Azur Lane: Konvergenz

By Maxiception

34.4K 1K 717

Off the coast of Germany, three kansen sisters sailed in the darkness of the night. All three of them struck... More

Chapter 1: Unidentified Reality - Rewritten
Chapter 2: Familiar - Yet Foreign Contacts - Rewritten
Chapter 3: Enigmatic Conflict - Rewritten
Chapter 4: Administrative Operations
Chapter 5: Maintenance Protocol
Chapter 6: Startup Protocol
Chapter 7: Reconnaissance
Chapter 8: Infiltration
Chapter 9: Extraction
Chapter 10: Subsurface Threat
Chapter 11: Investigation
Chapter 12: Retaliation
Chapter 13: 'Abyssal Incursion' Observation Report Alpha-1-1
Chapter 14: First Contact
Chapter 15: Rough Reunion
Chapter 16: Intermission
Chapter 17: Arrival
Chapter 18: High Alert
Chapter 19: Exposition
Chapter 20: Interlude
Chapter 21: Zero Seconds To Midnight
Chapter 22: Dawn of a New Time
Chapter 23: Return To Base
Chapter 24: The Experiment
Chapter 25: Loose Ends
Chapter 26: Gateway Protocol
Chapter 27: What Lies Beyond


1K 32 17
By Maxiception


Update to ongoing investigations into PoI Alpha "The Anomaly"

A research outpost codename "Voidwatcher" has been established around the PoI in a joint venture of NATO members to enable the extensive research and investigation of the subject. Several research and data-gathering kansen have been deployed to the location, including:
FGS Planet, RV Meteor, RV Polarstern, RV Sonne.

Thanks to the activities of the four specialized research ship KANSEN, investigations into the matters of the subject proved to bring promising results. Attached below is a test log describing all experiments the KANSEN have conducted on "The Anomaly" so far.

A one (1) ton steel sphere is inserted and then extracted from the anomaly via high-strength cables.
Subject pulled sphere with [][][][][] newtons of force into itself. Sphere was then successfully extracted from the subject. Sphere showed none to extremely minimal damage.
This proves that the subject is not a mere "singularity", but a type of wormhole - one which has almost minimal effects on matter. This, of course, delivers amazing - and promising - results both scientifically and morally. Further testing is needed on biological matter. - FGS Planet

An assortment of plants, such as Poaceae (common grass), saplings of the Malus domestica (apple tree) and multiple other specialized plant life are inserted via containment pod and then extracted from the anomaly.
As before, subject pulled the containment pod with the usual [][][][][] Newtons of force into itself. Pod was then successfully extracted from the subject. Both the containment pod and the contained delicate plantlife within were minimally affected even after DNA testing of the plant life, besides the usual effects of the gravitational force the subject usually exerts.
This experiment proves that if properly prepared, delicate equipment can be inserted and extracted from the PoI without much trouble. The fact that life - plant life, to be precise, but still life - can enter and exit the subject with almost no trouble is a huge and important bonus. I must notify Polarstern to prepare a specifically designed probe for the next experiment. - RV Sonne

A specifically designed probe containing an assortment of measuring and sensor modules such as cameras, temperature sensors, air pressure sensors, atmospheric scanners etc. is inserted into the subject with a data cable connecting it with the research outpost "Voidwatcher". The probe collects all available data before being extracted from the subject again.
Probe inserted successfully as per procedure. Shortly after insertion, probe reported highly unusual and garbled data before automatic re-calibration occurred after about five (5) minutes. Probe began data collection procedures and sent data back. The data reports:
Temperature: 23°C
Air pressure: 101,325 Pa (One atmosphere)
Atmospheric scanners: 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen
Sample module: ocean of salt water detected // marine bacteria detected // no anomalies
This is extraordinary! If this probe is to be believed - and i designed it myself - there is another planet, perhaps another world on the other side of The Anomaly - and its chemical and atmospheric properties are exactly identical with those of our dear Earth! We could even theoretically directly breathe the atmosphere there with no problems! I saw the photographs the probe sent back - they depicted a salt-water ocean, just like the one we are sailing on. I have to tell Sachsen and Hamburg - the probability of their sister Hessen having survived has just increased a whole lot! - RV Polarstern

Please keep research files like these in a neutral, professional form, Polarstern. The point of these is to get to the point. - RV Meteor


At about [][][][] GMT+2, a high-yield EMP blast with a [][][][][][][] - strong electromagnetic force originating from PoI Alpha "The Anomaly" with an area of effect of [][][][] km radius occurred.

Research outpost "Voidwatcher", as well as KANSEN research vessels FGS Planet, RV Meteor, RV Polarstern and RV Sonne were temporarily crippled, with RV Polarstern having suffered the strongest damage due to being caught within the full force of the blast.

Due to the nature of the blast showing pure electromagnetic properties, only electronics of the affected victims have been damaged or otherwise compromised. However, the damage proved to be extensive in having caused unrecoverable damage with sensitive instruments, including the probe built by RV Polarstern.
Recovery efforts are to be conducted, with the collected research data luckily having survived.

The probable cause of the incident appears to be RV Polarstern, who inserted and extracted her probe into the PoI in rapid succession. In doing so, the PoI appeared to destabilize, causing the incident. The anomaly, however, returned to its normal state in the aftermath.
It has now been determined that subject Alpha "The Anomaly" possesses a fixed limit of the amount of mass it can transfer at the same time before destabilizing. Research protocols have been adjusted as such, limiting mass insertion/extraction experiments to once per hour.

Polarstern, i know that you are very enthusiastic about this, but investigating an anomaly of this caliber recklessly causes unnecessary amounts of danger, as proved in this incident. We're lucky that it only released an EMP and not something which can cause too much damage. Sensitive equipment needs to be replaced, though. - RV Meteor

I agree - I apologize. At least we managed to find out somewhat what its limits are. I will be more careful. - RV Polarstern

It has been confirmed through further tests that the anomaly is not a mere singularity, but an actual wormhole - a portal of some sort - to another location. It also does not damage or largely affect anything passing through, making it theoretically possible for living beings to travel through safely. The location on the other side appears to be mostly identical to Earth, including an identical, seemingly breathable atmosphere.

Data suggest that KANSEN with activated rigging providing required protection could theoretically pass through largely unharmed, reaching the world beyond. This, naturally, hugely increases the likelihood of FGS Hessen still being alive.

Further tests have been conducted and finished. Plans are being drafted about deploying a NATO rescue fleet into the PoI in the near future. An overwhelming amount of KANSEN have already volunteered, making selecting fitting KANSEN a non-issue.
Further developments will be monitored.

Personal notes HMS Queen Elizabeth
I am ever so grateful for the incredible work the science team performs. Thanks to them, we found out so much information about The Anomaly in such a short time-frame which is guaranteed to help us in any way possible in achieving our goals.

Sachsen and Hamburg cheered up an incredible amount after hearing about the possibility of their little sister Hessen still being alive. I took care of Sachsen and Hamburg ever since Hessen disappeared before their eyes, giving them as much emotional support and care as possible. They really acted broken - as if parts of their souls disappeared together with Hessen back then.

Now, however, with their hopes refreshed, the same fire which has been burning in the souls of her German comrades is also now present in these two, driving them to incredible lengths. I have never seen a pair of sisters on this level of motivation like Sachsen and Hamburg portray.

Well, maybe too much - Sachsen especially. I recently had to break up a heated dispute between her and Gerald R. Ford, in which Sachsen wanted to dispatch a fleet into the anomaly as fast as possible while Gerald R. Ford wanted to wait.

Sachsen even called her a "nuclear-powered coward". I must admit - i chuckled internally. I will definitely remember this.

And if we are already on this topic of fleet-dispatching, it is going surprisingly well. A huge amount of German KANSEN volunteered to be part of the fleet, including Sachsen and Hamburg - if this goes on we would have to dispatch the entire German navy at once.
I volunteered, too. The German navy has no aircraft carrier - and i am determined to fill the spot.
Gerald R. Ford volunteered as well, and as far as i know, we will be both accepted into the fleet as "main carriers". If only Hessen knew how many of us were coming to rescue her, she would surely shed a tear. Sachsen and Hamburg, too - i desperately want to reunite them with their little sister.

There is only one problem though - something about the operation which i am a bit concerned about.
We are being equipped with nuclear weapons.

I am aware that beyond The Anomaly, anything could lurk - perhaps even something we could not even imagine inside our darkest nightmares.
But is it really correct to fight fire with even more fire, to deploy mankind's very own nightmare - weapons of mass destruction?
I suppose it is better to be safe than sorry.

I just hope that it will all be worth it in the end.

Do not worry, Hessen - we will soon return you home.




[A highly reinforced Japanese-style room is visible, suggesting that this is a type of safe-room. A long wooden meeting table stands in the middle, with several high-ranking Sakura Empire and Iron Blood members present.]

Musashi: "This meeting has been called to discuss the Crimson Axis's current situation and the circumstances surrounding it."

Bismarck: "Indeed. Such a meeting is desperately needed, especially after what occurred."

Musashi: "It is now confirmed that a great disaster is about to befall the Crimson Axis if we do not act in time. Only one kansen of the Azur Lane with the help of two Royal Navy maids managed to circumvent our defenses, infiltrate the deepest part of our nation, and destroy over half of it in the span of a few hours, successfully surviving even with all odds standing against her while stealing the most important part of our classified project - a black mental cube."

Akagi: "Let me at her! I will burn her to ashes myself!"
Rage fills Akagi's face.

Kaga: "Calm down, sister. A meeting is no place to act reckless."

Prinz Eugen: "Hessen... yes, she is indeed quite a handful. The fact that she is bearing an Iron Blood name is almost mocking, don't you think?"

Musashi: "Indeed - the individual known as Hessen has only increased her lethality and effectiveness as time goes on. She alone did what not even i could do easily. She has no rules, no boundaries - she doesn't flinch at engaging an entire fleet by herself, facing the most experienced kansen we have, or eliminating an Elite Siren. Even when i successfully stuck her, she continued operating as a sort-of command ship, keeping watch over the battle with such a degree of effectiveness that she could easily be a match for the Commander's skills."

Takao: "I can attest to this - even in hand-to-hand combat, i lost my honor to her the moment she captured my sword. Until the end of time, i will not rest until i regained it."

Prinz Eugen: "I am well aware about our little troublemaker. But you received this information from the spy Ayanami who is operating from within the Azur Lane. Why couldn't she conduct sabotage or other actions to combat Hessen?"

Nagato: "The Commander lays an incredible amount of importance upon Hessen, more than any of you think. Since the moment Hessen arrived, the tides of the battle turned against us. The Commander will not spare any effort to protect Hessen as much as possible. Coupled with the fact that we don't know how well Hessen operates in counter-spy operations, as well as the Royal Maid Corps being on high alert, ordering Ayanami to conduct hostile actions would be suicide for her, which i will not tolerate."

Bismarck: "Then what shall we do? We are facing the risk of an imminent disaster scenario."

Musashi: "We must attempt to exploit any weaknesses Hessen possesses. Based from my past experiences and intel, a single good hit will knock her out, and she cannot be at two places at the same time. We should adopt a strategy of purely avoiding Hessen at all costs and engaging anything else outside of her range."

Prinz Eugen scoffs.
"That sounds all well and good, but Hessen's design is specialized to counter these exact weakpoints. She overcompensates her lack of armor with ridiculously strong stealth and jamming options as well as agility, even when Musashi hit her directly. And we cannot outrun her due to her speed. Hessen is a frigate with the stopping power of your strongest battleships and the increased agility and stealth of your best destroyers combined."

Akagi: "Everything has a weakness waiting to be exploited! Do you really think i will just sit and watch while a single wannabe-destroyer single-handedly destroys everything i hold dear?!"

Silence blankets the room as everyone stared with grim expressions.
Nagato eventually speaks up, an internal conflict written in her face.

"You know, Akagi - i have always doubted the necessity of your project - but seeing that fate is forcing my hand...

You now have my full support to complete Project Orochi as fast and quickly as possible."

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