By KayDee125

76K 1.1K 787

Gabriella is a 16 year old girl who lived with her adopted mom. Well, this was before she unfortunately passe... More

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4.2K 73 78
By KayDee125

Gabriella's POV:

Today's Friday! WOO! I love Fridays so much.

Walking downstairs after putting on my outfit, I find Sandro, Seb and Matteo in the kitchen

"Morning" I mumble tiredly, rubbing my eyes with the backs of my hands. "Good morning, Bri" Sandro says as he types away on his laptop. I sit beside him at the kitchen table and groan "I'm so tired"

Seb is standing beside the toaster waiting for his bread to pop up whilst Matteo is pouring milk into his cup of tea.

"A little birdy told me you fell asleep whilst Jay was with you last night" Matteo sings, I glare at him "What?"

I hadn't thought about how I fell asleep or work up until now. Did I really fall asleep whilst we were working? I feel so bad! 

"Are you sure all that happened last night was sleeping?" Seb questioned me, "what's that meant to mean?" I fire back. Is he proposing that we did something more than work?

"Seb don't mess with her, you know she's telling the truth" Sandro sighs, still typing away. His multitasking is really good...

"Sorry Gabs, obviously I do trust YOU but I don't trust HIM.." Seb says apologetically. I remain silent and watch as the toaster pings and Sandro takes his toast out.

"Do you want some tea, Ells?" Matt asks me, "Sure". He turns and pours some of the tea he made into another teacup. He adds some milk and stirs it

Placing it in front of me, "Thanks" I murmur.  Suddenly I remember something and look up to Sandro for answers

Before I say anything, he looks my way and raises an eyebrow - woah, how could he tell I wanted to ask him something? Ignoring those thoughts, "You said Seb knew I was telling the truth, technically how would he?" I question

Sandro stops typing and answers "Because our work is very competitive, we learnt how to read emotions. That meant Seb knew if you were lying or not based on your answer and face etc. He chose to question you which shows he was only messing with you"

I look up to Seb who's sheepishly standing there. "Ok" I murmur. I get up, walk to the pantry aware of the eyes following me, and grab a cereal bar. I know they aren't the most-filling of foods in the world but I'm too lazy to make food

I sit back at the table and munch on the bar, taking the occasional sip of tea every other bite. Once I'm done, I put the wrapper in the bar and turn to exit the kitchen but a hand grabs mine

"You good?" Matteo whispers. For some reason, I'm feeling moody but I don't know why. I nod but despite him not being persuaded, he lets me go

I take a few steps out of the kitchen and stare up at an elegant light in the hallway. I realize another question I had: this place is big with the occasional security or bodyguards walking around, does that mean we have cameras?

"Sandro" I call as I walk back into the kitchen

Everyone's head is already looking at the door before I came in. "Is there CCTV?" I ask

He raises his eyebrows at me expecting an explanation to my question but I don't give one. "Why?" He makes it clearer for me but I shrug

"Yeah there's CCTV" He answers. "Where?" I ask

"Why so interested?" He stares at me, trying to analyse my face but it won't work.

"I just am" I shrug again. "There's cameras outside but a few inside"

My jaw drops "How comes I've never saw them?" I mutter. "Is there any in my room?" but he replies straight away "Of course not, but there's one in the hallways so if your door is open, the camera can see inside"

My jaw falls even further. That's why they all wanted my door open yesterday... so they could SPY on me through the cameras!

Without saying anything, I leave the room and sit on the steps to put on my shoes. Matteo and I need to leave for school in a few minutes so I guess I'll just sit here until he's ready!

Around a minute later, Matteo walks out of the kitchen. "Ready to go?" but I just nod. He sighs as if he wasn't expecting me to be very talkative this morning and we both get into one of his cars'. 

"Oh by the way, my friend is coming over after school" he informs me, I'm not sure why since it's not like I'm going to interrupt but I nod anyways. Before I know it, the car is speeeding off down the road.


"Hey darlin', how was school?" Leo asks standing outside my school gate. "It was fine" I say monotonically. I'm still in my 'mood' if you'd call it that but I'm not entirely sure why..

"Alright, let's go, hey?" he swings an arm on my shoulder as we walk around the corner over to his parked car. 

Once we get home, I thank Leo for the ride and go straight to my room. I have a lot of homework that needs completing and I want to start reading a new book! The last time I read a book was a few weeks ago and it makes me feel a little empty inside knowing I haven't done my favourite thing in a while

Sitting on my bed, I complete my Sociology homework. There's a lot of it and I only have enough time to complete one subject. I groan in frustration, this is so boring! I need to summarise the notes but write ALL the case study's.

I drop my pen for a quick break, I've been at it for around an hour or two now. Dinner is soon and I'm feeling a little peckish but decide to just wait patiently in my room.


All of a sudden, my door flys open - what the hell?

A blonde-haired boy I recognise as Jamie from my English Literature class runs in. He leaves the door open and walks straight towards my bed.

"Jamie?" I ask, is he Matteo's friend? Why is he in my room?

"Hi Gabriella" he creepily smirks, leaning forward so close that he's half laying on my bed

"W-what are you d-doing?" I stutter, confused

"Shh" he shushes me, putting the palm of one of his hands on my mouth so I can't talk and his other hand touching the waistband of his jeans

"This will all be over fast, don't worry pretty-face" he continues to smirk. By this point, his jeans are off the floor and he's halfway through pulling down his underwear.

My eyes feel droopy but not like I'm drugged or anything, more like I'm mentally tired. Everything goes hazy andthe next thing I remember is him pulling back up his jeans and rushing out of my room.

I sit there in a daze, what just happened? I lean to pick up my phone that fell of the bed to check the time but an aching pain shoots through my legs and private-area. 

The time says it's 6:27pm, I put my pen down at 6:22pm so it's only been 5minutes. That moment that can traumatise me for the rest of my life all because of 5minutes?

I stop, staring at my plain wall. Why has this happened to me?


I hear him speak through my mind over and over.... like I'm listening to a song on replay. 


Matteo's POV:

I return back to my room from getting a glass of water, except when I return Jamie isn't here.

"Jamie?" I call out but no one replies

All of a sudden, my door opens and he walks inside "Sorry, I needed to go to the bathroom" he says sheepishly but I analyze his face to find he's lying.

"Why didn't you go to my bathroom here?" I question him further but he just shrugs "Forgot you had one, my bad man" he sits on my desk chair as I sit on this little armchair I have in the corner

I watch as Jamie pulls out his phone, sending a text message so I pull out mine too. He's not talking so why should I for right now?

I go straight to the CCTV app I downloaded on my phone not too long ago. I watch and follow each camera with Jamie's movements.

Dread fills my mind as I watch him enter my sister's room but I notice he doesn't close the door fully. The camera sees inside her room and I physically feel myself pale as I watch what he does. 

I look away from the camera out of respect for my little sister but I soon turn furious. I stand up and march over to Jamie who is now looking up from his phone

One punch to his head and he's out like a light. What a pussy...

He can barely take a punch to the head? Imagine how my younger sister felt when you wrongfully took away something she didn't give you consent to have.

My mind flashes to Gabriella. Oh no...

I sprint to her room near mine and don't even bother knocking. I come face-to-face with my pale, lifeless 16 year old sister, staring at one of her walls

"Ells..." I cautiously walk closer to her but she doesn't move or even acknowledge my presence. "Guys!" I shout, "Help! Please!" Tears well in my eyes at what happened to my sister

Leo and Sandro run into the room first, "What's happe-"

"Something b-bad happened... r-really bad" I sniffle. I never stutter so they must undertsand the gravity of the situation

Leo walks straight to Ells and hugs her. She's sitting on her bed so he sits beside her. "Gabs?" I mutters sadly, looking at her state

Once Leo's protective arms wrap around her, she seems to break out of her trance and starts sobbing. Hysterically crying if you will.

My heart crushes at the sight of my little sister being in so much pain.

"Teo, I need you to tell me what happened" Sandro says seriously, putting a hand on my shoulder. I can tell that he's trying to remain calm but also wants answers

"Jamie. He he r-r.. her" I can't get the words out but Sandro seems to understand what I'm getting at based on the way his face paled.

"You're sure?" he clarifies and I nod, even bringing my phone out and showing him the CCTV recording.

We both look up to Leo and Ells who are still hugging but she seems to have calmed down. Probably because of Leo's reassuring whispers and soothing back rubs

Grey walks in "Hi everyon-" he stops short realizing this isn't the cheerful environment he thought it would be

"What the fuck happened" he muttered to himself but loud enough for someone to answer. Leo still remaining clueless looks over at Sandro and I, along with Grey

I look up at Sandro, silently communicating I want him to explain and not me. He understands but doesn't say anything. He sits on the other side of Ells and rubs her back too

"Is anything hurting, Bri?" he asks gently. If I wasn't so preoccupied with making sure she was alright, I would've laughed at how soft Sandro was acting right now

"Everything h-hurts" she sobs, clinigng onto the top of Sandro's collared shirt now. He's quick to wrap both arms around her

"It will be fine, sweetheart. It will get better" he promises but she continues to cry. She's calmed down significantly but you can tell she's still thinking about it

"Where's Seb?" I ask Grey, "We both went to the store but he had to run some more errands so he'll be home soon" he answers.

The rest of our night was spent as a family, watching a movie and making sure Gabby was alright. Alessandro booked her an appointment for a few days time to make sure she was physically okay

Sandro informed everyone, including Sebastian when he came home, of what happened too. We all feel really bad for her but me the most. 

If I didn't let Jamie come over, this wouldn't have happened. If I didn't go to get that glass of water, this wouldn't have happened.

Sandro ordered some of our men to take Jamie's body to our mafia basement. Best believe he was guaranteed dead the second our men picked up his body.


It's a few days later (Monday). Gabs hasn't gone to school today to give her a 'rest day' but she's planning on going in tomorrow!

I decided a surprise would cheer her up and I remember her talking about her love for cats. Hence, why I've bought her a cat...

Yes, it's very spontaneous but I double-checked it with Sandro and the others and they all said it's fine!

"Ellssss!" I knock on her door and walk straight in. She's sitting at her desk catching up on some of the work she missed

"Hi, Matt" she giggles at my happy move. I'm glad she's feeling better since Friday

"I have a surprise for you" I tell her. She gasps in excitement "What is it?"

"If I tell you, it will ruin the surprise" I roll my eyes. She's too excited to pay attention to what I said so I continue, "Come downstairs" I smile.

She practically leaps up and walks quickly down the stairs. In the living room is a cat carrier/cage that her new pet is inside. Seb is sitting beside the cage to make sure the cat is alright. 

She instantly covers her face with her hands and looks up at me, "you got me a cat?" She mutters in disbelief but happiness

I hum and Seb smiles at how happy Ells looks. "Are they a girl or boy?" She asks us, "Boy" Seb answers to which she nods

"Should we open the door?" I ask and Seb does, the cat slowly retreats out of the box and walks around the living room, sniffing under the sofa and TV stand etc

"It may take some time for him to get used to everything and everyone so don't worry if he isn't that friendly right now" Seb explains. She nods giddily and trails behind the cat as he explores


It's been a few hours and the cat (who Ells decided to name as 'Archie') has already gotten used to her surprisingly. I thought I would take at least a few days but I guess I was wrong

Edna walks up to me and asks if I can call everyone for diner which I agree. "Ells, dinner!" I knock on her door. She shouts that she will be down in a minute so I move onto the next room.

"Grey" I knock and walk in but instead of finding him on his bed or at his desk, he's on the floor. "What are you doing?" I ask before I see him playing with Archie

I 'awww' at him which makes him roll his eyes. "You tell anyone about this and you're dead, Teo" he warns me but I just smirk. I'm about to leave when I remember why I came here so I inform him that dinner is ready as well

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