The Cadre of Embers

By amberrhymerofficial

486 73 0

•••••••••••••••• He took a step closer to her, and she took one away from him. "When two people make love, it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 8

17 1 0
By amberrhymerofficial

Weeks passed in a pattern of waking up, eating breakfast, training and spending the afternoon in the institution's library, studying the cadre and the various abilities its members possessed. She had gotten nowhere in her training and was beginning to believe she never would. It was no use, no matter what they tried, she could not summon the powers she had activated that night at Sir Herbert's manor. Althea was beginning to go mad.

    Jasper had told her that the vision he had of her a few weeks ago was interpreted wrongly by him, but Althea didn't believe him. Especially considering he had conveniently been working to avoid her in the time since then. She'd hardly seen him, as he hadn't been joining Monique and Althea for her training. And he was sparsely present for meals anymore. His excuse had been that he was working on something of immediate importance for the board. She wasn't sure she trusted him though, about that or anything he had told her. She was beginning to feel isolated from everyone here. Monique was an exception to this, but even she seemed to be acting odd. Always politely dancing away from questions, or giving short, vague responses. Which only made her wonder more, why were they deflecting, and what were they hiding from her?

    In the past weeks she had rummaged through what felt like thousands of books looking for anything containing information about her ability or why her skin grew so hot when she had activated it. But anything relating to it was limited. She did learn that fourth dimension manipulation is naturally a difficult ability to wield, and mastering it took years for most students. She also learned that all abilities are hereditary and passed down from a parent to their child and that someone may inherit more than one ability if their parents each have an ability that is passed down to their child. She knew her father had not had any abilities, to her knowledge, so that left her mother. Had she been able to slow time as Althea could? The question had pestered her relentlessly over the past weeks.

    She sat now glaring down at the open book in front of her. The large library was quiet, save for a couple of young teens speaking in hushed tones in the far corner. It had become a place where she spent most of her afternoons, which surprised her. She'd never enjoyed nonfiction reading when her tutor used to force it upon her. But now, each time she opened another book, she was able to expand her knowledge and understanding of this new world she'd been thrown into. Studying it had become something she actually enjoyed doing.

    Right now, however, her brain felt like mush as she stared down at the words, unable to read. Her training with Monique had mentally exhausted her today. Althea had fought so hard to think and activate her abilities that she now felt a sharp ache at either temple.

    With a huff she snapped the book closed and stared up at the large clock. It was just past five pm. They didn't eat dinner at the institution until eight so she had time to take a short rest before then. After putting the book back in its place on the shelf, she descended the stairs to the floor her bedchamber was on. When she made it to her corridor, she noticed Monique standing outside of her chamber door, poised to knock.

    "Monique?" Althea asked, raising a brow. She turned, wearing her usual wide smile.

    "Oh hi Althea! I have some exciting news to share with you!" Monique beamed, walking towards Althea and clamping cold hands over her wrists, "I came to let you know that the board has decided to bring in someone from a different city to help you with your training! I'm unsure who it will be, but they bear the same ability as you so they will be able to guide you much better than me." She was far more excited about this than Althea, probably because now she was free to spend her mornings how she pleased, rather than trying to summon nonexistent powers.

    "That's great," Althea said, trying to sound excited. Monique furrowed her eyebrows.

    "It will be! I do think this will be of great help to you Althea, I am just not the best trained for work like this, seeing as I've not done it before, but tomorrow when you start—"

    "My new trainer will be here tomorrow?" Althea cut her off. Monique nodded happily. She hoped this new girl wouldn't be rude. She could hardly take the sarcasm Meg fed her in the dining hall, she wasn't sure she would be able to handle double.

    "Just let me know at dinner if you have any questions and I will be happy to answer," Monique said before bouncing on her heel down the corridor from which she came.

    Without another word, Althea stepped into her room and let out a long sigh. As she laid down onto her bed, she wondered if this new trainer may really be able to do what Monique had not been able to... if they would somehow be able to help her invoke that power. And although she knew it was selfish... a part of her hoped they wouldn't.


    Althea didn't remember falling asleep, but when she awoke, the ache in her head had lifted. She sat up in her bed, still wearing the elastic training attire from earlier, the air around her felt unnaturally still. It was quiet, but that was normal, considering the rooms connected to hers were for guests and had remained vacant for the entirety of her stay here. She peered over at the ticking clock, it was nearly time for dinner.

    Steadying herself, she stood and opened her wardrobe peering inside at the dresses she'd gotten for herself the week prior. It was Sunday so she slipped out of the tight training garbs and into a simple evening gown. The deep burgundy dress hugged her body nicely. It was made of satin and contained boning in the waist similar to a corset but without the tight constriction. The back draped down leaving a lot of her skin exposed but she had grown to like the feeling of the warm summer nights air on her skin. She much preferred this style to the layered, frilly, splashy gowns of the modern times. She cringed thinking back to how her aunt had attempted to force a white wig atop her head. Why a woman would want to hide the beauty of her youth away like that was beyond her.

    After spritzing herself with a light, sweet mist she'd gotten from the institution's apothecary, she made her way to the dining hall. Over the course of the time she'd been here, she'd gotten much better at navigating her way around the large labyrinth of hallways in this place. The main floor contained the dining hall, a large ballroom, an art gallery and the servants kitchen. The four floors above that were a mix of bedchambers, powder rooms, and storage rooms. And above them all, on the top floor of the institution, was the massive library where she spent her afternoons. The two floors under the main lobby were the servants chambers, and below that was the infirmary where she had initially awoken upon arriving here.

    As she neared the large archway leading into the dining hall, the chatter echoed into the hallway as it usually did. Standing just outside of the room, leaning against the wall in a grey tailcoat and matching fitted trousers, stood Jasper. She hadn't seen him in over three days, and even when she had last eaten with him at dinner, he seemed otherwise consumed with his own thoughts. Not at all interested in her as he had been that night when he spoke of how she made him feel.

    She didn't know why this hurt her as much as it did, after all he was not courting her, they had never even shared any real intimate moments together, but something within her had still cracked apart at his disinterest. And those words he'd spoken weeks ago, about protecting her and caring about her... had those been 'interpreted wrongly' by him too?

    Looking in the opposite direction, she made to ignore him as he had her. If he didn't wish to talk to her, she'd not force him to. No, she'd make it all the more easy.

    Althea walked quickly by him, the tail of her long silky dress flowing freely behind her. And just as she thought she'd gotten by unnoticed, he called out her name in a questioning tone.

    Just keep walking, just keep walking, she told herself but she knew he would know it was her when he sat to dine with her in a few moments. So she closed her eyes and with a sigh, Althea turned reluctantly and met his gaze. He swallowed, looking at the cascade of her dress down her body.

    "Jasper... hi," she said, unable to formulate a better, less awkward, response.

    When his eyes finally fell upon her own, he blinked then flushed slightly, realising she'd noticed his staring and didn't return the sentiment. Althea kept her eyes fixed on his, a bland, unmoved expression on her face.

    "I thought that was you, that dress looks... you look... well it suits you very nicely," he stuttered. She'd never seen him quite so nervous before.

    "Thanks..." she said, still letting her voice match the boredom on her face, unsure of what exactly to say to him after he'd nearly vanished from the institution. Even if the complement had stirred something within her, if only a small bit of satisfaction, she wouldn't continue to let whatever this was between them be one sided. She could play his aloof game.

    "Well I'm gonna go in, would you care to join me?" he asked, offering himself to her. She studied the sleeve of his outstretched arm, pondering whether to take it, or to make him work for her kindness. That thought alone had her cringing. Make him work for her kindness? She was going mad. She and the male before her had barely shared more than a handful of conversations. He owed her nothing, and so, without another thought, she looped her hand through his arm. She said nothing as she did it, and kept her face in its carefully neural expression.

    Some of the men and women surrounding them in the dining hall pinned their attention to the two of them as they walked. She noticed a few lingering glances on the silhouette of her gown. The colour was not one she had seen often in her time here, which is what drew her to it, that and the low lying back. Some of the men smiled deviously at her, but she stared back with eyes cold enough that they quickly looked away. However, she questioned whether it had been her who'd made them look away, when she beheld the firm set jaw of Jasper as he pulled her closer to him with a look that screamed mine. She didn't know why but this set something ablaze inside of her. He had no right to get defensive over something that was not his and yet, something about him being territorial over her made her stomach tie in knots.

    Thankfully, her wits won out over her heart and she snapped her arm from him as she took her place at the table. He sat across from her, staring intensely. Even when she averted her gaze, she could still feel those hazel eyes boring into her.

    "Jasper, you're back!" James said, pulling Jasper's focus off of Althea. He gave his friend a half crooked smile and nodded.

    "How was your trip to the colonies?" he asked. So that's where he had been this past week? She wondered how he could possibly get there and back so quickly when the only way she'd known to travel to the new territories was by ship? And that took anywhere from weeks to months. She didn't know why she bothered questioning it when there was likely something to do with powers and magic at work.

    "It was good, everything went as planned," Jasper answered, seeming a bit drained by the question. James nodded. Meg, who sat next to him picking at her nails, looked up lazily and stared at Althea's gown.

    "Nice dress," Meg said. That was the most energy Meg was ever willing to put into a compliment, but Althea took what she could get.

    Smiling, she said, "thank you."

    For dinner they ate roast duck served with a dill weed sauce and sides of roasted carrots, asparagus and bread.

    Once they had finished eating, the group continued their conversation in the outer corridor. Althea had mostly been listening rather than speaking tonight, as she was still a bit tired and dissociated from her training and nap today. Meg and Monique spoke about something related to a project they'd be working on in the upcoming weeks, while James and Jasper talked of his trip to the colonies. Apparently he had been there gathering intel from the natives about one of their leaders who they believed to have an ability.

    Althea made to slip away from the conversations without interrupting. Silently she stood from the bench and wandered into the main hallway that led to the stairs. She still preferred taking the stairs even though that elevator contraption did get her to the library and her room much quicker. There was something about the way she had to put effort into each step she took rather than just standing and waiting for a metal box to transport her somewhere, it just felt more real for her to take the stairs, in a world that was beginning to feel less tangible by the day.


    Turning, her eyes landed upon Jasper who made haste to catch up to her. She paused, allowing him to reach her side.

    He stared down at her, his face the picture of what appeared to be sorrow.

    "Yes?" She nudged the question.

    He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly looking away from her eyes.

    "Oh um, I just wanted to make sure you were okay, you left without bidding anyone goodnight."

    Her shoulders slumped. She didn't know what she'd been expecting him to say. But she had been longing for some kind of explanation, from anyone, for the way they all acted towards her. They pretended like they hid no secrets but she heard them when they whispered, noticed their eye contact, and saw the way people had looked at her for the past weeks. There was something going on here in this institution and she knew it.

    "Oh..." Althea said, looking down and picking at her nails. She was bored of this conversation. If he wouldn't provide her with any truth, she wanted nothing from him. "Sorry, I just didn't want to interrupt the conversation."

    She looked back up at him noticing the way his eyes drooped and his jaw clenched as if he was fighting the urge to say something. She wanted him to say it, whatever it was, she just wanted some honesty for once in her life. When he only remained quiet, she made to continue towards the stairs.

    "Please forgive me Althea," he blurted, she raised her eyebrows in surprise, "I didn't mean to make you upset. It's just the board has rules that by being a member of this cadre I have agreed to follow. I know why you have been curt with me, it's because of the vision I promised to share with you. I know you don't believe what I told you about it, but please, trust me, trust us, it is not our intention to keep you in the dark, only to keep you safe." He spit the sentence out all in one breath as if it had been haunting him for the past weeks since he'd told her that pathetic excuse of a lie.

    "I want to Jasper, I really do want to trust you and Monique and this board of people who I have yet to even be formally introduced to... but how am I supposed to when you've done nothing to earn it? I'm shoved into this whole new society filled with magic and things I never thought existed, but every question I ask is either deflected or answered with more questions? You say you're protecting me but I'm beginning to believe you all are just waiting to see if I will actually be useful to you," she couldn't help the truths that spewed from her, all the thoughts she had kept swirling around in her mind over the past few weeks came fumbling out. "All this talk of secret projects and missions, but what is it you people actually do with your abilities? You claim it's unsafe to help the impoverished or the sick, so what are these missions and projects? You all must be doing something with all of this power, and if it's not for good then that leaves one other option. And I would rather return to that abhorrent Sir Herbert's manor than be subject to harming people."

    She breathed in deeply trying to gain back her composure. God why did she say that? She could have just left it alone and walked upstairs. And judging by the bewildered stare of Jasper, she should have.

    "I just..." she whispered, "I feel like I'm going mad."

    Without letting him form a response, she turned on her heel and strode away, the short tail of her dress feathering behind her.

    "Althea wait!" Jasper called but she only quickened her pace to get away from him. She couldn't take any more lies, her entire life she had been pushed into things she had no choice in, she thought this was finally an escape from that, but she felt just as trapped here as she had before.

    She could hear his footsteps sounding behind her as she rounded the corner to step up the stairs. She knew she couldn't outrun him but she hoped he would give up and leave her be.

    To her dismay, she felt the tug of a warm hand on her elbow.

    "Please, just let me explain," he begged her, not releasing her elbow from his grasp.

    Reluctantly she turned towards him, looking into his pleading eyes. She did her best to keep her icy glare cold but it was hard to stay mad when he looked at her with such poignant longing.

    "Althea we do not wish to use you for your power. We want to help you flourish here at the institution. The work we do here is important, but in order to fully understand it you need to first understand your own ability. Now Monique and I have made some inquiries about you, but we will know nothing for sure until you successfully manipulate your power."

    She let her arm rest in his embrace and breathed out a sigh. She felt bad for being so enraged a moment ago, and as her adrenaline slowly faded from her she realised that she had been the one delaying herself from the answers she sought out. In order to understand what was at work here she first needed to understand how to use her power. The only one who could give her the answers she wanted was herself.

    "Well, hopefully my new trainer will be able to help me with that," she sighed. Jasper seemed to be unaware of what she spoke of, judging by the knitted eyebrows and confused expression he looked up at her with. She put movement back into her step, continuing her way up the stairs to her bed chamber.

    "Monique told me that the board had requested I train with someone more knowledgeable in fourth dimension manipulation, so they brought in someone with the same ability to train me, I'll be starting with her tomorrow," Althea said, lifting her satin gown to walk cleanly up the stairs as Jasper followed.

    "Hm, it must have been discussed while I was away," he pondered. When she glanced back at him she noticed him staring distantly at the floor.

    When they made it to her chamber door, she turned to look at him slowly.

    "Well I bid you goodnight Jasper, should I expect to see you tomorrow at breakfast or will you be off on another mysterious mission by dawn?" She was mostly jesting with him, but with how often he'd been away from the institution, she did wonder whether he would be here tomorrow.

    He chuckled, and that boyish grin graced her. It was the one he'd been wearing the night she'd met him in the maze. "Yes, I can assure you I will be around for the coming weeks."

    Smiling back at him, she nodded, opening the door to her room.

    "Goodnight Althea," he said, reaching for her free hand and laying a delicate kiss to it. Her breath hitched in her throat and a light blush spread over her cheeks at the contact.

    "Goodnight Jasper."


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