Memories - Purinz

By bongcloudftw

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Two years have passed since Chaewon and Yunjin broke up, less than amicably. Now, they fight so hard to keep... More

Info Sheet
Chapter 1 - Guess Who's Back
Chapter 2 - Old Times
Chapter 3 - Learning
Chapter 4 - Crossing Paths
Chapter 5 - Parallels
Chapter 6 - Houston, Purinz Has Landed
Chapter 7 - Recollections
Chapter 8 - It's Final
Chapter 9 - Space
Chapter 10 - The Last Dance
optional survey lmao

Chapter 11 (bonus) - Shine Again

796 20 29
By bongcloudftw

Now, 2 years later (March, 2027)

Yujin's officially lost it. She just got fired 5 days ago from her job as executive director at Fearless Music because she defended an innocent idol of hers from a bullying scandal. How fucked up is that? If there's one thing Yujin will never let go of, it's her protective, motherly instincts she's had so many years to hone. Wonyoung is traveling the world doing her actress things, her friends are all scattered, and she's never felt more alone than now.

Her eyes flutter open and immediately lock on to the clock; 7 PM. Oh my god! Her nap took a little bit longer than she'd expected. She'd been moping around the house all day, silently complaining to herself about the miracle of aging, how at 33 she's already looking like an aged fossil. Maybe it's the alcohol doing its thing.

She walks into the kitchen and absentmindedly grabs yet another shot of vodka to try and drink away all the pain. Before she can, though, she spots the pictures on their wall. Classic relics, memories all frozen in time; her wedding, her moments with Wonyoung, with Le Sserafim, with herself before this whole mess.

She decides she's had enough being alone. Wonyoung will always be hers, but she's off in France (again) shooting her latest project, so she won't be home until August. She grabs a beer, plays the vinyl of Endings on her record player, and lets the memories come flooding back.


She passes out, again, until 3 in the morning. She's depressed, yes, but somehow also full of motivation. She just wants to curse all the gods up there who are making her life miserable.

With renewed vigor, she grabs her blueprints. Operation Rock Out is all engines fire.

First, she rings up Wonyoung. It's 8 PM in France right now, so she's just about to wrap up her film schedule.

"Yuj, babe, what's up? Why are you up so late?"

"Just missing you, Wony. How's filming going?"

"It's going fine, but I miss staying local. It's hard being so far from you."

"Yeah, my life's not much better. But you know, I was looking at all the pictures up on our wall. I kinda wanna sing, do music again. There's only so long I can go without it, you know? It gets so tiring just doing management. I wanna get my hands dirty again." Yujin said with a hint of sadness.

"Babe, but your condition! I don't want you getting sick again..."

"Eh, fuck it, Wony. I'm not getting younger, I should just live life how I want it, right?"

"Yuj, are you going crazy or something?" Wonyoung practically scolded her from the phone.

"I may have been slightly, veeeeery slightly inebriated when I made that decision."

"Oh my fucking god babe, please for the love of God, lay off the alcohol! You're only making things worse!"

"Wait babe, but here's the thing. I don't want to do it alone. I miss the old life too much. I just wanna know whether you'll still support me."

"Of course hon, when would I ever not support you? Ok, fine. I'll let you do your whole music gig thing, but you can't start until I get back in August. And someone else has to do the singing, not you. We good?"

"Can you just please let me start already?"  Yujin said pleadingly. "For my sake. I want to have purpose, to do something I actually love again."

"Fine, fine. But at least promise me when I get back, you're gonna stop going crazy and fuck me like you've never fucked me before. Now, are we good, baby girl?"

"Eww, please don't ever call me that again, ever. But yes, we are good, babe. Good luck Wony. Love you so much."

With her wife's blessing, it's time.


The next day, she wakes up with a killer hangover.

She's become very accustomed to these ever since she took up drinking again 8 months ago. Despite the killer headache and fatigue, she begins thinking about the potential for her own original record label. Think about it, who wouldn't want to be their own manager and also an artist and also just a normal joe? It's more freedom, too. She can pick her schedules and still get her hands dirty every now and then. With a bottle of Prime (or four) in hand, she begins considering her options.

She texts Sakura, fresh off a comeback, and asks her when she's free to meet up. After all this time, she's still the best vocalist she's ever known. Sakura says she's free to meet on the evening of the 24th. They meet up at Sakura's favorite Japanese place, a taste of home for her. Yujin's not the biggest fan of Japanese food, but she'll happily oblige this time if it means she'll get better too.

Sakura would not be too hard to convince, but it would take a lot of maneuvering on Yujin's part to fix all the logistical issues. Plus, there's the whole issue of how her current label would take it. Would they blackmail her into staying?

"Hey Kkura, it's been a while!" Yujin says while enveloping Sakura in a bear hug. "How's solo promotions?"

"Hey Yujin, uh, it's been fine. Nothing that I'm not used to, I guess. I just kinda miss doing it with you guys."

"You mean with Kazuha, right?"

"No, no, it's not that!" Except she's blushing furiously. "I just miss doing it with actual passionate people, my friends. Solo life is non-stop meetings with people who are just milking you for money, you know? Don't get me wrong, I love performing but that's basically the only thing keeping me going. You know what I mean when I say there's like a come down after performing?" Sakura asks.

"Yeah, you just feel like you wanna pass away at that moment?"

"That's worse as a soloist. I don't have any of you guys to lean on, to have fun with after that, It's just me, myself, and I. And alcohol, but all that does is remind me I'm alone." Sakura said, frowning.

"Have you been talking to Kazuha recently?"

"Yeah, we've been chatting. I still love her, you know? I think the many years we had together means part of me will never get over her completely. But if Yunjin and Chaewon can do it then I have faith in the two of us too."

"Have you been talking to those two a lot?"

"Eh, not really. They kind of shut everyone out to live the private life they wanted so many years ago. And I want to respect that, they've gone through a lot after all."

After all the backstory and small talk, Yujin thinks it's time to finally pull her trap card.

"Sakura, you know I hate Japanese food, right?"

"Come on Yuj, hate is a strong word. But yeah, not your cup of tea. It's kinda unlike you to not contest my restaurant choice this time around. What gives?"

"Yeah, I uh, have something I wanna ask you. You know I got fired from my job recently, right?"

"Mhm, what does that have to do with anything?"

"I've been itching to get back into music. It's an itch that is just begging to be scratched. I get what you mean about the whole lack of passion thing. That's why I want to invite you to work for me. I'm starting my own record label soon, free from all the scumbags and the bureaucracy and whatnot. I want you to be my first artist. Would you? Help out an old friend, pleeeaaaase?"

"Yujin, I- I don't know. I just came back, why are you asking now?"

"Sakura, I know this is a big decision, and I understand the weight of it. But think about the creative freedom and the unique opportunities that come with our own thing together. You can shape your music, image, and projects in a way that truly represent who we- who you are. Plus, I would never call before a comeback. You need time to think about this, and I really want you to consider this."

"Yujin, please trust me, I appreciate your confidence and your belief in me, in this thing you're doing. But I've also been working hard on my solo career, I don't want to feel like we're doing this again, like I need someone to hold to. I miss you guys by my side, but I don't want to rely on you guys anymore, you feel me?"

"I get it, Kkura. But this is not just any new thing; it's our thing, where you'll have more artistic freedom like back in the old days. I want to support your individuality while providing the environment you need to fly high. Oh, and the happy hour is gonna be killer, like we're gonna have DJs and stuff. Come on, at least consider it???"

Sakura can feel herself buckling under Yujin's puppy gaze, but she forces her resolve to remain steady. For now, at least.

"It's very tempting, I'll give you that, but I still have commitments with my current company. Yeah, they're a bunch of heartless bums, but I'm not gonna be heartless to them and just dip, you know? It's a huge leap of faith to leave them, considering you haven't even told me who's bankrolling this whole thing."

"Sakura, I've been working on this for so long, and I'm really ready to assist you every step of the way. We're gonna handle the transition smoothly, and I'm sure your fans will understand your growth as an artist. They'll be so happy for you, I'm sure. It's a fresh start, a chance to express the new you. Plus, I already got the best songwriters and producers to make this project really shine."

Sakura pauses for a little bit.

"It's a lot to think about, Yujin. I don't want to just throw away what I've been building the past two years."

"I respect your loyalty, Sakura. But we can work on this together. And come on, you'll always be loyal to me, right? Think of it as a new chapter in your career, with endless opportunities waiting for you."

Sakura contemplated the offer before her. Yujin's careful persuasion was slowly nudging her towards this exciting, yet undisclosed, musical journey.

"I'll have to think about it. But thanks, for this, for all this. In all honesty, it sounds exciting. I want nothing but success for you, with me or without. I'll always love you, Yujin."

"Thanks Kkura. Just some food for thought. Speaking of which, here's the food!"

Over dinner, Yujin and Sakura have small talk and catch up with each other. But the looming question still lurks over Sakura's head; she really wants to take the plunge and trust Yujin on this. Before they leave, Sakura breaks the news to her;

"Oh yeah, about your project. I'm in," she says while extending her hand.

"It's a pleasure, Ms. Miyawaki. Here's to more journeys together."


Yujin promised Wonyoung she wouldn't make too many big moves until August. Which is still five months away, but at least it's getting closer, not farther. Yujin now needs to look for a building where she can house her record label, and she found just the perfect spot.

The recently vacated building that used to house her favorite bar, Impurities.

It's not extremely big, but with three floors and a rather spacious land area, it's more than enough for now. After all, she only has like, 9 people who she wants to work for her. It's more than enough.

She contacts the realtor, and inquires about purchasing the land outright. The lot and the existing building structure would cost around $600,000 according to the realtor. Expensive, but this was prime time real estate in Itaewon, after all. But Yujin wants to spare no expense in this project since she wants to see it succeed. She took out a loan from the bank and paid for the building. Wonyoung's gonna hate her after that impulse purchase, broken promises and all. But she can wait until August. Yujin doesn't plan to actually open for business until then.

The bar did part of the job for her, since the building was already cleared out. Yujin was even able to contact the owner of the bar to let the old HVAC and electrical stay as it was to save on time. After all, Sakura can't wait forever. She comes to visit the building and thanks to it being a bar, there's a lot of open space where she can easily place walls and make new rooms.

The architect has already come up with plans to divide the three floors - Yujin's vision involves dividing the floors by category. The first floor will house all the music stuff - recording studios, production houses, vocal booths, band performance rooms, and tech support, obviously. On the second floor, the building will house all the other entertainment stuff - dance practice rooms, rehearsal stages, photography studios, green rooms for changing, all that jazz. And on the third floor, Yujin's personal abode - the managerial side. Not that she'll be here all the time, but the third floor will have all the creature comforts - Yujin's office as CEO, meeting rooms, a small lounge with a constant supply of Prime Energy, and a full-blown restaurant grade cafeteria for all the employees.

As if she's not already way over-budget and tapping into Wonyoung's movie grosses by now, Yujin wants to add a roof-top bar just because she can. She does have to make good her promise to Sakura about daily happy hour, after all. Yujin even considers adding bean bag chairs cause why not, right?


Sakura asks for a meeting with her current CEO, Cheo Miyoung. They've had a decent relationship, and yeah, they're friends to an extent. Sakura wants to work with Miyoung on her exit from the label, but she doesn't want it to be extremely unpleasant.

"Sakura! Good afternoon to you, how have you been?"

"Good afternoon, Ms. Cheo! I've been doing just fine."

"Please, I've been telling you forever, just call me Miyoung. I heard you wanted a personal meeting with me? What for? You just had a comeback."

"About that, Miyoung. I plan to leave this company in a few months. I just accepted an offer from a new upstart record label. I'm sure you're familiar with An Yujin? She was my manager way back when, and she offered me to become the first artist under her new label. I'm so, so sorry if this feels like a betrayal, but I've been indebted to her for so long. I feel that it's best for my personal future if I do this. I really apologize about this."

"Sakura, I must admit that this is unexpected news, but I appreciate your honesty. I mean, An Yujin is basically a legend in this industry. I understand the history you share with her, and there's no betrayal here. Your personal growth is important, and I respect your decision."

"Thank you for understanding, Miyoung. This wasn't an easy decision, but I can honestly say it's the right one for my career at this point. Let's be honest, I'm past my prime and I'm sure Harmony will find young talent to nurture. I also want to take a burden off your chests, and I'm leaving you guys with more potential than I could ever match. But please, don't ever hesitate to call me, I'd be happy to give advice to the trainees and help them with anything. I can probably convince Yujin to partner up with you guys anyway. Let's stay in touch, at least?"

"Sakura, you've been such a remarkable artist that I really would not hesitate for a moment to keep in touch with you. I hope your new journey brings you even greener pastures that bring you fulfillment in tending to. But I do have one last favor. Right before you leave, can we perhaps have one more comeback cycle? Just one single to honor your contributions. Would that be alright?"

"That's great, Miyoung. I'd be happy to do that. As for the statement on my departure, I'd like to do that as soon as possible just so people won't be too surprised, if that's alright."

"Of course, we can even do it today. I'll have it up by tonight. I guess, this is one last farewell, then. Thank you for your immense and invaluable contribution to Harmony Records, Sakura. We'll always have a spot for you, and your efforts were not in vain."

"Thank you, Miyoung. One last farewell, and then I'm off to greater things."


Harmony Records Seoul · 10m
Hello, this is Harmony Records. It is with mixed emotions that we, Harmony Records, announce the termination of the exclusive contract of our beloved artist, Miyawaki Sakura, effective June 1, 2027. Sakura has been an integral part of our label for the past two years, and her journey with us has been nothing short of extraordinary.

Over the short two years, Sakura's unparalleled talent, dedication, and the remarkable artistry she brought to our label have touched the hearts of countless fans worldwide. Over her whole career spanning more than a decade, she has left an indelible mark on the music industry, and we are incredibly proud of her accomplishments.

Sakura's final chapter with Harmony Records will be marked by a single release and a promotional period starting on May 20, 2027. We invite all her fans to join us in celebrating this remarkable artist and her time with our label as we bid her a heartfelt farewell. The upcoming single and promotional period will reflect the creativity, passion, and talent that have defined Sakura's career.

As she embarks on whatever journey she chooses, we want to express our deepest gratitude to Sakura for her contributions to Harmony Records and the music industry. We look forward to supporting her in all her future endeavors, and we are confident that her artistic journey will continue to flourish.

Thank you and we hope for your continued support.
Inquiries may be sent to
#harmonyrecords #sakura

GOODBYE KKURA 😭 @jennifersdrums · 1m
Replying to

kelly finally found a gf @sakuratheprettiest · 1m
Replying to

LOVE YOU SAKURA @zuhaonthebASS · 1m
Replying to

Yujin opens her Twitter app on the evening of March 26th, and sees Sakura trending. She goes to her messages with her and promptly sends a text which reads "Glad to see you got your head out of yo ass. Welcome aboard, Miyawaki."

She replied back, "so are you announcing this to people right now? i told Miyoung to keep it lowkey so they won't know"

Yujin then replied, "no, we're gonna keep it a surprise until the label opens and looks like we're slated for our grand opening on august 10. obviously you're gonna be there, and we'll have a whole press con thing announcing everything. twitter's gonna light up tho like sheeee"

"hey i trust you aight but you gotta make sure you know what you're doing"

"since when did i ever NOT know what i was doing... you still remember all those times i got yo asses out of the shitstorm we found ourselves in before..."

"Yeah, yeah, so full of yourself An..."

--- time skip to June 2, 2027

Yujin takes Sakura out for the first time as her labelmate and employee (technically speaking). The actual contract hasn't been signed, but they're beyond contracts at this point. It's an unspoken rule of loyalty between them that need not be put into paper. The building is coming along smoothly for what Yujin christens IVE Records, and she invites Sakura to check out how the building is coming along.

The building is going great, and it's almost complete except for two things - the design of the interior is still incredibly bland, though the partitions are already up - and the equipment is yet to be installed. Truth be told, most of the equipment probably won't be operational until a few days before the grand opening on August 10. Wonyoung's coming back by August 1, so she'll be with her wife for the ceremonies. Considering so much of the money for the label came from her, she basically part-owns the place. Not that Yujin's gonna tell her that, though.

"Yujin, the building is great and all, but it's kinda lacking life, don't you think? I was thinking maybe we'd put some plants here, and some murals on the walls, what do you think?" Sakura said as she gestured towards the plain white wall behind the reception desk.

"I think it would add life, I'm just getting more worried about the cost. The wife's gonna kill me if we go even more over the budget than we already are."

Sakura nodded understandingly, but said anyway, "I think it's all worth it though. I mean I'd rather walk into a pleasant looking space than the most boring thing in the world, you know? I don't think you're the kind of person who'd want IVE Records to be just another cookie-cutter office building."

Yujin pondered about it for a moment, then replied back, "You know what, I think I know just the person."


Their wonderful maknae's art collection has slowly grown in size, and together with Garam she was able to start her own art gallery. She displays her paintings there alongside Garam's photography work.

Yujin starts to wonder whether she can guilt-trip the duo into providing her discounted services - yes, she is a bad, bad woman. Either way, Eunchae can cover interior design, working on the decorative elements of the building while Garam can be the label's official photographer for the press-related things.

Yujin gives Eunchae a call later that night, which takes 5 rings to go through, but Yujin is willing to wait for anything at this point.

"Hi Manchae! How have you been these days? Haven't been able to check in with you and Garam in a while."

"Yujin-unnie!!! Yeah, it's been too long. Gallery work has been swamping me, you don't know how many people come in every day cause you don't come anymore..."

"Well, I thought I should let you know, I have an idea for you. If you don't mind, I want to come to your gallery tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon, if that's fine with you. I just have something to attend to in the morning. Good with you?"

"That's fine I guess. Should I bring Garam too? She'd be happy to see you."

"Of course! Bring the wife along, for real. See you tomorrow, Eun."

"Bye bye unnie!"

She has something to take care of first.


Koreaboo @Koreaboo 30m
JUST IN: Soloist Miyawaki Sakura signs contract with brand new agency

Yujin and Sakura finalize the contract details over lunch on the 3rd of June. They haven't even told the press the name of the new label, much less the head honcho of it. Yujin's been quietly biding her time, waiting to take everyone by surprise on August 10, the official launch day. Yujin chose to give a little sneak peek to give the fans hope, but nothing too much that would alert people to her master plan.

For now, she has to meet with Eunchae. She bids goodbye to Sakura, and drives about 30 minutes to Eunchae's art gallery. A quaint 19th-century home now houses all of Eunchae and Garam's beautiful works. The building's historic charm was lovingly preserved, with intricate architectural details and vintage furnishings creating a soft and inviting atmosphere. The warm, polished wooden floors added a touch of timeless elegance to the space.

The gallery was bathed in soft, diffused lighting that played delicately upon the artworks, creating a sense of mystery and intrigue. The walls were adorned with an exquisite array of paintings, ranging from contemporary masterpieces to classical pieces. Eunchae's art, characterized by its bold strokes and vivid colors, seamlessly coexisted with Garam's photographic creations, which captured moments of raw emotion and visual poetry.

As Eunchae and Garam welcomed art enthusiasts, patrons, and visitors to their gallery, they did so with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Their artistic haven was a testament to their shared creativity and their deep love for the world of art and photography. It was a space where their talents merged and where the stories they wished to convey came to life in vibrant colors and captivating imagery. A timeless building housing timeless art to match.

As she walks through the gallery, she realizes just how much they've leveled up over the past year. Not to mention the absolute crowd that the gallery commanded - as one of the few mom-and-pop art galleries in Seoul, they gathered a lot of foot traffic. Yujin knocks on the door of Eunchae's office, and the two are already waiting for her.

"Eunchae! Garam! So good to see you guys again!"

"Unnie!!! We missed you so much, you should stop by more!" said Garam.

"Hi Yuj, what did you wanna talk about exactly?" said Eunchae.

"Well, I don't know if you've heard the news yet, but Sakura signed with a new label. The news came, like, an hour ago? I don't know if you guys are still up to date with the goss nowadays."

"So you came to talk about K-pop gossip? Come on, sis. I know you just got fired but you have better things to do than talk with an old friend about music news."

"Yeah, that's the thing. She signed with me."

"WHAT???" Eunchae and Garam said, bewildered.

"Yeah, I have my own record label now. Got sick of just working for some old bums. Thing is, we're looking for ways to spruce up our building. It's all plain white right now, so it doesn't look super good. Sakura and I were talking about adding some design elements to make it more vibrant and inspiring. And I thought, who better than our very own Eunchae to work her magic and give the space her magic touch?"

"Yujin, I'd love to help, but I've got so many projects lined up. My schedule is crazy right now. Plus, we all know interior design is not my biggest specialty."

"Eunchae, please, you can't let me down! You know how important this is for me and Kkura. We're building something special here, and your creative touch will make it extraordinary. Think about all the memories we shared and how we've come full circle now. Your art will inspire those memories again in this new chapter! Please, do it for me, Eun."

"Right, so how much are you willing to pay, then?"

"I'll pay you like 50 grand, just do it please! I don't even care about it anymore, I only want you for this project."

"Uh, excuse me Yujin, but why am I here?" said Garam, feeling left out.

"Oh Garam, I didn't forget about you. We're planning to have a grand opening on August 10, and we'll have a whole party and everything. You guys are invited, of course, but I was wondering if you could be our head photographer. Not just for the event, but like, straight up the head photographer. You'll do shoots with the idols and everything."

"Well, hey, if that's your offer, I'm in. Not like the income as a freelancer is steady anyway." Garam said with a shrug.

"I wanna support my wife too, so I guess I'll come check out your place. Just don't, like, boss me around and stuff. I need space to work my magic, after all." Eunchae said.

"Thank you, guys, like so so much. It's all gonna be worth it, you'll see. Sorry if I just kinda barged in here. I'm just too excited for this."

5 days later

"So Yujin, I've made the concepts for what the art would look like. I'm just gonna put more natural art pieces on most of the walls, so like plants and stuff. Behind the reception desk though, since I feel it's a centerpiece, I want to show you this."

She shows Yujin her concept art for the centerpiece mural, and it's none other than Seraphim, the 6-winged angel. "How's this for old times sake?"

"Wow, Eunchae, it's amazing! I'm super good with this. Let's get it painted on the wall, then I'll go and tour you around for the systems check on August 5. Tell Garam to come so she can take photos too. Thanks so, so much, couldn't have done this all without you!" Yujin said while grinning.

"Hey, you promised me free food at the party. You better deliver on that, An."

"When was I ever one to break promises?"

And she knew just the person to provide all the food.



Kazuha's business has been doing insanely well. She just recently acquired her first Michelin Star for her buffet restaurant, The Seven Continents. Her customers particularly appreciated the quality of the Asian section, with diverse cuisines ranging from Chinese to Indian. Her prestige and caliber as a restauranteur made her a perfect candidate to provide food for IVE Records. Totally not influenced by personal ties, for sure.

Upon entering The Seven Continents, Yujin was greeted by a captivating ambiance that seamlessly blended old-world charm with a modern twist. The restaurant's interior design incorporated elements from each of the seven continents, creating a stunning tapestry of cultural influences. Vintage accents and ornate decor were blended with contemporary furnishings, resulting in a warm and inviting atmosphere.

The heart of The Seven Continents was its expansive buffet area, where a world of flavors awaited discovery. Each section of the buffet represented a different continent, showcasing the culinary treasures of Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Australia. The vibrant colors and aromas from the dishes formed a symphony of tastes, drawing visitors into a culinary odyssey. Kazuha even brought in specialty chefs from around the world to ensure that every dish was as close to traditional as possible, using fresh, high-quality ingredients.

To complete the experience, the restaurant featured a diverse selection of wines and spirits from around the world, offering the perfect pairings for the global feast. It also happened to be the one place where a certain kind of wine was available on any regular basis: Damyang Wine.

"Hello, welcome to The Seven Continents. I'll just let you know that the buffet closes at 8:30, and seeing as it's already 8, you might want to start getting your food already. Oh yeah, I'm your personal butler, Naoi Rei. Enjoy your dinner!" Her waiter, Rei said to her.

"Oh, thanks so much, Ms. Rei. I was wondering though, is Ms. Nakamura in today?"

"She is, but she doesn't usually come out to the front of house. I can come get her for you, but how should I introduce you to her?"

"Just say it's An Yujin. She'll come out right away."

"Alright Ms. An, please give me a second, I'll be back."

Rei leaves the VIP room while Yujin is nervously tapping her feet. She's nervous about meeting Kazuha again after a while. Also, is it just her, or was that waiter actually super fucking hot? Shit, snap out of it An. You're married for God's sake...

The sound of the door snaps Yujin out of her inner thoughts.

"Ms. An, she's here."

"Thank you so much, Rei. Hi Zuha, it's been a while."

"Indeed it has. What brings you here right before closing hours? I take it you're not here to eat."

"Yeah, actually. I have a pretty big favor to ask from you, but here me out first. Have you heard the news about Sakura signing with a new label?"

"Not that I intentionally keep up with news about her, but yes, I did. What does that have to with anything?"

"That's my record label. Yeah, look at me. Owner of a record label. Thing is, the building is still being finished. We're having a grand opening and first artist announcement on August 10. As a Michelin-star restaurant I really wanted you guys to cater for it. Would you be receptive to that?"

"Oh yeah, of course! That won't be a problem at all. But you could have just asked me over the phone, you didn't have to spare a whole night."

"Well, I have a bigger favor to ask. We're going to have an amazing cafeteria at the place, and I thought of The Seven Continents. Your food is exceptional, Kazuha. I was wondering if you could become IVE Records' head chef. I know you don't really cook too much anymore cause you're more manager-type now, but I think we'd all love to eat your food all day. I was wondering if I could take a look at your main kitchen so we can pattern ours after yours."

"Yeah, the whole kitchen tour thing is fine. But I'm not sure about running your cafeteria full-time. This place means a lot to me. And, truth be told, I don't really know how I'm going to be able to run both this and your cafeteria day-to-day. I won't be in too much. I don't know, Yuj, it's a commitment."

"Let's do this then, I'll arrange for you to visit our label building. We'll build you a kitchen that rivals The Seven Continents. If it doesn't resonate with you, no pressure. But if you do find it appealing, we can discuss further. I respect your passion for this place, but just think of IVE as an extension of your restaurant. A new branch, if you will."

"Fine, I'll think about it. Let's head to the kitchen after closing, and I'll show you around."

"You know, actually, we took over the old lot of Impurities. Remember that bar we used to party in all night? They already had a kitchen there. But we took out all their equipment cause it was kinda old. You won't even recognize the space when I show it to you, I promise."

"Well, if you promise this much, I'll think about it. I'll come visit, and I'll see if I can work with it."

"That's all I ask, Kazuha. Thank you for considering it, and I look forward to having your culinary touch at IVE. It's going to be unforgettable. And mouth-watering, might I add."

After a bit of chat, Kazuha shows Yujin around the main kitchen. Yujin has never really seen the brawn behind such a prestigious restaurant, and if she's being completely honest with herself, she still can't cook after all these years. That's Wonyoung's thing.

Yujin didn't really know what to expect, but she realizes now that her promise to Kazuha was quite lofty. She'd have to somehow acquire and set up all the industrial flat tops, deep fryers, refrigerators, ovens, and God knows what else.

The next day, she figures out how to find all the equipment for IVE's cafeteria. She can't afford to let Kazuha go now.

IVE Records is coming along nicely, but she's yet to involve the last two people left in IVE Records' grand opening.

Yunjin and Chaewon.

After living a quiet life in Damyang, the two girls decided to start their own winery in their garden. Eventually, Kazuha gave them the brilliant idea to start selling in limited quantities, and her restuarant is the only place they regularly sell their wine to. And if Kazuha is in on the plan, then Yunjin and Chaewon should be too. Yujin gives Yunjin and Chaewon a call, but it turns out they're in Napa Valley for the next two weeks tasting wines. Of course they are.

They meet up on June 29th at Damyang Wineries, and Yujin pitches them the plan.

"Yunjin, Chaewon, it's been too long! I hope you're both doing well. I have a special request, and it's about my newest business venture. By the way, this is my first time in Damyang. I can't believe you guys are living the rural life! I'm a city girl, this is already so new to me."

"First of all, we're more than happy to have you here. I'd love to show you the grape fields after this!" Chaewon said.

"Yeah, I second that. Honestly, it's easier to adjust to this kind of life when you've been craving it for years. Chaewon and I just had to run away from it, kinda." Yunjin said.

"I guess, I get it. But I wanted to ask you guys. I'm sure you guys have heard about Sakura joining a new record label? That's my record label - look at your Yujin, all grown up. Anyway, we're having a grand opening on August 10 and Kazuha is catering. I was wondering if you guys could supply the wine for the event."

"That's an interesting proposal, Yujin. I'm sure you know we've always been enthusiastic about wine, and it's a shared passion for Chaewon and me. But you know we've been living out here, and I'm still a bit apprehensive of going back there. You're basically throwing us back into the spotlight, Yuj."

"I understand that, and I respect your choices. I'm not really asking for a permanent commitment, I just want you guys to come back for this one event, and I promise I will not disappoint, like seriously. Oh, and if it's ok with you guys, I'd like to become your second customer so we can keep Damyang Wine at the office. That ok with you guys?"

"I'm fine with just once, you ok with that Chae?"

"I guess we're on then!"

"Alright y'all, thanks so much! The office dry run is on August 5, so I'll see you guys there so y'all can check out the building. Official opening is on August 10, but you guys are more than welcome to, like, stay in my apartment or something. We'll fix up the second room for you guys."

"Damn you Yujin and your powers against the two of us!" Yunjin snickered playfully. "But yes, we will be there, for sure. Wouldn't miss it for the world."

--- Time skip to August 5, 2027

Yujin is extremely satisfied about her work at IVE. The building is almost ready to go, with just one last full systems check left today. Wonyoung's back from France, slightly alarmed at how much money her wife's been spending, but seeing how much happier it made her was all worth it. Sakura's just been relaxing, not much work to do yet. Eunchae's murals and decorations are now complete, and the building has leveled up from its humble beginnings as plain white walls. Kazuha has been busy planning the menu, and Yunjin and Chaewon are driving in today with the Damyang Wine.

"Announcement system test, announcement system ok. Ladies and gentlemen, all systems start.", Yujin says through the PA system. This is it. Everything is up and running, the equipment has been installed, everything is in good, working order. It's dry run day, and the preparations are already going on up in the 3rd floor. It's also the day that Sakura, Kazuha, Eunchae, Yunjin, and Chaewon will get to see IVE Records in all its glory - fully accessible, And with all the lights on. Just like it's a normal working day, even though it's not open yet. The sign outside is still covered, and the windows boarded up. Yujin can't have anyone knowing about this yet. For 5 more days.

Wonyoung's the first to arrive, ever supportive of her wife. They've had quite a fun time the last few days now that they're back together and Yujin's happier than ever. Sakura's the second to arrive. Eunchae and Garam arrive next, followed by Kazuha, then Yunjin and Chaewon arrive last. They've brought the wine with them to chill in the wine fridge (yes, Yujin got a wine chiller for the office) and they ran a bit late because they were too busy picking the best bottles they had.

Yujin greets them all and asks them if they're ready. When they say yes, the fruits of two months of labor get revealed with one push of a button. Because of course, the new building has some space-age technology.

The doors slid open revealing the transformed space. The once plain, barren white partitions had given way to a kaleidoscope of colors, thanks to the vibrant murals Eunchae had adorned on the walls. Artistic designs brought an immediate sense of creativity to the atmosphere. Garam audibly gasped when she spotted the mural Eunchae created behind the reception desk.

*just imagine a slightly more open space behind the desk*

Eunchae couldn't contain her excitement. Her eyes darted around the room, taking in the design elements she had contributed to, and she beamed with pride.

Sakura's eyes widened with awe, and a smile spread across her face. She couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity and nostalgia, even in this brand-new setting. This was gonna be her home for the next few months, years, and beyond. This was a wondrous space.

Kazuha had really only come for the kitchen. But that would have to wait.

Yunjin and Chaewon, back in Seoul after two years, exchanged glances, their excitement palpable. The couple had stuck together through the years, the trials and tribulations, and the building symbolized new, potentially happier memories in the city that still holds double-edged inklings of the past.

"So this is our welcome area, our receptionist, Gaeul, would be very happy to assist you guys if you come back later on. Although, I'm also most likely walking around here somewhere and you guys can always tap my shoulder if you need to!" Yujin said happily.

"Holy shit Yuj, Wony's money really coming in clutch now, huh?" Chaewon said cheekily.

"Ummm... we won't talk about that. Here, moving back now you'll see the three recording studios and vocal booths, and on the right side you'll see the band practice rooms and production houses."

The recording studios were a marvel of modern technology and innovation. The control rooms, separated from the live rooms by thick glass windows, allowed the sound engineers to oversee the recording process with precision. High-end mixing boards, computer monitors, and racks of audio equipment filled the control rooms. The mood lighting that could change colors and brightness allowed the perfect ambiance for late-night recording sessions.

Yunjin, ever the producer and songwriter, couldn't help but grin as she examined the studio's tech-heavy setup. She had worked in various studios in the past, but this one was state-of-the-art. The possibilities for crafting the perfect sound were endless.

Sakura gravitated towards the live rooms. These vocal booths were soundproofed and acoustically treated, ensuring pristine audio quality. Microphones on adjustable stands, headphones, and comfortable seating awaited her and her fellow... IVE-ians? The demonym was yet to be decided. Anyhow, the walls of the live rooms were adorned with sound-diffusing panels to create the ideal recording environment. And these walls were still artistically treated by Eunchae.

"Leather reclining chair, seriously Yujin? We're never gonna want to sing in here, this is a whole nap room with how quiet it is!" Sakura exclaimed.

"That's how chill it is over here, Kkura. Just relax." Yujin replied.

Chaewon, Eunchae, and Kazuha gravitated towards the band practice room. The practice room was spacious and acoustically treated, which ensured that every note played and every chord strummed would sound pristine. There were soundproof booths for individual jamming, equipped with high-quality amplifiers and musical instruments. Guitars of various makes and models hung neatly on the wall, waiting to be plucked and strummed. Plus a Steinway and Sons grand piano, for good measure.

"HOLY FUCK!!! A 1959 KIRK HAMMETT GIBSON LES PAUL??? YUJIN YOU DIDN'T. THAT'S TWENTY GRAND!!!" Eunchae exclaimed, almost bewildered.

"Yeah, it is. Wanna play it?" Yujin said, extremely proud of her handiwork.

"Fuck yeah man!!!" Eunchae said, running to pick it up and play a few riffs.

"I wish this building existed back in our day, you know? Would be quite a treat to practice in here!" Kazuha said.

After strumming a few of the guitars on display, they moved on to the production houses. There, they encountered spaces that were a blend of technology and creativity. They saw rows of computers and audio equipment, even more intricate than those in the individual booth studios. These were capable of producing, mixing, and mastering music of the highest quality. The soundproofing and acoustic treatment ensured that the environment was perfect for sound engineering and post-production work.

Yujin basically dragged all of them up the stairs to continue the tour as she explained the second floors' most central features.

"As we walk up the stairs, you'll find another beautiful mural of a puppy by Mrs. Kim-Hong, very cute as always. Anyway, this is the entertainment floor. Here, I put everything kind of related to music but not really. The dance rooms, the makeup and styling area, the photography studio. Speaking of which, Garam, ready to see your new office?"

"I have an office???"

"Heh, you really think the studio was just enough? Here it is, by the way."

The studio truly took Garam's breath away. There was a vast selection of photography equipment meticulously arranged throughout the studio. There were state-of-the-art cameras, an assortment of lenses to suit every purpose, lighting equipment of all kinds, and a collection of backdrops in every color imaginable.

Garam's fingers itched with excitement as she gazed at the equipment. She knew this place was a photographer's dream come true. There were not just one but multiple photography areas with different setups, making it ideal for capturing a variety of images, from portraits to album shots. She and Eunchae delightedly jumped up and down and hugged each other like they were children again. They couldn't help but feel giddy, and thankful to Yujin for all this luxury they were provided.

And somehow, Yujin doubled down. The office area was equally impressive. A sleek desk with three monitors were ready for editing, even though Yujin made sure that the computers were fit for gaming (as if you wouldn't play games if your office had a $5000 computer and three monitors, be for real). The high-resolution displays would showcase the captivating images she would create. The office was wired for seamless data transfer, ensuring that she could work on her projects without any hindrance.

As Garam moved through the space, her mind raced with the potential of the studio and the stunning imagery she could create. Yujin had truly thought of every detail, creating a modern haven for a photographer and creative soul like her. This was not just a workspace; it was an artistic sanctuary.

Tears welled up in Garam's eyes as she turned to Yujin, her heart brimming with gratitude. "It's perfect," she whispered, knowing that this studio would be the birthplace of countless photographic masterpieces and a space where her creative vision could truly soar. Eunchae had never really seen Garam that happy before, apart from their wedding. And even then, this was a different kind of happiness.

"Yujin, you've reduced my wife to a blabbering mess. I think I'm starting to love you all over again!", Eunchae said happily, also on the verge of tears.

"Hey, hey guys, we're not done yet. Wanna see the styling room?"

As they stepped in, they were once again found gawking at the elegance and volume of it all. Yujin just did so much. The room was spacious, with a row of makeup stations featuring large, well-lit mirrors adorned with Hollywood-style vanity lights. Each station was stocked with a dazzling array of makeup, from foundations and eyeshadows to lipsticks and blush. Makeup brushes and tools were neatly arranged, waiting to be wielded by skilled hands.

"So this here is our chief stylist, Hyunseo, and she's in charge of overseeing the makeup and clothes department here at IVE." Hyunseo bowed towards the visitors, then enthusiastically greeted them. Turns out she was a big LE SSERAFIM fan back in her teens. Yujin knew that, and she was more than happy to oblige her fangirling this once.

Kazuha with her very keen eye for detail was intrigued by the hairstyling area. It was equipped with hair dryers and curling irons and hair products of every kind. Yunjin and Chaewon, meanwhile, who had always shared a passion for fashion and style, were immediately drawn to the racks of clothing that lined the back walls. Dresses, suits, and accessories were thoughtfully displayed, harkening back to their times as passionate stage performers. Suffice it to say, nostalgia for a bygone era propelled a lot of the appeal for the former bandmates.

"Yo, last thing on this floor, the dance room!" Yujin called out.

As with all the spaces Yujin meticulously designed, the studio was spacious. It was equipped with mirrors that covered one entire wall, reflecting their eager faces and the polished wooden floors beneath their feet. Large windows allowed natural light to pour in, creating an inviting and inspirational atmosphere. The room was equipped with a high-quality sound system, ensuring that every beat and melody could be heard with clarity.

Kazuha would finally get her moment as they ascended to the third floor where she could finally see her new abode for the first time - the kitchen.

"Hey Fimmies-"

"Damn Yujin, it's been a hot minute since you called us that!" Kazuha said.

"Well I don't wanna seem like a heartless demon right now, plus I mean we're in a musical space again! Don't like the nostalgia?" Yujin said.

"It's just- you might make me cry with the memories, Yuj." Kazuha replied.

"Doesn't matter, you're gonna cry even more when you see your kitchen! And yeah, not the most exciting thing on this floor, but it's I showed Garam her space on the second, so I think I should show Zuha her space first on the third."

And my goodness, what a kitchen it was. The kitchen was extremely spacious, with gleaming stainless steel countertops that stretched all the way to the wall. The layout was designed for efficiency, with a large central island that served as the heart of the culinary action. Industrial-grade stoves and ovens stood proudly along one wall, and a bank of refrigerators and freezers offered ample storage for fresh ingredients.

Kazuha was struck by the sense of organization and thoughtfulness in the kitchen's design, especially considering the head of all these operations can't even cook. The utensils and tools were meticulously arranged, and the cabinets were well-stocked with the finest cookware and equipment. It was a culinary wonderland, a place where her new culinary creations could come to life.

She was particularly captivated by the large prep area, which was equipped with a variety of cutting boards and knives. It was just as versatile as the kitchen at The Seven Continents but somehow even better. The room offered her a sense of freedom and possibility, a canvas for her culinary artistry.

As she moved through the kitchen, her fingers itched with anticipation. She could already imagine the dishes she would create, the flavors she would experiment with, and the culinary experiences she would offer. Perhaps this was her eighth continent, the wonders of her kitchen.

"Are you really out to make everyone cry right now, Yujin? Cause you just keep on surprising us again, and again, and again. And for the record, yes I'll cook for you." Kazuha said through sniffles.

"I made a promise and I kept it. What else can I say, Zuha? Anyway, lovely sisters, over here to the left are the three meeting rooms."

The meeting rooms were spacious, with large, comfortable chairs arranged around sleek, modern tables complete with charging ports. Large windows allowed natural light to flood in, and the room was designed with a color palette that exuded warmth and tranquility. It was a departure from the typical stuffy meeting rooms; instead, it felt inviting and relaxed, making everyone instantly feel at ease. Instead of a traditional board, the room comes with a TV screen and a virtual whiteboard. Yujin was thrilled by the room's potential for brainstorming and strategizing. She recognized that the relaxed atmosphere would encourage open and honest discussions, a place where they could chart their course without feeling constrained.

Sakura, who had always been the group's emotional anchor, felt a sense of calm in the room. It was a space where she could reflect on her journey, discuss her emotions that she wanted to convey in her music, and make plans for the future. The room's relaxed ambiance encouraged her to share her thoughts openly. Eunchae, meanwhile, with her artistic sensibilities, admired the artful decorations and the attention to detail. The room was adorned with paintings and sculptures, creating a sense of artistic inspiration. It was a space where they could discuss the visual elements of their music, from album art to music videos. (imagine paintings on the wall in the picture)

"I gotta be honest with you Yujin, I don't know whether this will top our penthouse meetings at 1 AM, but I do have to say this is pretty damn impressive." Chaewon commented.

"Y'all wanna see the lounge?" Yujin asked everyone.

"There's no way you really put a lounge for us people here, Yujin. Since when were you ever one for rest?" Sakura questioned.

"Hey, come on Kkura. I know I don't really rest, but it's usually cause I can't. At least now, I'll have a place to do it. Here it is, girls!" Yujin directed their eyes towards the lounge.

What greeted them was a space that embodied luxury and comfort. The lounge featured a collection of plush leather recliner chairs, each one offering an invitation to sink into its embrace. The chairs were strategically arranged for optimal viewing of a massive movie screen that covered one wall. The room was designed to provide the perfect setting for movie and sports nights, relaxation, and moments of leisure.

Yunjin, the biggest aficionado of corny romance movies, couldn't help but imagine the late-night film marathons they could indulge in. The recliner chairs promised comfort for hours of cinematic enjoyment, with each seat equipped with a built-in cup holder.

And what better to fill those cup holders than a glass of wine? Yujin made sure to place a wine fridge near the back of the room which would house the collection of Damyang Wine from Yunjin and Chaewon. Next to it was a fridge full of Prime Energy drinks of various flavors, which Yujin particularly adored for late night work runs. And even then, there was a table for small snacks and appetizers to be prepared by Kazuha and her crew. And no lounge would be complete without a popcorn machine complete with pouches and bottles of different flavorings and syrups.

The room was filled with comforting music, creating an ambiance that washed over them like a soothing wave. An even stronger yet smooth scent Yujin chose completed the sensory experience, filling the lounge with a sense of tranquility and relaxation.

"How am I supposed to cook if I could stay here all day!" Kazuha shouted with amazement.

"Can't we just record our music here, Yuj?" Sakura said.

"Don't worry Sakura, you have my express permission to sleep here." Yujin said with a laugh.

"Anyway, you guys wanna check out my office?" Yujin added.

The office was designed to provide a comforting atmosphere, with mood lighting and soft furnishings. The large windows framed by heavy curtains allowed natural light to filter in, creating a sense of tranquility. It was a space that encouraged relaxation, conversation, and reflection. Yujin wanted to make everyone feel welcome in her office, hence the effort to keep things light and bright.

A surprise awaited all the bandmates. The room was adorned with a striking collection of portraits, vinyls, and albums from the Le Sserafim era. The images, captured by various photographers over the years, depicted the group in various stages of their career, from fresh-faced rookies to seasoned veterans. The vinyl records and their own albums were displayed as a reminder of their musical journey.

"Oh my, the memories this room holds, huh girls?" Yunjin said.

"And yet, only half the wall is covered. The other half is for the future, for the memories and accomplishments in store for IVE and for you guys, of course. Even though you guys aren't working here, you're more than welcome to chat and hang out." Yujin said.

The most unexpected element in the room was Yujin's personal firearm collection. From her Thompson submachine gun dated 1921, to the modern Daewoo K2 dated 2024, the collectoin hinted at her complex personality, her fascination with history, and her readiness to protect what she held dear. It was a side of Yujin that they had seen all too well, but they didn't really expect it to manifest in this manner.

"So here, I have some magazines, and behind those some magazines." Yujin said in a deadpan manner.

"What the hell do you mean Yuji- ohhhhhh." Chaewon's eyes opened wider with realization. Yujin had, in fact, hidden magazines behind magazines. The latter for Yujin and passersby to read, and the former keeping the firearms stocked with ammunition should the need arise.

"Are these real, Yujin?" Kazuha questioned.

"Do you want me to shoot them right now and injure you?" Yujin said playfully, taking out her pistol from underneath her desk and aiming it at the wall near Kazuha. Who needs trigger discipline? (a/n /srs pls observe trigger discipline when handling firearms thanks)

"Woah, ok Yujin, I get it. You really wanna mess something up on day 1?" Kazuha said with a tinge of fear.

The sisters explored all the other hallmark features of the office. Truly, no expense was spared because her office was grand as fuck. Yujin had an en suite bathroom all to herself tucked behind a discreet door. It had real marble countertops, a whole shower and bathtub, and one of those electronic Japanese bidets for cleaning her ass to keep it in tip top shape.

"You know Chaechae and I have a worse bathroom than this at home, right? How the hell did you just one up us in your office??" Yunjin said, shocked.

But that wasn't all. Adjacent to the bathroom on the other side was a door leading to Yujin's office bedroom. It was big enough to house 2 people reliably at any time, so that Yujin could nap comfortably on her own or bring Wonyoung for some office activities. Totally those.

Going back to the heart of her office, her centerpiece was truly spectacular. Her table housed three massive monitors along with a desktop computer that bested even Garam's. Her desk had so much hidden storage space since it was hollow that she implemented a mechanized system to raise and lower her monitors, keyboard, mouse, and microphone. While it was extremely expensive, it made for an amazing showpiece that left all the members' mouths agape in awe.

On the left side of her desk, an 80-inch 8K TV screen was hung on the wall. As if the lounge's massive movie screen wasn't enough, she even had her own personal TV so she could put on the news, the latest and greatest music videos, or any visual to her heart's content.

"So you're telling me I'm gonna be sweating my ass off in the kitchen while you're here in your office playing games? That's some bullcrap right there, Yujin." Kazuha said with some amount of jealousy.

"Well let's be honest Zuha, you're not in the kitchen all the time sweating your ass off." Yujin said. "Anyway, there's still one last thing and that's the roof deck where we'll be holding the opening. It's not quite ready yet though, so you'll have to wait for 5 days from now to see it. I trust you'll all be there, right?"

--- 5 days later

Yujin invited quite a few guests for the opening ceremony - Wonyoung, being her lovely wife, was an automatic inclusion. Sakura, as the company's first artist, would be formally introduced as IVE's Sakura at the event. Kazuha was working behind the scenes on the menu while Eunchae and Garam were invited as resident artist and photographer, respectively. Yunjin and Chaewon were primarily main sponsors with the alcohol for the event.

Yujin opened the doors for public viewing at 5 PM, but the doors would promptly close at 6 to usher the esteemed guests up to the cafeteria (well, really, restaurant) for the formal ceremonies. Yujin organized a small afterparty on the roof deck for the most important guests. Yujin showed up wearing her most prized blazer and some Air Jordans while Wonyoung showed up in a beautiful white gown. The dress code was formal, but allowed for some leeway when it came to dressing.

Every detail was meticulously planned down to the millimeter. Some barriers had to be placed sort of akin to a museum, but other than that the lucky members of the public in front of the line would be able to see the culmination of months of hard work firsthand. The queue stretched down the whole block and then some as music fans everywhere rejoiced. Some loyal fans even flew from abroad just for the one-hour window of opportunity.

As the people rushed in, Yujin was there to watch and also explain some of the design decisions that were made. This was also the first test to see if the building could handle loads of people in it at once. And it definitely did not disappoint. The crowd was amazed by the caliber of the equipment and the instruments as well as the bright lighting and open floor plan.

IVE Records Korea @diveintoive · 2d

Official statement from IVE Records Korea:

Dear Music Enthusiasts, Fans, and Friends,

We are thrilled to announce the grand opening of IVE Records, a new chapter in our musical journey. As we embark on this exciting venture, we cordially invite you to join us for a special Open House Event tomorrow, August 10th from 5 PM to 6 PM.

During this one-hour event, we welcome you to explore our label building constructed from the ground up where every detail has been designed to inspire creativity, unity, and innovation. From state-of-the-art recording studios and dance practice rooms to a stunning art gallery and a delectable restaurant, our space reflects the dedication and passion we have for the art of music.

This Open House Event is an opportunity for you to step inside our world, witness our commitment to excellence, and share in the excitement of our new beginnings. Experience the ambiance of our stylish lounge, the versatility of our meeting rooms, and the cinematic delights of our movie lounge.

Join us for a journey through the past with a nostalgic look at our artistic evolution, and a glimpse into the future where we continue to push the boundaries of musical artistry. We can't wait to share this moment with all of you.

Esteemed guests and members of the media are invited to verify their invites and press passes at the receptionist desk where you will be ushered to the opening venue at 6 PM.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to welcoming you to IVE Records on this special day.

An Yujin, CEO and Executive Director, IVE Records

rpd @therandomplaydancer · 6m
Replying to @diveintoive
Flew in from Toronto to witness history in the making. If anyone can pull off something like this without hyperbole, it's Yujin. And my goodness, she did not disappoint, people! The place is stunning and the amount of detail is incredible. A work of art! #diveintoive

STAN AN YUJIN @zuhaonthebASS · 4m
Replying to @diveintoive

Guga Foods @sousvideeverything · 3m
Replying to @diveintoive
Thanks so much IVE for the cordial invite! I must say, the kitchen is absolutely amazing. Would love to cook here in the future! - Guga

"Good evening everyone! Please settle down as we begin the opening ceremony. I am Jang Wonyoung, and I will be your host for today. To begin, I would like to call on my lovely wife, An Yujin, for her opening speech. After that, we will be giving you all time for dinner, then we will tour you all around the building in batches. After the tour, Yujin will lay out the plans for the label going forward. Let's go Yujin!" Wonyoung opens the event to uproarious applause, and as she calls Yujin the crowd could not be more excited.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, members of the media, and all those joining us online," Yujin began, "Thank you for gracing us with your presence today as we embark on a new journey, a journey that has been months in the making and is now ready to unfold before your eyes in record time. I am deeply honored to stand before you as we open the doors to IVE Records, a place where music, art, and innovation converge."

"Today, we gather in a space that has been meticulously designed to nurture creativity, to inspire unity, and to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of music. IVE Records is not just a label; it is a sanctuary for artists, a haven where they can explore their artistry, collaborate with like-minded individuals, and, above all, create music that resonates with the soul."

"As I look around this room, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and humility. The memories we've all created throughout our careers have brought us to this moment. From my early days performing with my band here in this very building, to the unforgettable era I had with my bandmates over there, and now, as I take the helm of IVE Records, every note, every step, and every challenge has led me here. And I am eternally grateful for all of you who are here to guide us and accompany us through this great journey."

"IVE Records is not just about those who've been here from the start; it is about the entire artistic community. It is about providing a space for emerging artists to find their voice, share their stories, and nurture their talents. It is about celebrating the diversity of music and the power it has to connect people from all corners of the world."

"Today, as we welcome you to explore our label building, our future, I invite you to share in our vision. IVE Records is not just a place for the past and the present; it is a place for the future. It is a place where we will continue to innovate, to break new ground, and to deliver music that moves the heart and soul."

"I want to express my deepest gratitude to all our fans, who have been a constant source of support and inspiration. To the media, who have captured our journey and shared it with the world. To our esteemed guests, who have joined us in this celebration. And to all those watching online, who are part of this moment in their own way."

"As we take our first steps in this new chapter, we do so with excitement, with gratitude, and with the unwavering belief that the power of music transcends all boundaries. IVE Records is not just a label; it is a promise, a promise to continue to create, to inspire, and to connect through the language of music."

"Thank you for being here to witness the birth of IVE Records. This is just the beginning, and we look forward to sharing this incredible journey with all of you. And now, let's eat!"

The crowd roared to life as Kazuha's service team brought out the food. A scaled down version of the buffet found at The Seven Continents, it still featured a truly global selection of foods, symbolizing not only Kazuha's reach as a restauranteur but IVE Records' reach as a global record label.

Menu (if you're interested)
Cheese plate with crackers available on demand

Appetizer Selections
- Asian Platter (composed of spring rolls, Chinese dumplings, and small shrimp tempura)
- European Platter (composed of bruschetta, quiche, and stuffed mushrooms)
- American Platter (composed of sliders, wings, and small grilled cheese sandwiches)

Soup Selections
- Thai Tom Yum Soup
- French Onion Soup
- New England Clam Chowder

Noodle Bar
- Hong Kong-style noodle soup
- Japanese Tonkotsu Ramen
- Spaghetti bolognese
- Spaghetti alla carbonara

Salad Bar
- Japanese Sesame Salad
- Classic Caesar Salad
- Greek Salad
- Waldorf Salad
- Any combination of the above

Main Courses
- USDA Prime Ribeye (available at the carving station, dry aged 40 days)
- Miyazaki Wagyu A5 Filet Mignon (available at the carving station, best enjoyed in small bites)
- Pan-seared Salmon (available at the carving station)
- Indian Chicken and Goat Curry
- Roasted Peking Duck

- Tiramisu
- Creme brulee
- New York cheesecake
- Fresh-cut fruit (available at the self-service dessert table)
- Ice cream (available at the self-service dessert table)

- Evian still water
- Evian sparkling water
- A choice of apple or orange juice
- Coca-Cola
- Sprite
- Makgeolli (Chungcheong, 2023)
- Soju
- Damyang Wine (Damyang, 2025)
- Heineken
- Bud Light

Yujin is very much aware of the fact that this opening night alone might already run her tens of thousands of dollars, but when you've already spent around a million before your label is even operational, ten thousand is pocket change. Plus, Yujin was never one to make just a small splash - she really wanted to dive in with a massive tsunami worth of talk about her label. And of course, Yujin and Kazuha invited world renowned food critics and connoisseurs to taste the food that would be served at IVE. It did not disappoint at all, by any stretch of the imagination.

Two hours passed by filled with delectable food, a wide selection of drinks, the top hits of the past and present, and idle chatter with friendly company. The eight VVIPs - Yujin, Wonyoung, Sakura, Kazuha, Yunjin, Chaewon, Eunchae, and Garam were all seated at one table all to themselves. They filled the night by drinking Damyang Wine together, reminiscing about the past and discussing the future for each of them.

"Alright everybody, I hope you've had a lovely dinner! We will be starting the building tour now! The first batch will start on the first floor, while the second will start on the second floor. Please, feel free to take pictures and explore to your hearts content! Please come back at 9:30 PM for the press conference and final announcements from the company. Enjoy the tour!" Wonyoung said with a big smile.

The guests could not help but gawk at the site of all the new rooms. While they did get a sneak peek during the public viewing, the guests had the privilege of getting up close and personal with the facilities. They were able to play the piano in the band practice room, attempt a few dance challenges in the dance room, and sit in the lounge to watch a movie on the big screen.

Koreaboo @koreaboo · 30m
@diveintoive IVE Records' Formally Opened, Building is a Stunner

Alphadroid @androidforlife · 25m
From what I've seen, looks like Apple is about to copy the design layout of this office tbh

Chenxin Song @cxsong · 23m
The press tour was insane - I had a grand time indulging myself in the massive guitar and bass collection they have in the practice room. Built for a musician!

While the press tour was going on, hasty preparations were ongoing in the meeting rooms to convert it to a press conference area. The three meeting rooms had partitions that could be raised or lowered at will, and in this case they were lowered to make room for all the seats. The table at the far end was marked with only two markers - An Yujin and Miyawaki Sakura. It was finally time.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for joining us here at this press conference, even though I'm sure you guys are quite tired at this point." The audience laughed quietly at Yujin's remarks. "It is a momentous occasion for IVE Records, and I am honored to sit before you as we celebrate our grand opening and share exciting news about our future."

The TV screen updates with various snapshots of media speculation regarding Sakura and her future.

"As I'm sure you already know, there have been many rumors and much speculation as to Sakura's signing with a new record label. I am pleased to make it officially known that Sakura officially signed with IVE Records on June 2nd, 2027 and began the redebut process then. Rest assured that Sakura will be out with new music very, very soon. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to her for being an indispensable part of this journey. Her talent, dedication, and passion for music have made her the ideal choice to become the first artist under IVE Records. As a dear friend who I've shared so much history with, the label and I are thrilled to have Sakura as a part of our family, and I have no doubt that her artistry will shine even brighter with us. Please welcome her to the floor, everyone!" The audience claps loudly as Sakura makes her way to her marked spot.

"Now, many of you may be wondering why there are many empty spaces on the table. This marks the future of IVE Records. Our immediate plan is to debut a five-member girl group in September. Debut preparations are already underway, and the details will be announced on August 15th. We are extremely confident in the talents and skills of our new group, and we cannot wait to showcase them to the world. The group will join Sakura under the IVE banner and hopefully shine a light on the musical creativity and freedom that IVE Records can and will provide. With that being said, I'll open the door for questions now."

"Mrs. An, can you tell us more about the creative direction and concept you have for your new girl group?" One of the reporters asked.

"I don't want to spoil too much, but rest assured that the group will have great live performances and authentic songwriting and interactions with fans. As the executive director, I will be directing and producing their debut album, but I will leave them with most of the freedom in their hands.

"A question for both of you, what do you say to the critics who claim that Sakura was chosen merely for her close relation to Yujin? That she was poached from her previous contract?"

Yujin taps Sakura's shoulder to signal I got this. "I will not deny the close relation I have with her, that's very clear for the world to see. The decision was made on a bunch of different factors, such as holistic development, a very clear talent, passion for the art and existing popularity. We believe this makes her a perfect candidate as first artist." Yujin replied, slightly irked by the question but sailing through it smoothly anyway.

"Question for Ms. Miyawaki, could you describe the creative freedom and your redebut process in IVE Records thus far, and does it live up to the vision and product sold to you by Mrs. An?"

"Well, I'd have to say given all that's transpired in the last two months I've been here that it's even better than what I was sold! Yujin has been there to help me and guide me but overall I've been doing most of it on my own. And now, seeing all these new facilities, I can say that the redebut process is even better now!" Sakura replied with a resolute nod and a smile.

"We'll be taking one more question now, and then we'll be ending this press conference."

"Uh, one last question for the both of you. What message do you have to aspiring artists who wish to join IVE Records, and what message do you have for your fans who've been supporting you both for more than a decade now?"

"Thank you for that wonderful question. To aspiring artists who dream of joining IVE Records, I want to convey a message of encouragement and inspiration. The music industry can be a challenging and competitive world, but we are here and we are committed to nurturing raw talent, creativity, and diversity. We believe that every artist has a unique story to tell, and we are here to help you tell it. I am here to help you with that. Keep honing your craft, stay true to your artistry, and don't be afraid to take risks. We're always on the lookout for fresh voices and new perspectives, so keep pursuing your dreams with dedication and passion. Truth be told, we're going to be starting auditions soon where you can send in your practice videos in your basement. Any and all talent is welcome!"

"And to all the loyal fans, and even the new fans, thank you for supporting Sakura and I in this new journey together. You don't know the impact your support has on us to keep us going and energized to make things for all of you. I think I speak for myself, for Sakura, and for our former bandmates in attendance here today that part of what made that era unforgettable was the determination and resolve that you all provided us. The loud cheers and the unabashed screaming of the lyrics and tunes we worked so hard to create. And even here, we hope to see the same kind of support and adoration for our artists." Yujin said, almost holding back tears.

"Well, that was the last question. Thank you so much for coming to the grand opening of IVE Records and we'll see you on August 15th for the new girl group announcement. Please feel free to grab a drink on the way out." Wonyoung said to end the events of the night.

--- Time skip to August 15, 2027

Yujin has never felt so nervous in her life. The success of her record label would pretty much be hinged on this one move. Whether IVE would take off as planned or just be added to the rather extensive list of flops was hinged on this very moment. The meeting room was filled yet again with the clamors of invited guests, and the Fimmies were backstage waiting to witness it all unravel in front of their eyes. The months of preparation all came down to this, very, moment.

"Good afternoon, dear guests, friends, members of the media, and fans from around the world. Today is a very special day, just 5 days after our grand opening we are back again to introduce to the world IVE's newest girl group. They harken back to a bygone era, where bands reigned supreme - they are a collection of five beautiful, insanely talented women who all have their own individual talents and skills. They have also, most definitely, had way too much time to develop chemistry with each other. Also, surprise surprise, the debut album has been pushed forward to release immediately tomorrow on August the 16th. I don't know if this will be a shock or not, but it's time. IVE's newest girl group is a go."

Yujin let's the anticipation burst, just like that. One by one, the members walk in, taking their places at the table.

The first member, vocalist and ever reliable emotional anchor, Miyawaki Sakura.

The second member, their bassist and legendary Osaka comedian, Nakamura Kazuha.

The third member, their rhythm guitarist and bubbly smile potato, Hong Eunchae.

The fourth member, their drummer and extremely energetic American babe, Huh Yunjin.

And the fifth member, their lead guitarist, her presence sorely missed, walks in last to uproarious applause, jaws hung open, and a livestream chat faster than a Darkstar - Kim Chaewon.

Two years after their disbandment, and in their thirties, the reunion is on.

LE SSERAFIM is back.


As it always should have been.


Then (The afterparty, 8/10/27)

"So ladies, you might be asking why all of this is happening right now. Truth be told, no one knows about this yet. But I think you have the right to know. The plans for this new girl group of ours, are not actually that new at all. I want to bring back Le Sserafim." The members all kind of flinch at this, but remain receptive to the idea. "And I know we all live different lives right now, but maybe you guys noticed I involved all of you in this one way or another. I just wanted to get you guys all here so I could start this shit."

"Well damn Yujin, I get it but why go through all this hassle and spend so much money just for this one little thing?" Chaewon questioned.

"First of all Chae, this is not a little thing. Secondly, I wanted to show you all that we could do it on our own - no more external help and no more bureaucratic bastards. And well, I built this to impress you guys - you guys very much pointed out the nostalgia factor of it all. And that's cause this is my home - this is Le Sserafim's home, our past and our future all wrapped into one. It's been the plan from the very beginning, hence poaching Sakura from her label."

"And you never told me?" Sakura said.

"I wanted to keep it a surprise. Look, I really get it if you guys don't want to do this anymore and you've moved on. But me, personally, I left a book open and it hasn't been closed. I miss the life before." Yujin replied solemnly.

"If I just knew you were going to say this, we probably wouldn't be here tonight, Yuj." Yunjin said.

"Jen's right. I just don't know whether we have it in us anymore to, like, deal with the stuff we had before. Fatigue, mental stress, and we're not getting any younger, mind you." Chaewon concurred.

"I hope I'm really not asking too much but I don't expect any permanent group type stuff. I just want to give the fans what they want, you know? You guys are still high up on the charts two years on! We could break records if we came back right now!"

"So what's your plan then, Yujin?" Kazuha questioned.

"Well, in line with this whole independent thing, you guys can just do whatever you want. I was thinking we could dig up some of Jen's old lyrics and write melodies for them. I was thinking a 4-song EP, maybe? And if you guys want to tour but I won't pressure you." Yujin answered honestly.

"I kind of have to do this if you ask me, since I am under you after all, I guess." Sakura said.

The others said they would think about it. Eunchae was skeptical about leaving her art career behind for now but she was generally receptive. Kazuha, less so as she would virtually give up not just The Seven Continents but also managing the cafeteria at the label building. Yunjin and Chaewon were extremely nervous about giving up the private life and being thrust into the spotlight again, but they both thought maybe now was the time to make happy memories as they always should have been.

They all said yes, but not without one heart-to-heart between two people first.


"Kazuha." Sakura called out across the table.

"Sakura." Kazuha returned.

"Can we talk, like, just the two of us?"

"About us?"

"Well, yeah I- since we're gonna be here anyway I thought maybe you could give me a chance again? And look, I know all the shit I did before and you'll never let me forget it but I really never stopped loving you, you know? No one- no one has been in my head except you, Zuha."

"Not even in your pants?" Kazuha replied cheekily.

"Not even that. Does that mean you want to try?"

"You know, I realized that dating Hanni was only special cause she reminded me of you a bit. But what I still love about you is that you did all those things for me without expecting anything in return. Hell, with all the times I rejected you but you atill respected me. The boundaries, the friendship and yet you still showed otherworldly kindness and, well, love. I always loved that about you. You're too kind, Kkura. I don't know how I'll ever be able to return it."

"You don't need to, Zuha. Your presence is enough for me. And plus, I get it. We both had our ups and downs but we're here together, r-"

"Be my girlfriend."

"Are you sure?"

"It's about damn time, is it not?"



LE SSERAFIM @ive_lesserafim · 2m
Sakura. Kazuha. Eunchae. Yunjin. Chaewon.
We're back, baby.




#LESSERAFIM #TheReunionProject

[insert le sserafim epic montage here]

I'M HAVING AN ANEURYSM @jennifersdrums · 1m
Replying to @ive_lesserafim

REJOICING @zuhaonthebASS · 1m
Replying to @ive_lesserafim

Replying to @ive_lesserafim

Koreaboo @koreaboo · 30s
Le Sserafim returns to the stage with new EP

The room just could not calm down. After the cheering and applause subsided, the incessant typing of keyboards, clicking of trackpads, and people in various states of strong emotion could be seen in the room. Everyone and their grandmother had to hear about this, and Yujin was sure about it.

A cacophony of voices could heard calling out various names, but Yujin chose to answer a question from her favorite reporter first.

"Mrs. An, this is Hyewon for SBS News, I'd just like to ask, what prompted this reunion and what do you think old and new supporters of the band can expect from them now?" The reporter, Hyewon, asked.

"To be honest, it was the common inkling among us all to go back to performing. We've all grown individually, both artistically and personally, but there's an undeniable chemistry and bond that we share as a group that never went away at all. The idea came to me one night when I was moping around drunk, to be honest. It made me realize how much I missed all of this. This reunion is not just about reliving the past; it's about channeling our individual growth into something new and exciting for both us and our fans.

"How was it like bringing everyone on board after two years of charting your own individual courses?" Another reporter, Minju, asked.

"It was surprisingly smooth, actually. I did have to do things in secret, but getting everyone back was a no brainer. We've all evolved of course, but the core of our friendship remained solid. Each member brought a wealth of experiences then and they still do all the same, and I believe we can still resonate strongly with our audience. Le Sserafim was never just a band; it's a story of friendship, music, and growth, and this reunion is the next chapter, or perhaps the closure in that story."

Minju raised her hand again. "To add onto that, Mrs. An, what was the secret plan you were referring to, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Well, you already know Sakura signing on as the first artist under IVE and that started it all. Then I reached out to Eunchae if she could design the building, Kazuha if she could run the restaurant we have here, and Chaewon and Yunjin if they could supply our wine here in the building. Really it was just a secret ploy to get them all here. They already know that though, heh." The crowd also chuckled.

"Question for Mrs. Huh-Kim, welcome back to Le Sserafim, by the way, but the fans are quite curious, what prompted this return?" Another reporter asked.

"Well, it's no secret that life takes unexpected turns, and sometimes you need to step back to appreciate what you had. The decision to return to Le Sserafim wasn't an easy one, especially after the falling out we had long ago. Yunjin and I both needed time to heal and grow individually. During our time apart, I found myself reflecting and reminiscing on the incredible moments we shared, both on and off the stage. As for rejoining the group, it was a process of open communication and understanding. Yunjin and I had some heartfelt conversations, addressing the past issues and acknowledging the renewal we've gone through these past 6 years. We both realized that our shared history, both the highs and lows, is something precious, and it's worth giving our musical journey another chance to end on a sweeter note."

"Question for Mrs. Kim-Huh, the media has reported rather extensively on your mental health problems during the latter years of your 8-year run as a band. How will you address those to make sure they won't cause more conflict again?"

"Firstly, I don't appreciate the gossip and prying into our private lives, but I appreciate the concern. It's true; the latter years of our 8-year run were challenging, and I faced some personal struggles. Mental health is something that many individuals, including artists, grapple with, and I was no exception. The time apart allowed me and Chae to prioritize our well-being, seek the necessary support, and focus on personal growth." Yunjin replied in earnest.

"This question is for no one in particular, but fans are curious about the musical direction of the comeback. Can you share any hints about the style and themes we can expect from the new music?"

"I can't spoil too much, I mean come on, can't you guys wait a day? But anyway. Considering this is another album written and produced by me and my members, just expect the same Le Sserafim musical style. As for the themes, we've decided to focus on things like friendship, obviously, but love and other happy things like that. We're bringing up some classic flavor as well, since we're using some of Yunjin's old lyrics we weren't able to release." Kazuha said.

"Question for Mrs. An, what would you like to say to skeptics who might claim that IVE Records will also turn out to be a one-group wonder, dictated by a legacy group and not carving a future for itself?"

"I will admit straight from the get go that I founded IVE with the primary goal of this project. But rest assured that IVE remains steadfast in its commitment to fostering new talent, and Le Sserafim will not be here to commandeer IVE but improve it and help new talent. I mean, who wouldn't want to sing with Sakura, or write songs with Yunjin, or play guitar with Eunchae? We will be launching global auditions soon and we hope to see you all there! We have time for one last question."

"No questions? Well, that will be it then. Thank you so much for attending this special IVE Records live event, and please stay tuned for LE SSERAFIM's album release tomorrow.


LE SSERAFIM @ive_lesserafim · 1m
Executive Producer and Creative Director: An Yujin

Track 01. Succession
Lyrics by Kim-Huh Yunjin, Miyawaki Sakura
Produced by Kim-Huh Yunjin

Track 02. Resonance
Lyrics by Kim-Huh Yunjin, Huh-Kim Chaewon
Produced by Kim-Huh Yunjin

Track 03. Flaming Embers
Lyrics by Nakamura Kazuha, Miyawaki Sakura
Produced by Kim-Huh Yunjin, Nakamura Kazuha

Track 04. Seraphim
Lyrics by Kim-Huh Yunjin, Kim-Hong Eunchae
Produced by Kim-Huh Yunjin

Released courtesy of IVE Records
[links here]

#LESSERAFIM #TheReunionProject


After another 8 years of performing and touring, the group finally decided that it was time to ride into the sunset. 19 total years of performing and dealing with shit takes a huge toll on someone's physical and mental health. And they're not getting any younger.

Dear Fearnots,

After eight more incredible years and nineteen years together filled with music, memories, and the most remarkable journey of our lives, we find ourselves at a bittersweet crossroads. It is with heavy hearts yet a profound sense of gratitude that we announce the permanent disbandment of Le Sserafim. Truthfully, we are not getting any younger, and with the exception of Eunchae who is now 37, we all find ourselves at the tender age of 41. There comes a point in life where even good things must come to an end.

On October 15, 2035, we will release our final EP, a collection of ten songs that encapsulate the stories, experiences, and relationships that have defined us throughout this remarkable journey. Each note, lyric, and melody is a reflection of the shared journey we embarked upon, and it serves as a heartfelt thank you for the unwavering support you've given us.

As we take this step, we want to express our deepest appreciation to each and every one of you who has been a part of our musical family. Your love, encouragement, and presence have fueled our passion and creativity, and we are forever grateful for the memories we've shared together.

Le Sserafim is not just a band; it was a symphony of friendship, love, and growth. We've celebrated triumphs, weathered storms, and evolved both individually and collectively. The decision to permanently disband comes with a mix of emotions, but we believe it is the right time to explore new horizons and pursue individual paths.

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our loyal fans, friends, and the entire music community for standing by us through the highs and lows. Your unwavering support has been our greatest source of strength.

While Le Sserafim may be sailing into the sunset, the music and memories we've made will forever linger in our hearts. We hope you'll join us in celebrating the final EP, a musical testament to the beautiful journey we've shared.

Thank you, dear Fearnots, for giving us strength. For being out angels, for being the wind beneath our wings.

With love,
Yunjin, Sakura, Chaewon, Kazuha, Eunchae, and Yujin

LE SSERAFIM @ive_lesserafim · 1m
Executive Producer and Creative Director: An Yujin

Track 01. Sunset
Lyrics by Kim-Huh Yunjin, Huh-Kim Chaewon, Nakamura-Miyawaki Sakura, Miyawaki-Nakamura Kazuha, Kim-Hong Eunchae
Produced by Kim-Huh Yunjin

Track 02. The Beginning: Miyawaki Sakura
Lyrics by Miyawaki Sakura
Produced by Miyawaki Sakura

Track 03. The Beginning: Kim Chaewon
Lyrics by Kim Chaewon
Produced by Kim Chaewon

Track 04. The Beginning: Huh Yunjin
Lyrics by Huh Yunjin
Produced by Huh Yunjin

Track 05. The Beginning: Nakamura Kazuha
Lyrics by Nakamura Kazuha
Produced by Nakamura Kazuha

Track 06. The Beginning: Hong Eunchae
Lyrics by Hong Eunchae
Produced by Hong Eunchae

Track 07. The Happy Ending: Purinz
Lyrics by Kim-Huh Yunjin, Huh-Kim Chaewon
Produced by Kim-Huh Yunjin

Track 08. The Happy Ending: Petalz
Lyrics by Nakamura-Miyawaki Sakura, Miyawaki-Nakamura Kazuha
Produced by Miyawaki-Nakamura Kazuha

Track 09. The Happy Ending: Eunram
Lyrics by Kim-Hong Eunchae
Produced by Kim-Hong Eunchae

Track 10. The Happy Ending: Annyeongz
Featuring An Yujin and Jang Wonyoung
Lyrics by An Yujin
Produced by An Yujin

Released courtesy of IVE Records
[links here]


Track 11. The Happy Ending: Memories.
Thank you so much to all of you readers for reading this story from start to end.
This bonus chapter is actually written by myself, and I hope you guys are alright with this writing style in the future.
My next long-form Purinz story is my own, fully original story inspired by my trip to China. I won't spoil much more than that :)
I hope you guys liked the song lyric tidbits too! The Memories lyrics foreshadowed some parts of the story, if you didn't notice! I hope you guys also appreciate the new chapter names I created (both for this and Room 508).
Until then, see you! Much love, take care, and stay safe. <3

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