In the end it is all a game (...

By jaydendush

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In search of a powerful ally, she goes throughout the world at Elio's request to find a partner More

chapter 1: the search begin
chapter 2: Bound by Fate
chapter 4: the resolve part 2
chapter 5:y/n origin: part 1
chapter 6: y/n origin part 2
chapter 7: y/n origin final
chapter 8: awaken trailblazer
chapter 9:echos of uncertainty
Christmas short part 1
Christmas short final
chapter 10:Frozen Destiny
valentine day!!
Chapter 11: Workshop Wonders
y/n and silver wolf shorts #1
chapter 12: return to underground
chapter 13: vagrant shenanigans
chapter 14:new yet old faces
chapter 15: a broken resolve
chapter 16: The Gatekeeper's Test
chapter 17: svarog dramatic battle
y/n and silver wolf short #2: late birthday gift
chapter 18 : not good with goodbyes

chapter 3: the resolve part 1

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By jaydendush

(the following day)

It was early in the morning in the underworld, and Y/n was already in the kitchen, expertly preparing breakfast for all three members of the household. The aroma of freshly prepared meals filled the air, providing a relaxing start to their day. Y/n has always enjoyed cooking and has always prepared for his family since he was younger.

In the corner of the living room, Clara was diligently brushing her teeth, standing on her tiptoes to reach the bathroom sink. She was always enthusiastic about maintaining her personal hygiene, a habit Y/n had instilled in her since they had become each other's family. Her small, determined face scrunched up with effort, and toothpaste foam adorned the corners of her mouth.

Y/n: (calling out) Clara Don't forget to thoroughly inspect your teeth, you don't want any inflamed gums or visible germs, do you?

Clara: (gargling) I know, big brother! I'm almost done!

As Clara continued her morning routine, Y/n couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm, finding comfort in these everyday moments.

However, their peaceful morning scene was incomplete. On the couch, Silver Wolf was still sound asleep, a testament to her non-morning person nature. She had made herself comfortable there, wrapped in a blanket that Y/n had kindly provided the previous night.

Y/n:heh I guess someone didn't get enough sleep last night, which is why they're so exhausted.Clara why don't you have breakfast first while I try my best to wake her up?

Clara: okie-dokie brother

Clara quickly finished her morning routine and rushed over to the table where Y/n had set up a delicious breakfast spread. The table was adorned with an assortment of bacon egg with pancake and some warm milk to get the day started. Y/n had even brewed a pot of fragrant tea, filling the room with its comforting scent

Clara: (between bites) Big brother, you really are the best cook!

Y/n: I'm glad that your enjoying your food there, now then how do I wake this sleepy guest of mine?

As y/n tried to called out for her name

Y/n: hey rise and shine sleepy head it already early in the morning time for you to do morning routine before you have breakfast.

Silver Wolf: (drowsy) Ten more minutes.

Y/n: clearly someone has to learn a sense of integrity, when you're under my roof and I ask you to wake up, I expect you to be full of energy, not still groggy and exhausted.

Y/n's insistence finally broke through the last remnants of Silver Wolf's slumber. She reluctantly stirred, her eyes slowly fluttering open as she yawned and stretched

Silver wolf:(yawn)...fine... Fine I'm already up what all the fuss early in the morning (rub her eyes)

Y/n: I'm quite astonished you have the energy to realise what happened to your surroundings, given how difficult it is to wake you up to conduct your morning routine.

As Silver Wolf finally managed to pull herself out of the couch and headed to the restroom, she couldn't shake off the strange feeling that something was off. It wasn't just the grogginess from her deep sleep but the awareness that she was wearing only her singlet instead of her jacket.

Her footsteps echoed in the small restroom as she approached the basin mirror. Silver Wolf looked at her own reflection, her eyes widening in surprise when she realized the absence of her jacket.

Silver Wolf: (perplexed) What the... Where's my jacket?

She attempted to think where she might have put the jacket, but nothing came to mind. And procced to ask y/n if he know where she can find it.

Silver wolf: y/n have you seen my jacket laying down anywhere ?

As y/n was seen in the living room seating down at the dinning table with clara

Y/n: hmm ohh, yesterday night as you passed out, I took your jacket off your body since it looks stuffy when you sleep and hung it on a coat rack. I swear I didn't do anything else indecent

Silver Wolf responded with a teasing and somewhat playful tone, concealing her blush as best as she could.

Silver Wolf: (teasingly) Chill, I won't be accusing you of any indecent acts on my body. I'm not that naive. I just wanted to know where my jacket is, that's all

Clara sat at the table, her small frame barely visible over the spread of food Y/n had prepared. She munched on a mouthful of pancake, her wide eyes sparkling with curiosity and innocence. With a mouthful of food, she managed to ask the question on her mind.

Clara: (innocently) Say big brother, what does indecent mean?

Y/n: PFFFT...

Clara's abrupt question caught y/n off guard when y/n was taking a sip of his tea.

Y/n: ( do I explain this to Clara so that it won't ruin her childhood thought? Am I even fit enough to be telling her about adult topics... Calm down, Y/n, you got this just to make up a pure explanation for her to understand.)

Y/n knew he had to provide a simple explanation while maintaining the innocence of Clara's childhood. He decided to make up a definition that was both light-hearted and pure.

Y/n: You see, Clara, "in-de-cent" is a grown-up word that means... um, it means "being silly" or "making funny jokes" that only adults understand. So, sometimes when you hear this word, it's like a secret code for grown-ups to tell jokes, but you shouldn't use it in public because people might not understand, and it's always best to use simple words when talking to others, especially when you're outside.

Clara: (giggling) Okay, big brother! I won't use that word in public. I don't want to be indecent!

Y/n: (relieved) That's my smart little sister. You're growing up so well.

Y/n's sigh was filled with relief as he noticed Silver Wolf approaching the dining table, her expression revealing a playful glint in her eye. She had observed the challenging task he'd undertaken, attempting to come up with a simplified definition for "indecent" that would be suitable for Clara's young ears.

Silver Wolf leaned in slightly, her playful grin still intact as she whispered to Y/n, ensuring Clara wouldn't overhear her teasing tone.

Silver Wolf: (whispering) Well, well, Y/n, trying to define "indecent" to a child?In a tight spot I knew it, you would have potential to seize a complicated work beside fighting as well ,your skill will come handy to the group.

Y/n: stop patronising me!

As they finished their breakfast, Y/n decided to discuss something important with Silver Wolf, so he turned to Clara with a gentle smile.

Y/n: Clara, would you like to visit Rivet Town today? Svorg can accompany you, and you can play with the other children there while helping me get some groceries. It will be a fun outing for you, and I know you enjoy spending time with the orphans.

Clara's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of visiting Rivet Town and playing with her friends. She nodded enthusiastically.

Clara: Yes, big brother! I'd love to go to Rivet Town. Svorg and I can have lots of fun there, and I can help you with the groceries!

Y/n ruffled her hair affectionately, happy to see her enthusiasm.

Y/n: That's my girl. Thank you, Clara. You and Svorg have a great time, and we'll catch up later as silverwolf and I has come upcoming business I would like to discuss.

With Clara's understanding and a cheerful farewell, she set off with Svorg to have a delightful day in Rivet Town. Now, Y/n and Silver Wolf were left alone in the house, ready to delve into their upcoming business discussion.

Silver wolf:so how serious is this conversation is, till you don't want Clara to be part of ?

Y/n: (grave tone) It's a matter that has been haunting my thoughts for a while now. Remember how I turned down your proposal to join your crew?

Silver Wolf: (nodding) I remember it like it happened yesterday.

Y/n: (solemnly) Because, it was yesterday , Anyway, I've been reconsidering. Maybe I was wrong to refuse. Perhaps I do need an alliance to hunt down the Sterllarons. Not just for the sake of our planet's survival, but for all the other unknown worlds out there, suffering the same fate as us. It's become increasingly apparent that the threat of Sterllarons is far-reaching, and it's time I took a more active role in the fight against them. I've come to realize that I can't face this overwhelming challenge alone, I need assistance to confront the Sterllarons and protect the universe from their menace. So, I believe it would be intrusive if I joined your group until I've eradicated every last Sterllaron in the universe. I can't bear the thought of someone like Clara suffering from the Sterllarons if they're out of my reach.

Silverwolf: hey I understand your thrilled vengeance on the sterllaron and all but who's going to take care of
Clara when your gone ?

Y/n: easy that will be svorg I'm planning to give him allowance every month if your boss allow me to visit them in secret

Silverwolf: that's fine with me but how bout your world don't you need resolved the current situation your world is in ?

Y/n click his finger.

Y/n: Isn't that where Elio comes in? If he can foretell the future and find a way to achieve world peace, I'll join in. I'm sure he foresaw this situation as well.

Silverwolf: how do you know about eilo?

Y/n: are you underestimating an former captain silverwolf the higher ups always knows everything

Silverwolf: I guess that's true...

Y/n: There's one condition if I join your mission. As time goes on, if my planet is ever on the brink of destruction, I need your group to help protect it. This way, it could catch Coclia off guard.

Silverwolf: if eilo wills it, so when will we depart from this place?

Y/n: in about 1 day but first I need to bid farewell to someone that give me hope at boulder town to give my regards, then join up with Clara at rivet town

Silver wolf: well that sounds like a plan.

After the important discussion with Silver Wolf, Y/n excused himself to go to his room to retrieve his gear.

As soon as y/n went out of his room Silver Wolf couldn't help but be curious about his choice of a physical weapon when most people with potential and powerful could materialize weapons at will.

Silver Wolf: (raising an eyebrow) Y/n, why do you need a physical weapon when you can simply materialize your weapon in thin air like the rest of us?

Y/n: (reflecting) Oh, you're talking about these two weapons. You see, I'm different from everyone else around here. I'm basically like an ordinary human without any magical powers or special attributes. However,I discovered this ability after I woke up on my breakdown over the death of my ally, that's also why I'm the only one who can see the attribute spirits and use their power. It wasn't easy for me to become a guard before,I had to work really hard to show I was capable.

Silver Wolf: (apologetic) I'm sorry for bringing up those old memories.

Y/n: (smiling gently) It's alright, Silver Wolf. In fact, from now on, you're going to be my partner. That's why I'm sharing my past with you.

He picked up his weapon, a physical embodiment of his determination to protect the world despite his lack of magical abilities.

Y/n: Beside this weapon is a reminder of the effort it took to become a guard. It's a part of who I am and what sets me apart. Plus, you never know when having a physical weapon might come in handy.

With their discussion concluded and a newfound understanding, Y/n and Silver Wolf left y/n home and made their way towards Boulder Town which was what silver wolf thought but it seems like y/n has other plans to reach to boulder town instead of walking.

Y/n and silver wolf was seen idling around the house as silver wolf inquire.

Silverwolf: What are we waiting for, standing about doing nothing? Could you show me the way so we can walk there?

Y/n: who say we're walking there?

Silverwolf: What do you expect us to do if we're not walking there, fly?or teleport there, which I can do if you tell me the coordinates, but either way, there is a long distance to walk to our destination.

Y/n: neither of the above im going to show to you rather an interesting way to reach there quickly

As Y/n placed his hand on a sensitive spot on Silver Wolf's neck, she let out a surprised relief grunt , and in the blink of an eye, they had already arrived at their destination.

(Boulder town)

Silverwolf: ah( cover her mouth)

Before she could sense the coldnes from y/n hand they have already reach to boulder silverwolf turn to y/n

Silver wolf: hey...

Y/n:hmm what is it ?

Silverwolf: what did you just do ?

Y/n: well I ran didn't I tell you I have a interesting way to get to boulder town without walking but I have to hold your neck incase of whiplash

Silverwolf:that's a interesting skill but why did you not use it on the way back home? You won't be followed like that

Y/n: well I was busy thinking about things how could I possibly travel fast after encountering a tempting offer ?

As Silver Wolf grasped the back of her neck, her blush deepened slightly. She couldn't help but be aware of the suggestive nature of Y/n's method of travel and felt the need to address it.

Silver Wolf: (blushing) You know, that's a form of physical contact that can be considered...uh, well, it's a little...intimate. Some might even see it as sexual harassment.

As Silver Wolf brought up the nature of Y/n's method of travel being potentially intimate or suggestive, Y/n paused for a moment, and a bead of sweat formed on his forehead. He found himself in a slightly awkward situation.

Y/n: (sweating) ...Ah, um... Was that what it looked like?

Silverwolf: Did you do that without realizing it, Y/n?

Y/n: Well, it wasn't intentional. My self-absorbed side wanted to impress you with my ability, and we were in a hurry, after all.

Silver Wolf raised an eyebrow, her playful expression turning into a teasing grin.

Silver Wolf: Impressing me, were you? Well, I'd say you certainly made an impression.

Y/n chuckled, realizing how his hasty attempt to use his unique ability had led to a surprising outcome.

Y/n: It wasn't my intention to leave you flustered.

Silver Wolf shook her head, her playful demeanor still intact.

Silver Wolf: Don't worry, Y/n. You definitely succeeded in surprising another way or another now shall we get going as finish off what we first started?

Y/n: for sure

Chapter 3 end

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