The Alpha's Moonlight Mate [b...

By BismuthMama73

343K 10.9K 504

Alexi is your average high school junior. He gets good enough grades, he has an amazing best friend, and his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Side Story(1.1)
Side Story(1.2)
Side Story(1.3)
Side Story(1.4)
Side Story(2.1)

Chapter 20

7.9K 252 3
By BismuthMama73


When I walk into the pack house sunday evening, my papa greets me in the living room. 

"Where were you last night," he asks. 

"I was with Alexi," I reply, smiling slightly at the thought of my mate. 

"That's what I figured, but I thought I should still ask. Also, you better invite him over for dinner some time soon," he added.

"Yeah, I will," I said before hiking up the stairs to get to my room. After a while spent scrolling through my phone, there's a knock at my bedroom door. 

"Come in," I say just as my dad opens the door. 

"Hey, so I heard you were with your mate last night," he says and I shift over to the edge of my bed. 

"Yeah," I say. 

"So, he's human, right?" my dad asks. 

"Well, about that..." I say and then I proceed to tell my dad about Ali and his parents. When I'm done he looks stunned. 

"So... your mate is... the goddess Lupa's son?" he asks, not really believing me. 

"Yeah..." I reply. 

"Wow... that's-..." he's at a loss for words. "and... his adoptive parents are a vampire, witch, and a human?"


"Wow, this is all just... a lot, but... I am really happy that you found your mate," he says, giving me a small smile. 

"Yeah, me too," I replied. 

"You should bring him over some time for dinner," my dad says.

"Yeah, papa said the same thing." We talk a little bit more and Ali the part ways. When he's gone, I change into my own clothes and get ready for bed. Even though I left house only a couple hours ago, miss Ali like crazy. 



Cal comes to pick me up for school, as per usual, and we ride peacefully. My newly long hair is braided, courtesy of my dad, but no matter how I wear it, I'm still gonna get a lot of weird stares. When Cal pulls into the school parking lot he asks,

"You ready?" I sigh and say,

"I guess." When Cal and I walk up to the entrance of the school, Jason, Cassie and Danny are waiting for us. 

"Dude, what's up with the hair?" Cassie asks as she grabs my hair. "Woah, it's soft, is it some kind of extensions or something?"

"Yeah, something like that," I replied. She looks at me suspiciously before letting my hair go. Just then I notice Jason giving me an odd look. Cal was telling me that Jason is supposed to be Cal's beta when he's alpha. I guess him being a werewolf, he can tell somethings different about me. as im talking with Cassie and Danny, I notice that Cal and Jason are having there own conversation, about me I'm guessing because Jason keeps looking back over to me. 

"So, anyway, you ready for the test?" Cassie asks the group. Cal and I both turn to her in surprise. 

"Test? What test?" Cal asks.

"Uh, the huge end-of-unit math test we have in.." she checks the clock on her phone, "10 minutes." 

"That's today!?" I ask shocked. 

"Yep, I guessing you forgot and didn't study?" she says and I glare at her. "Ha, your totally gonna fail," she says tauntingly. 

In the five minutes before the start of class Cal and speed run the entire unit. I'm probably still going to fail but maybe I'll just fail less. When I teacher walks in he gives me a weird look, and probably not because of the math worksheet spread across my desk. 

When class ends, and I hand in my test, I know that I've most definitely failed. I part ways with Cal, begrudgingly, and walk with Cassie to our next class. We discuss the test, and how I totally failed, and how she thinks she got a perfect score, but I know there no way that's true. 

the rest of the day goes smoothly. I have lunch with my lovely mate, wow I love saying that, and the rest of my classes go great. Finally the day ends and It's time for a capella. When I walk in all eyes fall on me. 

"Omg, Sammy, you were right," Stella says. Sammy, who I already saw in biology, must have told them all about my hair because everyone is now asking me questions about it. 

"Is it real?" Stella asks. 

"What do you think?" I ask, genuinely curious. 

"Well I mean it has to be extensions, right?" Maggie asks.

"Yeah," I say. 

"Well, I think it looks great," Alice says. 

"Thanks," I replied. 

When Ms. Susan walks in she tells us that were going to be competing for a national championship. She explains that there will be different rounds. First we have to win in our county, then in our state, then we get to compete in orlando for the national championship. everyone starts getting excited and I join in. Last year we won state but we only placed fifth in the country. This year will be different though, this year we'll win. For the rest of practice we start planing what we're going to do for each round.

When practice is over, my mama is waiting to pick me up. I get in the car and we drive in comfortable silence. 

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