Chapter 1: Jen's new friend

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Lightly hunched over and typing away, the world was quiet to Jen. At the moment the brunette was hiding away in a bathroom stall to get away from gym class. Even with the body of only a 10 year old, the 6th graders didn't go easy on her when it came to any class game. It seemed as if they deemed her as an easy target instead, especially with the way some of the kids charged at her with the rubber balls of death.

She hated when she had to play with the older kids.

Jen's train of thought was broken when the sound of knocking, more like banging, came from the other side of the stall. She straightened up and slammed her computer shut, "uh, occupied!" she stated awkwardly "Jen, you've been in here for 30 minutes. Bathroom time has been well over with." the sound of her gym teacher rang out, and she didn't sound happy.

Even if she couldn't see her, Jen shrunk in on herself for being caught. "I know, sorry ma'am I've just been not feeling well. Must have been the breakfast." she tried to laugh it off, but it quickly became awkward when all she saw was the woman's feet from underneath the stall, not laughing, at all..

'Guess humors not her thing' Jen thought to herself as she sweatdropped "I'll be out in a minute" she muttered and stood up limply. 'I'll have to wait until she leaves, I cant just walk out with my computer in hand' Jen was extremely slow in leaving. Giving the toilet an extra flush and being extra sure her hands were washed.


Jen sat in her desk with her head in her hand as she absentmindedly stared at the board, any second now the final bell would ring. Signaling that summer had officially started, if only that bell would ring soon..

Jen groaned and resorted to resting her head in her arms, the cold desk pressed up against her cheek making her remember where she was.

A laugh sounded out behind her "you good, Jen?" the brunette girl sat up and turned around with a raised brow. Who in the world would be talking to her right now?

"uhm.." she turned her head to make eye contact with a boy she's never talked to "I'm sorry-" she let out a breathy chuckle "Who are you.?" She tilted her head a bit with a cringed expression, feeling bad for not even knowing her classmates. Though its not like they ever talk to her-

"Its Josh. I've been sitting behind you since the 1st day?" he had red hair with a stripe of black in his pinned down bangs, and jet black eyes. Jen cleared her throat and shook her shoulders with a sorrowful look "sorry uh..I-I don't know you."

Josh let out a soft sigh, still smiling "heh, its okay. It's actually Joshua Taylor, but everyone calls me Josh obviously" he held out his hand "Its nice to finally talk to you Jen, I've been wanting to for a while." he smiled and looked to the side with a barely noticeable blush.

Jen straightened her shoulders with a nervous look "oh. Well, its nice to meet you Joshua Taylor, I'm Jen Tennyson. Though you probably already knew that.." she muttered the last bit as she clasped hands with the male.

The bell wrung after that, making Jen sigh in relief and quickly dash out.

She quickly shoved her hand under her school sleeve, underneath was the smooth feeling of her body suit, her eyes shifted left and right before smirking and dashing off to a nearby old tree. Getting behind it, she pressed again against the sleeve and it began to cover itself in blue lines of code. Soon a holographic screen appeared, it held all of her data she has taken over the years.

These codes were her best friend, they knew everything. During her 'bathroom break' she had been taking notes on how she could fix her robot buddy Bleep. Bleep was a small robot companion she brought everywhere with her. Though everywhere meant places such as the baseball fields, and what's on baseball fields?

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