All These Little Things (A On...

By CarrotHearts1D

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Hazel Collins doesn't know what she has gotten herself into. Her friends have dragged her to a One Direction... More

~Chapter 1~ One Infection
~Chapter 2~ Memories Evolve
~Chapter 3~ You Got Backstage WHAT?!
~Chapter 4~ Louis and Hazel Sittin' In a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G
~Chapter 5~ The Shopping Trip
~Chapter 6~ Dates And Interviews
~Chapter 7~ Chapstick Commercials And A Big Red Bus!
~Chapter 8~ Pigeons And Niall Just Don't Mix.
~Chapter 9~ Concerts and Fangirls
~Chapter 10~ Haylia Blossoms And Vaynica Tries To Come True
~Chapter 11~ Flat, Sweet Flat
~Chapter 11~ Flat, Sweet Flat (Part 2)
~Chapter 12~ Wendy Is Back!
~Chapter 13~ Drinks, House Parties And New Relationships
~Chapter 14~ Love Hurts
~Chapter 15~ Confessions
~Chapter 16~ Jenny Craig And Dates
~Chapter 17~ A New Relationship Is Born
~Chapter 18~ A New Tour And Broken Hearts
~Chapter 19~ A Crush Is Revealed.
~Chapter 20~ MORE Concerts and Fangirls
~Chapter 21~ Poof. Like Magic, He Is Gone
~Chapter 21~ Poof. Like Magic, He Is Gone (Part 2)
~Chapter 22~ Meeting Charlotte
~Chapter 24~ Bad News
~Chapter 25~ Trying To Remember Again
~Chapter 26~ When Things Go Wrong
~Chapter 27~ Feelings Are Hurt
~Chapter 29~ The End

~Chapter 23~ Clubbing and Dinner Dates

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By CarrotHearts1D

~Hazel's POV~

Once we got back to the hotel from the airport, Louis had a magical idea. "Guys, lets go clubbing tonight!"

We all looked at him. "Louis, how the hell can we all go clubbing? Talia and Charlotte are pregnant!" I exclaimed.

He had a mischievous grin on his face. "I know. That is why Liam and Harry will stay with Talia and Charlotte tonight. They will be bringing them to Red Lobster for a romantic dinner for four."

Talia and Charlotte placed their hands over their hearts. "How sweet!" They exclaimed in unison. Harry had a worried expression on his face.

"Harry what is wrong?" Sabrina asked him. "Oh nothing." He sighed. "It's just that I'm going to starve to death along with Liam since the 'Pregnancy Buddies' will eat all of our food!"

Talia glared at him. "Harry! We will only be ordering the entire menu!" Everyone burst out into fits of laughter.

Charlotte cleared her throat. "Okay but on a serious note, when a girl has got to eat, a girl has got to eat. Especially when she is pregnant. Because if this certain girl does not get what she wants tonight, I will give birth to this baby on Liam's face."

Liam frowned. "Why my face?!"

"Because," Charlotte explained. "It's your duty to get what I want tonight. And I want food. So chop chop! Make it happen!"

"We're not magicians." Harry mumbled under his breath.


With that, Charlotte was holding Talia's earings as she furiously beat Harry with a shoe. "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! YEESH, EVEN WHEN YOU'RE PREGNANT YOU'RE FIESTY." Talia sat back down with a smirk.

Harry winked at her. "I like it when you're fiesty."

Talia rolled her eyes. "Harry please, you aren't getting any of 'this'." She motioned to her body. I shot up from where I was sitting. "TALIA! THAT IS MY CATCH PHRASE! DON'T USE IT AGAIN OR I WILL MAKE SURE THAT..... THAT YOUR EARRINGS WILL BE DESTROYED!"

Talia faked a yawn. "You can't destroy my earrings. I take them off before I fight. Duh."

Everyone else was just sitting in an awkward silence. "I wonder what I'm going to wear tonight." Veronica thought out loud.

Tonight was going to be cray. Even without the 'Pregnancy Buddies'.


~Talia's POV~

    I searched through my jewelry bag, wondering which earrings I should wear tonight. I looked over at Harry, who was busy looking at Twitter. "Babe."

He looked up at me from his phone. "Yes?" I held up two pairs of earrings. "Should I wear the gold hoops or the silver hoops?"

"Either way you are going to take them off." He mumbled under his breath. "Don't be a smartass." I scolded. "And don't think that I'm not afraid to beat you with a shoe again. I will bitch slap you so hard that your man boobs will concave."

He looked at me in horror. "I DO NOT have man boobs!" I scoffed. "Says the guy with four nipples! You're like a cow! Do NOT make me beat you up again." I warned.

He shot me an annoyed look. "Talia, calm your tits." I looked at him in shock. "MY BOOBS WILL NOT CALM DOWN!"

Before Harry could say anything else, there was a loud banging noise at the door. He quickly grabbed the closest thing to him that could serve as a weapon. It was a.. bra?

"Harry!" I harshly whispered. "What are you going to do, offer them a modeling job at Victoria's Secret?!" Once he saw what was in his hand, his face flushed with embarrassment. Avoiding eye contact with me, he reached over to his nightstand and picked up the table lamp.

He reached for the door handle. Quietly, he whispered, "1,2,3!" He yanked open the door, ready to attack whoever was on the other side of it. We both let out sighs of relief when we saw that it was just our friends.

But they all looked very pissed off. "Will you guys shut up for five minutes?!" Sabrina spat. "I'm trying to do my hair!" With that, she turned on her heel and stomped back to her room. Niall quickly ran behind her, looking like a lost puppy.

Since there was nothing left to say, everyone else went back to their hotel rooms. I decided to go take a shower and continue getting ready for tonight.


~Charlotte's POV~

"Li! You promised me that you would help me get ready for the dinner date tonight!" I whined. I was getting ready for tonight at Red Lobster, and someone promised that they would help me. But a certain someone didn't.

"Char, I told you multiple times that football is on! I can never miss this!"

I threw my hands up in exasperation. "Liam, what's the fun in watching sweaty, muscular guys kick a ball around? Now that you think about it, scoot over I want to watch too."

He smirked at me. "Don't you have a date to be getting ready for?" I glared at him. "Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing?"

He thought this over and nodded. "True that. True that." I stood back up to continue looking for a dress to wear in my suitcase. Once I found one, I sighed in relief. Thank God I packed more than one dress.

"That dress looks nice." Liam said with his eyes still fixated onto the TV screen. I placed my hand on my hip, cautious of my petruding baby bump. "Oh really?" I asked him.

"Yes." He replied.

"Then what color is it?" I asked with a smirk. I saw him try to see the dress from the corner of his eye, but of course he couldn't. "Blue?" It came out of more than a question than a statement.

"Liam, how blind are you? The color of this dress is WHITE! I worry about you sometimes." For some odd reason, I was crying. Once he heard me sniff, he got up and rushed over to me. "Char, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." He whispered.

I shook my head. "Liam, you didn't. It's just that my emotions get the best of me sometimes." I shrugged. "This is what happens when you're pregnant, I guess."

He chuckled. "Do you think it's going to be a boy or a girl?" He asked with wonder. I shrugged. 

"Well I know one thing." He said. "What is it?" I asked him with wonder. "If it's a girl, it will be beautiful like it's mother."

I giggled. "Thank you Li."

He kissed me on my forehead. "No problem Char."


~Sabrina's POV~

Once we arrived at the club, the place was pumping loud with music. I had to strain my ears in order to hear what anyone was saying. While Hazel, Louis, Veronica and Zayn headed to the bar, Niall and I decided to head out to the dance floor.

I took this as an opportunity to let myself go loose. I began to dance like a complete maniac, doing the Bernie and the Cupid Shuffle while doing the 'Pat The Dog and Screw The Lightbulb'. This resulted into me looking completely crazy, until all of my friends began to join me.

Except for Veronica and Zayn. They were just watching us on the sidelines, shaking their heads. Niall came up to me in the middle of dancing. "Do you want a drink?" He shouted over the loud music. I stopped dancing and nodded. He lead me over to the bar. 

"Two drinks please." He told the bartender. The bartender nodded before getting to work. I played with the curls in my hair, watching him make our drinks. Once he set the drinks in front of us, Niall dug around in his pocket to get cash but he stopped him. 

"Nah, man. I have to pay you." Niall said stubbornly. The bartender shook his head. "It's on the house. For the pretty lady and her guy friend." He winked at me after he said that. Niall protectively snaked his arms around my waist, and the guy noticed what was going on and quickly walked away. 

It was pretty obvious he thought that I was single. Until Niall made his point. After taking a few sips from our drinks, Niall lead me back out onto the dance floor. As we danced, I saw that everyone else had gone back to the bar. 

After getting tired from dancing, I lead Niall over to a corner that had a little booth with a table to sit in. I sat down, exhausted from all the dancing and Niall sat right next to me.

"Enjoying yourself tonight?" He asked. I shrugged. "This isn't my first time at the club. But this IS the first time that I didn't get wasted."

He winked at me. "I'm not sure about that last part." Before I could ask what he was talking about, he dissapeared back into the crowd, probably heading back to the bar. While I waited, Hazel, Louis Veronica and Zayn found me and sat at the table. 

"Sabrina, how much did you drink tonight?" Hazel asked me cautiously. I laughed. "Calm down Hazel, I'm not wasted. But I think Niall likes seeing me drunk. He went back to the bar for more drinks!" 

Soon enough, he was back with drinks for all of us. I was going to have a terrible hangover in the morning.


~Talia's POV~

"I warned you about this Styles. If I don't get what I want, you can kiss goodbye to those perfect lips of yours." I muttered to Harry. We were sitting at Red Lobster, and Harry was being stingy by not letting me get what I want. Charlotte and Liam, on the other hand, were too busy bickering about whether or not Charlotte should just order the entire menu.

Harry swatted my arm playfully. "Talia, you can't be serious about that. What are you going to do, burn my lips off?" He placed his hand over his mouth. "I'm giving you ideas, aren't I?"

I gave him a mischievous grin, and looked back at the menu. "Harry, can I have two lobsters and some fried pickles?" I asked him. He looked at me. "Talia, I don't think I can get you any fried pickles."

I nodded, reaching into my purse. "Talia, what are you looking for?" Charlotte asked suspiciously. Once I found was I was looking for, I pulled out a lighter. "Give me that!" Liam hissed. He snatched it out of my hand, completely oblivious of my short temper.

"Liam, you shouldn't have done that...." I heard Harry say. I nodded. "Don't worry Li. After I burn off Harry's perfect lips, I will burn off yours." He smirked. "But you can't. Because I have your lighter. See?" To prove his point, he showed me my pink sparkly lighter. I watched him give it to Charlotte, who put it away inside of her purse.


After stuffing our faces with food, Harry drove our rental car back to the hotel. I was completely stuffed, but I swear I feel like I can eat like a herd of elephants right now. Once Harry helped me out of the car, we all headed upstairs and all of us decided to spend the night in me and Harry's room since the clubbers might be a little crazy. 

Their scents could be dangerous to the babies. We all decided to just crack our door open and see what would happen tonight. 


~Sabrina's POV~

"Niall! Can I PLEASE have that drink in your hand?!" I pleaded to him. He shook his head before lifing the glass back up to his lips and taking another sip. I got up off of my chair only to stumble over and fall. 

"Sabrina face it, you are as drunk as a skunk." He said to me with a smirk on his face. "Oh and you aren't?" I shot back. "Psshhh!" He waved his hand off as if it was nothing. "I drink all the time. This is nothing."

I raised my eyebrow. "Oh really? I dare you to walk in a straight line."

"Deal." He got up and began to walk in a sloppy straight line, which slowly turned into a zig-zag and him going in circles. 

I scoffed. "And you said I'M drunk." 

He was about to say something when Veronica and Zayn came over to us with a drunk Louis and Hazel behind them. Veronica grabbed my hand and Hazel's as she guided us to the car. I looked behind me to see Zayn doing the same with Niall and Louis.

"Veronica are we going back already?!" I exclaimed. She nodded. "You guys got wasted except for me and Zayn."


Lets just say getting back to the hotel only made us extra hyper. We were all inside of Hazel and Louis' hotel room, wearing random sombreros while the radio blasted music. 

"I wanna dance the night away!" I yelled at the top of my lungs while I danced away. I took a sip of the beer in my hand, then wobbled over to Niall. 

"Niall, I have something to say to you." I said to him. He looked up at me. "What is it?" 

I sighed. "I'm in love with someone else."

"WHO!?" He yelled. "My boyfriend Andrew." I slurred. I pointed over to the couch. "Oh and Niall, Andrew is awesome in bed." I winked at him before wobbling over to the kitchen to eat some food. I came out once I heard a bunch of yelling and screaming.

"PUT HIM IN A HEADLOCK!" Louis exclaimed. I walked over to the living room to see Niall wrestling with Andrew. I decided to root Andrew on. "GO BABE! YOU GOT IT!" Hazel giggled.

"What's so funny?" I asked her with wonder. "I like pie." She simply replied. That was the last thing I remembered before passing out.


~Author's Note~

I know, I know you guys hate me for not updating for a while. So I gifted you guys this long chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it! :P Question of the Chapter: Do you like pie? Oh and for some odd reason, this chapter is rated R. Don't ask me why .-.

Lots Of Carrots,


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