Yes Sir || J•JK FF

By BtsFanfics_01

146 8 0

"Y/n...are you sure you can handle whatever he saids to you? What if he forces you to do something else then... More



15 1 0
By BtsFanfics_01

*Y/n's POV*

Since I am now Jungkook's girlfriend, lots of people noticed us and some were surprised and happy that we were. Sana seemed upset and worried at the same time because I chose to be with Jungkook instead.

I didn't even believed her at all, after what she said about Jungkook while I was in the hospital.

During the whole relationship, Jungkook started off as of being sweet and kind but then turned into something that I didn't expect from him. He started to act possessive and sometimes he would act aggressive when he feels like I'm in trouble or something. And when we get into an argument, he starts using sex as a way of punishing me.

And yet that's how it all started, I was in class when he messaged me constantly because I wouldn't answer the phone for him. I sighed and turned my phone around and put it inside my bag for a minute before finishing. After I finished, I walked out of the classroom only to see Jungkook standing there.

"How long were you standing there?" I asked.

"Why haven't you been answering my damn calls? The hell do you take me for?" Jungkook asked.

"I was taking a test, I couldn't answer my phone." I said.

"I don't give a damn, come with me." Jungkook said.

"Jungkook...stop being this dramatic, it's just a test and that was it." I said.

"Dramatic?" Jungkook said.

Jungkook pushed me against the wall and glared at me, he grabbed my face and made me look at him.

"Who the fuck are you getting smart with?" Jungkook asked, "answer me!"

"" I said.

"That's what I thought, now come with me to my dorm for now." Jungkook said.

Jungkook grabbed my arm and dragged me to his dorm, I tried to stop him but he kept dragging me. I felt like he was doing way too much just because I was taking a test in my history class.

"J-jungkook...stop my arm hurts." I said.

"I don't care." Jungkook said.

"Stop!" I yelled, "my arm is hurting, please.."

Jungkook turned around and looked at me before pushing me inside his dorm and closing the door behind us both. He then locked the door and looked at me, I stood up and then looked at Jungkook before backing up away from him.

I didn't know what else to do because of being near me and everything. Jungkook walked closer towards me and grabbed my arms and pulled me closer towards him. He then slapped me across the face and slammed me down onto the ground which hurt my back because of his strength.

"Ow!" I yelled.

Jungkook looked at me, he went down towards my level and grabbed my face with his right hand.

"I don't like being ignored, so you better answer the phone the next time I call you. Cause if not, you'll regret it for sure and you know it." Jungkook said.

"Jungkook I can't just answer the phone when I'm taking a test, or either an exam." I said.

"I don't care." Jungkook said.

"Jungkook...can you please stop with the possessive behavior? You are causing me to have people stare at me talk behind my back, you're gonna end up having other people not wanting to be friends with me, just stop that's all I asked." I said.

"That's something I can't control." Jungkook said.

I rolled my eyes, I slowly got up from the floor and then slowly got onto the couch. Jungkook just stood there as he watched me get up from the floor and just get back onto the couch just to sit down. I didn't know what to do with him anymore, I feel like he won't listen to me anymore because he wants to be too possessive and just be aggressive towards me.

I'm not sure what the hell is going on with him, but it's mostly scaring me to the point where I should of listened to Sana the whole time instead of ignoring her and making her feel worried. She barely even talks to me and just ignores me when she sees me.

"Jungkook...I don't understand your behavior, one minute your nice and sweet then the next minute you get all angry and possessive towards me, why do you always do this for...?" I asked.

"Because you're mine! I don't like people touching you or even trying to talk to you. It pisses me off, and yet you intend to ignore that statement that I gave to you, and yet you think I wouldn't act that way? Cause clearly I will, you're my girlfriend not anyone other guys." Jungkook said.

"Jungkook, just stop, I don't need that at all. You are doing too much right now." I said.

"Oh? I'm doing too much?! I'm the one that's trying to fucking protect you! Let some guy touch you and I will punish you for it and mostly hurt him." Jungkook said.

He got close up towards my face which caused me to have a tear down my face, I felt scared of him. He was scaring me way too much with his behavior and demeanor and everything. The way he acts was so uncalled for and unnecessary, especially when we are in public as well. But he doesn't really care if we are, he just likes to make a scene in front of everyone so they can see and watch.

"I feel like you do this for no reason, just to hurt innocent guys. When clearly they didn't seem interested in me at all. But instead you think it's ok to attack them for just talking to me or either ask me for help with something." I said.

"Could of told me." Jungkook said.

"I did! You didn't wanna listen to me and just shoved me inside the dorm and just had sex with me as a damn punishment!" I yelled.

"Because I hated that you were flirting with him. That's clearly what you were doing with him, and yet I know you were." Jungkook said.

"I can never understand seems like you can never stop your ways and yet you clearly just don't wanna understand that I'm gonna be around other people even if you don't like them or not." I said.

"I don't give a damn! You should stop being around them for good, I hate the way they look at you." Jungkook said.

I grabbed my phone and set it down onto the table as I covered my face and felt annoyed by him.

"I'm going to my room, I don't have time for this. You are stressing me out right now." I said.

"No, we aren't done talking." Jungkook said.

"Stop! I'm done with the conversation and yet you won't understand me! That's how you are, you just think I'm cheating on you when clearly I'm not, all I'm doing is group work and everything and here you come thinking I'm cheating on you? I'm not, I literally had a project to do that I have to turn in the end of this week." I said, "I'm not even cheating on you, all I'm doing is my work and helping other students out with their work and I can't do that when you keep dragging me away..."

"How the fuck can I even trust you?" Jungkook asked.

"Why are you even with me if you can't trust me?! Why?! If you can't trust me then I'm done." I said.

Jungkook grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him, he held me into his arms and yet I wasn't expecting him to do this when we start to argue with each other. He kissed my lips and made me look up at him, he looked me in the eyes.

"Baby, I know, and I know shouldn't do that. I'll prove it to you that I won't do that again, I just got too carried away with everything. I'm sorry baby, don't be too mad." Jungkook said.

"Then please stop, I don't like it..." I said.

"I won't, I promise that I'll stop but I'll only do it for you. I'm sorry I got that carried away like that." Jungkook said.

After what happened, I started to think Jungkook was acting quite weird. Because he wouldn't like coke to the dorm eventually, it's just that it's so difficult for me to even be around people when he acts all possessive and aggressive for no reason.

"Just stop, I don't want nothing to happen to you, I don't want people to think you're the bad guy." I said.

"Alright, I'll stop my ways." Jungkook said.

"Thank you, I don't like how you keep making people think that you have some type of problem. So please stop doing this all the time." I said.

"Fine..." Jungkook said.

He then walked over towards the room and closed the door, I sighed and then stood up but my back was hurting a bit because of what Jungkook did towards me. I then walked over towards the kitchen and opened the fridge just to get something to drink before going towards the living room again.

I sighed to myself, remembering those words that Jungkook said to me and how he could be this possessive like this and yet I don't know how my parents are gonna react when they see him for the first time and yet I wouldn't really know, they did say I couldn't have a boyfriend even though I am capable of making my own choices now.

Looking at my phone, I saw a text message from Sana that she wanted to speak with me about something. I sighed and put my shoes back on just to go and meet up with her, I walked to the location and then looked around and didn't see her anywhere which I was quite confused on why she wasn't here.

"Sana..?" I said.

With that she didn't answer me at all, I continued to call out her name until I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and saw a tall guy with black hair, brown eyes, wearing a blue and black shirt. He looked at me and had his arms folded across his chest just standing there looking at me, I wasn't sure if he was her boyfriend or not but he could be.

"You're not Sana..?" I said.

"No, I'm her boyfriend, my name is Namjoon." Namjoon said.

"Oh, alright. What is it?" I asked.

"Sana wanted me to come and meet you for myself, and also talk with you about someone you're dating as well since she kept mentioning it to me." Namjoon said.

"And that is..?" I asked.

"Your boyfriend, isn't his name Jungkook?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"You do know he's dangerous, right? He's apart of the porn industry as well." Namjoon said.

"How do you know all of this..?" I asked.

"Well, let's just say that I've heard a lot of females coming out with stories of their experiences with him, and they weren't that good either. He is possessive and abusive, and he can also get aggressive when he wants too. I'm telling you, he's not what you think he is, he's dangerous and wanted in many countries." Namjoon said.

"You're lying..." I said, "this isn't true at all, why are you making this up for? Why?"

"It is true, you can't keep believing him all the time, what he said doesn't add up either." Namjoon said.

"'s not true...Jungkook isn't a criminal that you think he's just not true.." I said.

Namjoon glared at me and walked towards me, I didn't want to believe him at all. He seem like he was lying about the whole entire thing as well. I stepped back away from him as my back hits the wall.

"It is true, ask him yourself and you will know." Namjoon said, "I guarantee you that I'm not lying, and if he makes up a story then that tells you that I wasn't lying about him, neither was Sana."

"I don't believe you at all, you're making this up.." I said, "you clearly are making this all up!"

Namjoon raised his hand and smacked me across the face, I touched my cheek and looked at him having a tear fall down my face. He moved closer towards me trapping me with his arms.

"Don't get so full of yourself now, it's all true and you're too blind to see and notice it for yourself. If you continue to be with him and something happens to you, don't bother asking for help from me or Sana. Cause we won't help you when he does a lot of damage towards you." Namjoon said.

Namjoon then let go of me and walked off, I didn't know what else to say right after he left. I looked around and noticed that there was no one around me that saw it. I walked towards the library and walked inside and sat in one of the chairs.

I sighed to myself, I don't know why he was lying about Jungkook being a criminal, he never was one and yet I don't see him as one either the way they all see it for themselves. I just couldn't find any kinds of way to see it for myself if it were to be true.

I kept thinking about it until I got a call from Jungkook, I rolled my eyes and knew that he was wondering where I was. I answered it and mostly heard him yelling through the phone and then hung up the phone after I replied back to him. I then walked out of the library and went back to his dorm.

I opened the door and walked inside only to get slapped in the face and pushed against the door.

"Ow!" I yelled.

"Where the fuck were you?!" Jungkook yelled.

"I went to go see what Sana wanted, that's all." I said.

"I don't give a damn, I never told you that you could leave this dorm at all and since you wanna disobey me get in the damn room." Jungkook said.

"No, I'm not doing that, I know what you're gonna do anyway. It's not even that serious for you to do this Jungkook.." I said, "you stay being too aggressive for no reason whenever I have something to do in the university."

"Well that's about to change, cause you and me won't be here anymore." Jungkook said.

"N-no, you can't do this! I have to be here, in order to make my parents happy.." I said.

"I don't think so, you can forget about making your parents happy cause I don't care." Jungkook said.

"If you do this, you will cause my parents to be worried and upset with me about this choice, you know damn well you can't do this to me..." I said.

"I can and you will follow my instructions, cause if not I'll beat the living hell out of you. Be fucking aware of who you are talking to if I were you." Jungkook said.

"I'm not letting you do this..." I said.

Jungkook smacked me again and then punched me, he then grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the room and slammed me against the wall, he choked me and got close yo to my face and glared at me and then put his arm around my neck.

"I will be doing this, and you can't do anything about this at all. You have no damn choice, you are going by what I say not what your damn parents say." Jungkook said, "you will address me as sir and you will follow my demands cause if not, you will continue to get beaten and punished. So I wouldn't test my damn patience."

"No...I can't do that at all...!" I yelled.

"Oh really? Cause clearly I can just do whatever I want and get it if I want too. Testing me because you don't wanna follow my orders, you really are wanting that punishment do you?" Jungkook asked.

I tried to fight him off of me but he was stronger than me, he punched me again and again. He then slapped me across the face before grabbing me and throwing me on the bed. I screamed trying to stop him from doing what he was doing.

He ripped my clothes off of my body and then walked towards the nightstand and grabbed some tape, he took a piece and then put it over my mouth. And mostly just shut me up, he removed his clothes and everything, I looked at him and begged him to stop doing this but he wouldn't listen to me.

He entered himself inside of me and just thrust inside me in a fast pace, he went down towards me and kissed my neck and then smacked me.

"Should know who you're talking to. Don't disobey me and then you wouldn't be punished at all." Jungkook said, "cause whatever your parents say, I don't give a damn what they say. You do what I say, not them."

He then slapped me again, I didn't say much and just nodded my head. I just let him do what he was doing it. After Jungkook finished, I was laying down in the bed crying because of his behavior, it scared me and yet I couldn't even take this anymore.

Later on, I was in the cafeteria just eating, I saw Sana with her boyfriend and her new friends. I watched them talk to each other and then looked down, myself just sitting here alone. I sniffled a bit and then continue to eat my food, I then looked at my phone and see a post that was about Sana and Namjoon, it seems they were gonna have a party.

Everyone seems to be invited but I wasn't, which was fine with me. I put my phone down onto the table and then went back to eating my food, I sighed and then got up and grabbed my things and left the cafeteria. I didn't feel the need to be there hearing Sana and her friends talk about a party.

I felt so left out for sure, I walked to the bathroom just to cry and stay there for a while. I was only there for a minute when someone walked inside the bathroom and looked at me, which I wasn't expecting it to be Sana standing there at all, looking at me as I was crying while standing in the corner.

"Why are you crying?" Sana asked.

"You wouldn't understand..." I said, "it's not something that you would understand at all, just go back to your friends."

"Don't worry about that, why are you here crying? I bet it's Jungkook, right?" Sana asked.

"...yeah...why?" I asked.

"I told you that he would hurt you, force you to do things you don't wanna do. Let me guess, he told you that if you don't listen he will punish you and try to keep you away from here?" Sana asked.

"Yeah..doesn't matter anyway.." I said.

"It does matter, he's hurting you for crying out loud, do you not understand that?" Sana asked, "if you keep this up, I guarantee you that your parents wouldn't want to help you if they tried too, not even me. Why don't you ever listen to me? I'm trying to be your friend but you won't let me help you."

"I don't need any help...I'm fine.." I said.

"You aren't fine, stop lying." Sana said, "you stay saying you are fine but you clearly aren't, I know when you aren't is when you start crying and covering your face, don't lie to me Y/n!"

Sana yelled at me, of course she does know when I'm not feeling alright is when I cover my face and cry. I just don't know what else to say right now, because she was right anyway.

"Stop being this way! Listen to me before something bad happens to you, I'm not lying I'm just trying to protect you here. Namjoon wouldn't even lie to you either anyway and that you just need to understand that. All you wanna do is ignore what we say to you and not understand why he's a criminal." Sana said.

"I don't believe that! Stop spreading lies about this! You clearly act like this is something that I can't control at all, leave Jungkook alone about this." I said.

"Wanna keep trying this all the time? I'm not gonna keep telling you this, he's dangerous!" Sana yelled, "stop dating him or this will continue to happen! And yet, since he's apart of the porn industry, he will cause you to be on there!"

"No! I'm not believing you at all!" I yelled.

Sana slapped me across the face, she then looked at me while glaring at me.

"Fine, if you won't listen to me then you will see for yourself and watch, you will end up asking me for help one of these days! And I won't be helping you at all, and maybe let you suffer!" Sana yelled.

Sana then walked away, she walked out of the bathroom while I just stood there and had so many tears in my eyes. I begin to cry and just stood there, I then grabbed my things and just walked out of the bathroom just to go back to the dorm. I walked inside and cried, I walked over towards the bedroom and saw Jungkook sitting there naked.

He turned his head towards me and raised an eyebrow at me, I wasn't even sure what to say to him at all. He just sat there and then kept glaring at me.

"Why are you back in this dorm? Why are you not in class right now?" Jungkook asked.

"I didn't feel like going to class..." I said.

"And why not? Is there a damn problem?" Jungkook asked, "cause if there is, I'll beat your ass."

"There isn't no don't need to beat my ass either..." I said.

"Oh I don't? Lay down and you'll see then." Jungkook said.

"No...please...Jungkook please.." I said.

"I don't give a fuck what you say lay down!" Jungkook yelled.

I flinched when he yelled at me, I then laid down onto the bed and felt him punching me. He then grabbed me by the neck and choked me and continued to abuse me and abuse me until the bruises were showing on my body for some to see. They way I felt scared of him, and how he made me feel weak and everything and yet that's how he made me until he started forcing me to do porn videos with him and upload them on a porn site.

And yet everyone saw them, everyone bullied me for it and yet it caused me to lose confidence and yet I felt ashamed of myself. The fact that someone might tell my parents about this, and yet it was a nightmare as well until I was called to the office about it.

"Y/n, please come to my office." ??? Said.

I nodded and follow them to their office and then sat down in one of the chairs, they sat down after closing the door and I wasn't sure what was going on.

"Do you know why you're here?" ??? Asked.

"N-no...why?" I asked.

"Well, it has came to my attention that a few students here, have seen a video of you and Jungkook on a porn site having sexual intercourse with each other in your dorms, is that true?" ??? Asked.

"Um...y-yeah...I'm sorry..." I said.

"There's no need for an apology, the university here doesn't tolerate that kind of thing here. Which is why I have called your parents about your behavior lately, it has seem you haven't been coming to class in time and not doing your assignments." ??? Said.

"It wasn't my choice at all...I swear...the only reason for this is because of Jungkook, please don't involve my parents into this! I promise this won't happen again...please? This wasn't my choice, I swear.." I said.

"If this wasn't your choice, then why didn't you say anything about it?" ??? Asked.

"Because it wasn't, he abuses me...he beats me if I were to say anything about it. He already abused me earlier before this happened, and I don't know how to escape from him." I said.

"Y/n, if you get your parents involved they will help you the best way they can, even for the police." ??? Said.

"No! I don't want won't be enough, it won't. Having to have their help, it won't go well for me and I just know it won't.." I said.

"Y/n, listen to me. You are a strong girl, you need to get the help that you need, if you keep letting him abuse you something will happen." ??? Said.

"I don't think I hurts me..." I said, "you don't understand how much he hurts me, he doesn't love me like he did the first time...he makes me feel like I'm not worth it to him, cause me to feel like I don't mean anything to him."

I covered my face and cried so much, he just looked at me as I was crying. I didn't know what to do at this point due to how everything was going for me.

"You don't know how to escape?" ??? Asked, "how do you not know how to escape? All you have to do is call for help and that's it, you need help Y/n."

"NO I DONT!" I shouted, "fuck off!"

I got up from the chair and walked out of the office, I cried and then ran towards the dorm. I was too scared to face other people, especially the ones who know about that video of me with Jungkook. I walked inside and kept crying, Jungkook wasn't even in the dorm, he went to one of his classes and yet I was alone in the room by myself.

I wanted to leave from here, I guess I could and yet I just couldn't be here right now. My mental health wasn't at its best either and yet I felt scared. I was in the room packing my things, I didn't realized that Jungkook came back to the dorm and walked inside the room, he glared at me raising his eyebrow.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Jungkook yelled.

"I'm leaving this place...I don't wanna be here." I said.

"I don't give a damn, you're staying here baby." Jungkook said.

"N-no...everyone knows about the porn video you made of me!" I yelled, "I hate you! I fucking hate you! You ruined my life and you know you did!"

"Oh? I ruined your life? I made your life better, didn't I? You're mine and you know you are." Jungkook said, "no one can't handle you like I can, I handle you very greatly baby. I don't like sharing what's mine and you know that for sure, baby, I've made that video for people to know who you belong to, and yet you are my property."

The way Jungkook was talking, it seem like he was manipulating me into thinking he wasn't doing what he was actually doing towards me. That's when my mind changed about him, he really did manipulate me and yet there's no turning back either.

He put his hands around my waist and kissed my lips, he then removed my clothes before leading me to the bathroom, he removed his clothes and grabbed his phone just to take a video of it, he then turned on the shower and grabbed me before slapping my ass and hearing me help because of it.

"Are you my good girl, baby?" Jungkook asked.

"Y-yes.." I said.

He smacked my face and then kissed me again, he then turned me around and stroke his cock and then enter it inside me while thrusting inside me. He kissed my neck and sucked onto it, he continued and yet my moans could be heard but he covered my mouth just for me to keep quiet.

This happened for about an hour or so, we were now laying onto the bed and he kept me close to him. I didn't expect myself to be this way. I wasn't sure how this was gonna go either, and yet I did get manipulated by the guy that people think is a criminal and yet I don't know whether or not to believe the people who said that about Jungkook. I then just followed what Jungkook told me to do.

I didn't even stop talking to him at all, even if people tell me to. Sana knew that it would happen, and yet she tried everything, even Namjoon tried and they just gave up on me altogether. But yet it was hard and unbelievable because, I didn't realize that I was being manipulated and taken advantage of by Jungkook himself. And yet Sana has been calling the police about and yet they wouldn't do anything about it and won't believe her.

I was at the university one time when Sana grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side.

"Y/n, you need to stop this, Jungkook is dangerous and you know that. He's brainwashing you." Sana said.

"H-he's not...S-Sana...I'm not sure if he is..." I said.

"He is, I hate to be the one to tell you this, I really do. You're my best friend and I need you to stop dating him, please just stop." Sana said.

"I don't know how to escape him...I really don't.." I said, "how could he be brainwashing me? How?"

"Y/n, that's what he does, I'm trying to tell you that he's a serial killer and he's no good for you. I don't think it's safe for you to be with him, he will continue to harm you every chance he gets and I know he will." Sana said, "please, just listen to me, I know it's gonna be hard to believe but you have to leave him."

"But how? He knows my every move and everything, if I try to leave, he will beat me..he continues to keep putting me onto the porn site and yet I'm scared...I'm really scared Sana..." I said.

"I know...I know you're scared but I'm here to help you out and that's why I'm here for you. Let's pack your stuff and get you out of here right now before Jungkook gets back." Sana said.

"He has cameras around...he will notice that I'm gone, he checks his phone to know if I'm gone.." I said, "I'm scared...he will figure it out and yet he will punish me.."

"Don't worry, everything will be fine, I will also take you to the doctor to get you checked out as well." Sana said.

I slowly nodded my head as I walked with Sana to pack my stuff to leave this place, Sana walked towards every single camera and turned them off so Jungkook wouldn't know that I left the room, she even checked to see if there were any secret cameras in the rooms that he may have put them in.

She then walked back over to me and helped me out, she now got me out of the dorm and drove me to the doctors office to get checked out. I felt scared and yet I just don't know what else to say anymore, could I even have batter woman syndrome? Maybe I do, cause every single time he raises his hand, I end up crying thinking he is gonna hit me.

"You feeling alright now?" Sana asked.

"I'm still scared..." I said.

"I got you, alright?" Sana said, "me and Namjoon will help you out the best way we can."

I nodded as Sana took me to the doctor and the doctor told me I have batter woman syndrome, and yet I knew that would happen to me. After that Sana brought me to her house and allowed me to stay there with her and Namjoon, I sighed and followed her inside the house and she showed me where my room was. I walked inside and set my stuff inside and unpacked them.

I didn't get a single text from Jungkook, Sana wanted me to block his number and not answer him. Which I did, I felt scared that he will come looking for me and try to take me away from them. My parents don't even know about the situation and yet I don't even know how to explain it to them either.

I wish I did knew how, Sana looked at me and kept me company while Namjoon was meowing something to the house, he was putting security cameras and everything the house just to make this house feel safe for now. I was hugging myself and looking around and then looked outside.

"Are you ok?" Sana asked.

"Sorry, I'm just worried that Jungkook might come and look for me..." I said.

"He won't, Namjoon made sure that he wouldn't even bother to find you if he could. It's not like he will because we do have security guards that will protect you as well." Sana said.

"What if he kills them..?" I asked.

"I promise, you are gonna be safe. Don't worry about him at all and just focus. I won't let him hurt you, neither will Namjoon and I will find some way to have your parents know if you feel comfortable with that." Sana said.

"No...they told me I shouldn't have a boyfriend, and I didn't do what they say either...I feel bad for not following that rule..." I said, "they will ground me and not trust me ever again and probably have someone watch over me..."

"Y/n, you're parents are worried sick about you, they haven't heard from you since that whole thing happened. Please, just tell them what happened and just come clean to what you did and what you went through alright?" Sana asked.

"Ok..." I said, "but when?"

"Well, I did speak with them and they are coming over here today, and just be truthful about it." Sana said.

"Ok..." I said.

There was a knock at the door, I followed Sana to the downstairs area and she opened the door, my parents appeared and I wasn't sure how to react or either tell them what happened. My mind is thinking that they will yell at me and just be disappointed at me and just say whatever.

She let them inside and we walked over to the living room area and we sat down. I was sitting there playing with my fingers and yet I didn't know how to speak up about this situation.

"Hello, Mrs and Mr. Hong, I brought you guys here so you guys can speak with your daughter Y/n. Mostly about what happened to her, and she can explain everything that has happened on campus." Sana said.

They nodded their head, Sana looked at me and nodded at me to speak to them about it. I took a deep breath as both my parents looked at me and waited for me to tell them everything.

"I...met this guy at campus, he was a guy that I have met and he helped me get through university and everything until it all came about that we got close to each other...we started hanging out and then got into an relationship with each other that turned into a sexual relationship, but not just any kind of relationship that I thought I was hoping for, he took it that far to just where I have to say yes sir to him, he punishes me if I don't answer the phone, he beats me when I don't listen at all...and now I suffer from batter woman syndrome now after going to the doctor...I'm sorry I didn't listen to you guys...I'm really sorry.." I said.

My parents were stunned by what they heard, they didn't expect for me to be in a relationship like that even though they didn't want me in one. My father spoke up and cleared his throat before saying anything towards me.

"You had an relationship? Behind our backs, and didn't tell us about it? And now this happens?" My father asked.

"I'm sorry...I never meant for it to be this way, but it is that way now...I know I should of have listened to you guys but I didn't...I wanted to know what a relationship feels like to me.." I said.

"Y/n, not only that we are disappointed in you, this whole situation hurts us because our daughter has been abused by someone and now you're suffering from batter woman syndrome, you are my daughter and I hate seeing you go through this, I don't wanna see you in another relationship again! This is the last one for now...I don't even know what to say to you." My mother said.

"M-mom...I'm sorry...please. I know what I did was wrong and yet I just need your comfort.." I said.

"Comfort?! Y/n, you clearly have been with some guy and that's who you were with?!" My father yelled.

"I'm your daughter! You know that?! All I need is your comfort and that's it, and you won't give it to me at you not love me? Knowing I'm your daughter?!" I yelled.

"Don't you dare yell at me, young lady!" My father yelled, "we told you no dating! And you didn't even listen to our rule at all did you?!"

"...why do you hate me so much?" I asked, "you clearly think I'm a disappointment, don't you?"

"We don't, we just want you to listen to us for once in your life and not disobey our rules." My mother said.

"Then you could at least comfort don't need to act like this towards me after I told you everything that happened to me!" I yelled, "you just don't understand anything do you?"

"I think it would be better if we moved you somewhere else that is safe, because this isn't where you need to see at all." My father said.

"Wait, Mr. Hong, how about me and my boyfriend Namjoon take care of her, and make sure nothing else happens to her. We can monitor everything that she does and keep her focus on her work." Sana said.

My parents both seem like they can agree, I looked at them both and they looked at Sana.

"Fine, it will work for us and I want her to keep her studies in her mind and not focus on that guy. Cause if she does then we will press charges against him." My mother said.

"Understandable." Sana said, "I'll leave you guys here to talk and everything."

Sana got up and left the living room, I just sat there and didn't know what to say to them at all. That's when my mother then begin to sat something.

"I'm very disappointed in you, I don't understand why you thought being in that relationship and not focusing on your own studies, because I don't know why you think that was ok or was alright to do." My mother said.

"You just don't understand what he's capable of doing anyway...but yet you not wanting to comfort me and act like I'm the bad guy is just not right. I don't even know why, instead of being mad at me you could just be there for me." I said.

"I don't see why you were with him?! You know our rule anyway and you didn't even follow what we said to you from before, I'm not even happy with what you did!" My mother yelled.

I looked at her and just felt disgusted but upset that they can't even comfort me at all during this. I wiped my tears away from my eyes and just felt done with everything, it just hurts me so much.

"You don't care nor love could of comfort me but instead you wanna just be this way to me. What type of parent are you? All I need is your comfort and that what I needed anyway but you won't give it to clearly don't care." I said.

"I do care! But I just don't like that you didn't listen to me at all! You are my daughter, and I care about your well-being and you know that for sure." My mother said, "all I wanna do is protect you that's all, but I can't do that if you keep disobeying us."

"Whatever, it clearly shows that you don't care if you don't wanna comfort me at all. And yet you're getting mad because I'm suffering from batter woman syndrome? That's nothing to be mad about at all and yet it annoys me that you do." I said.

My parents didn't seem too happy about my attitude at all, and yet I didn't care if they did either. I looked down and then walked towards the door and opened it for them to leave the house, they both looked at each other and just stood up from the couch.

"Please leave...I don't need this anymore.." I said.

"You want us to leave after all of this? If you go back to him and he does the same thing to you? Don't come crawling back to us." My father said.

"Whatever...just leave.." I said.

They left and my mother felt upset and just followed behind my father. I closed the door behind them and locked the door and then sighed, I walked towards the kitchen and opens the fridge only to see a bottle of alcohol, I took it and then took a sip of it.

I swallowed it as I made a certain face due to how it tasted, I continued to drink it until I got drunk from it and just caused a lot of problems with myself. Namjoon came out of no where and noticed me getting drunk and took the bottle away so that nothing won't happen to me and that I don't drink the whole thing by myself.

"G-give that back...n-now.." I said.

"No, you're drunk. Come with me upstairs." Namjoon said.

"N-no..." I said.

"Yes, you need to stop this already." Namjoon said.

"No..!" I yelled.

Namjoon grabbed me and brought me upstairs, he took me to my room and then laid me on the bed. I grabbed his hand and pulled him close towards me, he looked back at me and was confused about it.

"Don't leave...stay with me..." I said.

"What..?" Namjoon said, "why?"

"Please, just stay with me please, I don't wanna be alone at all.." I said, "stay with me, just this one time, please just stay with me this one time and that's it."

Namjoon didn't know what to do during this situation, he then tried to stop me because he didn't want Sana to see them like this. I kept grabbing onto his arm and feeling so alone that I didn't want him to leave me at all. I gripped onto his shirt and then pulled onto it and begged him.

"Don't leave me..! Please...?" I asked, "stay...with me tonight, please don't leave my side just don't.."

I then looked down and went lower towards his pants but he stopped me from trying to do what I was gonna do with him, I felt upset and grabbed his arm and hugged it before he could push me away.

"Stop it, Y/n, I'm dating your best friend." Namjoon said, "If you try to make me have sex with you all because your drunk, you will hurt Sana's feelings, so stop this behavior please."

Namjoon walked out of the room and left me there, I didn't know what to say but sit there on the bed and just felt alone, no one there to be here with me. I was just sitting for a moment before falling asleep on the bed, moments after that I woke up and felt my head hurting me and yet I was sober for sure.

I slowly got up and then walked towards the bathroom and threw up, I drink way too much of that alcohol for sure and yet I regret it very much. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I regret everything that I did and yet I don't understand myself, why am I like this? Why am I the way that I am right now in this world?

People don't really like me too much. I just know they don't at all, despite me being the way that I am right now, being with a guy that abused me and forced me into the porn industry and yet I couldn't even get out of it until Sana saved me from him. And yet I now fear that he's after me and looking for me.

He will come looking for me, I just know he will. Jungkook has his ways of finding me and yet I feel like he isn't gonna stop until he actually does find me. And yet I'm quite scared if he does find me here where I am, I hugged my knees and just hope he doesn't find me here.

That's all I'm hoping for.

To be continued...

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