from another realm

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a average person who lives in one world encounters people who are from another world, now he's responsible to... Meer

from another realm
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10

chapter 9

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Door ribshot

At the US base:

The US general was talking to the US president.

"So you're saying that these people wish for your help catching these criminals?" The US general nodded, his expression grave. "Yes, Mr. President. The prialle wolves, run by emperor Vito Daggett, have been wreaking havoc in their world as well as ours. They have caused destruction and chaos, leaving innocent lives in ruins. Our intelligence suggests that they are planning a major attack on our allies, and we cannot let that happen." The US president listened intently, his face reflecting the weight of the situation. "We will not stand idly by while our allies suffer," he declared firmly.

Just then, emperor Vito Daggett walked over to the US president, a smug smile playing on his lips. "You underestimate the power of the corporalis, Mr. President," Emperor Vito Daggett sneered. "They have the ability to strike with precision and devastate entire cities in an instant. Your allies will crumble before they even have a chance to defend themselves." The US president's expression hardened, his determination unwavering. "We may underestimate their power, but we will never underestimate our own strength and resilience," he replied defiantly.

"Continually, if they come by, we'll send them to their maker without hesitation. Our military is prepared to defend our allies and ourselves with every resource at our disposal."

"Very good" Emperor Vito Daggett nodded approvingly. "We have trained our soldiers rigorously and equipped them with the most advanced weaponry. We will stand united against any threat that dares to challenge us, ensuring the safety and security of our nation and its allies."

Just then, a messenger boy burst through the door and urgently ran to them.

"General, we have received reports of suspicious activity spotted near the baes, nearly a dozen unidentified ships flying in our airspace," the messenger boy exclaimed breathlessly. Emperor Vito Daggett's expression turned grave as he turned to the general and said, "Time to extinguish their flames." The general nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He quickly ordered the troops to prepare for immediate action, emphasizing the need for a swift and decisive response to protect their nation's sovereignty and maintain peace in the region.

In the air, me, Jenna, Adalia, Nathan, Max, Shane, and Shaun were flying along the other ships flying in formation, their engines roaring and propellers whirring. The adrenaline coursed through our veins as we prepared ourselves for the impending battle, knowing that the fate of our nation hung in the balance.

"Everyone, listen up; we're about to enter military airspace; they'll fire rockets at us; stay alarmed and try and take the SAM missile launchers out," I shouted through the radio.

"Copy that," came the crackling response from the other pilots. We tightened our grips on the controls, feeling a mix of determination and fear as we approached the dangerous territory. The enemy's presence loomed ahead, but we were ready to face whatever came our way in order to protect our homeland.

Just then, a loud alarm blared through my ears, indicating an incoming missile locked onto me, making me get defensive and nail the missile with my cannons.

We then flew in full force as our ships stormed the military's airspace, unleashing a barrage of firepower on the Sam missile defense systems. The explosions illuminated the night sky, creating a chaotic symphony of destruction. With those taken care of, we targeted the big ship in the center of the enemy fleet, aiming to cripple their command structure. As we closed in, adrenaline surged through my veins, knowing that our success in disabling their flagship would greatly weaken their forces and turn the tide of battle in our favor.

Soon, enemy airships appeared on the horizon, their engines roaring as they raced towards us. We quickly maneuvered to engage them, engaging in a fierce dogfight amidst the chaos of exploding missiles and gunfire.

As I downed one, my ship got hit. "Shit!" I yelled in panic.

"Marvin!" my friends exclaimed in concern as they saw smoke billowing from my damaged ship.

"Marvin! you're smoking! Get out of there before it's too late!" Nathan said it through the radio.

"It's fine; I got this," I said, trying to recover.

"No, you're not going to make it!" Shane shouted, her voice filled with urgency. "Eject now, Marvin! We'll cover you!"

I then aimed for the control tower and ejected from my ship, watching as it spiraled towards the ground in a fiery explosion.

I, however, flew towards the control tower with my parachute and broke through the glass, landing safely inside. The impact shattered the glass, sending shards flying in all directions.

"Hey dudes," I said as I drew my pistol. "Here comes the Batman."

The startled guards in the control tower quickly reached for their weapons, and before I could react, I swiftly took them down one by one with precise shots.

As they were dealt with, I ran down the tower stairs, making my way towards the big building at the center of the compound. The adrenaline coursing through my veins fueled my determination to complete my mission and bring justice to those who deserved it.

As I kicked the door open, I found myself face-to-face with a room full of armed henchmen. Without hesitation, I unleashed a barrage of bullets, taking them down with deadly accuracy.

I soon made it to a room with a big map in the center, surrounded by surveillance screens. It was clear that this was the nerve center of their operation, where unarmed personnel looked at me with a mix of fear and surprise. I knew that I had to act quickly before they could alert their superiors or retaliate. "Where's Emperor Vito Daggett?" I shouted.

The room fell into a tense silence as everyone exchanged nervous glances. One person trembled and said, "You're not here for the general?" I shook my head, my voice filled with urgency. "No, I'm here for Emperor Vito Daggett. Tell me where he is now!"

"He, the general, and the president are heading to a ship to escape," the person stammered, their fear evident in their voice.

"fuck!" I exclaimed, realizing the gravity of the situation. Without wasting another moment, I sprinted towards the direction of the ship, determined to intercept Emperor Vito Daggett before he could make his escape.

Near the ship, Emperor Vito Daggett, the general, the president, and the messenger were surrounded by a group of loyal guards, ready to protect them at all costs, but before they got on the ship, some prialle wolf soldiers pushed the general back, and a brief scuffle ensued. The tension in the air was palpable as the guards fought valiantly to regain control, their loyalty to Emperor Vito Daggett unwavering.

"You call yourselves an army?" Emperor Vito Daggett shouted, his voice filled with anger and disappointment. "If you cannot even protect your own leader, how can we expect to win this war?"

The general soon realized what was at stake. Not only were their lives in danger, but they were tricked.

"You coward, betraying your own comrades and selling us out to the enemy," the general spat, his voice dripping with contempt. "You will pay for this treachery." The general's eyes narrowed as he vowed to seek justice and bring an end to the traitor's deceit.

"I simply can't; if you died here, the corporalis would be easily blamed and the true enemy would continue to go unpunished," emperor Vito Daggett said, his voice filled with satisfaction. "Your sacrifice will not be in vain. I will ensure that those responsible are mistaken.

As a soldier was about to shoot the general, I managed to shoot the soldier first, saving the general's life.

"what!?" Emperor Vito Daggett exclaimed in disbelief, his eyes widening. He had witnessed the unexpected turn of events and realized that the general's life had been miraculously saved. The emperor's determination to bring justice and expose the true enemy grew even stronger in that moment.

"Bad luck on your end when the corporalis is in," I said, reloading my pistol with a confident smirk.

The emperor soon gritted his teeth as his plans were foiled once again.

"You? How on earth are you still alive?" Emperor Vito Daggett demanded, his voice filled with frustration.

"Hey, make a fool out of our army; you get the bullet," I said coldly, maintaining my unwavering gaze at the enraged emperor.

"You think you can stop us alone?" Emperor Vito Daggett scoffed, his arrogance evident in his tone.

"No, but we can," I said.

Soon, six ships landed on the shores behind me, and Jenna, Nathan, Adalia, Shaun, Shane, Max, and Abigail got out.

"Remember us, your quote on quote fugitives?" I said with a smirk as my loyal companions stood beside me, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The emperor's face turned pale as he realized the magnitude of the opposition he now faced.

"You ruined our lives with those bullshit lies," Jenna added, her voice filled with anger and determination. "But now, it's time for us to take back what's rightfully ours."

"My exosuit," Emperor Vito Daggett said to his soldiers with a hint of desperation in his voice. His soldiers looked at him, ran into the ship, and quickly retrieved the exosuit from the storage compartment. The gleaming armor, a symbol of power and protection, was now in the hands of its rightful owner. With the exosuit secured, Emperor Vito Daggett felt a surge of confidence and determination as he prepared to lead his troops into battle against their oppressors.

"Abigail, get the general and the president out of here," I said.

. Abigail nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "I'll make sure they reach safety," she replied, swiftly turning to carry out her orders. As she disappeared into the chaos, I took a deep breath and focused on my own role in the upcoming battle.

"This war will be your last," I said with seriousness.

Daggett's eyes met mine, filled with a mix of determination and understanding. He knew the stakes were high, but he was ready to give it his all. With a firm nod, he replied, "Struggle as much as you can, but remember that victory is not guaranteed. We must fight with everything we have for the sake of our desires."

"To hell with desires," I shouted, "we fight for something greater than ourselves."

"DIE!" Emperor Daggett yelled, charging at me, his exosuit glinting in the dimly lit room. The clash of metal echoed through the air as our battle began. I faced the leader while my friends dealt with the grunts.

Daggett threw very powerful and heavy punches at me as I dodged and countered with swift, calculated strikes. Each blow was filled with the weight of his desperation to maintain control, but I knew he was equivalent to 3 or 4 normal juggernauts combined. As our fight intensified, I could sense the immense power emanating from his exosuit, fueled by his relentless determination. Just as he swung, I grabbed him by his thrown arm, using his strength against him and leveraging his momentum to throw him off balance. With a swift twist, I got on his back, grabbed a part of his exosuit, and began to pull with all my might before a loud crack echoed through the air. The sound was followed by a sudden release of pressure as a crucial piece of his exosuit snapped, but it wasn't enough to disable him, though it gave me the chance to disengage.

As I quickly disengaged, he recovered from the impact and turned towards me with a fierce determination in his eyes. Realizing that I needed to act fast, I swiftly assessed the situation and strategized my next move.

As I jumped on him and tried to off like a monkey, I got grabbed and thrown off, hitting the ground hard. The impact sent a jolt of pain through my body, but I refused to let it deter me. With adrenaline pumping, I quickly rolled to my feet and prepared myself for the next blow.

I then ran at Daggett with all my might, ready to take him down. As I closed in, he swung his fist towards me, but I managed to dodge it just in time. Using his momentum against him, I delivered a powerful punch and grabbed another part of his exosuit to weaken him further, but I was grabbed, not by my body but by my power skeleton. It was the unexpected intervention of my power skeleton, which sensed the danger and reacted instinctively to protect myself before a part was ripped off. With that additional assistance, I was able to regain my balance and see that the part that was ripped from my power skeleton was a part leaking a blue flame. e I quickly assessed the situation and realized that the blue flame indicated a malfunction in my power skeleton. The damage seemed significant, but I knew it might take some time to fully assess the extent of the malfunction. I decided to keep the fight going, despite the potential risks, as I couldn't afford to retreat in the heat of battle. Adrenaline surged through my veins as I adjusted my strategy, relying more on my remaining strength and agility than solely on the damaged power skeleton.

Max looked at me to see the small flame flickering on my power skeleton and immediately shouted, "Your power skeleton! it's damaged!"

I then threw punches at Daggett's head before he could react, using my remaining strength and agility to my advantage. The damaged power skeleton strained under the pressure, but I couldn't let that stop me. With each punch, I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, fueling my determination to defeat Daggett and emerge victorious from this battle.

As he swung, I climbed up, grappled him from behind, and threw punches at his head with all my might. The damaged power skeleton creaked and groaned under the strain, threatening to give out at any moment. But I refused to let that hinder my relentless assault. With every punch, I could sense Daggett's strength waning before he grabbed me and threw me across the room. I crashed into a stack of crates, momentarily stunned but refusing to let the pain deter me. As I struggled to my feet, I could see Daggett smirking, thinking he had won. Little did we know, the damage to my power skeleton had amplified the energy flowing through it. As I stood up, I felt a surge of power coursing through my veins, empowering me to fight back with even greater force. Ignoring the pain shooting through my body, I launched myself at Daggett, with the flame covering my fist burning brighter than ever. As I threw the punch at his chest, it damaged his exosuit, causing sparks to fly and circuits to short-circuit. Daggett's confident smirk quickly turned into a look of shock and disbelief as he stumbled backward, clutching his chest in pain. I was shocked too, but I rolled with it and threw a flurry of punches at his chest, each one landing with a satisfying thud. The sound of metal crunching under my fists echoed through the room as I relentlessly attacked Daggett's weakened exosuit. With every strike, his defenses crumbled further, leaving him vulnerable and gasping for breath.

Now with his arms and legs only covered with shattered pieces of the exosuit, Daggett stood defenseless before me before throwing a punch at me, which I managed to punch and break into a thousand pieces. The force of my counterattack sent Daggett stumbling. I rushed him and punched his legs, breaking the remaining fragments of his exosuit. Daggett collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain and unable to defend himself any longer. Victory was within my grasp as I prepared to deliver the final blow as I shouted, "We're done here!" before striking Daggett's exposed face with a powerful blow. The impact echoed through the air, leaving him motionless on the ground.

As the battle was over, my power skeleton shut down due to the damage it had sustained during the fight. I stood over Daggett, panting heavily, feeling a mix of exhaustion and triumph.

"I... win," I muttered between gasps for air, my voice filled with a sense of accomplishment. The taste of victory was bittersweet, knowing the toll it had taken on both my body and the power skeleton that had carried me through the battle.

I then took a few steps away before I fell to my knees, the adrenaline wearing off and the pain setting in, before I passed out.

As I regained consciousness, I found myself in Adalia's lap, her gentle touch soothing my aching body. Her eyes were filled with concern and relief as she whispered words of encouragement, assuring me that everything would be alright.

"you alright, Marvin?" Shane asked, concern etched on her face as he kneeled down beside me. I managed to give her a weak nod, saying, "I'll be okay; I just need a moment to gather myself."

"We did it, we stopped the prialle wolves," Jenna said.

A sense of accomplishment and relief washed over me as Jenna's words sank in. The weight of our victory lifted some of the exhaustion from my body, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for our team's bravery and determination.

"War never changes," I said, quoting a famous line from a video game. It reminded me that even though we had won this battle, there would always be new challenges to face in the future.

"I agree, but war is change," Shaun said.

Just then, Abigail and the corporal general walked to us.

"Congratulations team," the general said, "you defeated Emperor Vito Daggett and his army. Your bravery and determination have saved your world from their tyranny."

"Good," I said in a low tone.

"Hey Marvin, your power skeleton's broken," Max pointed out.

"I know, thanks to it," I said.

"Now then, I have a serious talk with the US General about his poor choices," the general said.

As the general walked away, Abigail turned to us with a relieved smile. "We did it," she said, her voice filled with pride. "Our victory today marks a turning point in our fight for freedom and peace."

"And we might be unlisted as fugitives," Nathan pointed out.

"We can finally breathe a sigh of relief," I added, feeling the weight of the world lifting off our shoulders. "Our efforts have not been in vain."

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