Something About Him

By bert3005

9K 636 248

[bxb] After a traumatic event, Mathew- or Matty as everyone calls him- moves into a family/friend's home; the... More

I. Welcome to Hell
II. Meatloaf and Bad Behavior
III. Naked
V. Potato Chips
VI. Q-Tip
VII. Not My Business
VIII. Friday Night Football
IX. You Look Like a Bird
X. Silver Spoon
XI. The Ridge
XII. I Better Not Be Dreaming

IV. Mr. Popular

608 54 21
By bert3005

Confidence or not, I don't have to try too hard at being outgoing. Having the title of 'new kid' is giving me way more attention than I realize. In half of the classes I've already attended, everyone's been coming up to me, asking questions, and overall being nice. Like I'm a shiny new toy they want to get their hands on.

It's the end of gym, only fifteen minutes left and I finally get some time alone. The indoor bleachers are pulled out for students to chill until the bell so that's where I station myself.

"So, what's it like living with Julian Martinez?" A very flamboyant boy asks, plopping himself down on the bleacher next to me.

Scratch the alone time.

The guy has one long leg over the other as he looks at me with big blue eyes. He's scrawny with blonde hair that's giving Ryan Evan's from High School Musical (I'm gay, of course I know that movie). Luckily he has better fashion sense than the Disney character, but still moderately flashy.

A girl is with him and she sits on the next line of bleachers down, looking bored as ever. She is polar opposite of the Ryan impersonator; she has dark green, pin-straight hair that's cut an inch below her chin, multiple nose piercings including an eyebrow piercing. Where the blonde boy has highlight, and blush, and contour makeup, the girl is all natural in her tan skin. Where the blonde flashes all his fun colors, the green haired girl wears baggie grey sweatpants and a Falling in Reverse black tshirt.

"How do you know I live with him?" I ask.

"Honey, everyone knows you live with him," the blonde tells me.

"Hm," Maybe Julian is why people are so quick to get to know me. So much for keeping that secret.

"Well?" The boy pushes.


"It is the best policy," he sings.

"Living with Julian Martinez sucks. He's a grade A asshole," I tell them straight.

Blonde looks at me like he's stunned and Green Hair perks up, "This just got interesting," she speaks for the first time in a monotone voice.

Blonde leans forward as if soaking in the sweetest gossip, "Tell me more, tell me more," he encourages and I just know he's a theatre kid.

"Can I get your guy's names first?" I didn't think that was too much to ask.

"Enchante, the name is Finley." the Blonde holds out his hand to me as if he expects me to kiss one of the numerous rings on his fingers. I don't kiss his accessories and lightly shake his hand instead. "Not Finn," he adds. "And this gorgeous goddess," he gestures to green haired girl, "is Willow. And you're Matthew-"

"Matty, not Matthew," I interrupt.

"Matty, I like it. So, why the Julian Martinez hate?" Finley questions.

"He's a total douchebag and very rude."

"Really? I mean that's part of grieving sometimes."

My heart squeezes in pain, "Grieving? Like my parents?" How much did they know? I really don't want word going around of what happened to my parents and I. The amount of 'I'm sorry for your loss' with sad eyes if people found out will make me drop out of high school.

"What happened to your parents?" He asks and relief falls over me. So they don't know.

"How is he so wildly known anyway?" I change the subject.

"Are you kidding? He's a legend here, a total football God," He says which completely shocks me. Julian did football? He was a jock? I figured he was the typical stoner kid who got through school with his hood up.

Finley continues, "He put together the most iconic Senior Prank day. Everyone either loved him or hated that they loved him," he explains and this amazes me even more considering how he acts. "Plus, he's absolutely gorgeous. Asshole or not, I know you want to hop on that."

My eyes widen, "What? I'm not-"

"You don't have to deny it, my gaydar is always accurate," he gives a proud smile.

"Dude, I can smell your gayness from across the room," Willow states dryly.

I look down at my clothes. It's not like I'm screaming gay like Finley. I wore black Adidas pants, Van's Old Skool shoes, and a random black t-shirt with minimal design on the back. I am wearing a beaded necklace my best friend, Quinn made me before I moved. It was my only pop of color. Is that really it that gives me away? I really don't see how they just knew my sexuality.

But them figuring out I'm gay doesn't matter to me; I'm not hiding it, I just don't broadcast it or feel like I have to 'come out' to people. "No, that's not what I was going to say. I am gay, but I'm not trying to 'hop on that'. Of course he's hot as fuck, but I'm living with him."

"An even more perfect opportunity," Finley exclaims. He's a very passionate person, I put together. I think about what he just said. Finley is right about one thing; convenience. Would I really oppose if he snuck into my bedroom late at night? To see his bare chest and- "Oh my God! You're picturing it."

I shake my head with a scoff, "No, he's like a brother," who I shouldn't be thinking of naked. What's wrong with me? 

"He was totally picturing it," Willow talks like she knows me already.

"Fine, I was," I admit. "But he has a girlfriend-"

"Samantha," they both say at the same time.

"You guys know her?" Jeez, how much do they know? Is there a Julian Martinez Wikipedia I don't know about?

"They were on and off all of high school. Looks like they still are," Finley says then, "she's a bitch though."

"Hm," is my only response.


The rest of school is uneventful, I sat with Finley and Willow at lunch, listening to every relationship status circling around the hallway. If I ever need to know about someone, Finley and Kayla are who to go to.

With Kayla at cheerleading practice, I'm left alone by the time school ends and I wait for Julian to pick me up.

I sit on the curb at the front of my school and wait. Half the kids running to their car to beat the parking lot traffic or catching up with their friends at their car to wait out the traffic. The other half shuffles onto the line of buses.

And I wait, watching everyone disperse including teachers. And I wait and wait and wait.

I haven't gotten Julian's number yet which I realize is stupid of me because now I can't text him, where the fuck are you? and I have no clue when Kayla gets out of cheer practice.

I check the time on my phone, half hour after school ended and my battery's at twenty percent. Great.

"Come on, Julian," I groan in frustration. I really can't understand how he was so adored by everyone at this school. Finley said something about him grieving. Grieving over what if not my parents? My mom was like a second mom to him too at one point, but that was years ago. Plus, Finley questioned what happened to my parents, so clearly he wasn't talking about Julian mourning my parent's loss.

Either way, a loss doesn't give him a pass to act like a total ass to everyone. Like not picking me up from school.

I pull up Maps on my phone and look up how far away the Wilson's house is. Thirty minute walk. That's not horrible. Although- glancing up at the sky- those dark clouds seem to be rolling in quickly.

"Fuck me," I mutter before swinging my backpack over my shoulders and stand up to begin my walk home.

About fifteen minutes in, my battery is completely drained from using Maps, leaving me with a dead phone and a guess on how to make my way home. This is also when Mother Nature decides to grace me with rain.

I'm shivering, my arms wrapped around me as I make my way down the sidewalk. A car pulls up, and keeps pace with me. Based on the navy blue sports car, I know it's Julian as the passenger side window rolls down, "Matty." I send Julian a death glare and keep walking. "I'm sorry, okay? I lost track of time."

"Lost track of time by shoving your tongue down Samantha's throat?" I question, not looking at him.

"Come on, get in." Funny how he didn't deny it.

"I think I'll walk."

"It's raining."

"A slight drizzle, I'll manage-" A crack of thunder breaks through the clouds and rain begins to pour down hard. Of course.

Julian laughs making me stop in my tracks and give him a dumbfounded expression. "You think this is funny?"

"A little, now get in," he demands.

"Fuck you," is all I say and I continue on the sidewalk.

"Fine, walk your ass home," he says, but still drives at my speed.

I scoff, "wow."

"I'm offering you a ride-"

I stop again making him stop. "Forty minutes too late."

"Okay, fuck," he rolls his eyes. "Just get in the damn car before you get sick and my mom rips me a new one."

"You'd deserve it," I say under my breath, but give in. "I hope my wet ass ruins your precious seats," I say scornfully. Once settled into his leather passenger seat, I shove my backpack in between my legs, then hold out my hand. "Give me your phone so I can add my number."

"Ask me to dinner first," he jests.

"Ha," but it wasn't funny. "Your phone?"

Julian digs it out of his dark jean's pocket before handing it to me "112o" he tells me his code.

I go to his contacts and input my number, "there," I say then place his phone in the cup holder. It's silent for a moment until a thought crosses my mind, "do you still have my GameBoy?"

"What?" He questions which makes me roll my eyes. He just irks me.

"My GameBoy? I gave it to you when you moved away," I remind him, watching as he turns down the street.

"Seven years ago? If I did you wouldn't get it back," he tells me matter-of-fact.

I scoff and cross my arms, "So you do have it?"


"It's mine."

He laughs, "you're not getting it. I don't even have it."

I think he's bullshitting me, but all I say is "you're agitating."

"And you're annoying."

"I liked you better when we were younger, at least twelve year old you was nice, now you're just an asshole."

Okay maybe that was harsh, but Julian doesn't care, he puts his hand over his heart, "I'm wounded," he quips then turns down a familiar street. "I've gone everyday since I moved away thinking; I hope little Matthew likes me when I grow up," he spoke in a childish voice.

"Matty," I mutter.

"I don't care," he says and we pull into the driveway.


He's so rude. Tsk tsk

Helloo lovely ppl of Wattpad, how is everyone?

Next chapter will be out Thursday, but you can read up to chapter 6 on my Patreon. Link in bio.

Thank you for reading.

-Xoxo, Bert

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