By RenAintNoSaint

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━︎━︎━︎━︎━ 𝑹𝑬𝑩𝑬𝑪𝑪𝑨 𝑴𝑰𝑻𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑳 Pete Maverick Mitchell's fiercely determined daughter, embarks on... More



326 14 9
By RenAintNoSaint

✈︎𝐑 𝐄 𝐁 𝐄 𝐂 𝐂 𝐀

It's the evening of my first date with Bradley. Let's just say I am a mix of excitement and nerves as I wait at my mom's house for Bradley to pick me up. I had dressed up in a simple outfit, my hair meticulously styled, and my heart raced in anticipation of the night ahead.

"So let me get this straight..." Amelia starts. "You're going on a date with your Dad's dead best friend's son? The same guy that you said you'd never go for because of your unfortunate circumstance?"

"If by unfortunate circumstance you mean my dad is Pete Mitchell? Then yes." I lean my head against my wall as I sit in my old bedroom.

"Okay. And you will accept full responsibility when this brings major inconvenience to your life right?" She gives me a questioning look.

"What's the worst that could happen?" I shrug.

She quirks a brow at me. "Remember this conversation in 5 years." I nervously pull my knees closer to my chest as I stare out the window. "Have you told mom?"

"No..." I mumble. "I'm an adult I don't have to ask permission."

"You're too scared to tell her aren't you?"

"Yes." I bang my head against the wall.

I know for a fact that my mom would be disapproving. Not because Bradley is a bad guy, but because I haven't told anyone about my Dad being the best/worst Captain there is. But who's to say that I can't have a harmless fling with Bradley? It's not like I plan on marrying the guy.

It's just a harmless fling.

The doorbell chimed, and I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart. As I made my way to the front door, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement that washed away all of the anxiety in my body. There he was looking really good.

Bradley greeted me with a warm smile, his eyes lighting up when he saw me. "Becca, you look—amazing," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration.

I blushed slightly, a wave of warmth washing over me. "Thank you, Bradley. You clean up pretty well yourself." I scan over his outfit. Light wash jeans, sneakers that possibly cost more than my entire closet, and a Hawaiian shirt. Strange, yet oddly attractive.

He chuckled, offering his arm as a chivalrous gesture. "Shall we, Cherry Bomb?"

I looped my arm through his, and together, we walked to his car. The night was warm, and the stars shone above as the sun set, creating a perfect backdrop for the beginning of our first date.

"So where are we headed?" I ask as we get settled into his vehicle.

He dusts his pants before turning the keys. "Well you said nothing fancy because restaurants are for business meetings and failed proposals." I bite my lip as a snicker tries to escape. "So I decided that Retro Bites would be our best bet." I nod in agreement.

As we drove to Retro Bites, the anticipation in the car was palpable. We shared stories, laughed at each other's jokes, and tried our best to avoid awkward tension.

As we neared the diner, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to get to know Bradley better and to explore the depths of our budding connection. I know that when we were kids we spent sometime together. But none that I was old enough to remember. Hopefully it's the same way for him.


Retro Bites was a charming diner to say the least. The neon lights and '50s-style decor set a nostalgic ambiance that added a layer of charm to the evening, and I couldn't have been more excited.

We settled into a cozy booth. It had rips in it which was oddly comforting.

"Come here often?" Bradley asks.

"On dates? No. With my mommy? Yes." I grab a laminated menu which presented a plethora of classic diner options. While I considered my choices, I couldn't help but notice a peculiar item that has always piqued my curiosity: the "Mac 'n' Cheese Pizza." It seemed like the perfect blend of my favorite things, so I couldn't resist giving it a try.

"I've been here a few times. It's pretty good for a small town diner." He shrugs.

"Small town?" I snort. "You don't know small town until you've lived on the east coast. Trust me." I shake my head.

"I've watched Footloose. Okay? I know small town when I see it." He crosses his arms, a curl falls over his face.

Thankfully a waitress walks up before we can resume that conversation.

"Can I start you guys off with something to drink?" She asks sweetly.

"I'll take a root beer." I smile. Bradley nods and orders the same.

"Alrighty! And are you two ready to order?"

I glanced up at Bradley, my eyes dancing with playful mischief, and said to the waitress, "I'll have the Mac 'n' Cheese Pizza, please." He raised an eyebrow, a lighthearted grin playing on his lips as he mouths the words.

He orders his food and immediately goes for my choice of food. "Mac 'n' Cheese Pizza, huh?"

I shrugged, embracing the opportunity for culinary adventure. "Why stick to the ordinary when you can have a little adventure on your plate?"

"You know how to keep a guy on his toes that's for sure." He snickers.

I fiddle with the salt and pepper shakers. "It's not like I'm trying to."

"I know. That's what I like about you." He says honestly. I give him a confused look. "You know you don't really care what others think. You just go for what you want."

I don't know how true that is.

The rest of our evening was punctuated by a delightful exchange of playful banter. Bradley had a knack for teasing me about my quirks, especially my aversion to spicy food, and I gave it right back to him, commenting on his Hawaiian shirts. Our laughter filled the diner, mingling with the warm glow of the neon signs that decorated the walls. The playful banter seemed to make the time fly by as we continued to get to know each other.

The food arrived and let me just say, that pizza was the best thing I ever put in my mouth. Bradley didn't believe me but he tried a slice and ended up ditching his hot wings for my pizza. Once we were done he ordered us both milkshakes. One strawberry, one cookies and cream. We got them to go so we could walk around the town.

With milkshakes in hand, we chatted about our shared experiences at the naval academy, our aspirations, and our favorite aircraft. I learned that Bradley had a weak spot for dogs, while I had an affinity for classic fighter jets. The exchange of stories painted a more vivid picture of our respective backgrounds and dreams.

Amid our conversation, Bradley's tone shifted slightly, becoming more thoughtful. "So if you wouldn't have gotten to where you are in your career today, what would you want to be doing right now?"

I think for a second, though I already know the answer. "I'd want a family. Plain and simple."

"Why's that?" He asks. "I don't mean that in a judgmental way. I'm genuinely curious."

"I suppose it's because I want to give a kid the life I would've wanted." I stare at the pavement as we walk. "My dad worked— works a lot. I basically grew up without him and it was hard." I swallow the lump in my throat. "I don't know if that makes sense—"

"I completely understand." He cuts me off. "Growing up without my dad was hard. It's still hard. Especially during important life events like making the baseball team, graduating, even Christmas." He bites his bottom lip and pulls it between his teeth. "Dang that's depressing. I'm sorry, Bec."

"No I get it." I lightly hit his arm. "Don't ever think you can't talk about that stuff. Especially with me." I look back down to avoid eye contact. "I heard your dad was great. I've uh... read a lot about him."

"He was great. I hope I can be like him someday." He smiles down at his milkshake.

"You will be." I nudge him with my shoulder. He stumbles, acting as if he's about to fall and lazily drapes an arm over my shoulders.

"Oops. Sorry about that. That root beer was just really strong." My chest burns as I hold back a giggle.

"Real smooth, Bradshaw."

"You mentioned your dad works a lot. What does he do?" He asks, taking a sip of his milkshake.

For a moment, my smile faltered. This was a question I had been dreading, for it was one I couldn't answer truthfully. I hesitated, searching for an answer that would be both believable and vague.

"He works in a high-demand job, you know?" I replied, trying to keep my response as vague as possible. "Keeps him pretty busy."

Bradley sensed my reluctance to reveal more and decided not to press further. He gave me an understanding nod and steered our conversation back to lighter topics. Our conversation flowed easily, like a dance where each step felt perfectly in sync with the other. The night wore on, the hours slipping away unnoticed as our chemistry continued to build.

As we made it back to the vehicle and Bradley drove me home, he turned on the radio. A classic love song filled the car, and it was one of my favorites: Love Me Tender. The lyrics echoed in my mind, and I couldn't help but sing along.

"You like Elvis?" He asks.

"Love him." I smile and he turns up the radio.

Bradley joined in, his voice surprisingly melodic. Our voices blended in harmony, and the moment was filled with warmth and a sense of connection that had been growing throughout the night.

The city lights passed by outside the car window, and I couldn't help but steal glances at Bradley. He had an air of quiet strength, a confidence born from years of training and experience. Yet, beneath that tough exterior, I saw a genuine, caring person who had a heart of gold.

As the song reached its crescendo, I couldn't resist the urge to rest my hand on his, the touch conveying a sense of comfort and connection. Our eyes met briefly, and in that shared moment, it was as if the world around us faded into the background.

The night came to a close as Bradley parked in front of my mom's house. The engine went silent, and we remained in the car, our gazes locked, our hands intertwined.

"I had a great time, Becca," Bradley said softly, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions.

I smiled, my heart fluttering, and replied, "Me too, Bradley. This was an amazing night."

He reached for my hand one last time, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I hope you'll allow me the pleasure of taking you out again."

My heart raced at the thought of the future and the possibilities that lay ahead. We both knew that our time at Top Gun was intense and filled with challenges, but it was also an opportunity to connect with extraordinary people and create lasting memories.

With a soft goodnight, we finally parted ways. I watched him drive off into the night, the echoes of Elvis still ringing in my ears. As I walked up to my room, I couldn't help but feel a warm glow of happiness. The first date with Bradley had been a success, and it marked the beginning of a new chapter in our journey together, one filled with thrilling adventures, shared laughter, and the promise of a blossoming romance.

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