Cyberfeld (A Homestuck Inspir...

By MumboJambino

490 6 6

A story about a boy and his friends watching an episode of Seinfeld. Mayhem ensues. Cyberfeld is a story insp... More



29 0 0
By MumboJambino

Tommy entered his room, returning to the haven that he lives in and surrounds himself with his interests. He activates his computer and begins to use it for his daily activities.

Tommy checked on his favorite online news site on any new info about his interests, specifically point and click adventure games, like was a new Monkey Island game announced? Are the licensed Discworld games getting remasters? Is Splargio returning to the video game market and FINALLY releasing the long awaited sequel that was cancelled back in 2009? All of these questions can be answered on this one site, "".

The site was laid out like a typical news site, but in a cool, "gamer" way, as the titled "Charles" described it. Although Tommy knew that this "Charles" fellow was completely fictional and the site was actually ran by an anonymous group of people who go under the singular name "Charles", he likes to think that "Charles" is in fact a single person running the website by himself; writing every article, reviewing every game, with all the free time he has, he must be a millionaire, right?

Tommy loves this website, to the point he participates in the yearly writing contest the site holds to choose the next group member of the "Charles" group, wishing he'd win, but doesn't even come close in the end sadly. Despite this, Tommy is still hopeful, and has even begun writing story pieces for the site, wishing the group could take them in and post them like comic strips in a newspaper. Its Tommy's dream to become an author, to be able to profit off his work and make it bigger than a hobby. He wants to make his passion a career.

Tommy was browsing the site that he was obsessed with for just a moment until he got a message notification. It seemed that one of his best friends began to "pester" him through pesterchum (yes. that pesterchum). Tommy immediately began to read the messages his best friend was sending.

BE: wake up we got shit to do
BE: life is way too fucking short for me to deal with this bull dude
BE: its the next coming of christ up in here cause they just released something thats the equivalent of the horns going off on judgement day

Tommy began to respond to his friend's christian related slang.

TD: what whaaat what are you talking about

His friend immediately responded, as if he was just sitting there waiting for Tommy's response.

BE: the one the only Seinfeld dvds collectors edition has just released do you know what this means

TD: Seinfeld movie night? or in this case tv night
BE: yes hell yes
BE: wed have to get the others too well watch this shit front to back
BE: i gotta order it first though
TD: you have plans for a tv night but havent bought the damn set
BE: sorry mister but it costs like $150 i dont have that kind of money on me right now
TD: why dont i just buy it i got change laying around and my dad can pay for the rest
BE: can he really do that
TD: yeah
BE: do that then
TD: ok

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