chapter 6

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The next morning I was sleeping in bed, and I saw Adalia sleeping next to me, peacefully curled up under the blankets. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her serene expression. As I got up to start the day, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond we had formed over the past few months.

As I placed my uniform and power skeleton on, I couldn't help but reflect on how much Adalia had changed my life. She had a few things I liked, though we had our differences. Despite that, our shared experiences had brought us closer together, and I couldn't imagine my life without her now.

As my power skeleton was on, I walked up to Adalia and kissed her on the forehead, silently expressing my love and appreciation for her before waking up.

"Morning," she said with a warm smile. I returned the greeting, feeling grateful for another day with her by my side.

"So what's on the agenda, Mr. fugitive?" Adalia joked I chuckled at her playful remark, grateful for her ability to lighten the mood. "Well, Ms. Adventurous, I have training to do."

"What type of training?" Adalia asked as she stretched.

"Well, Shane is teaching me close combat techniques, Max is teaching me weapon repair, and Abigail is teaching me grenade throwing," I replied, thinking about the intense sessions I had ahead.

"That sounds like a lot for you to handle," Adalia commented, concern evident in her voice. "Are you sure you're up for all of that?" I paused for a moment, considering her question. "I'm a rookie; start from rock bottom and climb my way up."

"Haha, still the same Marvin I remember from school," Adalia chuckled. "Always different from everyone else. I never thought you would be considered a soldier." I smiled at her comment, feeling a sense of pride in my decision to join the military. "Well, life has a funny way of surprising us," I replied.

"I guess I've found my calling in the most unexpected place." Adalia nodded, her eyes filled with admiration. "I have no doubt that you'll excel in whatever you set your mind to, Marvin. Just make sure to stay safe out there."

"can't say, battle isn't without its risks," I admitted, my tone becoming more serious. "But I promise to do everything in my power to come back home in one piece." Adalia reached out and squeezed my hand reassuringly. "I'll be here waiting for you, cheering you on every step of the way."

I was outside facing Shane on a one-on-one combat training session, as Adalia watched.

"Okay, blocking training, let's start with the basics," Shane said, demonstrating a strong defensive stance. "Remember to keep your guard up and focus on your footwork." I nodded, ready to absorb her teachings and improve my skills.

She then threw a left hook at me, which I managed to block with a swift movement of my forearm. Shane smiled, impressed by my quick reaction. "Good, double punch!" she commanded, throwing a right jab followed by a left cross. I swiftly blocked both punches, feeling a surge of confidence as I executed the moves flawlessly. Adalia cheered from the sidelines, encouraging me to continue pushing myself.

Shane then threw a roundhouse kick towards my head, testing my reflexes and agility. I quickly dove under the kick, avoiding any contact, before she threw an uppercut aimed at my chin. I quickly moved my head to the side, narrowly dodging the blow, making me step back, where I saw her do a double ear slap on me, before I dove underneath her arms and countered with a swift jab to her stomach.

"Good job, you're really improving," Shane said with a smile as she wiped the sweat off her brow.

I nodded, grateful for the compliment. "Thanks, Shane. Your training is definitely paying off," I replied, catching my breath.

from another realmOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora