Zara: Luffy x OC

By bokuaka120

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This is the tale of Zoro's sister, Zara, as she embarks on a journey with the Straw Hat Pirates, eventually d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

189 3 0
By bokuaka120

As they set out on the journey to the next island, Zara felt a rush of emotions coursing through her. It was a three-day travel to their destination, and her mind was filled with thoughts of the upcoming meeting with her father. The conversations she had with the townspeople back in the previous island, where she had encountered Luffy, still resonating in her mind.

Captain Roronoa, her father, was headed to Coral Isle, the same island they were now bound for. The anticipation and anxiety she felt about meeting him after so many years weighed on her like an anchor. She yearned for answers, especially regarding the reason he had left her and Zoro behind. She hoped that in meeting him he didn't despise them for their choice to become pirates, given that he was a Marine. Or maybe he just despised her for killing her mother at childbirth. Deep down, Zara still harbored a longing for her father's love, just as she loved him despite their differing paths in life. The journey ahead was filled with uncertainty, and she couldn't help but wonder if their reunion would lead to reconciliation or further heartache.

Zara sat on the main deck, reclining in a lawn chair with her eyes closed, basking in the warmth of the sunlight. She sensed her brother's aura drawing near, and as she opened her eyes, she found Zoro settling down beside her.

"We're headed towards Coral Isle," Zoro mentioned, breaking the silence in an attempt to initiate conversation. Zara acknowledged his statement with a soft hum.

Zoro let out a sigh, his concern etched into his features. "Are you sure you want to meet him?" he asked, his voice laced with a mix of protectiveness and apprehension. This wasn't the first time they had discussed the impending meeting with their father. Zoro's resentment for their father's abandonment was blatant, and he made it abundantly clear that he wouldn't take any part in her meeting with him. Zara couldn't help but groan in frustration, already feeling the weight of her brother's disapproval.

"Yes, Zoro, I'm sure. You had a few years with the man. I had nothing. So yeah, I'd like to meet our father," she retorted, her voice tinged with irritation.

Zoro's expression softened, his concern apparent. "I just don't want you to feel disappointed. Don't set your hopes too high for that guy," he cautioned, his protective instincts surfacing.

Zara couldn't help but let a wistful smile cross her face, hoping that perhaps, if everything went as planned, Zoro would be able to find some semblance of peace with their father, and the family could finally reconcile after years of separation. Even though Zoro wasn't going to go with her to meet him, if everything goes the way she hoped, maybe they could all sit down for a drink or something.

"Zara, you'll get an ugly sunburn if you're out here like that all day," Zoro commented, wanting to tease his sister a little and change the topic.

Zara gave him a playful glare. "Your concern is touching, brother," she remarked, her tone laced with sarcasm. Zoro leaned back in his chair, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. "You know I'll always look out for you, even if you don't want me to." he says looking at the ocean. Zara softened at his words, a wave of gratitude washing over her. "I know, and I appreciate it, even if I don't always say it," she replied, her voice warm with affection. The two of them sat in comfortable silence, the sounds of the ocean lulling them into a sense of tranquility.

Two more days at sea weren't that bad. The only notable encounter was with a giant killer whale, which Sanji and Zoro swiftly took down, their teamwork seamless and efficient. That evening, Sanji used the whale's meat to create a beautifully constructed variety of delectable dishes for dinner, much to the crew's delight. 

The sight of land in the distance brought a familiar flutter of excitement, but this time, Zara's anticipation was tinged with a sense of nervousness, an unease that settled deep within her. Sensing her apprehension, Luffy approached her, his own excitement barely contained.

"What's wrong, Zara?" Luffy inquired, his concern genuine as he tried to understand her sudden change in demeanor. "I thought you'd be excited to see the island."

Zara hesitated, grappling with her internal turmoil. "Just a bit nervous, I guess," she responded, trying to mask the true source of her anxiety.

"Nonsense, what's there to be nervous about? I'll be there too," Luffy reassured her, his earnest attempt at comfort evident in his voice. Unbeknownst to Luffy, Zara's unease stemmed from the possibility of encountering her father on the island, a conversation she had yet to share with him.

Zara managed a half-hearted laugh at Luffy's attempt to alleviate her worries. "Yeah, you're right, Joyboy," she said, using the affectionate nickname she had given him some time ago. Luffy's blush had subsided, but the warmth she saw in his eyes still made her heart skip a beat. "Let's go to the market when we land. Food always makes me feel better, so maybe it'll do the same for you," he suggested.

Zara couldn't help but smile at Luffy's thoughtful gesture. He had a way of making her feel at ease, his kindness a constant source of comfort. In the past few days, their interactions had grown more intimate, their shy glances and shared moments fostering a budding affection within her that she couldn't quite ignore. "yeah I think I'd like that."

As the Going Merry's anchor sank into the crystal-clear waters of the island, the crew busily prepared to dock. Luffy's excitement was vibrant as he practically yanked Zara along, waving to their crewmates as he shouted, "Alright, guys! Zara and I are heading to the market. Take care of docking the ship!"

"Be careful with the marines, you guys! This place is swarming with them," Nami warned from the deck, her voice tinged with a note of concern. Her navigational skills had served them well, and she was ever cautious about the potential threats they might encounter.

Luffy, however, was undeterred. With a carefree grin, he pulled Zara into the bustling streets of the island's vibrant market, and their adventure began amidst the colorful stalls and the tempting aromas that wafted through the air.

As they weaved through the market, Zara found herself caught in a swirl of bustling activity, the vibrant colors and exotic aromas of the island market enveloping her in a comforting embrace. Luffy's infectious enthusiasm for the various food stalls and local delicacies quickly drew her into the lively atmosphere, momentarily easing the weight of her apprehension.

Zara couldn't help but marvel at Luffy's unbridled joy as he eagerly sampled various snacks, his eyes lighting up with each new discovery. Amidst the lively market, she found herself growing more and more drawn to his infectious spirit, his carefree attitude a stark contrast to her own swirling emotions.

Zara found herself unable to resist the array of intricate trinkets and ornaments adorning the various stalls. Her fingers grazed delicately over a collection of hand-carved wooden figurines, her curiosity piqued by the intricate detailing. Luffy, never one to shy away from an opportunity for fun, noticed her fascination and playfully attempted to juggle a few of the smaller figurines to entertain her.

"Check it out, Zara! I'm a master juggler!" Luffy proclaimed, a mischievous grin playing across his features as he attempted to juggle the wooden carvings on the tip of his fingers. Zara couldn't help but laugh at the sight, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she watched him struggle to maintain his balance.

"Careful, Luffy! You might break something," she teased, a playful glint in her eye as she gently nudged him to steady the teetering figurines. Luffy's determined expression wavered momentarily, his focus shifting from the juggling act to Zara's playful gaze.

"I've got it under control! Just you watch!" Luffy retorted, a grin spreading across his face as he managed to steady the figurines in his hands. Zara couldn't help but be charmed by his infectious enthusiasm, a warmth spreading through her as she watched him playfully interact with the market's offerings.

Their fun was abruptly interrupted as the stern voice of the stall vendor rang out, scolding them for handling the delicate merchandise. "Hey! You two, stop that! You're going to break something!" the vendor chided, a scowl etched across his face as he hurried over to inspect the figurines. Zara and Luffy's expressions shifted from delight to panic as they hastily attempted to carefully place the figurines back in their designated spots, their movements hurried and clumsy.

"I'm so sorry!" Zara exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she and Luffy fumbled to return the figurines to their original positions. The vendor's reprimanding gaze bore down on them, and with a sheepish glance exchanged between them, Zara grabbed Luffys' hand and quickly made their escape, darting away from the stall and disappearing into the bustling crowd of the market, their laughter echoing through the busy streets as they ran.

Zara and Luffy dashed through the lively market, their laughter ringing through the air as they escaped from the angry vendor. Zara's grip on Luffy's hand remained firm, her heart pounding with the thrill of their escape. As they put some distance between themselves and the scene of their little accident, Zara blushed, realizing she was still holding Luffy's hand.

Luffy, caught up in the excitement of their impromptu getaway, hadn't even noticed. But as Zara gently tugged her hand away, his heart sank. He hated the thought of letting go, the warmth of her touch still lingering. With a sheepish grin, he pretended to be engrossed in something at a nearby stall, hiding the disappointment he felt.

Zara stole a glance at him, noticing the subtle change in his demeanor. "I, uh, sorry about that," she stammered, her cheeks still flushed. "I didn't mean to hold your hand like that."

Luffy looked up, his grin returning as if nothing had happened. "No worries, Zara! It was fun, right? We got away!" he exclaimed, his usual enthusiasm masking any hint of disappointment. His carefree attitude was infectious, and it put Zara at ease. They continued their stroll through the bustling market, side by side, the memory of their little escapade creating a warm, shared secret between them.

As Zara and Luffy made their way back to the ship before nightfall, they shared a casual and comfortable dinner at a small ramen spot near the dock. The aroma of delicious food wafted through the air, and they couldn't help but laugh and enjoy each other's company.

Back on the ship, Luffy was eager recounting their adventures of the day. Luffy animatedly retold the tale of their narrow escape from the disgruntled vendor, adding a dramatic flair that had the entire crew laughing. "And then he was like, 'Hey, you can't touch those!' and we were like, 'Whoops!' and then we ran!" Luffy exclaimed, his eyes wide with mock terror.

Zara chuckled at his vivid storytelling, her amusement evident in the way she shook her head. "Yeah, he made it seem like we were criminals or something," she teased, her voice laced with playful sarcasm.

Nami chimed in, unable to contain her laughter. "I can just picture you two causing a ruckus in the market. You've got to be more careful, you know. We don't want the Marines sniffing around here." She shot a pointed look at Luffy and Zara, who both nodded in earnest agreement.

"Right, no more trouble, got it!" Luffy declared with a grin, his determination clear. Zara nodded in affirmation, a mischievous glint in her eye as she caught Luffy's gaze. "No more trouble," she echoed, a hint of laughter in her voice.

"Right, well, I'm going to check out the nightlife," Zara exclaimed, standing up from her spot on the floor.

Luffy's face lit up, and he was quick to volunteer. "I'll come with you!" Luffy said eagerly, a wide smile spreading across his face.

Zara's response came almost instantly, taking both Luffy and the crew by surprise. "No!" she exclaimed, her tone surprisingly firm, causing a ripple of confusion among her friends. Zara hurriedly continued, her explanation coming in a rush. "I mean, Nami's right. We should be more careful, and it's probably not a good idea for us to go out together. Our bounties are pretty high now, and we don't want to attract any unwanted attention."

Luffy's enthusiasm dimmed, his gaze turning unconvincing. He couldn't help but feel that there was more to Zara's decision, that perhaps she didn't enjoy their earlier outing as much as he did. "Oh, yeah, I guess that makes sense," he replied, a tinge of disappointment in his voice.

Zara felt a pang in her chest at the effect her words had on Luffy, but she didn't want him involved in her personal quest to find her father. she caste a sideways glance at Nami, who joined in to help cheer up their captain she didn't want him to be put in danger because of her. "That's okay, Luffy. We can do something else, not including Zoro, of course, because his bounty is too big as well," Nami chimed in, attempting to lift Luffy's spirits.

"Hey," Zoro interjected, his voice gruff as he expressed his disapproval at being excluded without a say in the matter.

Zara nodded to Nami, grateful for the distraction, and made her way back into the bustling town. She approached the locals with a sense of urgency, her inquiries laced with subtle desperation. Each response was the same, a shake of the head or a vague gesture toward the busy streets, none of them recognizing the name or the face she described.

As the evening wore on, Zara's frustration grew, her steps becoming more determined and her gaze more intense. She combed through the narrow alleys and crowded markets, her heart pounding with each unanswered question. There was a tightness in her chest, a blend of anxiety and anticipation that made her pulse quicken.

With every passing moment, the possibility of finding her long-lost father seemed to slip further away. Zara's resolve hardened, her determination unyielding as she pushed forward, undeterred by the lack of information.

As she continued her search, she caught glimpses of marines patrolling the streets, a reminder of the potential dangers lurking in the shadows. Zara glanced over her shoulder, a surge of unease washing over her. She couldn't afford to attract any unwanted attention, not with the stakes so high.

Despite the obstacles and the rising tension in the air, Zara refused to give up. She pressed on, her eyes scanning the faces of the bustling crowd, hoping for any sign, any hint that might lead her to the elusive Captain Roronoa.

Zara rounded the corner and stepped into a dimly lit bar, the only occupant, a weathered old man who appeared to be pushing ninety. Taking a seat at the bar, she politely requested a beer, prompting a dubious glance from the bartender.

"Aren't you 15?" the bartender inquired, prompting Zara to bristle at the insinuation. "Hey, I'll have you know I'm 17, well beyond the legal drinking age," she retorted, suppressing her irritation at the man's apparent skepticism.

"Mmhmm, a year isn't well beyond," the old man mused, causing Zara to roll her eyes, thinking, says the guy who's close to death. Deciding against a retort, she accepted the glass of beer he placed in front of her.

"I'm looking for someone. Maybe you've heard of him," Zara began, her voice tinged with hope as she leaned in slightly.

"Captain Roronoa," she stated, her gaze fixed on the bartender, who seemed to consider her question carefully.

"Roronoa, huh? What would a girl like you want with a guy like him?" the bartender responded, his skepticism evident.

"I have my reasons," Zara replied cryptically, refusing to divulge her motives.

"Well, I hope your reasons aren't about besting him in a fight. That man is a vicious marine," the bartender warned, his tone tinged with a hint of caution.

Zara's relief was evident as someone finally seemed to have knowledge about her father. "So, you know him. Where is he?" she asked, her voice betraying her eagerness.

"He'll be at the castle tomorrow, trying to dethrone the king of the island," the man answered, a trace of agitation coloring his words. "He was here just yesterday with his crew, drinking like there was no tomorrow."

Zara's concern was evident as she probed further, "Why is he trying to dethrone the king?"

The bartender paused, his gaze steady as he wiped a glass. "Our king doesn't mind letting in pirates and having them settle in our land, and the World Government doesn't like that very much, or so the story goes," he explained, a wry chuckle escaping him. Zara couldn't shake the feeling of unease at the nonchalant attitude with which the man spoke about the political turmoil gripping the island.

"Thank you for the conversation," she said, standing up from her stool and leaving a couple of berries for the untouched beer. As she walked away, she caught the faint muttering of the old man, "Hmm, strange girl."

Zara stepped out of the bar, feeling a wave of dread wash over her. On one hand, she still yearned to meet her father, possibly to reconcile with him, but on the other hand, she felt a growing responsibility to aid the townspeople in their struggle against the World Government's oppression. She needed to inform her crewmates. They had to help this town, and they had only tonight to come up with a plan. With a sense of urgency, she teleported back to the ship, her mind racing her eyes frantically searching for her crewmates. "Everyone, gather around, we need to talk," she called out, her voice carrying a sense of urgency.

Luffy, always quick to respond, bounded over to her, followed closely by Nami and the others. "What's going on, Zara?" Luffy asked, his concern evident.

Zara took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing thoughts. "I found out something about this town," she began, her voice quivering slightly. "The marines are planning to overthrow the king of this island tomorrow. And it's because the king allows pirates to settle here, which is drawing the World Government's attention."

Nami's eyes widened in understanding, and she quickly grasped the gravity of the situation. "We can't just stand by and watch. We have to help," she declared, her tone resolute.

Zoro nodded, his brows furrowed in contemplation. "It's not like we have any other plans. Taking down the World Goverments' plan sounds like it could be fun," he grunted, a faint hint of excitement in his voice.

"We have to come up with a plan," Sanji interjected, his mind already calculating the logistics. "We can't just charge in blindly. We need to know what we're up against."

Zara felt a surge of gratitude for her crewmates' unwavering support, and together, they began strategizing, determined to aid the townspeople and prevent any unnecessary bloodshed.

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