Supergirl x Male Reader

By AnotherRWBYFan

28.2K 686 83

Any and all rights to pre-existing characters in this story belong to their respective owners. More

Part 0: Introduction
Part 1: Supergirl
Part 2: a Walk in the Park
Part 3: Movie Night
Part 4: the Following Day
Part 5: the Party
Part 6: Coffee Meeting
Part 7: Working
Part 8: Kara in Gotham
A/N: How the Characters Look
Part 9: Justice League
Part 10: Earth 2
Part 11: Kara Zor-El
Part 12: Justice Society Pt. 1
Part 13: Justice Society Pt. 2
Part 14: the Perks of Dating a Superhero
Part 15: Powerless
Part 16: Movie Date
Part 17: Livewire
Part 18: Slow Morning
A/N: Thank You

Part 19: Finale

701 22 3
By AnotherRWBYFan

Not long after Kara woke up, she was reminded by (Y/N) that her boss, Perry White, announced a mandatory meeting at the start of the day. After the pair had breakfast, Kara made her way to the Daily Planet.

(Kara): Hey, Lois. Any clue what Mr. White was talking about in that email?

(Lois): I have no clue, but I guess we're gonna find out in a few minutes. You want a coffee?

(Kara): Yeah, that would be great.

As soon as Kara said that, the pair heard Perry's voice from the other side of the floor.

(Perry): Alright, everyone in the conference room!

(Kara): I can get that later.

Once the conference room was full, Perry began speaking.

(Perry): As I'm sure you all know, Cat Grant has started up a new company in National City. We're open to having workers transferring there, but you'll have to be the ones volunteering so we don't get sued. CatCo would cover your salaries from then, but you'd have to relocate.

He showed them a slideshow featuring several photos of the workspace.

(Kara): Is there a deadline for that?

(Perry): End of next week.

After that was said, many of the Planet workers began talking to themselves. Considering whether the cross-country move was worth it.

(Kara): National City, huh?

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful for Kara, but when she got off work, she called (Y/N).

(Kara): Babe, I have something I think we need to go over.

(Y/N): Okay, uh, what is it?

(Kara): The Planet is going to have transfer opportunities to a company in National City.

(Y/N): That's pretty far away, huh?

(Kara): Yeah. And I'm honestly thinking about it.

(Y/N): Why's that?

(Kara): Don't get me wrong, I like my job, but CatCo seems like a pretty good place to work. And my human parents live in National City.

(Y/N): I gotta respect that. Why did you want to go over this?

(Kara): Mostly because it's on the other side of the country and if I get the job, I'd still want to be with you.

(Y/N): I'd still want to be with you too, Kara.

(Kara): Thanks, (Y/N). Long distance seems like it would be pretty hard, though. Even if I can go from coast to coast in a few seconds.

(Y/N): I mean, we could try moving in together.

(Kara): Really?

(Y/N): Totally. If we both move, we'd have more money to work with if we sold our apartments here to get a new one. Plus you could probably carry a moving truck no problem.

(Kara): Wow, I uh, never thought of that. Wanna go over some details tonight?

(Y/N): I have an extra shift tonight, but how about tomorrow?

(Kara): That would probably work. Thanks, babe.

(Y/N): No problem, Kara.

-Twenty-four hours later-

The next day, (Y/N) and Kara met at a restaurant to discuss their plan for the future.

(Kara): Hey, babe. I know it hasn't been that long, but I missed you.

(Y/N): I missed you too, Kara. You ready?

(Kara): Yep. Let's do this.

The pair then went into the restaurant, were seated and ordered their drinks.

(Y/N): So let's go over budget first. What are we dealing with here for our new place?

(Kara): Given both of our jobs, it looks like we could afford a small place. My Earth parents could probably let us stay at their place for a little while too.

(Y/N): Wow, that's nice of them. That should work then. How about the way we'll get our stuff across the country?

(Kara): I think we both know the answer to that.

(Y/N): Touché. I guess now, all we'd have to do now is find a place reasonably close to CatCo.

(Kara): Yeah. That shouldn't be too hard, right?

(Y/N): I mean we can check. Let me look on my phone.

(Y/N) went to his phone as he and Kara scrolled through the apartment options.

(Y/N): Too far away.

(Kara): Too small.

(Y/N): That one doesn't have a window.

(Kara): This one looks like a murder scene in a movie.

They continued until…

(Y/N): Oh my god. How can we afford this thing?

(Kara): Babe look, there's a subway stop nearby that goes to the one by CatCo!

(Y/N): I think we found a winner. Wanna schedule the tour for after we arrive?

(Kara): Sounds good! I'll sign up for the transfer so we can set a date.

(Y/N): Gotcha. I still can't believe we're doing this to be honest.

(Kara): What do you mean?

(Y/N): Y'know. We're moving to the literal opposite side of the country. Together.

(Kara): Now that you say it like that, yeah.

After further conversing, the couple returned to their respective apartments. In the following days, Kara applied for the CatCo transfer and (Y/N) started looking for employment in National City.

Not long after that, the pair rented a moving truck (which Kara did, in fact, carry) and moved their belongings to their new home together. The move in date was set, and they moved in together, with Kara now working at CatCo and (Y/N) finding a new place of employment. The pair's new life together officially started.

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