Stolen Time

By OnWayToLearn

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John and Seraphina are inseparable, and this is believed to be fact. But Arlo believed otherwise. With the hi... More

The storm is brewing
One last touch
A painful reminder
Truth within the lie
Friends and foes
Losing battle
A new direction
Lie within the truth

The calm before the storm

528 10 104
By OnWayToLearn

Seraphina was sitting on the rooftop, the light afternoon breeze gently caressing her cheeks. She just finished playing another round of Floppy Pig breaking John's record with ease yet again. She couldn't wait to brag about it to him. He always made such funny expressions. It was truly delightful.

A stronger wind swept across the rooftop lifting and twisting her hair into a tangled mess. How annoying, she thought, and started to straighten out her extensions once more. While the unusually strong gusts appearing ever so often posed a slight inconvenience, it was still better to be up here than down there surrounded by all those people.

Those people who didn't see her as one of them. Not a person, not even human. Just a goddess, a high-tier, a role model appointed by society. A role she truly despised.

It was all in the past though, she reminded herself. While she was alone right now she wasn't lonely anymore. She had one true companion, someone she could call her friend. A friend who saw her for who she was with all her good qualities and flaws. For all her alluring features and faults. Not the ones pushed onto her by the hierarchy or the expectations of others she didn't even know or care about.

Yes, she wasn't without fault, had many shortcomings especially when it came to social interaction which wasn't a surprise considering her years of isolation. She was well aware of that, but it was different to put her on a pedestal and expect perfection and then get disappointed by her when she couldn't live up to the unrealistic standards, and to be annoyed by her long shopping sprees.

That reminded her she should visit the mall this weekend and get some new clothes. She smirked to herself.

"John will be thrilled."

Speaking of the devil the door leading to the rooftop flung open revealing a familiar figure.

"Hey, Sera!" He greeted her with that usual friendly smile of his, one arm adorning a cast while the other one was balancing a tray full of food. He raised an eyebrow seeing her without one. "Where is your lunch?"

"Wasn't in the mood," came her swift answer.

He frowned at her.

"Don't tell me you're on a diet or something."

"Do you think I would need it?" She shot him a glare challengingly.

He panicked for a second only to roll his eyes a moment later when he saw a smirk stretch across her face.

"Ha ha, very funny. You know you don't need one. Despite lazing around most of the time you're always in shape."

"One, I'm not lazy. I'm just too fast for you to see me move, but I still have to move while using my ability."

"Then what's the point of using your ability? Don't you age faster like this?"

Ignoring his remark she continued.

"Two, I'm still nowhere near your fitness. You exercise like a madman."

"I kind of have to. It's not like I can train my ability and I have to survive somehow."

"Or you know, you could just stick with me all day and not go headfirst into fights. I always appreciate the company." She meant only his company though. She definitely didn't want the gossip mill or the other high tiers around. Remi was nice, but she always had the guys with her which made her presence much less tolerable. She had to suppress a groan just thinking about the other high tiers. No thanks.

Her eyes then wandered to his freshly injured arm. "Speaking of fights, where did you get that one?"

John stared at her flatly. "In the cafeteria?"

She wanted to facepalm. "The injury, you moron, not the food."

"Oh, this?" He lifted his wrapped-up arm as he sat beside her placing his tray on the rooftop. "Stone boy was bullying some poor low-tier again."

She shook her head letting out a deep sigh. "He never learns, just like you."

"What? I was just helping out a fellow student!" He waved his arms around defensively but suddenly winced as a result.

His arm was far from healed apparently.

"I'm surprised Doc let you leave before healing completely," she said eyeing his cast.

"Let's just say he had to check something and left me unattended for a few minutes."

She chucked. "I can't believe you."

"I was starving, Sera! I missed breakfast, I wasn't about to miss lunch too!"

She leaned back on the fence with a fond smile. She loved it when he used her nickname. No one used it apart from him and... yeah, she didn't want to reminisce about her sister right now.

She was convinced she would forever have a love-and-hate relationship with this nickname. It reminded her of the only time in her life when she wasn't alone. When she had someone who cared for her not like a god tier, but like an actual person. But it was also a painful reminder of how those times ended. With her sister leaving without as much as a goodbye.

Now this cursed name gained a new user, one who made sure that the balance was forever tipped over in favor of good memories.

"Doc will kill you," she poked him in the side.

"If he's lucky one of these days someone will really off me."

"I still don't understand why you have to go around pissing off people stronger than you left and right."

John grimaced. "My mere existence is enough to piss people off, not to mention someone ought to step up against the strong."

While she admired his unwavering morals for a long time now she still found his stance as a cripple foolish, to say the least.

"And why that person has to be you of all people? No offense, but you're literally at the very bottom as a cripple."

"Someone has to Sera." He frowned, his face serious like every time this topic came up.

"Still didn't answer my question why this someone has to be you." She still smiled but looking at his glaring face her smile faltered.

"Because no one else steps up, that's why. Or would you as the strongest step up?"

"Leave me out of this!" She was all too familiar with the topic at hand. John was very passionate about helping others and doing good but in her eyes all of this was pointless. What does it matter to save someone one time out of hundreds more when they will be trampled on by the stronger their whole life? It was a futile battle in this world. A waste of time and energy.

He scoffed, not wanting to look at her. She suppressed another groan. She shouldn't have brought up this topic. What was she even thinking?

"Look," she finally said as she tugged at his blazer forcing him to look at her. "I'd gladly help if I thought it would make a difference. But it doesn't. That's the harsh truth. That's the world we're living in."

He didn't say anything for a long moment, watching her intently, tasting and analyzing what she just said.

"What would you do if it was me?"


"What would you do if people kept bullying me until I reached my breaking point? Would you ignore it just like you do with everyone else?"

She stared at him, hardly wanting to believe the nonsense he was spewing.

"Of course not! Why would you even think that?"

"Why are you willing to step up for me but not others? I'm a cripple, I'll be bullied my whole life. According to your logic, there is no point in helping me at all."

"It's different because you're my friend."

My best friend, she wanted to say, but for some reason, she couldn't say it out loud. He had to know anyway, right? They basically spent every day together, and she was always willing to protect him when he was around. That counted as something, right?

"But what if I wasn't your friend?" He asked in retort.

" this a friendship breakup or something?"

"No, it's a hypothetic." He breathed out, clawing at his hair out of frustration. "Just imagine the me you know now being out there somewhere all alone and hurt again and again until it was just too much to handle anymore. Would you be okay with that?"

He gazed into her eyes intently, wishing she understood his point, but he knew she was too far removed from the situation to truly understand what he meant. Alas, he knew this conversation was futile.

He still wanted to try at least though.

She huffed and averted her eyes. "These hypothetical scenarios are meaningless."

He sighed.

"Just forget it. You'll keep away from any responsibilities and I'll keep pissing off people."

She was suddenly angry with him. "Don't tell me you expect me to solve all the problems just because I'm a god tier."

"It has nothing to do with you being a god tier. It should be everyone's responsibility."

"And who decides that?"

He had enough of this conversation. "Let's forget it. I just want to eat my meal in peace."

"Oh, now that you managed to piss me off you want to end the discussion?"

"Is there a point in continuing?" He asked while he took a bite from his meal, his shoulders relaxing with the savory taste.

She glared at him. "You're really talented at pissing people off."

"But isn't it a great talent?" He gave her a toothy grin. "We became friends after I pissed you off."

She deadpanned. "We became friends despite you pissed me off not because you pissed me off. Get your facts straight."

He laughed. "Can't do that, I'm bad at that stuff."

She said nothing but her smile found its way back to her face. They talked and laughed and bickered and laughed again, and a strange yet familiar feeling of contentment filled her, covering her as a warm blanket.

Life was great.


Arlo was walking through the hall with Holden in tow, his mind completely preoccupied by the upcoming turf war. Oak Hill High School just challenged them the other day. It was more than unexpected considering the school's and their royal's average level was way below Wellston's, even Agwin's. What were they up to?

He kept musing on this question when he felt someone crashing into him. The person meeting his brick wall grade defense fell backward receiving all of the impact. They groaned and reached for their papers mumbling a distracted sorry in his way.

When Arlo looked at him closely his annoyance only grew. Who was this no-name helmet-haired moron who just ran into him, the king, and thought a simple sorry would suffice? The audacity was both amazing and astounding.

He gritted his teeth.

Before he had to step in himself however Holden was already handling the situation as he was supposed to as his right hand.

"What are you doing, cripple?!"

Cripple? Arlo raised an eyebrow. Was this Seraphina's infamous pet cripple she kept dragging along?

'A shameful spot on this prestigious school's otherwise flawless reputation!'

Even worse. This piece of dirt wasn't just tainting their esteemed school, but it was an infectious and dangerous disease. He somehow influenced the strongest person here, way stronger than himself putting their entire hierarchy and student body into a frenzy. Not only did Seraphina lower herself associating with this low life but he also somehow influenced her enough for her to abandon her role as a royal and leave him with all the responsibilities.

It was truly unforgivable.

If Arlo could he would have stepped on this insolent bastard then and there but he knew better than to go after this cripple directly. No, that wouldn't do. Seraphina may let things slide when this moron got into altercations with other weaklings but there was no way he would remain unpunished if he even so much as laid a hand on him while she was still here protecting him.

Still, his fingers were itching to grab him by the throat.

At that moment the cripple spared a glance at him, their eyes meeting momentarily before he reiterated himself now with a clearer voice.

"Sorry, I ran into you. I was hurrying to class and wasn't really looking."

While the apology seemed sincere his tone annoyed the hell out of Arlo. This insolent cripple showed no fear when looking into his eyes. Hell, most people didn't even dare meet his gaze and then here he was, giving him a nonchalant sorry like they were on equal footing!

His mere presence filled Arlo with fury. He had never before recognized him as the infamous cripple, not without Seraphina at least, but looking at him now he felt rage boiling deep inside him.

But just before he could do something reckless and unbecoming of him a voice sounded from behind him.

"Are you alright, John?"

He turned and locked gazes with Seraphina whose face wore an unreadable yet threatening expression.

"Yeah, yeah, I just got my papers all messed up." He waved off her concern trying to get his stuff littering all over the floor into order.

"Seraphina." He hated how he had to greet her first just to not be completely ignored when she had already seen him standing there.

"Arlo," she said coldly, her eyes narrowing for a moment.

It was obvious she was gauging up if he was messing with her pet cripple intentionally.

'As if' Arlo internally scoffed. He knew better than to challenge her so blatantly for a beating. What would that even accomplish? Getting his ass handed to him over a damn cripple? Some already kept questioning his position with how little he could control Seraphina. It didn't help that the current queen's, Remi's ideology was also highly questionable, well outside of the established structure of the hierarchy. Even their jack was a lowly elite tier because of those two girls when they had a high tier for the position readily available!

Still, he didn't dare interfere with Seraphina or her damned cripple friend.

At least for now.

The pathetic cripple, John, as he just found out he was called finally managed to gather all his papers and got to his feet. Seraphina gave him a teasing smile and bopped his nose.

"You really need to watch where you go."

Arlo bit his tongue not to add anything out loud.

John in return shot her an annoyed glare. "I was in a hurry."

"And now you're late, so was it worth it?"

She laughed and when he didn't join in and kept sulking she just grabbed his arm and dragged him off but not before shooting Arlo one last warning glare.

The message was crystal clear.

'Don't mess with John.'

But as he was watching them disappear around the corner he realized it had the exact opposite effect.


Two days later Wellston's turf war team was walking from the station to the meeting place on their usual battlefield. The sun was high with not many clouds disturbing its reign. The other team was already waiting for them. A tall, bronze-haired guy with yellow eyes, most definitely the king. A slender yet muscular girl with short navy blue hair and green eyes was next to him together with another girl who had wavy, sea-green hair and piercing bluebell eyes. Which one was the jack and the queen he couldn't tell. The healer, a guy with purple hair and red eyes was easy to spot standing two feet behind the main team.

Truth be told, Arlo had not the slightest idea as to what to expect. They were never challenged by Oak Hill High School during his reign before and even if they had some data from Rei's time the team members were all switched out since then.

Should he be worried? He didn't like surprises, but he doubted anyone was even near his level. He knew almost all the high tiers in the region. Even if one of them turned out to be a secret trump card he was confident he could deal with it.

The Oak Hill king stepped forward to greet them.

"Hello, I'm Travin, Oak Hill's king. This is Yeanna the queen and Rebena our Jack," he pointed at the green-haired girl and then the blue-haired girl with his eyes." And this guy is our healer, Melvik. I'm grateful you all came here on our request."

"It's not like we could realistically refuse a turf war challenge. That would tarnish our school's reputation," Arlo answered curtly, not bothering to introduce their own members.

Remi rolled her eyes and stepped forward.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you!" She extended a hand for them to shake. "I'm Remi, Wellston's current queen, Arlo here is our king and Blyke is our jack. Elaine there is our healer."

They all shook hands with her wearing tight-lipped smiles. Arlo arched an eyebrow noticing the stiffness of their posture and the tension in their whole demeanor. Were they really up to something?

It didn't really matter, he just wanted to be over with it.

"How would you want to do it? One versus one or three versus three?"

Remi shot him a glare but he ignored it. Their challengers glanced at each other, their uneasiness seemingly only increasing by the minute. Travin looked at Yeanna intently who gave him a small nod. Seeing the silent answer he cleared his throat and they all faced forward again.

"We would want to go one versus one."

"Then let's start. We don't have all day," Arlo turned around impatiently, clearing the area for Blyke and the other jack to fight. He didn't even entertain the notion that he would have to fight today. It was a meaningless, time-wasting challenge he still had to attend as his duty required of him.

Everyone moved except Blyke and Rebena who stood still, measuring each other up.

"First round, Wellston's jack versus Oak Hill's jack!" Elaine cupping her hands together in front of her mouth announced loudly and both participants tensed in anticipation. "Ready? Fight!"

Before Blyke could as much as charge the first beam Rebena threw her hands into the air and exclaimed. "I forfeit!"

Confusion swept over the whole Wellston team while Oak Hill didn't react at all.

"What's the meaning of this?!" Arlo shouted, anger overcoming his features.

Travin, while up until that point nervous now was unflinching when he met his gaze.

"You won the first round, that's all. Now our queen will fight against your jack."

Arlo narrowed his eyes with fury evident in them. They were up to something and toying with them like this? He had half a mind to just forgo the jack and queen fight and crush them all himself, however it was unlike him to disregard the rules.

He couldn't let them get to him, so pushing down his ire he smiled.

"Alright. Your queen against our jack."

Just like before the combatants took their places in the middle while Elaine acted as a referee for the fight.

"Wellston's jack versus Oak Hill's queen! Ready? Fight!"

Blyke was about to charge a beam but this time the surprise came in a completely different form. Yeanna's eyes shone bright and with a swift motion of her hand he froze on the spot, confusion evident on his face. His eyes lost their glow and his beam disappeared just like that.

Whatever Arlo expected it wasn't this.

His ability deactivating wasn't the only thing weird about Blyke. He kept staggering around like a freshly born doe looking around him in utter confusion.

Yeanna didn't waste any time and launched herself towards him, hitting the stunned boy square in the jaw.

"Blyke!" Remi yelled, but Arlo kept her from interfering by grabbing her arm.

"Let them finish. If he loses you'll be up next anyway."

She almost growled at him but complied.

They waited for Blyke to counterattack or at least defend himself but it was like he didn't even know where he was or what he was doing. A few more of Yeanna's precise punches and he was down.

"Okay, that's enough!" Arlo said and finally let Remi and Elaine collect their injured member.

They rushed forward and dragged him off to the side allowing Elaine to start on the healing immediately.

Arlo wanted to ask him what happened, but he was uselessly unconscious. Maybe he should have stopped the fight before he was knocked out.

Remi walked to the fighting area while furiously glaring at Yeanna. Arlo gave Elaine a look who pausing in her healing scrambled to her feet to announce the next fight.

"Next Wellston's queen versus Oak Hill's queen! Ready? Fight!"

Remi activated her ability immediately and her whole body was enveloped by lightning bolts. However, Yeanna didn't hesitate either and used the same technique she used on Blyke. To Arlo's surprise, she too got under the spell of Yeanna's mysterious ability with her sparks disappearing but not before shocking Yeanna mercilessly.

She cried out in pain and her body sunk to the ground.

Arlo chuckled. 'She wasn't fast enough and paid the price.'

Bracing through the pain of her freshly electrocuted body Yeanna stood and approached a confused Remi.

"Enough," he said calmly. "We forfeit the match. I'll be your next opponent."

She glared at him but deactivated her ability nevertheless, and their healer ran to her side to patch her up.

Remi stumbled on her feet before Arlo caught her.

"How are you feeling?"

"Arlo?" She peered up at him like she was seeing him again after a long time.

"What's with that expression?"

"I... I don't know." She mumbled, sinking one hand into her hair. "My head hurts... and it's... it's full of everything."

He nodded, not wanting to strain her any longer, and handed her to Elaine.

Elaine dutifully laid her down before standing up to announce the next match.

"Wellston's king versus Oak Hill's queen! Ready? Fight!"

Arlo immediately enclosed Yeanna in his barrier and started to shrink it hoping that whatever she was doing couldn't pass through the dome. He realized he was wrong when he felt his head swirling and his thoughts becoming jumbled all at once. A terrible headache overcame him and he wanted to vomit.

What about his abi-


His what?

What was he thinking again?

He tried putting his thoughts together again, but he had a hard time concentrating on his surroundings. Something he really needed to do because Yeanna was running towards him fast. He was moving awkwardly and sluggishly just like Blyke and Remi before him not being able to put up any defense against Yeanna.

She hit him with all her might.

Then realized she seriously miscalculated.

She cried out in pain, clutching her now broken fingers.

While Arlo's thoughts were all over the place not being able to be strung together his instincts came back in full force and he punched Yeanna in the stomach.

The girl screamed and fell to the ground.

"We forfeit!" Travin shouted and was by Yeanna's side at once to help her up.

Once she deactivated her ability Arlo's head started to clear out and he activated his own ability again enclosing both Travin and Yeanna in his barrier.

"What was this little trick of yours?" He asked sternly.

"It's just her ability," Travin answered with fear in his eyes.

"What kind of ability?"

Arlo narrowed the barrier around them.

"Arlo, let them go!" Remi yelled from the side already standing with a healed Blyke and Elaine beside her.

"Not before they tell me what this thing was."

"Please, the battle is over, just leave us alone!" Travin pleaded with him.

"Just tell me what the ability is." He decreased the size of the barrier further.

"It's called memory lock," Yeanna managed to say through the pain. "I can make you forget about things."

Arlo sized her up and down, searching for any giveaway signs of dishonesty. When he found none he lowered his barrier completely.

"See? It wasn't that hard."

Their healer ran up to them and started healing Yeanna immediately.

The others walked back to them as well, all gathering around the mysterious ability user on the ground.

"You have pretty low pain tolerance for someone with such a strong ability," Blyke said eyeing her.

"It's a mental ability, so it doesn't do much for my physical endurance," she replied as she stood up. "I still withstood some of her lightning thought."

"Just the last flicker of them," Remi said as she turned to the other team.

"So, do you want to continue with your king or...?"

"No, you win. To be honest, we just wanted to test out how Yeanna's powers worked in combat. Apart from her, we are all barely elite tiers, so winning this match was only a pipe dream of ours." Travin laughed awkwardly.

Blyke and Remi exchanged looks.

"But this seems like a really strong ability."

"Yeah, but while it has many different features all of them have their own weakness."

'Many features', Arlo pondered.

"For example, with this skill, I can make you forget about certain things, like your ability, but after experiencing it once you start becoming immune to it."

"So, even if you had won today you would still lose by the next turf war."

"Yeah, but winning wasn't an option. We didn't take into account Arlo's passive defense."

"Which was a grave mistake," Arlo snorted, thoroughly self-satisfied.

"Anyway, thank you for the fight! We're heading back now," Travin said and the groups exchanged polite goodbyes before going on separate ways.

All the while Arlo had a wide smile adorning his face

"What are you so happy about, Arlo?" Elaine asked innocently, wanting to get closer to her crush.

"I might just have found the perfect solution to our problems."

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