...

Vincent's helmet is tucked under his arm as he listens attentively to his club football coach.

Vincent may have denied it for a long time, but he really loves playing football. Not only does it take his mind off of his parents completely cutting him off but it reminds him of all the times he spent with Leo, Sawyer, and Hayden in high school. Vincent will admit that he likes the tiny bit of freedom that comes with playing a college club sport. Although Coach Jones was one of his favorite people, Vincent doesn't want the harsh responsibility of being tied down to the collegiate level.

"I know defense isn't your favorite, Russell, but do you mind stepping in as a tackle since Garner is sick?"

"Yeah, no problem," Vincent swiftly replies. Contrary to his younger self, he doesn't care what position he plays anymore because he just wants to be on the field.

Coach continues assigning positions to the rest of the players and finishes up his pregame speech by providing a couple of tips and intel from the other team. The team claps it out before jogging over to their spots on the turf.

Vincent slips his helmet on as he waits on the sideline for the offensive team to get their job over with. Although Vincent should be focusing on kick-off when the whistle blows, he instantly scans the bleachers behind him, hoping to find a head of messy brown hair.

His eyebrows scrunch up in confusion when he doesn't find Hayden among the crowd. As unreliable as Hayden can be at most things, he hasn't missed a single one of Vincent's games since their first kiss.

Vincent feels a little uneasy at his missing presence.

"Vincent!" someone shouts. Vincent's head spins toward the commanding voice. "You're up!"

"Right," Vincent nods, immediately sprinting to his position on the field.

He squats into his ready position, his eyes like a hawk as he stares at the opposing team member across from him. The rival team quarterback starts the play and when the player that Vincent is watching tries to fake him out, Vincent instantly puts an end to his glimpse of victory. He firmly pushes back against the huffing competitor, Vincent easily overpowering him.

Before the play is officially over, Vincent happens to hear someone who isn't his coach yelling in the distance.

"Beat his fucking ass, Vinny boy!"

Vincent unfortunately lets his guard down when he can't help but laugh. Thankfully, one of his other teammates has already tackled the rival team player with the ball so Vincent isn't letting the squad down by the small slip-up.

Vincent goes to his place at a new yard line, and once again, Hayden's words of encouragement are the loudest out of everyone.

By the time Vincent is switching with his offensive teammates and heading over to the sideline for some water, he finally catches sight of Hayden and almost doubles over with laughter.

"Who is that guy?" Calum, one of his teammates, asks him.

"Yeah, he must be a big fan of yours," Tony smirks, handing Vincent a water bottle.

"I don't know him," Vincent says playfully as if Hayden isn't still currently screaming his name when he isn't even on the field.

Vincent briefly turns around and Hayden blows him a little kiss as he swirls two pom-poms in his hands.

This takes the cake on the dumbest stunt Hayden has ever pulled off, at least in Vincent's eyes. The big doofus is wearing a crop top lined with sparkles, just like a cheerleading uniform. Judging by the pink stains on his cheeks, Vincent assumes that Hayden asked Asher for makeup advice and then completely disregarded the tips because he has so much blush on that he looks like a clown. Oh, and not to mention the huge sign with Vincent's number on it.

"Looks like he has a little crush on you," Calum says jokingly, nudging Vincent in the chest as if his statement doesn't have the tiniest hint of homophobia in it.

Vincent has been on the team for a few months now, but that doesn't mean he has let anyone in. However, because of his attitude and the intimidation he radiates, everyone respects him. Even though Calum and Tony are his closest friends on the team, they know nothing about him, but they are bound to find out something real soon.

When the defense is called back out to the field, Hayden's enthusiastic cheers only grow stronger.

"Give me a V!"


Vincent playfully shakes his head as he gets into his ready stance.

"An 'I!' Double 'N!' And one motherfucking 'Y!'" Hayden screams, vigorously shaking his sparkly Pom-poms. "What do you get?! Vinny is going to smoke all of your asses and wrestle you so hard to the ground that you won't remember your dumbass names. All of you ugly bitches are nothing against Vin—"

"Hey!" the referee screams. "Shut your mouth before we kick you out."

Vincent silently laughs to himself when he quickly glances to the front row of the bleachers and sees Hayden sitting down with crossed arms.

However, the second that the whistle blows, Hayden is right back to cheerleading. Vincent can barely focus on playing football because he's busy trying not to bust out laughing at the idiot screaming like a crackhead.

The referee throws up his hands at Hayden's blatant ignorance of his rules, but the ref is unfortunately stuck dealing with it for the rest of the game.

Eventually, Vincent's club game ends in a win. While everyone gathers around the bench and awaits the coach's closing speech, just out of the corner of his eye, Vincent can see Hayden excitedly waiting for him.

"Have a good weekend, boys," Coach smiles before leaving with the clipboard tucked under his arm.

Vincent walks over to get some more water but is tapped on the shoulder.

"Seriously, who is that guy?" Tony says, pointing his finger at an excited Hayden, who can't seem to stand still.

"He's like obsessed with you or something," Calum adds.

Vincent laughs loudly as he runs his fingers through his damp hair. He then says, "Well I would hope he's obsessed with me." Vincent looks at Hayden and calls him over with a quick hand gesture. "He's my idiot boyfriend after all."



Yes, Vincent was initially worried about asking Hayden to be his boyfriend because of Hayden's extensive track record, but Hayden has never once turned his head since they've been together. Not only that, but how can they know where their relationship is going to go if they don't try?

Once Hayden finally gets close enough, he stands on his tippy toes to place a soft kiss on the back of Vincent's neck.

Tony and Calum just watch with slacked jaws.

Hayden and Vincent did have a conversation about how open they were going to be in public, but Vincent has never given a crap about what people think about him and that confidence is finally rubbing off on Hayden.

"Hayden, you look stupid," Vincent chuckles.

"I think the word you were looking for was beautiful."

"Nope, I definitely meant stupid," Vincent counters.

Hayden has gotten used to the mean words uttered by Vincent's lips because, at the end of the night, he is still the one kissing him so sweetly, despite his trouble with showing vulnerability.

Hayden then sees Vincent's two friends standing in front of him. He doesn't even recognize their stunned stances as he puts his hand out.

"Hayden Williams at your service," he winks.

The two just continue to stare at him, their eyes flicking between Vincent and Hayden like they still can't believe it.

"Hayden, nobody can take you seriously when you look like Ronald McDonald," Vincent says.

"My abs are pretty sexy, though, aren't they?" Hayden grins, pointing to the section of his stomach that is exposed by his crop top.

"Sure, sure," Vincent muses, rolling his eyes.

Hayden smiles and grabs Vincent's arm, wrapping it around his waist.

"Y-You're, um...actually dating?" Calum asks.

"Yep," Vincent answers. "Why? Do you have a problem with it?"


"Because I don't care if you do," Vincent explains, running his fingers along Hayden's side.

"No, it's not like that," Calum flusters. "I'm just shocked."

"I mean, good for you," Tony shrugs. "I honestly didn't think you had a heart so the fact that you are dating anyone is more surprising than anything."

Vincent laughs while Hayden stares intensely at Vincent's chest to make a point.

"I mean, it's pretty small but it's there."

"Anyways," Vincent chimes, turning to Hayden completely. "Want to go get some dinner?"

Hayden nods enthusiastically. "Only if you buy me ice cream."

"Only if you change your damn clothes first," Vincent counters.

"Ugh, I spent so much time trying to get my look right," Hayden argues.

"Yet I would still run away if I saw you in a horror movie."

"Vinny, you are being so mean!" Hayden huffs.

Calum and Tony glance at each other before slowly slipping away from the conversation when the two begin to bicker.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Vincent whispers when Hayden begins to get upset.

Sometimes Vincent's brain only resorts to playfully insulting Hayden because it's hard to express how he really feels. Although Hayden knows that he is joking a majority of the time, he still needs reassurance just like any other person in a relationship.

"I'm sorry," Vincent says again, being genuine. "How can I make it up to you?"

"A kiss."

"You ask for the same thing every single time," Vincent laughs.

"Yet you still haven't caught on," Hayden grins.

"I guess I'll learn eventually," Vincent chuckles before giving Hayden a little peck.

He then turns his back and walks away while Hayden still has his eyes closed, waiting for more from his Vinny.

Hayden opens his eyes to find Vincent about twenty paces away from him.


Hayden chases after him, jumping on his back.

"Can I please get one more?" he whines.

"Maybe later," Vincent beams, contently carrying his boyfriend on his back toward the car.

Vincent has lost a lot on behalf of Hayden Williams, but as he listens to the boy talk off his ear and laugh at his own jokes, he has no regrets.

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