Harry Potter: Heart Of A Myst...

By WinterWolf-99

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Sirius Black is the father of all godfathers and he will do anything to prove it. He knows that his godson ne... More

Chapter One: The Nature Mage
Chapter Two: Some Sirius Thoughts
Chapter Three: Crashing An Order Meeting
Chapter Four: Picking Up Harry
Chapter Five: Harry Arrives
Chapter Six: Forming A Plan
Chapter Seven: Godfather-Godson Bonding
Chapter Eight: Heart Of... No... Flower Of Gold
Chapter Nine: Setting The Plan In Motion
Chapter Ten: I Hate Politics
Chapter Eleven: Olivia Showing Who Is Boss
Chapter Twelve: First Sign Of Powers
Chapter Thirteen: Change Of Weather
Chapter Fourteen: Birthday Blow Up
Chapter Fifteen: A True Friend
Chapter Sixteen: Preparing To Leave
Chapter Seventeen: We're Going On A Trip
Chapter Eighteen: A Lesson On Mystic Souls
Chapter Nineteen: Arriving At Crystal Rose
Chapter Twenty: Touring Crystal Rose
Chapter Twenty-One: Mystic Souls Aplenty
Chapter Twenty-Two: New School New Houses
Chapter Twenty-Three: Every Rose Has Its Thorns
Chapter Twenty-Four: Do Not Mess With A Rose
Chapter Twenty-Five: Legacies
Chapter Twenty-Six: Some Sirius Progress
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Storm Is Coming
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Once Is A Coincidence, Twice Is Magic
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Unblocking The Block
Chapter Thirty: Breaking The Block
Chapter Thirty-One: The Start of Something New
Chapter Thirty-Two: What Else Can I Do
Chapter Thirty-Three: Control The Storm
Chapter Thirty-Four: First Real Day As Crystal Rose Students
Chapter Thirty-Five: Light And Dark Debate
Chapter Thirty-Six: How A Mystic Fights
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Olivia Is The Best Lawyer Ever
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Padfoot & Boreas
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Dealing With The Bumblebee
Chapter Forty: Potion Commotion
Chapter Forty-One: Cutting The Strings
Chapter Forty-Two: No Apologies
Chapter Forty-Three: Creature Feature
Chapter Forty-Four: Order of the Fried Chickens
Chapter Forty-Five: A New Teacher And Friend
Chapter Forty-Six: Mystic Spark
Chapter Forty-Seven: Might Of A Hurricane
Chapter Forty-Eight: Power of the Mind
Chapter Forty-Nine: All Hallows' Eve Introduction
Chapter Fifty: A Sacred Sabbat
Chapter Fifty-One: Reunion
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Attack
Chapter Fifty-Four: Olivia Rocks The Court
Chapter Fifty-Five: Heart of the Storm
Chapter Fifty-Six: A Sirius Confrontation

Chapter Fifty-Three: Never Mess With Crystal Rose

2.4K 131 40
By WinterWolf-99

"Open, gate of the lion! Leo," Angela called, holding up one of her golden keys.

With a loud DING DONG and a flash of light, she called another of her zodiac spirits. This time, it was a rather handsome older teenager. He was wearing a nice black suit with a white dress shirt under his suit jacket and tie along with matching black dress shoes. He also was wearing glasses. His hair was a lion's fur shade of tan that was styled in large spikes. Lion ears could be seen poking through his hair on top of his head.

"At your service, M'Lady," the spirit instantly flirted with her.

"Not now, Leo," Angela tells him. "Take those things down!"

"Right away, Angel," Leo winked at her, his hands both lighting up with golden light.  "Regulus impact!"

From his fist came a massive blast of light with the head of a lion roaring at the end of it. It headed right for a group of half a dozen dementors. All of them were vaporized on the spot. It seemed that light magic was very effective against them.

"Jungle weapon- Panther claws," T'challa cast.

On his hands appeared metal gloves, like the gauntlets that medieval knights wear. And attached to the gloves were Wolverine-like claws. Only, the gauntlets and the claws were a dark black and purple color. His eyes turned into emerald cat eyes while his teeth fanged.

He charged at a trio of dementors that had dived a small group of younger Crystal Rose students. His claws glowed purple energy as he ripped the dementors to shreds. 

"Thank you, T'challa," one of the younger boys said to him.

"No problem," he smiled at the group. "Get inside, now!"

The group all ran toward the entrance, which was still being guarded by Olivia. The witch was definitely a very fierce protector. Not to mention downright terrifying whenever she would use her molecular combustion power.

"Butterfly barrier," Vallia cast.

A larger group of dementors was blocked from charging toward the entrance as a wall of light-created butterflies appeared in front of them. The butterfly mage floated down in front of them. And she wasn't alone.

"Pine missile," Buzz cast.

From his hands came a barrage of sharp-ended energy blasts that resembled energy blasts made from giant bee stingers. Each one made contact with one of the dementors, destroying them on impact.

"What are these things doing here, all the way from Azkaban," Vallia wondered out loud.

"Whatever reason they are here, it can not be a good one," Buzz says.

"Did they actually think we wouldn't be able to fight back against them," Vallia raised an eyebrow.

"They're creatures from magical Britain, Vallia," Buzz reminded her. "They probably have the same large egos as the rest of that backward community."

As two of the few mystic souls that had been able to escape from Britain, they did know about things like dementors and Azkaban. Just like Harry and Sirius, neither of them was happy to see the dark creatures attacking their school. They always found the dementors to be one of the biggest examples of the cruelty of magical Britain. After all, no one deserved to have their soul removed. Not even the worst criminals. If they were so bad, then simply put them to death. There was no need to do something as horrid as removing their soul.

"Sapphire arrows," Abby cast.

"Ruby shower," Mason cast.

The two Enchanted Gem mages stood back-to-back as they unleashed their spells. From Abby's hands came a volley of ice arrows that looked sharp enough to puncture steel. They ripped through the dementors as if they were made of paper. Though, that was certainly a better fate than what happened to the dementors that Mason hit. He had shot a fire blast into the air and it exploded into a shower of flames. Every dementor within the range of the fire rain burned to death. And if dementors could scream, then they definitely were.

"Who says that fire and ice don't mix," Abby smirked.

"That stereotype should have been thrown out the window a long time ago," Mason chuckled.

No one would ever guess that the ice and fire mages would be a couple. It had taken a while before they had gotten together, but that was mostly because the Sapphire and Ruby mages do not traditionally get along. But, the two of them ended up sharing a kiss under some mistletoe during the previous year's Yule and they have been together ever since.

Inside the school, Headmistress Jiwe was taking full control of the situation. Having already sent most of the teachers out to fight the dementors, she and Sirius were helping calm the younger students who had been sent back into the school. She was also directing all the students with any form of healing magic to aid anyone who was injured. They had their own little shelter set up in the Main Gallery.

Sirius had to hand it to the mystic soul headmistress. She was a lot better at handling the situation than he would have thought. Unlike Dumbledore, who usually takes full control and doesn't listen to anyone other than himself, Jiwe actually pays attention to what others are saying to her. Both for those who need help as well as any advice given to her that could help the situation.

"I have never been so disgusted in my entire life," Jiwe growled as she saw all the fighting happening outside through the windows. "I know wand-users hate us, but this is still a school full of children!"

"Unfortunately, there will always be people in the world willing to go to such extremes," Sirius tells her. "If my mother was still alive, she would certainly be cheering for the dementors."

"Sounds like a lovely woman," Jiwe sarcastically said.

"Lovely is most certainly a word that no one would have ever used for her," Sirius said. "Not even my own father. Though, it's not like arranged marriages create real love most of the time."

"Arranged marriages," Jiwe had a disgusted look on her face. "How barbaric."

Sirius shrugged. "That's magical Britain for you. Always living in the Victorian era. Nothing can be done given how they choose to ignore the world around them just to save their egos."

"Considering that mirror phones and mirror pads were invented nearly two decades ago and magical Britain still ignores their existence, I am not shocked," Jiwe says.

"If there is one thing that magical Britain does best, it's sticking their heads in the sand," Sirius said. "They will forever deny anything and everything that does not fit into their narrow view of the world."

"Yeah, that sounds right," Jiwe snickered.

"Headmistress," Hestia came over to the two adults. "Do you want me in here to heal immediate injuries or should I go to the infirmary with the other healers?"

"You should stay here, Miss.Apolla," Jiwe tells her. "If there are any serious injuries, it would be better for them not to wait."

"Okay, headmistress," Hestia says.

She went over to a younger student who came in with a limp. She probably twisted her ankle or something while running away from the dementors.

"Your students are certainly better at handling situations like this than the ones at Hogwarts would be," Sirius tells the headmistress.

"We deal with demons nearly every single day," Jiwe shrugged. "When you deal with beings like them, everything else is pretty easy in comparison."

"Harry is going to run into a demon at some point," Sirius facepalmed. "I know it."

"The life of a mystic soul is never boring," Jiwe smirked.

"The life of a Potter never is, either," Sirius said.

"Olivia and I are working on making sure Mr.Potter can stay at Crystal Rose, Sirius," Jiwe put her hand on Sirius's shoulder. "He will be safe here. I promise."

"Aside from demons, though, right," Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, demons make for excellent target practice," Jiwe tells him.

"You're a very unique character," Sirius says. "I hope you know that."

"I'm the headmistress of a school of powerful children that could easily take over the world if they wanted to," Jiwe said. "I am very aware of how unique I am."

"I know that I should be scared at the idea of a bunch of children taking over the world," Sirius chuckled. "But, in all honesty, I would like to see what they would do with it. Especially Krinos."

"Mr.Gardna would have the entire planet covered in flowers and trees before lunch," Jiwe giggled.

"You seem very fond of the Gardna family," Sirius noticed.

Jiwe nodded, smiling both sadly and fondly.

"I have been the headmistress of Crystal Rose for twenty years while also having been a teacher here for another twenty years before that," Jiwe says. "Jax and Selena were two of my best students. Not just with their powers, but with their personalities. Jax couldn't go a single day without showing a bully that their actions had consequences. Selena would volunteer in the infirmary in her free time to help the school healer brew healing potions. And they did those things because they wanted to, not because they thought they would gain anything from it. Miss. and Mr.Gardna both take after their parents in so many ways."

"I feel the same way when I spend time with Harry," Sirius tells her. "His parents would be very proud of the man he is becoming."

"Mr.Potter does seem like a really good person," Jiwe smiled.

Sirius nodded. "Harry is one of the best people you could ever meet. He has the biggest heart and loves with a force. For someone who has been through as much as he has, it shocks me sometimes how willing he is to still help those around him."

"There is a reason why no one listens to British magicals during any international meetings," Jiwe says. "Because everyone knows that they're all idiots."

They would have kept going until they heard a very loud and very bad CRACK.

Both adults, as well as everyone else in the room, looked at the windows. The dementors, most likely knowing they couldn't get by Olivia at the front entrance, decided to get into the school by breaking through the windows.

"Well, that's not good," Sirius gulped.

"Everyone, away from the windows now," Jiwe yelled out her order.

All of the students in the room immediately bolted away from the windows. Seconds after they did, the dementors managed to break the windows and started to fly in. Given how quickly their numbers were falling outside the school, there were only half a dozen dementors that had gotten into the school.

Sirius immediately got out his wand. Since the Hogwarts students and teachers were all still in the Main Gallery with them, he couldn't risk using his mystic soul powers. He might have been given sanctuary in Greece, but they still needed to work out making sure Harry could not be forced back to England. So, he couldn't risk Dumbledore doing anything more insane than usual in order to take Harry from him.

"Expecto..." he started to cast.

Jiwe raised her arm in front of him, stopping him from casting the spell.

"I got this, Sirius," she said to him.

Knowing that she was the one with more experience with her powers, not to mention that she was the headmistress, Sirius stepped back to let her do her thing.

"Be my guest," he says.

Jiwe stepped forward, barely affected by the dementors' ability to bring up her worst enemies. Her eyes glowed gold as she glared at the creatures. Soon, animals started coming in to aid her. From the broken windows came many types of birds. Especially falcons, hawks, and eagles. Other animals came running through the doors, including the lion that had pushed in the big cauldron of sorting powder at the opening feast. All of them had similar golden auras around them, matching with the gold of Jiwe's eyes.

"The animal kingdom is always ready to defend," Jiwe said. "This is my school and these are my students. I will defend them until my dying breath. I don't care who or what you are. Nobody comes to my school with evil intentions and lives to tell the tale!"

Around her neck appeared a lion's head pendant. Sirius was quick to figure out that was the sign of her power usage. Whenever she would use an animal's abilities, that animal would be represented by the necklace that would appear around her neck. 

With one nod sent to her animals, all of them attacked. When she did, Sirius felt the need to cover Harry's eyes even though he wasn't there. It was the fatherly instincts inside of him that were telling him to protect any innocence that was left inside of his godson/son. Jiwe was showing that even though her powers were not as flashy and big as other mystic soul abilities, she was not to be underestimated. Between her and her animals, there was very little left of the dementors beyond the shreds of their cloak-like bodies.

Though, the most terrifying part, to Sirius, was that after she and her animals were done, she had not even broken a sweat. The woman had to be either in her fifties or her sixties and yet she did not even look the slightest bit tired after fighting. The most she did was fix her hair and hand out treats to her animals.

"I just... I have no words," Sirius said to her.

"My powers allow me to copy the abilities of any animals that I touch," Jiwe tells him. "But, it also gives me a connection to the specific animal that I had touched. Which is why they usually stay around. Just in case I ever need them again."

Her lion stayed by her side while all the other animals left back to wherever they had been before.

"Well, your animals are certainly more loyal than most of the wizards that I know," Sirius chuckled.

Soon after that, Olivia, Harry, Krinos, Melody, and everyone else that had been fighting outside came back in. They all walked into the Main Gallery and Olivia did not look happy at all. She looked more pissed off than most of them had ever seen her.

"You," Olivia's glare shot right at Umbridge.

The Crystal Rose students were all wise enough to take steps back. Given Krinos and Melody scaring them whenever they would get angry, they were all well aware that a pissed-off Olivia was scarier than any demon in the Underworld.

"I want some popcorn," Melody whispered to her brother.

Umbridge raised her wand, probably about to curse Olivia. But, Olivia's powers were a lot faster. It was one of the biggest differences between mystic souls and wand-users. They did not have to rely on words to cast spells. Their abilities could easily be done wordlessly. So, with a flick of her hand, she blew up Umbridge's wand.

"Do you really think your little stick can hold a candle to what I can do," Olivia raised an eyebrow. "I can travel across time and space in the blink of an eye! The timeline is my playground. You don't even come close to being the biggest threat I have faced."

"I know that Olivia loves to verbally slap people, but is she always this entertaining when she does," Harry asked the mystic soul twins.

"Trust me, the show is only just getting started," Krinos smirked.

"When it comes to our cousin, she is one of the most badass and confident people ever," Melody tells Harry. "So, that also means she never holds back when she verbally slaps someone. Especially when they deserve it."

Umbridge, while still mostly shocked by what just happened to her wand, still tried to make herself seem like she was above Olivia.

"You... You just destroyed a pureblood's wand," she attempted to glare at Olivia. "I will see you in Azkaban for that!"

Olivia yawned, showing how little she cared for anything Umbridge had to say. But, then she glared back at the toad woman. The anger in her eyes had more fire than an entire volcano.

"Let me make one thing perfectly clear, little miss toad," Olivia was practically radiating with magical power. "I can vanquish you with a flick of my wrists. I can banish you all the way back to the ice age. I can drop you off in the middle of Salem during the infamous Witch Trials. You can't even begin to imagine the things I am capable of doing. Let alone be able to do anything like them yourself."

Looking around, Harry noticed that even with Olivia being as terrifying as she was, there were actually a lot of Hogwarts students who looked to be gaining respect for her. It made Harry remember why so many wizards flocked to either Dumbledore or Voldemort. It was because of how obviously powerful they were. Meaning that they had people who respected them for their power. So, Olivia, being a badass in both magic and the political world as a member of the Magic Council, was easily able to gain their respect.

"You can not talk to me like that," Umbridge's temper was helping her overcome her fear. "I am the Senior Undersecretary for the Minister of Magic and I demand..."

"You demand nothing," Olivia shouted at her. "You have no power! Not against me, not against Crystal Rose, and especially not against the Magic Council."

Krinos and Melody noticed that the gemstone on Olivia's bracelet was glowing. They both smirked since they knew what that meant. The gemstone was worn by all members of the Magic Council. It was used to summon the Guards whenever they were needed by any member of the council. Since Olivia activated her gem, there would soon be Guards arriving to arrest the pink toad.

"You are nothing compared to me," Umbridge yelled at Olivia. "You're nothing but a freak! A monster! Such a disgusting creature like you and your... species... should not be allowed to live, let alone be near perfect pureblood such as myself!"

"You have got to be the most stupid person that I have ever met," Olivia looked so done with the woman in front of her. "And I have met a man who literally believes that squirrels secretly run the world."

"Huh," Harry could not help but raise an eyebrow when he heard that.

"Don't ask, you'll get a headache," Krinos tells him.

"How dare you," Umbridge would have tried to curse her if not for her destroyed wand.

"I 'dare' because it's obvious to me, Headmistress Jiwe, the staff, the students, and blind gremlins that you were the cause of what happened today," Olivia yelled back at her. "You would have thought that since your plan failed when Harry was your only target, you wouldn't have tried again. But, you have shown to have a brain the size of an ant. And now because of you, every dementor you called here has been destroyed."

"Impossible," Umbridge instantly denied.

"Another difference between wand-users and mystic souls," Olivia smirked. "Now, I do believe it's time for you to get a big dose of karma."

And as if summoned by her saying that, Guards walked into the Main Gallery. There was a reason why they were the police force of magical Greece. Because they were just that good at their job.

"I seriously love this country," Harry grinned.

"Guards, arrest that toad," Olivia ordered them. "For charges of child endangerment, attempted murder, racism, and being ugly."

That last one was not a real crime, but Olivia never missed a chance to be sassy.

The Guards immediately arrested Umbridge. And they literally had to drag her out kicking and screaming. She obviously never heard of the term "going quietly."

"Well, guess I have found my new patronus memory," Sirius smirked.

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