A gift for a Queen

By ThePanOPizza

512 10 5

Theodore Heart. He's just your average nerd, glasses he never wears, straight a's on every report card, multi... More



11 1 0
By ThePanOPizza


Theodore's POV.

I open the message from Charlie and cringe as I read it.


Where the hell are you? Its been like two and a half hours since your tutor session should have finished.

Graham Cracker

I'm so sorry Charlie I thought I told you, Anthony wanted to hang out afterwards so we're just hanging out at a park.


Okay. Just please tell me next time I was so close to calling the police. I thought the worst.

Graham Cracker

I'm sorry Charlie, I really thought I texted you, I promise I'll be more careful next time.


Thank you, have fun please tell me when you're on your way home okay?

Graham Cracker

Will do, sorry again, I'll see you later I love you.


Its all good, I'll see you, I love you too.

I set my phone down and nuzzle my head back onto Anthony's shoulder. A soft smile sprouting on my lips. I listen to Anthony's even breaths and realize he's fallen asleep. Knowing its probably not wise to just lay here till I fall asleep too, I grab my phone and check the time seeing that it's almost eight thirty and we should be heading home. Sighing I sit up and turn so I'm perpendicular to Anthony and press a hand to his chest and lightly shake him.

"Teddy?" He whispers opening his eyes a little.

"Yeah, its almost eight thirty so we should head back home, you fell asleep while I was texting Charlie," I tell him.

"Huh, time flew by, I had a really great time with you Teddy, thanks for coming on this date with me," He says standing up and getting his shoes on before helping me with mine before we both begin to pack up our picnic date.

We walk back to his car hand in hand once more, and once everything is in the trunk he kisses me softly but passionately. I bring my hands up to cup his face and try to press my lips harder against his before he opens his mouth and I allow his tongue to coax my mouth open. His hands run up my sides making butterflies flutter in my stomach as we kiss till our faces turn pink from the lack of oxygen. When we finally part for air he lresses his forehead against mine and I can just imagine his smirk as he says:

"I made you lose your breath baby," He presses a kiss to my cheek before helping me into the passenger's seat.

"Looks like you lost your bresth trying to catch mine," is the reply I could come up with. 

He chuckles and starts the car. I text Charlie to let her know I'm on my way home. On the drive home Ant grabs my hand and rubs his thumb along the back of it. All too soon we reach my house and I have to get out.

"I had a really great time tonight Ant, thank you for taking me out," I say pecking his cheek and getting out of the car, grabbing my stuff from the backseat. He waves at me, and I wave back at him, before he backs out and drives away.

I practically skip up to the house and open the door. I set my bag by the door taking my shoes off before I note that the tv is on which means Charlie and Aaron are most likely enjoying the couple time I so graciously provided them the opportunity for. I walk to the living room and see them on the couch cuddling.

"I'm home, and I'm going to go to bed because I am fucking exhausted, I love you Charlie I'll see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, maybe, Aaron," I say.

"Goodnight Teddy, I'll see you tomorrow, I love you too," Charlie responds smiling at me lightly.

"Night Theo, maybe see you tomorrow bud," Aaron says waving with the arms currently around my sister.

I nod and head to my bedroom, change into my pajama's and crawl into my bed. Which is not as cozy as the picnic bed that Anthony made for us today. I try to tell myself its just because it was cold outside and the blankets looked so cozy (cause they were), but I know the real reason is because Anthony isn't here. I plug my phone in to the charger and I lay back trying to fall asleep, when I hear my phone buzz on the my nightstand and I check it.


Next date you're planning I'm excited to see what your genius brain is capable of.

Teddy Bear🐻

Nothing good, I'm terrible at date planning compared to you.


I doubt that very much baby, I think you'd be even better than me.

Teddy Bear🐻

Shut up you're making me blush


Man I wish I could see you, you look gorgeous when you blush

Teddy Bear🐻

Shush. I'm tired so I'm going to go to bed, Goodnight Ant.


Goodnight Teddy Bear, I can't wait to see you tomorrow.

I run my hands over my red face and smile before turning over to my side and falling asleep. Dreaming of before. Before I was outed, before Brenda morphed into a monster, before dad died.

In the morning Charlie is in the kitchen with an angry look on her face. Shit did something happen? I carefully walk to her and she faces me, her angry glare settling over her features.

"You're dating Anthony? The guy looks and acts like a fucking prick from another universe!" she exclaims.

"How the hell do you know that? I have only told one person other than me and Anthony, and that person was not you," I respomd, trying to be calm.

"Parental controls! I have them over your phone I was just looking through it to make sure mom- Brenda wasn't contacting you when I saw all sorts of lovey dovey shit from you and Anthony," Charlie shouts, trying but failing to remain quiet.

"So you completely violated my privacy, and Anthony's privacy by going through my phone, and the only remotely good excuse you have is because you didn't want Brenda fucking messaging me? News flash Charlie the only reason she wants me is because she got money from the government because she has a minimum wage job and she was 'trying' to raise me," I explain getting angrier.

"I guess I did violate your privacy, I couldn't care less about Anthony's, I don't fucking trust that kid and I don't know why you do!" She shouts at me.

"Because I know him! I know he's rough around the edges, and he's scared that if he doesn't fit in with what people have made him out to be he won't fit anywhere, and you may have gotten bad vibes from the one and only time you've met him, I've gotten to know him for who he is. He's a really fucking sweet guy and if you want me to break up with him because you don't approve, I'll go find someone else to take care of me, because you're not my parent. You are my sister, you have no legal responsibilities to keep me from dating the person I want to date," I say trying not to shout, before I turn on my heel and walk back to my room to get ready, texting Nav to pick me up.

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