๊œฑแด›แด€ส€ษขษชส€สŸ | ๐˜Š๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ญ ๐˜Š๏ฟฝ...

By obrowne21

429K 10.6K 4.5K

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5.6K 193 168
By obrowne21


"But he's your ex."



Oakley kept trying to lunge for DDG but couldn't because Val was pushing him back. He got a good punch in but that was about it.

With all her might she used both her hands to keep him back. "Stop it, you're so embarrassing."

DDG gave the couple one unsure look before leaving them alone. Val let go of Oakley and took a few steps back to get a good look at him.

This was a whole other person right in front of her. Oakley? Fighting? He definitely had an attitude problem but he would never fight someone. And to do it on the one night that was just supposed to be hers.

Oakley turned away from her to calm himself down. This was really bad. Everything was going bad and he couldn't help but blame her for it.

"What?" Oakley noticed the angry look she was giving him. "Isn't this what you wanted?"

"I wanted my birthday to be ruined by my boyfriend?" She sarcastically replied.

"You ruined your birthday, okay? Not me." He angrily spit at her. "You knew how I felt about DDG and yet you invited him anyway. You think we were gonna shake hands and be cool or some shit?"

"Nah, I expected you to act like a man. Like actually grow the fuck up."

This whole situation was stupid. Oakley hated DDG based on the one reason that he was Val's ex. It's understandable for him to feel that way but he also needs to realize that not everything needs to be difficult. You can be friends with your ex and still not have feelings for them.

"And there you go defending him again. 'We're just friends'." Oakley mocked the same thing Val told him earlier in the car when they had that argument. "Do you know how dumb you sound? Nobody is just friends with their ex."

Val's eyebrows raised in astonishment. What did he just call her?

"Do you know how insecure you sound?" She spat back.

"Back at fashion week, you were being insecure. Trying to claim your territory with me when I was just having a single conversation with him. What's wrong with that?"

"He's your ex-"

"Okay? So. fucking. what?" She yelled. "You don't trust me or something?"

"I do trust you." It was a partial lie and Val could tell by the way he struggled to answer. "I just don't trust him."

"He hasn't done anything to make you act like this though."

"Valentina he's your ex. You were in love with him at some point. You telling me that those feelings don't resurface when you're around each other?"

It was like talking to brick wall. "Fuck no."


There was a moment of silence between the two. To be honest Val was over it. Clearly he didn't trust her or understand her.

"So what about Madeline, huh?" She brought up.

"What about that bitch?"

"Don't call her that." Even if she didn't like her it was and disrespectful to insult her like that. "You said that feelings start to resurface when you're in contact with your ex."

Oakley rolled his eyes seeing where she was going with this. "Did yours when you met up with her? Or when she found you that one night?"

His heart stopped for a moment. He didn't tell her about that. "You know about that?"

"Yeah, I fucking know about that. Now answer the question."

"You already know the answer to that." Now it was his turn to quiet down.

"Maybe that's cause every relationship is different." She said slowly like he was dumb.

He struggled to respond for a moment. "But he's your ex bro."

"Lord give me strength please." Val held her head in frustration before speaking. "This whole thing could've been avoided if you had just been mature about it."

"You knew that I felt some type of way about your relationship with your ex. But you still continue to pursue it. This all could've been avoided if you stop being so damn naive and realize that it's either me or him. You can't have both."

"I don't want both!" She yelled. "I just want you but clearly you don't want me if you can't respect my decisions."

Oakley couldn't believe how she was turning this around on him. "If the situation was reversed. Would you be okay with me inviting Madeline to my birthday party?"

"No, but that's different-" Val started.


"Cause she still loves you, Oakley."

Oakley nodded his head. "Yeah, and DDG still loves you."

"He has a girlfriend!"

"Then why wasn't she here with him?"

"Shes shooting a movie. DDG is suppose to fly back tomorrow to stay with her, like he has been before my birthday."

"Then it's even more weird." He argued. "It's the principle of it all. A good girlfriend would've cut him off for me."

So first she's dumb, then she's naive, and now she's not a good girlfriend. "A good girlfriend... as in who? Your ex?"

"As in Madeline, yeah she would've done whatever for me."

He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol talking or himself but he knew he crossed the line. The minute it left his mouth he felt immediate regret.

He expected Val to start crying or at last tear up by his harsh words but she didn't. She just stared at him like he was unrecognizable and in disgust.

"Then go get back with her because I'm not going to let you control who I can and can't talk to."

"I don't want to get back with her-"

Val started to take off the chain he first bought her when they started dating. "What are you doing?"

The Rolex came off next. "Val."

"Valentina." He sternly said but she just ignored him and reached for the earrings he had bought her and took them off.

She held out a handful of the jewelry that was gifted to her buy him. "Here."

"Fuck that." Oakley pushed the hand down and stepped closer so he could grab her face in his hands. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean it."

"Yes you did." A small tear escaped her eye but that was all she allowed. She gave him a bitter sweet smile. "That's okay, you can't really help how you feel."

Even after the harsh words they had thrown at each other she was still trying to end on good terms with him.

"But that's not how I feel. I was just trying to hurt you, I didn't mean it." Oakley wiped the tear away with his thumb. "We're not done."

"Now you want to communicate?" She scoffed as more tears left her eyes. Fuck ending on good terms.

"Clearly we don't fully trust each other. And I think it's best for both of us if we just end it before it eats us up."

"I know that I fucked up but I'm admitting that. We can skip the whole fighting before apologizing because I'm doing it right now."

"Admitting it doesn't do anything!" She yelled grabbing his hoodie pocket and placing the jewelry in there. "We both said things that we can't take back."

"You were right." He grabbed her wrist so she couldn't walk way from him. "I'm insecure, that's why I didn't want you talking to your ex but it's over now, okay?"

She dodged the kiss he tried to give her. Their bodies still smushed together because Oakley wouldn't let her go.

"Im sorry." He kissed her ear trying to beg her to give them a try one more time.

"It's not you, okay? Im not mentally there for us anymore."

"So you're giving up on us?" Oakley shifted to anger now, hoping he could make her feel bad enough to stay. He didn't care how but he wanted her not to leave him. "You don't love me?"

"Of course I love you-"

"Okay!" He gave her a look as though the problem was solved. "So why're you trying to sabotage us for? We're not over."

"Yes we are." Val finally pulled away and headed inside.

"Alright bro, have a good life. I got girls waiting in line for me."

He hoped that would make her angry enough to turn around and argue more with him but she just slammed the sliding door.

And Oakley was standing there alone, drunk, and single.

Val swayed on her feet as she opened the front door. The cool air only helping her a little bit but she still felt sick.

As she expected Kiara was waiting in a car for her. She plopped herself in the passenger seat taking a few deep breaths to get rid of her dizziness. For some reason she was feeling light headed.

"Val, what happened?"

She stared at Kiara for a long moment. Her chest rising and falling rapidly. A line of sweat stuck to her forehead. Kiara could see that her skin started to pale which only happened when she felt sick to her stomach.

Val opened her mouth to speak but she quickly turned away to push the door open. She hunched over and an unhealthy amount of vomit left her.




• I don't really care if it people found it "cringey" it's Wattpad the whole app is cringey😭
• what happened to Val bro, I hope she don't die
• ANYWAYS, how are you guys liking it so far?

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