Not another cinderella story

Por Zerose23

1.9K 115 40

Ricky finds love in college. But he also finds out life is not a fairy tale. Más



349 16 7
Por Zerose23

It has become a habit for Ricky ever since he started college a little over a year ago, at least twice a week he would wake up half an hour earlier than needed and, on his way to class, he would stop by the most popular coffee shop amongst students, almost in front of the main building of the University. He used to go there so often that all the employees already knew his order, a strawberry frappuccino and one strawberry muffin, and they would start making it as soon as the blonde haired boy entered the room.

Today was one of these days, except for the fact that, when it was finally his turn to be served, there was an unfamiliar face behind the counter. A handsome guy with jet black hair, a broad smile displaying perfectly aligned white teeth, a sharp jaw and perfectly sculpted nose, asking him for his order. After a few seconds of shock, he asked for his usual frappuccino and sat down on a small table nearby to wait for his drink, which was brought a few minutes later by the handsome boy himself.

"Hello! Sorry, it's my first day here... The guys told me you come here often and probably forgot to order your muffin, so I brought one for you," he smiled at the customer, the bags under his eyes becoming more prominent as he did so.

"Oh, hi... Yeah, thank you." Ricky motioned for his wallet to pay for the pastry but the other boy stopped him.

"It's on me! Don't worry. We'll probably see each other often here. I'll have your order memorized from now on."

"Thank you, it's really kind of you," he smiled gratefully at the other and took a bite of the muffin, savoring the sweet strawberry flavor. "This is really good."

"No problem, it's my pleasure. I'm Kim Jiwoong, by the way," he said, holding out his hand for Ricky, who took it and shook firmly.

"I'm Ricky. Nice to meet you, Jiwoong."

"Likewise, Ricky." He slightly bowed, smile still in place. "So, what brings you here so often?"

"Well, it's right across the street from Uni. But more than that, I guess I just like the frappuccino here. And the muffins, of course," he chuckled, taking another bite of his treat.

"Can't argue with that. Even though I started here this week, I'm already a fan of the muffins myself, although I usually prefer brownies."

They chatted for a few more minutes before Ricky realized he was going to be late for his class if he didn't hurry.

"I have to go, but it was nice meeting you, Jiwoong. Thanks again for the muffin," he said, getting up and grabbing his backpack.

"Anytime. See you around, Ricky." Jiwoong said, waving goodbye as the other hurried out the door.

When Ricky made his way to class, he couldn't help but think about Jiwoong and his bright smile. He made a mental note to come back to the coffee shop soon and strike up another conversation with the handsome new employee.

As the days went by, Ricky found himself looking forward to his visits to the coffee shop more than ever before. He would purposely wake up earlier just to have a chance to chat a little more with Jiwoong, and he would stay a little longer than necessary just to savor the company of the boy with the charming smile and infectious laugh. It wasn't long before they became friends, talking about everything from school to music to their personal lives. Ricky found himself opening up to Jiwoong in ways he never had with anyone else, and he enjoyed listening to the other's stories and dreams.

This went on for a while, until one day, as Ricky was about to leave the coffee shop, Jiwoong stopped him with a hand on his arm.

"Hey, Ricky, can I ask you something?" He said, looking a little nervous.

"Sure, what's up?" the blonde replied, turning to face the other.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime, outside of the coffee shop I mean. Maybe we could go see a movie or grab some dinner?" Jiwoong said, biting his lip anxiously.

Ricky's heart skipped a beat at the thought. He had been hoping for something like this for weeks, but he had been too afraid to make a move.

"I would love to!" He said, grinning from ear to ear. "How about this weekend?"

Jiwoong's face lit up as his invitation was successful. "That sounds great. How about we meet up at the movie theater on Saturday evening?"

Ricky nodded eagerly. "Perfect. I'll see you then."

As he walked back to his car, Ricky couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness at the prospect of spending more time with Jiwoong. He knew that there was a chance that their friendship could develop into something more, and he was eager to see where things would go.

The rest of the week seemed to fly by, and before he knew it, Saturday had arrived. Ricky spent the day trying to keep his nerves under control, but he couldn't help but feel a little jittery as he got dressed in his best outfit and headed out to meet Jiwoong. When he arrived at the movie theater, he saw the other boy waiting for him outside, looking just as nervous and excited as he was.

"Hey," Ricky said, approaching Jiwoong with a smile.

"Hey," Jiwoong replied, grinning back. "You look really nice."

Ricky felt his cheeks flush with color at the compliment. "Thanks. So do you."

They bought their tickets and popcorn, and settled into their seats in the dark theater. As the lights went down and the previews began, Ricky found himself sneaking glances at Jiwoong out of the corner of his eye. He was struck once again by how handsome the other boy was, with his perfect nose and bright smile. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and take Jiwoong's hand, but he was too afraid of making things awkward.

As the movie started, they both fell silent, engrossed in the story unfolding on the screen. But as the tension on screen mounted, Ricky found himself leaning closer and closer to Jiwoong, until their arms were touching. He could feel the heat radiating off of the other boy's body, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of attraction. When Jiwoong finally turned to look at him, their eyes met, and Ricky felt something shift between them. Without a word, Jiwoong reached out and took his hand, interlacing their fingers together. Ricky felt his heart skip a beat as they sat there, hands clasped together, watching the rest of the movie in a comfortable silence.

When the credits finally rolled, Ricky looked down at their hands, feeling his heart race with excitement. He turned to face Jiwoong, who was still watching the screen with a content smile on his face.

"Hey," Ricky whispered, trying to get Jiwoong's attention. Jiwoong turned to him, and Ricky took a deep breath before speaking again. "I just wanted to say... I really like spending time with you. You make me feel so... happy. That's why I've been going to the coffee shop almost everyday." he chuckled.

Jiwoong's smile widened, and he squeezed Ricky's hand.

"I feel the same way, Ricky.. You're the highlight of my day, every day. Oh, my god, that was way too cheesy!" He laughed at his own remark, Ricky joining him.

As they got up and headed to the exit, their hands still intertwined, Ricky felt a sense of contentment wash over him. He didn't know where this relationship was headed, but he knew that he wanted to find out.

After the movie, they walked around the city, talking and laughing together. They stopped at a small restaurant and had dinner, sharing stories and secrets over plates of steaming food. As they walked back to the dorms, Ricky felt a sense of sadness at the thought of leaving Jiwoong.

"I had a really great time tonight,"  Ricky said, stopping outside the dorm building.

"Me too," Jiwoong replied, looking up at him with a soft smile.

They stood there for a few moments, just looking at each other, before Jiwoong leaned in and pressed his lips to Ricky's. Ricky felt a jolt of electricity shoot through his body, and he wrapped his arms around Jiwoong's neck, deepening the kiss.

When they pulled away, both of them were breathless.

"Can we do this again?"Jiwoong asked, his eyes shining with hope.

Ricky nodded eagerly. "Yes. Definitely."

They said their goodbyes, and Jiwoong walked into his dorm room with a sense of happiness that he had never felt before. As Ricky walked to his car, he knew that there would be challenges ahead, but he was willing to face them, as long as he had Jiwoong by his side.

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