The Curse of Blood(Vampire De...

By MaggieEP10

1.1K 38 34

One day Izuku is walking home from the mall with the DekuSquad, when he is tackled into an alley by a man, an... More

Chapter 1 ~ I Feel Sick
Chapter 2 ~ Villains
Chapter 3 ~ What Now?
Chapter 4 ~ Burning
Chapter 6 ~ Fainting

Chapter 5 ~ Hunters

142 7 5
By MaggieEP10

Sorry for updating so late! I had a lot of homework, and I got Writers Block for a while TwT

~A Few Days Later~

Izuku POV

Since the day I was burned, everything has gone normally. The next day, I got a formal apology from Monoma and Kendo, which I assured them it was nothing.

"Hey Deku! Good Morning!" Uraraka says, walking up to me as I come down the stairs. "Hey Uraraka!" I call back. As everyone gathers over to the breakfast table, I walk out, pulling my hood up.

Once I get to class, I greet Aizawa Sensei and sit down. I start to feel a headache, but I ignore it.

~After Class~

During class, my headache grew worse, but I ignored it, paying attention. As me and the DekuSquad head to our next class, suddenly my head and chest feel like they have been stabbed. "I doooon't feeeel sooooo gooddd..." I slur, collapsing, clutching my chest. The last thing I see before blacking out is the worried looks of my friends.

Uraraka POV

As me and the rest of the DekuSquad head to our next class, suddenly he stops, and he clutches his stomach. "I doooon't feeeel sooooo gooddd..." he slurs, falling down suddenly. "Deku!" I shriek, running to catch him. I quickly use my quirk on him and me and the DekuSquad rush him to Recovery Girl.

We burst through the dorms, a unconscious Deku in my arms. "Recovery Girl!" I yell. "Yes, what's wrong? Oh dear, bring him over here." she says, eyeing Deku. Seeing as our next class started, she shoos us out and we walk to our classroom.

~After the Next Class~

Once lunch starts, I head over to check on Deku, and to my happiness, he is awake when I arrive. "Hey Deku! How are you feeling!" I smile, walking over. "I'm good now! Thanks for bringing me here after I passed out by the way." he answers. "Anytime! Do you want to go to the classroom with me?" I ask. "Sure! Let's go!" he answers, pulling up his hood as he stands up.

~Time Skip to the evening~

Izuku POV

As everyone eats their dinner, I decide to take a walk, seeing as the weather is nice. I quickly grab my hoodie and walk out of the dorms, waving bye to everyone. After walking for a while, I start to notice someone following me, but before I can turn around to confront the person, I get shot in the shoulder. I stumble back in surprise as I look at my bleeding shoulder. I suddenly get knocked over by some hooded figures, thrown into an alley.

They threw me down, as one of them shot me again, this time in the stomach. I start to get really dizzy, and I see two out of the four pull down their hoods, and to my surprise they were Yaoyorozu's parents. "Whatt diiiiid youuuu dddo..." I mumble. One of the still hooded figures says, "These bullets were specially made by the hero commission to eradicate the recent influx of vampires, they are made of silver, and are coated in garlic." 

I stare in disbelief at them as I start to see black dots in my vision. "The commission hired us to eradicate vampires so they don't start to become a problem." Momo's dad says as he steps forward with a stake. He throws my hood off and one of the other hooded figures says something frantically and Momo's parents stare in horror before running away, as my eyes roll into my head and I pass out. 

3rd Person POV

After Momo's dad throws Izuku's hood off, they immediately recognize him, and stare in horror at what they did. "M-my information quirk j-just gave me some more information. His name is Izuku Midoriya and he has only been a vampire for a few weeks, and the only person he has ever fed from is that villain that was in the hospital after attacking UA. He wasn't bothering anyone, only minding his own business." one of the still hooded figures said, pulling down their hood to reveal a worried light blue haired female. 

"This is one of Momo's friends at UA, what do we do?" Momo's mom says. "Lets run, some pro heroes will find him." Momo's dad says. "I don't like it, but there is not much else we can do." he adds. The other adults nod and leave.

~A few minutes earlier~

Shinso POV (Betcha weren't expecting that :D)

While patrolling in my internship with Aizawa Sensei, I hear a gunshot. "What was that!?" I yell to him. "It sounded like a gunshot, lets investigate." Aizawa Sensei says, starting to swing in the direction of the gunshot. I follow, and soon we hear another one. We pick up the pace and in a few minutes we reach the alley that we heard the shot come from. We start to investigate, and in the back of the alley I find someone. "Aizawa Sensei, there is someone over here!" I yell to him, checking if the person I found is still breathing. He runs over and shines his flashlight at the guy to reveal that it was Midoriya. 

He looks at his shoulder and chest and gasps at the two bullet holes. "Oh my gosh problem child.." he says, before checking his pockets frantically. "Shinso, I'm going to have to do something, and I don't want you to look, okay?" he says, pulling out one of his knives. "Ok?" I say, walking to the other end of the alley. I take a peek, and see Aizawa Sensei cutting his arm with the knife, before bringing it over to Midoriya. I quickly look away, scared of what he is going to do, but after that, I hear a loud thud and a hiss of pain, and I whip around. 

What I see shocks me. Midoriya, no color in his eyes other than black and white, biting Aizawa Sensei's arm, squeezing both sides tight with clawed hands. "What the- What is going on?! Why is Midoriya biting your arm, and why does he have fangs!?" I say, before staring at the bullet holes in shock. They start to close up, fixing the ripped muscles underneath, before putting a fresh layer of skin on top. 

Midoriya's eyes slowly become colored again, but instead of the usual emerald green, its crimson red. Aizawa smiles at him before pulling out a bandage and wrapping up his arm. "Are you okay problem child? Who shot you?" Aizawa Sensei asks him. "What?" he asks, sitting up and rubbing his head. He sees Aizawa's hand and his eyes widen. "Are you okay Aizawa Sensei?! Did I loose control again?!" he says, bringing his knees in to his chest. 

"No you didn't, I gave you some so you could heal your gunshot wounds, who shot you by the way?" he asks again. 

"I was on a walk, but then I got shot by a hooded figure, and three more pushed me into the alley, right before I got shot again. They said the Hero Commission hired them to kill vampires before they become a problem.  I remember two of them being Yaoyorozu's parents, and one of them being a female with shoulder length baby blue hair, but one of them didn't take off their hood, but they had a commission badge, so they were most likely looking over the three. The reason they didn't kill me is because Yaoyorozu's parents recognized me after throwing off my hood, and the girl with the blue hair I think had an information quirk and told them something about me, but I couldn't hear that part because everything was dizzy." Midoriya says. 

"Ok VAMPIRES?!? Commission guards?! What's going on?!" I say, panicked. "Oh hi Shinso... Wait- Shinso?! What are you doing here?!" Midoriya blurts, bringing his hand up to cover his fangs. "Don't bother I already saw.. So your a vampire?" I ask. "Yea, I haven't been one for long tho.."" he mumbles. "It's okay, your secret is safe with me." I say. "Thank you Shinso." he says, smiling.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sorry for not posting for a while! I had writers block and once I got over that I got hot with a crap ton of work. Bye for now~

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