Battle for Aloha Island (BFB...

By Marlb_72

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SLOW UPDATES!! Leafy leaves bfb to start her own show and travels on a boat to an island that she calls Aloha... More

Goodbye Goiky...
A New Friend

Construction Crew

670 12 97
By Marlb_72

Leafy's POV

I was just cooking some lunch like every other day.

Except I made extras.

Why? I was having visitors!

I called a construction team to help build just a "few" buildings around the island.

Did I say few? I meant a couple dozen.

They would be staying here for a couple of days, maybe a few weeks...or years.

But they can go back to their homes of course! I'm not kidnapping them or anything....

*Insert boat sounds.*

"I wonder who that could be?~" I said in an excited singsong tone.

Since I don't have a place for them to sleep, they'll sleep in their boat.

There's no room in my tent.

A construction team of at least 15 people or more came out.

"Welcome!" I greeted with a happy smile.

"I've got the materials and everything ready! Oh, and here's a blueprint of what I want you guys to build first." I said, showing them a blueprint of what seemed like a pretty big hotel.

"I was thinking maybe you guys could build it over on this side?" I pointed over to a random direction where I thought the hotel would fit right in.

"I'll make food for you guys in the meantime, so you guys don't need to worry about a thing!" I said with a toothy grin.

"Do tell me if you guys run out of materials, money is just a trivial thing!" I chuckled.

"Now, I'll let you guys do your thing and I'll come by with some drinks and snacks in a bit." I walked away and let them do their thing.

{On the other side of the island}

Leafy's POV

I sighed.

Why do I feel so...empty?

I hate it. So much.

I should be making those builders some food, not having one of my depressed episodes.

I touched the upper left side of my leaf where my tear was.

I felt the flower that was covering my tear.

It's a bit sensitive but it doesn't hurt.

I should tear myself apart.

"What?..." I snapped out of it.

I need to get myself together.

I've got visitors, I need to go make them something to eat.

I got up and went back to the main area where my tent was and I could already see a massive change.

They had cleared out the trees where they were going to build the hotel.


I went ahead and cooked some fish and grabbed enough water bottles for the construction crew.

As I walked to where they were building I could see them already mixing the concrete.

'Already?...' I thought, impressed at their fast work.

I walked over and called them.

"Are you guys doing okay? I've got some food if you guys want!" I shouted slightly.

I placed the food on a table nearby. It was a foldable one I had put there in advance.

I placed the water bottles on the table as well before walking away to do my own thing.

{At the waterfall}

It had been a while since I've been to this part of the island.

I like it here.

It's... Calming.

Suddenly, I heard rustling in the bushes.

I snapped my head towards the sound of rustling.

'Who is it now?'

I looked at a bush and a few vines slithered out like snakes.

"What the?..." I stood up.

The vines slithered towards me.

I backed away.

The vines only got closer and closer.

"How the heck!?..." I started to panic as I kept backing away.

It wasn't long before my back hit a tree.

"Ugh!-" I tried to move away when suddenly the vines had lunged at me.

My eyes widened in surprise as I put my hand infront of me and shut my eyes, ready for impact.





I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the vines.

They had fallen to the floor, unmoving.

Was this some sort of sick joke?

How did the vines move by themselves?

As I let out a sigh of relief. I was about to poke the vines but before I could even touch it, it got up again.

I flinched.

I moved my hand away and the vine fell on the ground again.


A thought crossed my mind and I put my hand out.

I thought about lifting the vine up.

The vine lifted up by itself.

I pointed left, it moved left.

I pointed right, it moved right.

I had mixed feelings between surprise, excitement and fear.

I drew a circle in the air, the vine moved in a circle.

I can control it?...

"That means.... I just scared the shit out of myself." I frowned.

"That's so stupid." I sighed.

"But it's cool I guess, I can control vines!" I drew a heart in the air and the vine shaped into a heart.

'This could be useful...' I thought.


I was controlling multiple vines at once.

It was midnight.

There was a single construction worker still up and walking around.

"Can't sleep?" I asked appearing behind them.

They flinched, not expecting me to still be up.

"Uh, yeah." The construction worker answered, or, grumbled.

"I can help with that." I smiled creepily.

A few vines came up from behind me. I snapped my fingers and all of the vines lunges at the worker at the same time.

The vines had tied the construction worker up.

I just smiled as the worker looked at me with fear as I took out a knife.

I walked closer, the closer I got the more the worker struggled.

"Goodnight~" I cooed before stabbing them right in the chest.

I stabbed again, and again, and again.

I stabbed their eyes.

Cut off their legs.

Cut off their arms.

And stabbed them in the chest one last time.


"Snap out of it, Leafy! What's gotten into you!?" I slapped myself.

Did I go insane?

'I just thought about killing someone!-'

"What the heck." I interrupted my thoughts.





My reply to this comment:


N plus it's a little too late now since we're like, 5 chapters in? Idk

Anyways to clear things up the flower wasn't exactly supposed to have any meaning

Besides Leafy using it as something to cover her tear-

But that's it tbh I hope it's not too much of a bummer bcs it doesn't exactly interfere with the story or anything-

But you guys can go wild🤷‍♀️
I'm not sure if there's gonna be any Leafy ships (yet)

But one thing FOR SURE is that there will be no Fireafy/FireyxLeafy

This story is mostly going to be about Leafy changing (whoops spoilers)


I love all of your theories on this story😘😘

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