Hikari: 『Volume 2 - Omakes』

By Queen__Dee__diaspora

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___________________________________________________ "This is the story of how we all became the greatest hero... More

◆Training of the Dead◇
◆Training of the Dead II◇
◆Go! Operation: MOFKAFIL◇
◆Go! Operation: MOFKAFIL II◇
◆Laugh! II◇
◆My Baby Academia◇
◆My Baby Academia II◇
◆My Baby Academia III◇
◆Island Rescue Mission◇
◆Island Rescue Mission II◇
◆Island Rescue Mission II½◇
◆Island Rescue Mission III◇
◆Island Rescue Mission IV◇
◆Island Rescue Mission IV½◇
◆Chivalry Is Dead◇
◆Past Predilection◇
◆Number One Study Partner◇
◆White Day!◇
◆Hero League Baseball◇

◆Number One Boyfriend◇

299 8 0
By Queen__Dee__diaspora

[Takes place sometime after the Endeavour Agency Arc]

The day started out like most others. Waking up for her morning run with Poncho then returning to the dorms for her daily morning routine which consisted of detangling the black and white strands of hair that had mixed with one another during the night while brushing her teeth. Afterwards, she changed into her school uniform and made her way downstairs for breakfast with the rest of her classmates.

It was by no means peaceful, though, seeing as some kind of argument had somehow erupted between Katsuki and Izuku. Fortunately it ended when she pulled Katsuki off of the green-haired boy and convinced him to walk with her to class after making sure her best friend was okay.

How strange. He's been so hyperactive since we got back from our Work Studies with Endeavour-San, Miyuki thought, glaring out of the corner of her eye at his grumpy expression. Being with the Number one hero must've given him an adrenaline boost. After all, it had been their mission to surpass him and catch one bad guy before he did. Yeah, that was a pretty sound reason; he still hadn't yet come off of that high hill from their time with the number one hero.

That, or...

'As usual, you worry too much.'

Miyuki's face blazed a harsh red instantly as she recalled what happened the first evening at the agency... with him. Could that have been another possibility? Was Katsuki, after all, against having 'those' kinds of feslings towards her?

No, no; She couldn't think like that, it definitely wasn't the case. If he didn't like her in that way, something would've been said by now. Definitely. Absolutely. Not to mention, if you really don't want to be with somebody, you don't kiss them in that sort of a way...

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Stop it Miyuki! Get those kinds of thoughts out of your head right now...!

She vigorously shook her head, trying to free her mind of the memory of her first kiss with him.

Katsuki raised a brow at her strange actions, wondering what was going on with her now.

Is she seriously that mad with me for what happened with Deku? He wondered, eyeing her red face closely. He scoffed under his breath and put his hands in his pockets.

"Hey. If you've got something against me you need to get off of your chest, tell me," he said. Miyuki stopped shaking her head and looked at him. "Or are you gonna keep acting weird all morning?"

"Weird? A-Against you...? No, everything's fine," she responded. "I was just thinking about you and Izuku." M-Mostly you, but I'm not gonna say that out loud. "You two are like cats and dogs. Although, Izuku's more of a ram because of his Quirk and you're like a wild wolf with your wild temperament and unorthodox leadership kisses - skills! Leadership skills!"


Tufts of ash-blonde hair were pushed back by the breeze as he stopped walking and turned to look at her properly. Miyuki stopped and looked at him, too, confused.

"Is... something the matter...? Firecracker?"

So that's what's really on your mind, huh? Our kiss.

A strange shiver shot through him and a comforting warmth flooded his body, suddenly, as he remembered it. He stepped up to the half-and-half girl. Then, to Miyuki's surprise, he touched her head and leaned down, causing her cheeks to darken considerably.

"W-Wait, what are you doing? We've got homeroom with Aizawa-sensei starting in ten minutes," she said.

"I know that." He, blushed, too, fairly lightly as he stared down at her. A moment of silence passed with them looking at each other before he removed his hand and turned back around to keep walking. He groaned, grip tightening around the strap of his bag and blushing harder as he said, "Just go on a date with me already, dammit."

And forget about that damn nerd for one second!

Somehow, for some reason he couldn't be bothered to know of, Deku was on his floor that morning and he saw him and Miyuki lying down together when he passed. Then he went and opened his mouth and everybody in the class would've heard him if he hadn't stopped him. Miyuki just happened to enter at that moment which, as always, put her on his side.

A date with him definitely had a chance of changing that, not to mention impressing her with his superior planning skills when he took her out on a date that would make that kiss look like child's play.

Miyuki's eyes threatened to pop out of her sockets as she watched him walk towards the main building ahead of them.

"Eh...?! Hold on a second, Katsuki! What did you just say? Hey, you're walking too fast - slow down...!"

In order for him to plan that better-than-perfect date, though, he ended up not spending as much time around her as he would've liked for the rest of the day. Classes kept them busy, as always. He found it easier to focus and listen, too - which was not at all because he stopped grinding his teeth like a stone mill when he heard her and Deku speaking during their breaks between classes. No, he'd been seeing improvements in the outputs of his explosions ever since coming back from the Work Study with the Number One hero.

Still, he couldn't let himself relax just because of that, so headed down to Gym Gamma in his P.E. uniform after his classes ended for the day. It was empty when he walked in, so that was good. There was nobody around to get in his way.

That time, thanks to my condensed blasts, I was able to move faster and get to the tracks before the train hit him, he thought, recalling the night Ending took Todoroki's brother hostage.

Katsuki, standing in front of a tall rock face, put his fist against the flat of his palm, leaving a hole no more than a centimeter apart in breath between his fingers for his AP Shot.

"Store it up, as usual... condense that power..." he muttered, little explosions firing off from his hand. In the next instant, he fired off an explosion that cleared the rock in a single piercing blast. A sly smirk spread on his face.

That attack was getting better and it wasn't bad for a warm up. Before long, he knew it would surpass Deku's cliché Smashes and Miyuki's Lumi-shots.

Alright - let's keep this going!

Using his Quirk, Katsuki shot up into the air and released a volley of explosions into the rocks around him, clearing each one with deadly precision. Since he wore the winter version of his uniform, his sweat glands produced more sweat as he moved around. The rocks were definitely good for his target practice. Unlike the half-and-half girl with her Eagle vision, even his sharp sight could only see so far, but his chest swelled with pride for every time he hit his intended mark - not that he expected to miss.

The Gym was filled with the noise of his explosions, minute after minute, as he kept going, barely giving himself a moment to even rest, but he didn't need to just yet. His Quirk was loud, true, but it also gave him a moment to be alone with his thoughts, the rest of the world's noise drowned out by his. The exertion he felt in his body, muscles tensing up and relaxing as he pushed himself off from walls and rock faces or the ground when he landed, were sort of calming. Soothing, too.

This was probably what Miyuki meant when she said running made the world fall silent. She enjoyed that a lot, didn't she? The quiet. It made him wonder, though - just how did those kinds of feelings for him come into her heart? How come? After all he'd done to her, if he'd been her place, there would've been no forgiveness until retribution was paid.

But maybe that was why he felt that way towards her then, wasn't it? She wasn't him. Miyuki was nothing like him, and much... more than he'd expect to find in a person.


As he jumped over a spire, blowing it to smithereens, the light dying down from his Quirk reminded him of her and his eyes widened when he remembered -

The date! Damn it...!

Katsuki landed on his haunches, breathing heavily. He started and whipped around when he heard, out of nowhere, a pair of applause.

"That was so amazing, Firecracker!" Miyuki cheered, clapping heartily and behind the safety of her luminescent dome, debris scattered around it. "Bravo, bravo!"

"Yeah, that was the best of your ultimate moves yet, Kacchan!" Izuku agreed, clapping beside her, eyes glimmering in admiration. A tick mark slapped onto the ash-blonde's face.

"What the hell are you two doing sitting in the middle of such a dangerous place like it's nothing?!" He yelled, jabbing a finger at the mess of rocks and concrete around the half-and-half girl's shield. "You looking to get killed and pin it on me for cash? Huh?!"

"We can't do that if we're dead, though," Izuku pointed out.

"Shut up, stupid nerd! Why the hell are you here?!"

"You missed lunch," Miyuki answered. She released her shield and held up a bento box with a little explosion sticker plastered on the lid. "We thought you might be hungry after a long day, so we came looking for you; and when we heard the explosions, we decided to come here and watch you." She smiled even wider, holding out his lunch to him. "After working so hard, you've earned this!"

He looked at it then back at her glowing expression. He blushed then gingerly accepted the lunch from her, shoving a hand into his pocket.

"Thanks," he grumbled, grateful for the high-collar hiding his flustered - slightly frustrated - expression. "But don't think this is a free pass for you to just do whatever you want in a place like this. The threshold you have for your own safety is pitiful, Pepperhead." He glanced at Izuku, who blinked stupidly, and rolled his eyes. "No more than dumb Deku's, though."

"What?" Izuku asked. Miyuki sighed.

"Don't call him that."

He grumbled again but said nothing.

Walking over to a slightly less decimated part of the gym, Katsuki sat down to eat his lunch and Izuku and Miyuki joined him - much to his displeasure. Why did Deku have to stick around? Didn't he have people other than Miyuki for him to go and bother? In any case, it wasn't so bad. Izuku got to training while he and the half-and-half girl sat together, talking but watching him, too, and a discomforting feeling spread through his chest as he watched him attack and destroy Miyuki's shadow Shikigamis.

He'd gotten stronger again; meaning he was almost catching up to him. Katsuki's hold around the chopsticks turned to iron, a conflicted yet hateful expression slipping onto his face.

Miyuki looked at him when he suddenly fell silent and followed his gaze to where Izuku trained. Right away, she got an inkling of what could've been running through his mind and stood up, pulling his attention to her.

"Hey, Firecracker! Wanna see a new move I came up with recently?" She asked, excited. He looked at her like she'd just grown back all her hair.

"Huh?" He assessed her excited expression and how bouncy she seemed all of a sudden. "No, I'm not interested in that." I've gotta keep an eye on that damn nerd. He'll surpass me if I'm not careful... then she'll completely rely on him instead!

Miyuki pouted. She crouched in front of him, blocking his view of Izuku entirely.

"Worrying over stuff that hasn't happened yet won't get you anywhere," she said seriously then smiled. "He's doing his best for you, too, you know, same way you are and so am I. But a society without cheer and humour won't have a bright future. So..." she leaned in, beaming from ear to ear, and he blushed, his mind running back to their first kiss. "Let's have some fun together, Katsuki!"

"What does this have to do with you showing me your new move? -"

He stopped talking when she covered his eyes with her hand. After a few seconds, she removed it - and his eyes nearly flew out of his head when he found himself looking at All Might in his Bronze Age costume insteaf.

"Ta-da!" Miyuki - All Might - exclaimed in Miyuki's voice.

"What the hell?!" Katsuki shouted.

"This is a new ultimate move I've been working on with my Light - Illusory!" Miyuki-All Might explained, flexing her enormous muscles. Katsuki's eye twitched. He was unsure how to feel about this, but it definitely felt slightly... odd.

Then, in a sparkle of light, All Might was gone and now Izuku stood in front of him in his hero costume. Izuku-Miyuki smiled and flashed him a peace sign.

"You better not ruin that cute face of yours with wrinkles!" She winked at him, obviously trying to be cute. "That date of ours won't sparkle and shine without your pretty smile!"

His mouth wavered and he felt a laugh rising in his throat. Miyuki released the illusion as he covered his mouth and plopped down beside him with a sigh.

"That took more energy than I thought it would," she said, yet to notice the strange shaking happening to his body. "I probably should've drank more orange juice before I did it. A-Anyway, I finally understood what you were saying earlier, so if it's not too late..."

She paused when he touched her head again. But this time, he didn't just leave it at that and gently touched his forehead with hers, surprising her.

"It's not. Even if it weren't, we'd go for it anyway," he replied, still holding back his laugh. "...And I take back what I said, about not wanting to see your new move. I-It's not bad!"

"Really? Ah, I'm glad you think so...!"

His expression softened at her smile. How could he almost have forgotten - and lost sight of - the reason for his goal? But now, enjoying this moment with her, he would not forget it again.

"A-A-Are you two busy? Sh-Should I go...?"

"Shut up, Deku! If you're gonna leave then just leave, damn you!"


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