from another realm

By ribshot

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a average person who lives in one world encounters people who are from another world, now he's responsible to... More

from another realm
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10

chapter 4

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By ribshot

It was the next day, and I woke up feeling a mix of confidence. I walked out of my room to see Jenna preparing for my haircut.

She had a mischievous smile on her face as she held up pictures from a magazine of different hairstyles. "I've got some ideas for you," she said, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Let's find the perfect look to match your newfound warrior spirit."

I then looked at the pictures, before picking one that caught my eye. It was a bold and edgy hairstyle, with shaved sides and long, tousled layers on top.

"this one" I said.

"Alright, take a seat and let's get started," Jenna replied, gesturing towards the stool. She quickly grabbed scissors, a hair comb, and an electric razor from the nearby table. As she began to work her magic, I couldn't help but enjoy the razer's gentle buzz as it glided through my hair. The transformation was exhilarating, and with each snip, I could feel my warrior spirit growing stronger. Jenna's skilled hands sculpted the perfect balance of fierceness and elegance, bringing my newfound look to life.

As all of the hair that was never cut in 2 years, fell to the ground in a cascade of freedom, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. It was as if shedding those strands symbolized leaving behind the old and embracing a fresh start, that's when she stopped before reaching my untouched beard and looked at me with a mischievous smile. "What do you say we give your beard a little trim too?" she asked.

"Trim it to where it doesn't hang off my chin like a wild forest, but keep it a bit thick for that survivor beard" I said.

"Alright," Jenna said as she picked up the scissors and began carefully trimming my beard. I watched as the excess hair fell to the ground, feeling a sense of freedom that washed over me.

The weight of the past seemed to lift with each snip of the scissors, as if shedding the old version of myself. The man who couldn't pay off his bills and was constantly stressed about money, was gone, replaced by a newfound confidence and resilience. As Jenna continued to sculpt my beard, she stepped back.

"There you are, a brand new you," Jenna said with a smile, as she held up a mirror for me to see my transformed appearance. I couldn't help but feel shock and awe at the reflection staring back at me. Gone was the unkempt and disheveled man I once was, replaced by a groomed and stylish version of a soldier ready to take on the world.

"holy turd buckets! this is me under that hair!" I said in disbelief.

"Yeah, I didn't recognize you at first either," Jenna chuckled. "But it's amazing what a little grooming can do. You look like a whole new person!"

I then got up from the stool and walked outside to see Shane swing a board-like sword in the air with ease.

As she swung she saw me with a new haircut and beard and her eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, I almost didn't recognize you!" she exclaimed. "You look so different, in a good way. The transformation is incredible." I smiled and thanked her for the compliment, feeling a newfound confidence in my appearance. "Yeah, I was amazed at how much of a difference a simple grooming session could make. It was as if I had shed my old self and emerged as a more polished version."

Shane then tossed a board-like sword to me "here you go, craftsmanship isn't my specialty, but I made sure to choose a sturdy one for sparing practice" she said.

I caught the sword with a firm grip, admiring its solid construction. "Thank you, Shane. I appreciate your thoughtfulness in selecting a durable weapon for our practice sessions," I replied, eager to test out my newfound confidence and skills with the sword.

We then began our sparring session, our movements fluid and synchronized. As we struck our wooden swords, I could feel the weight of my old self fading away with each strike.

The sound of clashing swords filled the air, echoing our determination to improve. With each successful parry and strike, I could sense a newfound strength coursing through my veins, empowering me to push beyond my limits.

As I swung, Shane knocked my sword on the ground, stepped on it and stuck me in the head with her wooden sword. The impact jolted me, but I quickly regained my composure and retaliated with a swift counterattack. Despite the setback, I refused to let Shane's move discourage me, using my frustration as fuel to fuel my determination. I adjusted my stance, focused on her movements, and strategized my next move. With a renewed sense of purpose, I lunged forward, aiming for a precise strike that would catch her off guard but I was swung hit again, this time in the side, causing a sharp pain to shoot through my body. The blow momentarily took the wind out of me, knocking me down.

"Okay, swords are hard to fight one who's a pro at swords," I said.

"Yeah, it happened to me once before," she replied sympathetically. "But don't let it discourage you. Learn from each hit and keep pushing forward. You'll get better with time and practice."

"balls" I said as I rose to my feet, I couldn't help but feel frustrated by my lack of skill. However, her words of encouragement resonated with me, reminding me that every defeat was an opportunity for growth.

"you need a break from sword fighting," she suggested. "why don't you go and see if Abigail is ready for another grenade challenge"

I nodded, realizing that taking a break from sword fighting could be beneficial for my overall progress. The suggestion of trying out a different challenge like the grenade challenge seemed like a refreshing change of pace.

I then walked to Abigail, I saw that Shaun was making a grid like wall for Abigail, as it hinted at a new and exciting twist to the grenade challenge. Curiosity piqued, I approached Abigail to see if she was up for the challenge and ready to put my skills to the test.

"Abigail, Shaun, what's this new twist to the grenade challenge?" I said.

"oh, it's window grenading, you have to throw the rock through the windows, while in cover," Abigail said.

"How long can I stay out of cover before I have to throw the rock?" I asked, already envisioning the strategy I would need to employ. Shaun chimed in, "that's where I come in, I'll be timing you. You'll have a maximum of 10 seconds to throw the rock through the windows before you need to take cover again." I nodded, realizing that timing and accuracy would be crucial in this new twist.

I then took some rocks, got in cover, and waited for Shaun's signal to start the countdown. I then got out of cover and back in cover as quickly as possible, trying to maximize the time I had to throw the rock accurately.

But not long we heard cars, making us stop the training.

"what the? anyone order pizza?" I asked.

Shaun shook his head, a puzzled expression on his face. "No, I didn't order anything. Let's go check it out." We cautiously approached the sound of the approaching vehicles, unsure of what to expect, till we saw what seemed to be military trucks approaching our location. The sight of the military trucks sent a wave of unease through us, raising questions about why they were here and what their intentions were. We exchanged worried glances before deciding to hide and observe from a safe distance, hoping to gather more information before making any hasty decisions.

"Marvin Luckman, this is the US army, please come out with your hands up. Failure to comply may result in further action." The sound of the commanding voice over the loudspeaker only heightened our anxiety, leaving us even more uncertain what to do.

"You guys warn the others, I'll buy some time before we kick ass" I said.

Both Abigail and Shaun nodded and quickly dispersed to warn the rest of our group about the situation. As they hurried off, I took a deep breath and walked out to face the music.

"nowhere for me to go," I said.

I could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on me as I stood in the open, surrounded by uncertainty.

"Where's the other fugitives?" a soldier commanded, pointing a rifle at me.

"I think fugitives is a bit of an over statement, considering you guys are allied with an evil man who wants to do what he wants" I replied.

The soldier's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on the rifle. "Don't play games with me," he growled. "Where are they hiding?"

I stood my ground and said, "they're inside, but you just don't know how those two brain cells are functioning if you think they're going to give up without a fight." The soldier's face turned red with anger as he clenched his jaw. "You're making a big mistake," he spat. "We'll find them, with or without your cooperation."

Just then I heard a whistle, which I recognized, making my fingers twitch.

"This is your last chance, "he warned, his voice dripping with menace. "Cooperate now or face the consequences." The soldier's threats only fueled my determination. I knew it was time.

"and you just lost yours" I said before I drew Masato from my holster and shot the soldier square in the face, making the other soldiers open fire in a frenzy. The sound of bullets whizzing past me filled the air as I sprinted towards cover, determined to escape their relentless pursuit.

Just then Abigail threw a grenade into the chaos, which a soldier shouted "grenade!" before jumping on it, not realizing it was a shock grenade, to which it electrocuted him and three other soldiers.

The shock grenade emitted a blinding flash of light and a deafening crackle, temporarily incapacitating the remaining soldiers. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly maneuvered to cover.

"What the hell?" a soldier exclaimed, bewildered by the unexpected turn of events. The confusion among the soldiers allowed me to catch my breath and strategize my next move, before Shane ran up to him and slashed him with her sword. The soldier's scream echoed through the chaos as Shane's sword sliced through his armor, leaving a trail of blood in its wake.

Just then Max ran in shooting his shotgun, causing the remaining soldiers to scatter in fear. The sound of the shotgun echoed through the air, adding to the chaos and disarray. With their attention diverted, Shaun fired rounds from his revolver, picking off the soldiers one by one. The sharp cracks of gunfire mixed with the screams of the wounded, creating a symphony of chaos that fueled our determination to reclaim our territory.

As they were fleeing I shouted, "get to the truck! get to the truck!"

With that, Jenna and Nathan ran out of the cabin, to follow up to my truck, which was parked just outside the clearing. Just as we got close I noticed something in the air flying at the truck.

"Look out!" Max shouted as a missile soared through the air towards my truck. I quickly grabbed Jenna and Nathan, pulling them to safety behind a nearby tree. The explosion from the missile engulfed my truck in flames, leaving us stranded and vulnerable in the midst of the chaos.

As we got up I looked back at the chaos that was previously created and shouted, "those trucks, take those!"

I pointed towards the military trucks that were parked nearby, hoping they would provide us with a means of escape. As we got close, Max punched the window of one of the trucks, shattering the glass. We quickly climbed inside, and started it up as we got in.

The engine roared to life, and we sped away from the scene of destruction, leaving behind the flames and chaos in our wake. As we drove towards safety, a sense of relief washed over us, knowing that we had found a temporary refuge within the military trucks.

"Where will we go? We don't have a place for us to go," Shaun said, his voice filled with uncertainty. Max glanced at him, determination in his eyes. "We'll figure it out," he replied, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. "For now, let's focus on getting as far away from here as possible."

"I got one, we'll go to the closest city," I said.

"Are you insane? we want to draw less attention to ourselves, not more," Jenna said, her eyebrows furrowing in concern. "What about finding a remote area, like a secluded area, like the cabin or a hidden campsite?" she suggested, looking around at the group for their input.

"they wouldn't expect it, and I never thought i'd say this but we're going to the armpit of the city" I said.

"the what?" Shane asked in confusion.

"The armpit of the city," I repeated, chuckling. "It's a term used to describe the less desirable or rundown areas, Crime rates are usually higher there, but it might be the last place they would think to look for us."

"Still the truck will give it away" Nathan said, raising a valid point. "We'll torch the truck, leaving no trace of our presence. It will make it even more difficult for them to track us down."

"As much as it sounds, I'm agreeing with you," Max said, taking a left turn onto a dirt road that led deeper into the outskirts. "We need to stay off the main roads and blend in with the surroundings," Max continued, his eyes focused on the road ahead. "This way, we'll have a better chance of staying hidden and avoiding any unwanted attention."

"I couldn't agree more," I said.

"oh why am I agreeing to this?" Shane said with a hint of worry in her voice.

"I'm with you," Jenna said, hugging Nathan.

"But what about our suits, we'll stick out like sore thumbs," Abigail said referring to our power skeletons we wore.

Shaun nodded in agreement. "Abigail is right, our power suits are definitely going to make it difficult for us to blend in. We need to come up with a plan to camouflage them or find an alternative disguise."

"and paying for clothes is off the table for us" I said.

"not necessarily," Jenna interjected. "Nathan hasn't been listed as a terrorist yet, so we could potentially use his identity to purchase new clothes without raising suspicion. We just need to be cautious and strategic in our approach."

"True, but what about money?" Shane asked.

Nathan sighed and said, "Guess I'll have to open that bank account."

"Why do you say that?" Shane questioned.

"Well," Nathan replied, "when Jenna and I were dating for a long time, we had a very strong relationship. I made a separate account for our long waiting wedding expenses. I had saved up a significant amount of money in that account, which now that we're in serious trouble, i'll go to a atm and pull out the money for you guys"

Jenna then sat next to him and said "it's alright, Nathan. We can make another account and start saving again. but now, we need to focus on finding a solution to our current problem. Pulling out the money from that account might not be the best solution, but we need it."

Nathan sighed and nodded, realizing the importance of Jenna's words. He knew that dipping into their wedding savings was a temporary fix, but they needed the funds to tackle their immediate crisis. Determined to find a solution, he reassured Jenna, "You're right, love. Let's withdraw the money for now, but we'll brainstorm together and come up with a plan to replenish our savings soon."

"Good, now all we need is a place to hunker down from the storm," I said.

After a long trip, we made it to the city, drove to the armpit of the city, ditched the truck in a secluded alley, and walked towards the nearest shelter.

We soon entered an abandoned house that had clearly seen better days. The walls were crumbling, and the floorboards creaked under our weight. But it provided some shelter from enemy forces, and we knew we had to make the best of the situation.

"Alright, sweep the place, make sure it's secure," Shane said to the rest of us. We split up and carefully searched each room, checking for any signs of danger or hidden threats. As we moved through the house, our senses heightened, ready to react at a moment's notice. Once we confirmed that the area was secure, we regrouped in the main living area to discuss our next steps.

"anything?" I asked.

Shane shook his head, "Nothing out of the ordinary. It seems like we lucked out with this hideout." I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that we could finally catch our breath and strategize our next move.

"Good, glad this isn't a former crack house or a drug den," I replied. Shane nodded in agreement, grateful that we had found a safe space to plan our next course of action.

"Now then, your measurements," Jenna said, pulling out a tape measure that Nathan handed to her.

Soon she measured me, Max, Shaun, Shane, Abigail, and me, while Nathan measured Jenna.

Once we were all measured, Jenna jotted down the numbers on a notepad, and gave it to nathan.

Nathan took the notepad and began calculating our sizes, his brow furrowing in concentration. As he finished, he looked up and said, "Alright, now we can start searching for suitable disguises that will help us blend in and go unnoticed."

"Alright, have fun" I said as I glanced around at the rest of the group, eager to see what options we had for disguises.

As Nathan left, Max placed the mini-battery in the room that powered through the entire house, ensuring that our activities would not be interrupted by a sudden power outage.

"Shaun then looked at the very small tv and pressed the power button, causing the screen to flicker to life, making us watch what was on.

As we gathered around the TV, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. Shoun then kept pressing the channel button to find something that would capture our interest, until he found a gameshow called "money risk" With contestants competing for a chance to win a life-changing amount of money, the intense atmosphere of the show quickly drew us in. As we cheered for our favorite participants and guessed the answers to challenging trivia questions, time seemed to fly by in the captivating world of "Money Risk."

"What type of show is this?" Abigail asked, sitting down on a decaying couch.

"It's a high-stakes game show where contestants compete for a chance to win a life-changing amount of money," I explained, settling in next to her. "The intense atmosphere and challenging trivia questions make it incredibly captivating."

"oh, we never get these in our world," Shane said.

"why's that?" Jenna asked.

"egh, most shows in our world tend to focus more on reality TV or scripted dramas," Shane replied. "But 'Money Risk' is different. It combines the thrill of competition with the excitement of testing your knowledge. It's a refreshing change from the usual programming."

"Yeah, even a lottery ticket is a gameshow in itself" I said.

"I couldn't agree more," Jenna said.

"But you just win cash? That's it?" Max said in disbelief.

"Well, not exactly" I said, "In addition to winning cash, contestants on game shows also have the opportunity to win other prizes such as vacations, cars, and even luxury items. The show offers a variety of incentives to keep viewers engaged and contestants motivated to participate."

"huh, who would have thought your world is more peaceful than ours" Shaun said.

"Actually the world isn't peaceful, there are still conflicts and issues happening around the world, there's people who are racist and discriminatory towards others, and there are ongoing political tensions between countries, people thinking they have power in their hands, makes me want to knock some sense into them sometimes," I said.

"geez, it sounds like there's a lot going on in your world. It's important for shows like this to provide an escape and entertainment for viewers, giving them a break from the realities of the world." Max said.

"Not to mention that movies and videogames are having a downfall in creativity" I said.

"Absolutely, it feels like the entertainment industry is relying too heavily on remakes and sequels instead of taking risks with fresh and original content," Jenna said, "and don't get me started with the AI technology that's starting to infiltrate the industry and might ruin the authenticity and human touch that movies and videogames have always had."

"Whoa, your world is falling faster than I thought," Abigail said.

"Yeah, it surprises me that, idiotic people, nutjobs with nothing to do but rant, psychotic people, and so many types of people are ruining America, I'm just hoping it doesn't cause another civil war," I said.

"ah, we've had a few who have tried to incite conflicts in our world, but thankfully, our society has been able to navigate through those challenges and maintain a sense of unity." Max said.

"Glad your guy's world is able to handle those challenges. It's disheartening to see the division and chaos in ours. I hope we can find a way to come together and make positive changes before it's too late," I said.

After awhile of watching people bet on the game show they were watching, Nathan returned carrying bags with clothes for everyone. "I thought we could all use a little retail therapy," he said with a smile. "Maybe a fresh wardrobe will help lift our spirits and bring us closer together."

"oh, you were smart, let's see what goodies you brought us," I exclaimed, eagerly reaching into one of the bags.

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