By TallReaderMHALover

223 8 19

Jen Tennyson, she is a ten year old genius. She feels isolated from the people around her and when she isn't... More

Chapter 1: Jen's new friend

Jen gets hurt a lot

71 4 16
By TallReaderMHALover

Jen sighed as she plopped down onto one of the RV's old seats. She escaped with minor injuries, just mainly covered in sweat and dirt, and maybe a bit of Josh's own blood. She groaned out in annoyance and frustration what a great start to Summer! she said sarcastically and rolled her eyes, Gwen raised a brow and looked to Jen "What happened to you? she looked unfazed as she asked this with a deadpan. Jen side eyed her, Well I'll have you know some jerk-head attacked me! And bleep! she said the last bit with over the top hysteria as she held out her mechanical baby in front of Gwen. Her cousin backed up quickly from the tiny robot before it could crash into her nose, Gwen sighed and pushed Bleep out of her face Yeesh, you're a genius Jen, you can fix him don't be so overdramatic. Gwen crossed her arms.

Max slowed the RV down a bit as he turned to look in the rearview mirror at Jen, You were attacked!? he said with his voice laced with concern. Jen just sighed, wiping a bit of the sweat and dirt mixture from her cheek. I'm fine grandpa, you guys literally arrived at the perfect time before anything could happen to me, at least.. she looked over to the cracked Bleep with sad puppy dog eyes. She took in a deep breath and stood quickly Alright no more whining about it, It's time to go into work mode, she muttered and picked up her companion Bleep No one bother me until I'm done! Especially you Gwen. she glared at her redhead cousin, who looked back in offense.

Max watched worryingly as Jen walked into the very back room with Bleep and her computer in hand.


It had been a few hours since Jen went into Work Mode, occasionally the 2 would hear shocks of electricity and Jen's small yelp while she tried to hold back curses. Eventually though she came out with a new sparkle in her eyes, Guess who's back! Jen shouted as she sprawled out her arms with a wide smile, the small robot flying out from behind her. The dirt had been cleaned off of him and the cracks were repaired on his glass eye. Greetings, Jen's r-r-relatives! the two looked to the glitchy robot and then to Jen dumbfounded.

She let her arms fall to her sides with a frown, Alright look a tried my best! When that stupid Josh guy rammed Beep like that, it knocked something out of place that even I can't find at the moment. she huffed and crossed her arms. Max smiled and laughed, You're such an overachiever Jen, if I were you I would have stopped by the time he could fly again.

Jen looked at Max and then to the floor bashfully, Well, I-I'd rather be an overachiever than some couch potato who can't even cook a grilled cheese. she muttered with rosy cheeks, she wasn't used to compliments. Gwen huffed with a side glance to Jen, More like an egghead to me-

HEY!! Jen shouted offensively, At least I don't have to wear glasses! Gwen gasped and stood up quickly from where she sat, her hands hitting against the table in the process. Grandpa Max sweatdropped C'mon girls, let's not start now! Look where we are!

The two girls looked out of the RV windows, Jen gasped in excitement as Gwen groaned. Outside the parked RV, they were in the parking lot of the glorious [ARCADE NAME]. The brunette girl jumped off of the couch she had sat onto to look out one of the windows. She began to dash out of the door before Max held out an arm that lightly pushed into Jen's stomach, Oof! Grandpa, what are you doing!? Can't you see the paradise that awaits me?! Max laughed at the girls inquisitions.

You have to change first Jen, you're filthy. Jen sighed and began to walk into the back room once again, I'm also making Gwen stay with you the rest of the time, I don't want you getting hurt again! Jen groaned loudly as she begrudgingly made it to the back.

She eyed the pre-packed suitcase her mother made for her, hoping whatever was in there was actually her good pairs of clothes. She opened it hesitantly, her hand gripped the suitcase as it was unzipped. Her green eyes peered into the suitcase, and she sighed in relief, My good clothes, yes!

She put on a long sleeved green undershirt with a black shirt over top, grayish black jean shorts, fishnets on underneath the shorts, and converse shoes. She wrapped a black choker around her neck with small chains connecting to the O ring attached to it. Jen took out her messy ponytail to rewrap it up into a much prettier low ponytail.

She wouldn't admit it, but she felt much better after getting out of those gross clothes. She came out with a pout, Took you long enough. Gwen deadpanned as she threw down the old DS onto the RV couch. Max sighed, having to hold back the urge to roll his eyes at his granddaughter's bickering, You look much better Jen.

So I can go now? she smiled brightly, Max nodded, Just make sure Jen stays by your side Gwen. Jen deflated at that, Aw man, I almost forgot about that. She scoffed.


The two girls ran excitedly into the play-place, Max had given them 10 bucks each to get coins and go spend them all on useless prizes. Jen gasped with a wide smile and stars in her eyes as she circled around the bright place. Gwen sighed boredly as her eyes scanned around the old arcade.

Jen put a hand on her hip, "Why are you so down? You used to love this place! We both did." she huffed. Gwen shrugged, Of course you'd like it, you're just a little baby. I'm much more mature, I'm not into sticky musty places like these anymore, with pizza engraved into the unwashed floors. She egged on, Jen regretted trying to even be a little nice to her cousin.

She decided to ignore the red head and skip further into the place, Gwen just a few steps behind her.

For the next 30 minutes Jen jumped from each game in the entire place, the two agreed to not tell Max and just run around the place on their own. Jen frowned as she realized she pushed her last coin into the game's slot machine. She shrugged and rubbed her hands together to prepare for the best final battle she'd ever play.

Jen made inaudible sounds as she jerked her hands left and right that gripped the game's controls, her tongue poking out in focus. Her round pupils reflected the bright colors that bounced off the old screen, she ripped her hands from the sticks controls and then shouted with frustration Aw what! Already over!? What a scam! she blew a raspberry and stomped off.

Gwen stood next to the concession stand sipping on an off brand soda when she saw her cousin stomping over, she sighed and relinquished the peace of her last sip of her soda. Jen came over with a pout, spent my last coin on straight dog crap. she sighed loudly, Gwen rolled her eyes and dug in her pocket, I think I have enough for 3 more plays, here.

Jen's eyes brightened, and she snatched the extra coins, Ohh! You're the best cousin ever! She skipped backed happily, Gwen huffed with a small smile as she threw the cup away and followed behind Jen slowly.

By the time she got to the arcade game Jen was at, she was sulking. Gwen raised an eyebrow, turning her head and noticing the big GAME OVER on screen. She chuckled, Man, you suck! I haven't played this in years, but I'm sure I could beat you. I'm much better than some randomized player bot." she piped in with a cheeky smile.

Jen could smell a challenge and sat back up Oh reallyyy? her eyes glimmered with mischievous as she inserted another coin and using a button, selected 2 players.

Gwen stood next to Jen, she was sure to stretch her rusty gaming fingers, and so was Jen. "It's been a while since I've played with someone real." Jen chuckled, "I could say the same." Gwen agreed, placing her hands on the 2nd joystick.

The 2 selected their chosen fighters, Jen cackled, "Hammerhead? Really?" Gwen raised a brow "Oh, don't start! Mine's better than your basic pick, every 7-year-old picks the monkey." Jen puffed out her cheeks, "Well newsflash! I'm 10!"

Gwen let out a self-centered sighed, "Whatever you say, Jen 10." The brunette gave Gwen an odd look at the name. "I-Hey wait! I wasn't ready!"


The two pushed and shoved at each other as they mashed buttons, their heads basically stuck to the screen like glue. "You're almost dead, Jen! Hope you like having to buy me a treat~!" Jen clicked her tongue, "We have the same health as of now!"

The girls growled and shoved, letting out babyish insults. Both of their fighters had one health left, the air was thick as they squinted at the screen with red, unblinking eyes.

Jen and Gwen jumped back, blinking in surprise before glaring at each other with "Why'd you turn the game off!? I didn't, you did!!" They screamed at each other in unison. Jen felt a small tug at her shirt and looked down, there stood a small blonde child with a few missing baby teeth "I'm sowwy miss, I accidentally tripped over your cord." he held up the cord to Jen's face, both girls went pale. 'A TIE!?' they yelled to themselves.

Gwen and Jen plopped down on an old bench in the arcade with a groan. "Now what do we do?" Jen asked, looking over to Gwen with a frown. The red head turned her head to Jen, "Well, guess we go back to the RV. We've spent all the money." Jen clicked her tongue and stood up, "Aw mannn, just when it started getting fun." She huffed. Gwen chuckled and stood with a stretch, "Go to the car, I'll look around real quick and see if I can snag any extra tickets."

She laughed, patting Gwen and the back before walking out, "Hope you find something!" Gwen smiled, pulling out one last coin, "oh, I will." she muttered to herself.

By the time Gwen came back, Jen was kicked back lying on the couch with Beep snuggled in her lap, recharging. She cracked open an eye, "Took you long enough! What did you even find?" She sat up, careful not to wake Bleep. Gwen walked over to her nonchalantly before shoving a plushie in Jen's face. She made a noise of surprise and picked the soft plush up, she opened her eyes and stared at it with an almost dumbfounded look.

Gwen frowned "Well?"

"You got this, for me?" Jen looked up at Gwen with big round eyes. The red head stood a bit taller, feeling a bit embarrassed now, "Yeahh, I realized I forgot about a coin in my pocket. Since y'know, I don't want those cheap things from the arcades, I thought I'd just give it to you. Plus, it sort of looks like Bleep." She tried to act nonchalant as she fell down onto the other couch and closed her eyes.

Jen looked for a bit longer at Gwen with a sincere look in her eyes, she looked down at the robo plush, examining it for a while before smiling and laying back down, now wish the additional plush next to her. Sleep soon washed over her and lulled Jen into a peaceful slumber.


The RV was still and quiet, only a barely audible sound of sleep filled breathing. Jen laid peacefully with Bleep and the plush close to her head as she lightly snored. A warm blanket was up to her neck, something Grandpa Max had placed on her not long after she and Gwen fell asleep.

A wonderful mouth watering smell hit her nose, her eyes slowly fluttered open as her stomach made a growling noise. She sat up with a small grumble, scratching at her head tiredly.

"Sorry Jen, didn't mean to wake you." came out a whispery voice, Jen looked up and saw Max with an apologetic smile and a plate with something on it producing the delicious smell.

Max chuckled and sat next to her, "Wanna try one? They're fresh." Jen peered over and smiled. On the place were deep-fried cheese in the shape of a corn dog. She gasped with hearts in her eyes and quickly snatched one to take a bite. She jerked in pain though when the hot cheese hit her tongue "AH!AH!AH! Hoooot!" she said through a mouthful with tears in her eyes.

Max left the plate with her after his share, and also after Jen promised to leave an edible amount for Gwen. Jen sat up on the couch lightly kicking her feet while humming a random tune, she was still trying to wake up as she felt the fogginess in her brain. The lull of the moving RV didn't help her sleepiness either, it made her want to wrap back up and fall asleep.

Just as her eyes began to close slowly she felt cold metal press against her cheek, she jumped in surprised and looked over "Oh, evening Bleep." smiled Jen. Bleed made an arrangement of noises, "Hello Jen! I'm w-w-well charged now. I sure did take a t-t-tumb-ble." Bleep noted with nervousness in its voice. Jen huffed and pat its head, "Don't worry buddy, we both turned out fine in the end. Nothing worse than a scratch or two." Bleep blinked, "Well Jen based off of my readings, I took more than a scratch and-" "I know Bleed, it was nothing more than an annotation!" Jen sweatdropped.

She chuckled and shook her head, her eyes turning over to Gwen's still sleeping form. She smirked and stood up, walking over to the girl. She peered over Gwen's head and poked her cheek, "Gweeennnn, Gweeeennnn." Jen urged on, poking at her with each name call. "Gwen..Gwen! GwenGwenGwenGwen-" "OH MY GOSH, I'M UP!" The red head sat up quickly with an already angry expression.

Before Gwen could snap at her, Jen pulled out the plate seemingly out of nowhere, "Care for some delicious cheese corn dogs?" Gwen paused with a deep breath, she let out a harsh sigh and snatched one. "mm, yesh." she muttered with a mouth full, Jen laughed.

Sometime later, the two cousins were sitting playing a card game, Jen laid back in boredom. Her eyes scanning the room from upside down, eventually she noticed the plush once again. She smiled and opened her mouth to speak, but Gwen spoke before she could, "Man, you suck at this game." Gwen chuckled.

"Eh!?" Jen sat back up in the flash of an eye, "It's not like I'm actually trying! You're just mad I beat you at the arcade." She smirked. Gwen gasped, "You won!? It was a tie! That kid unplugged it before anyone of us could, we had like the same amount of health." she rolled her eyes.

Jen hummed, "I don't knoww, if I remember correctly I had 1% more health than you, officially making me the winner." she puffed out her chest with pride. Gwen dropped the cards with a deadpan, not caring what happened to them. "Listen here baby-" "I am NO baby!" Jen cut in "More mature than you, flatty." she muttered the last bit.

Gwen's face was red with anger "What did you say?! I'm not flat, you buttface!" Max peered over at the two with a frown, slowing down to stop and park.

Gwen sat up and got closer in Jen's face "Chest size doesn't matter, last time I checked boys don't want some fatty patty with a pouch bigger than her butt." She stood up and crossed her arms. Jen's eyes widened, she was taken aback at how fast this escalated but then she stood up with clenched fist "Fat!? I'm not the one who scarfed down 3 Korean style corn dogs!!" she shouted.

Gwen scoffed "Oh, PUH-LEASE! I'm just happy I don't have to walk around with deep-fried chicken thighs for legs, with kankles bigger than her knees!"

Jen's eyes twitched and shimmered with tears, "I am not fat! Why are you being so mean, I didn't mean anything! I was just joking, I don't care who's are bigger." she shook her head and shrugged. Gwen furrowed her brows "Please we've been meaner to each other before, we're cousins. What? You think were suddenly besties after I buy you some cheap plush? I was hoping that would just shut you up and leave me alone. 'Parently it didn't work." Gwen crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

That broke the dam behind Jen's eyes as tears slipped down her face. Gwen noticed this, her eyes widening with a beam of sweat dropping down her cheek, "Oh cmon, I know you're not crying." She retorted in almost a whisper as she went to grab Jen's arm, but Jen jerked away and clashed shoulders with Gwen as she rushed by angrily.

Gwen let out an annoyed groan as she was pushed by and watched Jen open and slam the van's door. Max stood up "What happened!? Gwen, what did you say?" Max asked sternly as he stared at Gwen with the door open again, blowing cold night winds into the deathly silent room.


Jen stomped through the woods, wiping aggressively at her runny nose and tears. She hiccuped and went to wipe at her face again when a branch caught her foot, her eyes widened as she felt the ground shift underneath her. Next thing she knew, she was painfully rolling down a hill, all sorts of things getting tangled in her hair. She gasped and groaned each time she slammed back down into the ground as she rolled.

It felt like forever, but she finally stopped rolling and came to the end of the hill. She heaved and, with shaky arms, tried to sit up. Her long brown hair had long broken out of the ponytail she had once put it in, it now fell in front of her face and shielded her vision. The most she could see right now was the grass underneath her, a specific blade of grass weighing down from the drops of blood that dripped from Jen's bruised nose.

Jen shook, and a loud sob escaped her lips as she gripped the ground, the grass clenched in her fingers being ripped from its place. She knew her and her cousin never got along too well, but Gwen had never commented on something she was so self-conscious about before.

Her sobs died down, as well as the pulsing, ringing noise in her ears. She sat on her knees hunched over, taking deep breaths. As she was breathing in, she suddenly heard the sound of an odd almost sizzling noise, Jen looked up with a confused look, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear for better vision. Not too far off seemed to be a crater close to a bunch of trees, with something green glowing from it.

Her eyes widened, and she stood up clumsily, eventually she got to her feet and wobbled over to the small crater. She leaned in with wide eyes, she gasped excitedly when inside the crater was a glowing pod. She leaned into it more. And being the dumb girl she is, she fell into it, "WAH!"

She fell with her face hitting against the pod, she had to hold in her loud whine as she rubbed at the painful knot on her head while kicking her legs in pain. She let out a loud gasp of air and laid flat on the cold dirt, "that's enough pain for one day." she muttered out weakly with closed eyes.

She heard another hissing noise and shot up, scooting back into the dirt with wide eyes. She held her breath as she waited for something to happen, but after a minute nothing was to come. "Nothing, really? Not even those stereotypical aliens?" she muttered with a deadpan as she stood up. She let out a disappointed sigh as she walked closer, she raised a brow whenever she finally saw what was in there.

"Oh boy! A watch! Now I can tell the time during awkward situations!" she said with sarcastic enthusiasms as she stared at the circular green and black plate, with an hourglass symbol. Jen raised a brow and reached for the watch, "What's with the weird symbol? Can't say I've seen this company before, must be a sketchy-" she cut herself off whenever the thing jumped out by itself and wrapped around Jen's wrist.

She screeched like a little girl and ran around the pod, trying to rip the thing off her, she began walking backwards as she chomped down on the straps and tried to pull it off with no luck. Luckily for her, her foot got caught on something again! She gasped and the last thing she remembers seeing was the night sky before she hit her head on a rock.

(Bum bum bummmm, cliffhanger! This chapter was going to be even longer but I'm already WELL over due for when I was supposed to publish this..sorry Harleyyy 33. Anyways thank you to everyone who read this! I'm always up for helpful criticism, Godbless and good day/night!)

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