The Enchantress² | N + E Mika...

By Kinky_BabyGirl14

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-Book 2- A Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson love interest book. ... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1 - Return of the Heretic
Chapter 2 - Unanswered Questions
Chapter 3 - Of Witches, Secrets, and Family Ties
Chapter 4 - The Unseen Protector
Chapter 5 - Reunions and Confessions
Chapter 6 - Morning Surprises and Midnight Revelations
Chapter 7 - A Desperate Plan
Chapter 8 - Bound by Chains, Freed by Fury
Chapter 9 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 10 - The Davina Problem
Chapter 11 - A Game of Memories
Chapter 12 - A Vengeful Reunion
Chapter 13 - Revelations and Complications
Chapter 14 - A House Divided
Chapter 15 - Gifts, Betrayals, and Threats
Chapter 16 - Between Dreams and Reality
Chapter 17 - A Miracle and a Tragedy
Chapter 18 - Protecting the Future
Chapter 19 - Reclaiming the Kingdom
Chapter 20 - A Heretic Unleashed
Please Read
Chapter 21 - A Night of Revelry and Mayhem
Chapter 22 - A Game of Truth and Consequences
Chapter 23 - A Dangerous Gamble
Chapter 24 - Monsters Within
Chapter 25 - Making Choices
Chapter 26 - A Moment of Peace and a Desperate Plan
Chapter 27 - Thanksgiving Surprises
Chapter 28 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 29 - Love, Loss, and the Power of Family
Chapter 30 - The Unwanted Alliances
Chapter 31 - Desperate Choices and the Unraveled Truth
Chapter 32 - The Sacrifice Play
Chapter 33 - Moving Forward with a Smile
Chapter 34 - Forever a Mikaelson
Chapter 35 - When the Past Comes Knocking
Chapter 36 - A Lethal Game of Secrets
Chapter 37 - Interventions and Confessions
Chapter 38 - Chains and Revelations
Chapter 39 - Magic, Miracles, and Mikaelsons
Chapter 40 - Deceit, Confrontations, and Magical Showdowns
Chapter 41 - The Unfinished Prophecy
Chapter 42 - Family Under Siege
Chapter 43 - The Mindscape Connection
Chapter 44 - The Resilience of Phoebe Mikaelson
Chapter 45 - The Society of Shadows and Saviors
Chapter 46 - Fighting for Control
Chapter 47 - The Beginning of the End
Chapter 48 - Happily Ever After?
Chapter 49 - In the Name of Love
Chapter 50 - Promises and Lullabies
Chapter 51 - A Message from the Grave
Chapter 52- A Family Scattered
Chapter 53 - Flames of Desperation
Chapter 54 - Back From the Dead

Bonus Chapter - Blades, Magic, and Mikaelson Shenanigans

333 22 3
By Kinky_BabyGirl14

Hope runs her fingers across the blades in front of her as she decides on which one to use for practise. 

Hope pauses her movements as she feels eyes on her. She smirks slightly as she quickly turns round, throwing all the blades on the table at her visitor.

The first blade miss the visitor, who ducks out of the way with impressive speed. Before standing up and with an outstretched arm, stopping the rest of the blades before they hit him with his magic.

Hope can't help but chuckle as her brother, Henrik, looks at her with an unimpressed look.

"You shouldn't be so quick to attack your guests, dear sister." Henrik says as he discards the blades to the side.

"I knew it was you. Nice reflexes by the way," she says, grinning at him.

Henrik picks up a blade with his magic before throwing it back at Hope, but Hope catches it effortlessly.

"I always knew you were a sore loser, Henrik," she teases, twirling the blade in her hand. "But I'm always ready for a little sparring,"

Henrik grins in response, knowing that his sister wouldn't back down from a challenge.

With a flick of his wrist, Henrik summons his own blade and rushes forward towards Hope. She meets him halfway, their blades clashing together as they begin to spar.

Henrik is quick, but Hope is even quicker as she dodges his attacks and counters with her own. Henrik swings his blade in a horizontal arc towards Hope's midsection, but she expertly parries the attack with her own blade.

"That's the best you got, little brother?" Hope teases as she steps back, her eyes locked on Henrik's.

Henrik smirks at her, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I'm just getting started," he replies before launching another attack.

The siblings continue to spar, their movements fluid and graceful as they dance around each other. Hope smirks as she goes to use her magic against him but it doesn't do anything as the magic bounces off him.

Henrik smirks back at her before laughing slightly, "You seem to have forgotten an important fact when going up against me."

Henrik moves his hand and the wind knocks Hope off her feet before he brings her blade to him.

"I am immune to magic, dear sister," Henrik says with a grin. "Perhaps you should have remembered that before attempting to use it against me."

Hope picks herself up off the ground, dusting herself off as she glares at Henrik. "You always have to ruin the fun, don't you?" she says with a fake pout.

Henrik chuckles at her reaction before placing his hand on her shoulder. "Oh come on, sis. I'm just teasing you," he says with a gentle smile.

Hope sighs before rolling her eyes. "What brings you here anyway, Henrik?"

Henrik smiles a devious smile which peaks Hope's interest.

"Mom is in town with my dad and yours." Henrik says with a small smile.

Hope looks at him confused, "So? It's family day. They never miss a family day."

"Mom sent me to come fetch you from out here and she is on her way to get Faith."

Hope's eyes light up as she grins widely, "Oh that is going to be so funny."

"What's so funny about that?" Landon asks which surprises Henrik as he hadn't noticed him sitting there.

Hope turns to Landon with a mischievous glint in her eye. "My dear sister is busy in our room at the moment."

Phoebe walks into the school, her head resting of Elijah's shoulder when they run into Delilah.

"Phoebe! Look at you! Your glowing," Delilah exclaims as she looks at Phoebe and her big baby bump.

"It's sweet that you think so because I feel like a whale," Phoebe says with a chuckle.

"Did you find out whose it is this time?" Delilah asks her and Phoebe give her a long look.

Phoebe is currently pregnant with twins but one was younger than the other. 

The older one of the two is Klaus' while the younger is Elijah's.

Apparently rare things are attracted to her, even when it came to pregnancy.

"It's complicated."

Delilah raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "Complicated? Do tell."

Phoebe sighed, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "Let's just say that one of them belongs to Klaus and the other to Elijah," she says hesitantly.

Delilah's eyes widen in surprise. "Wow, that really is complicated," she says, a hint of excitement in her voice before she starts laughing, "Only you Pheebs."

Phoebe rolls her eyes, laughing with Delilah as they continue walking down the hallway. "I know, right? I never thought I'd be in this situation." 

She takes a deep breath, feeling both excited and nervous about what's to come.

"Speaking of, where is your third half?" Delilah asks as she looks around for Klaus.

"He and Damon are doing something outside, I don't know what," Phoebe replies nonchalantly.

"How is Rebekah handling being a mother?" Delilah asks.

Phoebe shrugs, "She's been busy with Isabella lately. But she loves being a mom."

Delilah nods, "I can imagine. She's always been a natural with kids."

Phoebe smiles, her hand resting on her belly, "Yeah, she's a great mom. And Marcel is surprisingly good too. They make a good team."

Before they can continue with their conversation, they are interrupted.

"MOMMY!" Phoebe hears and she spins around as Kaylee runs at her full speed, hugging her tightly.

"Hey baby girl," Phoebe says, scooping her daughter up into her arms. "How's my little munchkin doing?"

"I'm good, Mommy. I missed you so much," Kaylee says, her voice soft and sweet as she nuzzles into Phoebe's neck.

"I missed you too, baby," Phoebe says, kissing the top of her daughter's head.

Kaylee pops her head up from Phoebe's neck and grins at Elijah, "Daddy!"

Elijah smiles down at Kaylee, his heart swelling with love for the little girl. 

"Hello, my sweet girl," he says, leaning down to give her a kiss on the forehead.

"How was your day today?" he asks her.

Kaylee bounces up and down in Phoebe's arms. "It was good! I had lots of fun playing with Uncle Damon," she says, giggling.

"Are you excited to be a big sister?" Delilah asks Kaylee, grinning.

Kaylee nods eagerly, her eyes lighting up. "Yes! I can't wait to have baby brothers or sisters! Or one of each even!"  she exclaims, causing both Phoebe and Elijah to chuckle.

Phoebe places Kaylee back onto her feet as she speaks, "I am going to go find Faith to see how she's doing. Do you want to come with me, Kaylee?" she asks, holding out her hand to her daughter.

Kaylee nods and takes Phoebe's hand, skipping happily along beside her.

Phoebe walks up the stairs of the Salvatore school as her five-year-old little girl goes on about what she had learned at school since she last saw her. 

Even though that had been less than a week ago.

Phoebe smiled as she listened to her daughter chatter away. She loved the sound of her little girl's voice and cherished every moment she got to spend with her. 

As they reached the top of the stairs, they were greeted by Alaric Saltzman, the headmaster of the Salvatore school.

"Phoebe, good to see you again," Alaric said with a slight smile.

"Alaric," Phoebe replied, giving him a fake smile.

Alaric had tried to force the twins out of the school after Faith had triggered their curse, claiming they were a threat to the other students. 

But Phoebe straightened things out very quickly when she laid out the facts for him.

The property the school was built on belonged to her. 

The money used to build it, her husband's.

And if he even said another bad word about one of her children again, she would get fired so fast it would make his head spin. She had a whole list of people who are more qualified to be the head of the school and who she trusted a whole lot more than him.

Alaric seemed to understand how easy he is to replace and kept his mouth shut about trying to get rid of the Mikaelson children.

Alaric looks Phoebe over, "You are looking..."

"Pregnant as hell?" Phoebe finishes, getting annoyed with him.

Alaric's smile fades as he realizes his mistake. "I'm sorry, Phoebe. I didn't mean to offend you."

Phoebe nods but still feels irritated.

"We are on our way to fetch Faith to go get some ice cream." Phoebe tells him as she holds Kaylee's hand, "Is that right, sweetheart?"

Kaylee nods her head excitedly, her dark pigtails bobbing up and down as she does so.

"Enjoy," Alaric says, trying to salvage the situation.

Phoebe nods and leads Kaylee down the hall towards Faith and Hope's room.

Thet stop at the door of the room and Phoebe knocks loudly, "Faith, open up."

Phoebe hears a loud thud before whispers and feet moving across the room. The door creaks open and Faith stands in the doorway with a mischievous grin on her face. 

"Hey mom, what are you doing here?" she says.

"It's family day. And there is a recruiting event tonight." Phoebe reminds her.

Phoebe narrows her eyes at Faith, sensing that something was off. Phoebe notices Faith's flushed cheeks and the tousled state of her hair. 

"What were you doing in there, Faith?" she asks, suspiciously.

Faith's grin widens, "Nothing, just hanging out with Hope."

Phoebe raises a brow at her daughter, "Really? Because I just sent your brother to go get her."

Phoebe steps into the room as Faith steps aside to let her in. The room is messy and scattered with clothes and books. 

Phoebe looks around, trying to find any clues as to what her daughter might have been up to.

Phoebe's hearing picks something up and she gives Faith a look of disapproval, when really all she wanted to do is laugh.

Phoebe walks over to the closet door and Faith's eyes widen as Phoebe knocks on it.

"Elizabeth Saltzman. Are you in the closet?" Phoebe asks with a smirk on her face.


Phoebe lets out humorous huff as she she shakes her head, "Get dressed. We are going out for ice cream and you are more than welcome to join."

Phoebe turns to Faith and puts a hand on her hip, " And you, we don't hide our girlfriends in closets."

Faith's cheeks turn an even brighter shade of red as she stammers out a response, "She's not my girlfriend, mom. We were just...hanging out."

Phoebe hums out, knowingly "umm....Sure."

Phoebe turns around and walks out of the room with Kaylee, leaving Faith and Lizzie behind.

As she heads towards the front door, she can't help but chuckle at what had just happened.

Phoebe unlocks the door and steps outside with a fresh breeze blowing through her hair. Arms wraps around and Phoebe lets out a breath as she relaxes against Klaus' chest, "Our girls are growing up."

Klaus lets out a soft chuckle and presses a kiss to the top of Phoebe's head. 

"Indeed, they are. But they still have a long way to go before they catch up with their parents," he says, with a hint of mischief in his voice.

Phoebe turns around in his embrace and looks up at him with a playful glint in her eye. "Is that so, Mr. Mikaelson? I wasn't aware we were in a competition."

Klaus grins down at her, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, Phoebe. Everything is a competition with us Mikaelsons."

Phoebe playfully rolls her eyes but she doesn't protest before she feels kicking against her stomach. She looks down at her growing belly and smiles, rubbing a hand over it.

"Looks like the little ones wants to join in on the fun," she says, as she moves Klaus' hand to feel the kicking as well.

Klaus' face softens as he feels the kicking beneath his hand. "Our little ones already has a competitive spirit, just like their parents," he says, his voice filled with pride.

Phoebe giggles and leans up to press a quick kiss to Klaus' lips.

"I can't wait to see what kind of trouble they'll get into," she says with a smile.

Klaus chuckles and pulls her closer, resting his hand on her belly. "As long as they have you as their mother, I have no doubt they'll be unstoppable and full of mischief."

Phoebe grins at him before turning her attention back to their original plan. 

"So, ice cream?" she asks, grinning up at Klaus.


Thank you and goodbye until the next story!❤️

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