Mattheo Riddle Imagines

By willsSkye

102K 1K 402

Cute stories about Mattheo Riddle. Includes: Friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, one bed, fake dating, bro... More

What Are We
I Always Knew
No Longer A Secret
Drink From My Cup
The Truth
Kill For Me
This Was Not Part Of The Plan
Evil Plans
Fake Dating
Die For You
My Tutor
Sexual Tension
My Tutor Part 2
Your Beautiful

Do Not Tell Me Not To Protect You

5.5K 50 12
By willsSkye

( In this story Tom is Mattheos brother not the younger version of his father)

It has been a long dreadful day at the manor. The weeks and months of being trapped here are beginning to blend together into one consecutive nightmare. Last year this time was the battle of Hogwarts, and to keep me safe my mother and father put me under the care and protection of the Malfoys for the time being. I for one think it's absolutely ridiculous. I'm perfectly capable of defending myself.

All this just because I'm associated with Mattheo. The two of us have been best friends since year one and are practically conjoined at the hip. When the war began our families quickly realized that Hogwarts was not safe for anyone with the last name Riddle, or anyone who may be associated with it for that matter. The both of us were locked away for the year, separated. Me at the Malfoys home, a close family friend. And Mattheo in his own manor far far away with his brother.

Not a day goes by where I do not think of him. The idea of almost losing him, and him being in so much danger reminded me what a tragedy it would be to lose him. Even us just being apart for so long has absolutely crushed me. We aren't even allowed to write to eachother in case the letters are intercepted. I can't help but wonder most nights if he's thinking of me at all. Probably not.

I walk down the stairs this morning glumly. Even Draco has been granted the okay time return to school. The manor is complete empty aside from the yourselves trying to keep themselves busy even though there is no cleaning to be done.

I slowly walk over to the fireplace in the living room. This has become my favourite spot in the home. It seems to be the only warmth I can find these days.

I sit down across from it and try to think of anything other than Mattheo. His hair, and his eyes, and his soft curls, and that smile....

I've known that I'm in love with him for quite some time but I've never even considered telling him. Well that is until we almost died last year. I've gone back and forth in my head for months about wether to leave things the way they are or risk it.

Mattheo is not one to show emotions, not even around me. So I have no idea if he's feeling any of the same feelings toward me. Chances are he is not. Mattheo is priority focused. He's slightly more tamed than his absolutely crazy brother, who plans on taking over for his father if the time ever comes. A mean a little evil never hurt anyone.

I miss him so much it's almost like I can hear his voice now.

" Watch the fuck out Tom would you?" I hear him snap inside my head and I can't help but laugh. That really does sound just like him.

" It shouldn't take this bloody long!" Comes the voice again. Before I can even question it through the fireplace Tom and Mattheo tumble.

" You are an absolute idiot!" Mattheo snaps at his older brother again.

" Well I'm not the one who suggested using the floo network!" Tom groaned rolling his eyes and wandering off as if this were his home.

I can't help but sit there in silent awe. I take in Mattheo in the few moments I have before he notices me. He looks the exact same in the best way possible. He has a concerned look on his face as if searching for something. Suddenly his eyes land on me.

" May!" He smiles and reaches for a hug which he only does once in a decade. I gratefully accept and squeeze him back tightly.

" I've missed you" I mumble into his chest.

" Of course you did" he says sternly. He pauses a few beats before replying. " I missed you too"

" What are you doing here?" I ask pulling away ti study his face. His eyes are tired and I can tell something up but I won't press the matter quite yet.

" We're going back to Hogwarts!" He says excitedly. " Your parents sent an owl last night to pick you up this morning"

" I've been missing the silk Slytherin sheets" I sigh.

" Seriously? Of all things? You miss the sheets?" He asks quizzically. At this point Tom has reentered the room looking angry as per usual.

" Before you start flirting as per usual could we please get on with this?" He says straight faced

" We weren't going to flirt Tom" Mattheo rolls his eyes at me in a knowing way.

I race to pack a trunk for myself and before I know it we are out the door and at platform 9 3/4.

The train is of course empty, because honestly who travels to school halfway through the year?

" You look stressed" I say bringing up the crease in his forehead and the wrinkle of his brow.

" I'm worried for your safety" he says seriously.

" I can defend myself. Plus Hogwarts is safe now the war is over. Not to mention I'm a death eater. Don't worry" I say patting the top of his hand. His eyes meet mine and his gaze darkens.

" Don't tell me not to worry about you. I'll always worry about you" he says sharply before looking back out the window.

" I swear you treat me like your little sister sometimes" I say trying not to sound to disappointed with this observation.

" I obviously don't think of you that way" he says under his breath.

" I don't know if it's obvious Theo but whatever" I say. His face softens at the use of his nickname.

" I just can't lose you Maya. Im not taking any chances" he says.

It's moments like these that I can't help but wonder if there's any hope for us at all.


It is officially my first evening at school and I would be a boring fool to spend it in my dorm room isolated once again from all my friends.

At exactly eleven AM on the dot I slide out of bed and creep out into the familiar hallways where I meet up with my friends Pansy and Luna. The three of us wander and talk, although I stay quiet knowing they aren't the same as me. They do nit live the same life. They are fighting for good, I remind myself.

" So Luna has a girlfriend, I'm hitting it off with Zambini, what about you May? Any boys?" Pansy asks nudging my shoulder.

" Pff me? I don't have time for boys" I lie dodging their question.

" Your kidding me!" Pansy raises her voice.

" What?" I ask urging her to lower her voice in the echoing halls.

" I think we both just assumed you and Riddle would have gotten together by now" Luna whispers. " I mean it has been a year"

Before I am given the opportunity to respond to her outrages assumption we are got red handed by Filch. Parkinson's yelling had gotten his attention.

" Ah Slytherins and Ravenclaws. Wondering the halls this late?" He grumbles. " Not on my watch. The Inquisitorial squad will be here shortly to detain you" he snickers. I shoot Pansy and agitated look.

" Shit" I mumble under my breath. There's one boy in particular I hope was not called down tonight.

" Well well we'll if it isn't Parkinson, Looney Lovegood, and May Riddle. Oh sorry I meant May Parks" Draco Malfoy sneers at us clearly thinking his little joke was funny.

" Watch it Draco. I don't just know where your house is I know where you sleep as well" I threaten causing him to narrow his eyes at me.

" no need to get feisty your little boyfriend is on his way. He's mad too" he snickers before grabbing Luna by the wrists and shoving her in the direction of a locked classroom. Boyle reluctantly takes Pansy which leaves me an Mattheo alone. Clearly he is pissed.

" what happened to I can defend myself Mattheo! And, you don't have to worry about me Mattheo I got this!l he fakes enthusiasm. " What the fuck May?"

" Sorry sorry. I just wanted to see my friends" I say crossing my arms knowing damn well he won't bother to restrain me.

" You couldn't wait seven hours till morning?" He snaps. " I thought you were so exited about those fucking silk sheets, and you'd dint even go to bed!"

" Why are you so overprotective!" I raise my voice now at him in the empty hallway as he leads me to a different room.

" I have to hold you in here for an hour as punishment and your supposed to clean it too to bottom" he says crossing his arms.

" Let me guess no magic?" I ask looking at the dirtied potions room. I swear Snape makes a mess of it just so students in detention will have to work their asses off.

" Technically no, but let's just say I didn't see anything if you do" he sighs sitting down at a desk. I take that as my cue to flick my wand.

" Work is finished. Time for bed"!l I say.

" not so fast" he halts me. " You have to promise me that you won't pull this shit again. That you'll actually try to stay safe"

" And what if I don't?" I question. I don't know where the boldness comes from when I know damn well Mattheo could shut me up in two seconds with a single word.

" Then I'll force you to and I promise you won't like it" he states plainly taking a few steps in my direction.

" Sounds to me like I'd enjoy that" I say. I, glad the room is dimly lit so he cannot see the blush in my cheeks.

" May what on earth are you in about?" He questions but I swear I hear hesitation in his voice.

" You said be safe" I repeat his words.

" mhm" he sounds following along.

" And I'm saying make me" I know we flirt sometimes but this is beyond even for me. Of there ever was a line this certainly just crossed it.

" May..." he trails off.

" Theo..." I mock him.

" Are you drunk?" He asks touching a hand to my forehead and feeling for a fever.

" Nope." I state plainly.

" Your never like this" he whispers.

" Do you want me to stop being like this?" I ask whispering for fear of being to loud. This moment feels quiet.

" No" he beings. " No I'm just surprised. Are you being serious or...." His voice trials off.

" Serious Mattheo" I say taking a step closer to him. The rise and fall of his chest picks up now.

" I-I didn't think this was what you wanted" he says confused on how we got from my detention to here in this post.

" When we were torn apart dueing the battle I realized that I missed you. I missed you so much I would have done absolutely anything to just spend a moment with you. And I don't think of you as a friend" I whisper even quieter now. It's been seven going on eight years of friendship. The last thing I want to do is make things weird so I try to scope out his reaction.

" May when I first became friends with you" he assumes looking away from me for a moment. " I didn't want to be your friend. I knew from the moment the hat called out Slytherin and you joined our table that I was in love with you. And you were so cool and powerful I figured the only way to be close to you wants to be your friend" he sighed. I know showing any vulnerability is asking a lot from him. Come on he's a Riddle for goodness sakes. 

" So you just became my friend because you liked me?" I ask shocked.

" loved you" he corrects me eyes searching mine.

" Past tense or present?" I dare to ask. There's a long pause where he just looks at me as if he knows whatever he says will change everything.

" Both. Then and still now. Does that care you?" He asks.

" Yes. But in a  good way. In a surprised way" I clarify.

He wasted no time in closing the gap between us. Pressing his lips against mine as if that's all he's ever wanted to do. I melt into him knowing it's been on my mind for months. When we eventually pull away he sighs a breath of relief as do I.

" Ugh I'm going to have to listen to Tom say I told you so" he laughs and so do I.

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