Chapter 1 ~ I Feel Sick

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Izuku POV

"I had a lot of fun today!" I smile. "I had fun too! We should do this more often!" Uraraka says, grinning next to me. "Yea we shou-" I was about to say, but a man with red eyes suddenly tackles me to the ground, pushing me into an alley. "Help!" I yell before the mysterious man covers my mouth. I suddenly feel a searing pain in my neck, and he moans with delight. I try to scream from agony and fear, but he covers my mouth as he bites harder. I see my friends run away, probably to get the police or a hero, but the man just smirks.

"Aah~ your the best meal I've had in a while~" he coos. We suddenly hear sirens and he quickly stands up. "My work here is done!" He smiles before frolicking off into the alley. My vision starts to get fussy, and the last thing I see before passing out is the worried looks of my friends.

~Time Skip to When He Wakes Up~

When I wake up, my head hurts like someone punched it to no end. I bring my hands up to grasp my head, but I see my fingernails grew. Like, a lot. I look at my claws in shock. I suddenly feel really sick, and I clutch my abdomen in pain. "Oh your awake! That's good." I hear Recovery Girl say. "Its so dark in here, let me open the windows." "What do you  mean its dark? I can see just fine." I say, looking around. "That's odd. Let me quickly open the windows really quick, so I can examine you." she says, opening the curtains.

As soon as the sunlight hits my skin, it starts burning. "AAHHHHH!!!" I scream, scooting away from the light, back into the shadow. I look down at my arms, and I see how blistered they are from the heat. My eyes start streaming hot tears, as I start shaking with pain. She quickly closes the windows, and checks if artificial light hurts me, which thankfully it doesn't. When I see myself in the light, I'm terrified of what I see. I'm pale as a sheet of paper, and I have red claws. I slowly bring my hands to my mouth, scared of what I will find. And sure enough, there is a pair of fangs .

I start yelling in horror of what I've become, and I start sobbing into my knees. Recovery Girl just stares at me with wide eyes, confused at what has happened. "What happened dearie? It's okay." she says, putting her hand on my shoulder. "But its NOT fine! Can't you see?! That man was a VAMPIRE and he turned me onto one of those disgusting creatures!" I say, hot tears streaming down my face as I try to come to terms with what has happened. 

We suddenly hear a knock on the door, and Recovery Girl looks at who it is after a second. She comes to me and says, "Its your friends, should I let them in?" "Don't let them in, I don't want them to see the disgusting creature I've become." I manage to utter out. She looks at me with an apologetic look and goes to the door to tell my friends that I can't have visitors right now. I hear my stomach rumble, but I ignore it, knowing that it wants sweet, sweet bloo- No! Blood is not sweet! Stop it! I shake my head, slapping myself.

"Once the sun goes down, you can leave if you want, seeing as sunlight burns you. I'll tell Aizawa that you have my permission to wear a hoodie in class." Recovery Girl pipes up. "T-thanks." I mumble, my tears drying up. I go to the bathroom, to try and look in the mirror at myself, but alas, vampires can't be seen in mirrors, I realize as I see the floating hospital gown in the mirror. I spend the rest of the day trying to figure out how to retract my claws and fangs, and turn my eyes green again, and I figure it out after a bit, but it takes a lot of concentration to hold it up.

It becomes night, and I wave goodbye to Recovery Girl. When I get to the dorms, I retract my claws and fangs, and I change my eye color from red to green. I can't change my pupils to not be slits, but hopefully no one notices. As soon as I walk in, I am crowded by everyone in class 1A. "OH MY GOD WE WERE SO WORRIED! WHAT HAPPENED?!" everyone shrieked. "Don't worry guys! I'm fine now! Can I go to bed? I'm really tired!" I yell over all the commotion.

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