Trolls react [On hiatus till...

By Khemystery

32.6K 587 569

[A Trolls watching their past fanfic] - "We're here to watch your life of course! Uh- technically we're here... More

[EDITED] Weird machine and siblings problems
Escaped from Bergen town [Trolls Prologue]
Twenty years after
Bergen attack
Bergen town
Heart to heart
Makeover for a date
Holiday for Bergen town
Attack on the Techno's reef [TWT prologue]
Author's note (Would be appreciated if you read this)

[EDITED] Reunion and change of plans

2.7K 40 16
By Khemystery

Important: Okay.. yk what? Change of plans. I'm doing all the movie, heck why not even the holiday specials? I want this book to be LONG. Why not include every characters too? And no I'm not doing the series lmao.

-Thank Cloud Guy for this

[Edit: Sorry if this isn't a good edit, I didn't put it in the grammar corrector.]

Introduction part 2


A loud noise disrupts out, causing the sleeping trolls to wake up startled.

"What?!" Poppy screamed while accidentally shoving Branch away from her.

"What was that?" Floyd asked nervously, fearing for his and his family's lives.

A few metres away, the older sister was in a frantic state, swatting away the smoke coming out of the clearly broken machine. "$&!@  $&!@ $&!@ that wasn't supposed to happen!!" She whispered-shouted before going quiet for a moment, hoping that no one would catch her in the act.

The trolls stayed still in their sleeping bags, still fearful of their surroundings. Branch tried to listen in but couldn't hear anything.

"It's probably an animal ramming into a tree or something. Animals around here are pretty crazyyy." John Dory calmly explained, but his expression was slowly digging a hole that he could not hide.

Others stared at him weirdly, not really believing his statement, especially the ever-so-prudent Branch.

"Guys, it's fine. They're pretty harmless." He tried again.

"Harmless? They're ramming into trees! They might do it to us too!" Branch exclaimed, pointing his hands at the trees in front of them.

"Branch my bro, it's fine. I've travelled around everywhere. Animals here are pretty behaved compared to the others I've seen." John Dory adjusted the pillow behind him before lying back down again. He turned his body away from everyone, trying to hide his frown.

Branch doubted him for a moment before finally nodding his head in along, not wanting to argue with his oldest brother anymore.

"Fine.. I hope that you're right."

"Are we actually sure though... maybe one of us should stay up-" Viva Looked around her surroundings nervously.

"Viva, it's fine! It's probably like what John Dory said, we'll be fine." Poppy reached her hand out to her sister, trying to console her, which made Viva melt under her sister's touch.

"Glad to hear that somebody agrees! Branch, you better marry that girl soon-." John Dory smirked while Branch fumed.

Clay yawned loudly interrupting everyone "Guys, let's just go to sleep. I'm soooo tired." He yawned again.

"Fine.." Everyone agreed.

Meanwhile, the older sister was freaking out... mentally. Trying not to make too much noise.

"Oh. My. Lord. This stupid- just so STUPID machine!" She kicked the weird machine in front of her then winced when she heard it falling apart.

"*sigh* This is going to take longer than I thought.." She sat down on the grass, resting her face in her palm.

For a while, the world turned silent as she stared into nothing. She loudly sighed. For someone who's trying to not make loud noises, she sure does exactly the opposite.

"Life is so boring... There's nothing to do and nothing to see and when I finally found something I want to do.. it doesn't go my way. Nothing ever does."

"NEVER SAY NEVER." A familiar voice was heard.

"No way..."

"Yes way. What's up girl? Never Seen you before.. you new?" A familiar cloud figure showed up from behind a bush.


Cloud guy grinned, happy that he had been recognised.

"So you know my name? Pfffff of course you do. I'm like pretty famous around these parts."

"These parts? My dude, we're like MILES away from Trolls village." The older sister stared at the smug cloud in confusion.

"I'm famous EVERYWHERE thank you very much." Cloud guy pouted jokingly then got closer to the girl who backed away not really liking the closeness... and his weird musty scent.

"Let me guess.. you're from another word." He tapped his cloud formed pointy chin.

"Um, yeah! How do you know that?"

"I'm Cloud guy!" He gestured towards himself.

"....Make sense."

"And I've never seen someone that looks like you before. Okay! ANDDD let me guess again. You're gonna kidnapped everyone, including yours truly: ✨Me✨ to watch movies based on all of us." He 'guessed'.

"Yep! That's exactly what I'm doing! But it's gonna be hard since the machine that was supposed to help me with all of this isn't working properly." She sighed, pointing towards the machine not too far from them. The bigger parts of the machine broke off, causing the girl to screamed internally.

'That's what I get for buying it off EBay...' she thought.

"Also," she continued "I was planning to show them only one movie."

"Yeah yeah, the newest one, yadee yaaa, but let's not do that! You see, if you want them to watch their lives, you might as well start from the beginning. It'll make more sense. Trust."


"That's right! EVERYTHING! -Thing! -thing! -thing." His voice echoed.

"SHHHHHH! Stop! They're sleeping!" She pointed to the sleeping trolls behind her.

"My bad LOL."

"No one says 'lol' out loud." She face-palmed.

"Well this cloud does."

"Right... I- ..I can't even fix this thing. How can I do that... exactly?" Tears started forming in her eyes... along with snot in her nose.

"Yeah.... Can't help you with that one sorry." He threw his hands, apologetically.


A week passed by filled with frustration and second guesses, the 'kidnapping machine' is finally able to work properly... again.

She hopes.

"No, because I'm being for real, narrator. If this thing doesn't work again, I'll actually jump off a bridge."

That might be a little bit of an exaggeration, older sister.

"Can you PLEASE stop calling me that? I have a name you know."

Of course I know, but they don't. You'll have a proper introduction later in the chapter.

"How later is..later?" The girl asked, with stars twinkled in her eyes.

Pretty soon.

"Soon...?" Her voice filled with disappointment.

Let's just say.... Reading you struggled with that thing made me feel bad so I'll help.


Of course... might as well.


Quicker than lightning, the older sister was transported to a dark room. A familiar kind of room.. A cinema.

"WHOA! What the heck? Couldn't you've done that in the FIRST PLACE." She yelled at the ceiling, angrily.

N: That thought didn't cross my mind before.

"What about my machine??? I spend my money on that! Now I'll never get it back..."

N: Not my problem.

"Jeez, thanks. All that working through college meant nothing..."

N: No problem. Anyways, I'll be transporting the Trolls and Bergens soon. They will all be unconscious when they first arrive here. Also, the movies will play on its own and will stop when anyone starts speaking.. well except when they mumble something to themselves which doesn't really count in the system...

"Alright, good to know! Thank you, narrator."

N: No problem. I'll be transporting them now in three




For what felt like hours.. Who am I kidding? It's definitely been hours.

While waiting for everyone to wake up, the older sister spent her time preparing herself to face everyone.

She wrote three pages of introduction but forced herself to cut some parts off. Okay, maybe a lot more than some.

"I'm so nervous." She has never been a good people person... but she wanted to try her best for characters who she had adored for a long time. She just hopes that her best is good enough.

Like it was written in their system, everyone starts waking up at the same time. The older sister can feel the narrator grinned.

"Where the #@*$ are we?" JD asked.

"You can't curse.. There are kids here." Guy Diamond crossed his arms.

"You tell him Daddy!"

"TINY!!" Guy yelled in shock. "Where were you?! I've been looking all over the village and Bergen town for you!!! Oh, you are in so much trouble young man!!"

[AN: sorry to interrupt your reading but I'm just putting it here that I have no idea how to write Guy's auto tuned voice so just imagine him with it when you're reading :) ok! Bye!]

"Guy! It's okay! He was with us this whole time, he was well looked after." Poppy tried to calm her friend down, Tiny looked at her in relief.

Branch continued after her "But Tiny, it was bad that you escaped from your dad. You made him very worried, you should apologise." Everyone nodded while Tiny looked down at his feet in guilt before going to hug his dad.

"Sorry daddy.." Guy's heart softened with his son's soft and apologetic voice.

"It's alright now, Tiny but please don't do it again or at least ask me for permission first."

"Alright!" Tiny threw his fist in the air. Everyone who witnessed the father-son moment all smiled.

Their little moment was interrupted when they all heard someone cough behind them. They turned around and to see someone who doesn't look like any of them.

"Whoa! What are you??" Someone cried out in shock.

"Uh- rude. Um.. he-hello! Hi! Um sorry give me a second." Older sister turned around trying to calm herself. She looked down at her notes before turning back to them again.

"Hi! Sorry.. My name's Khem and I am what people call a human. Please do not be alarmed.. I'm not going to harm anyone and sorry about the kidnapping.. please don't call the authorities." She gestured to a random troll who was trying to get something out of their pocket. They froze after realising that they got caught.

"There better be a reason you have us all here." Clay crossed his arms and his eyes narrowed, not trusting the human. Not that Khem would blame the guy for it.

"Of course, I wouldn't do all this without a reason. But first, please sit down. There should be enough seats for everyone."

Everyone looked at her sceptically before hesitantly walking to the seats.

"Poppy!!! GIRL!" Poppy looked to see Bridget.. except they're the SAME SIZE! Poppy let out a big gasp of shock.

"BRIDGET?!?" She cried out and everyone looked to see every Bergens being the same size as them.




"HOW??" Poppy asked before turning to Khem "Did you do this??" She asked.

"N-no. Not exactly. I had some help." She shook her head.

"BRANDI, MY LOVE?!" Bruce yelled seeing his wife and children also being the same size as him.


"DADDY! DADDY! LOOOKKK!" His children jumped around, happily.


"Yeah you are kids!!" Bruce yelled out in excitement. He then ran to his wife before pulling her into a deep and may I say, passionate kiss.

"Okay... this is all so weird." Barb sat in her seat, feeling creeped out by everything.

"W-wha? What happened? Barbara?" Thrash weakly asked.

"Nothing to worry daddy. I hope?" Barb wasn't even sure herself.

"Floyd! Sit next to me." Branch gestured to his seat beside him, while the other side was occupied by Poppy, who finally calmed down.

"Sure!" His favourite brother let out a big smile.

"I'll sit next to Viva." Said Clay. He tried to fist bump the ever so nervous Viva who sat next to Poppy.

"Viva? You good?" Clay's eyes softened, watching as his oldest friend's body twitched.

"I'm okay. Or- I will be." Viva said nervously, still not used to being somewhere else but her home.

"Vi-Viva?" Peppy -who finally recognised his long lost daughter, stared at her in shock. "You're still alive!"

"Daddy?" Viva quickly stood up before running to hug her dad, her nervousness completely disappeared and she dissolved in her father's arms.

"Dad!" Poppy also went to join that hug. Clay and Floyd looked in shock to see their old King again.

"I can't believe it! I thought you were-"

"Well, I'm still here.. finally getting to be in your arms again after twenty-odd years." She smiled at him.

"And WE have a LOT to talk about." Poppy stared at him, angrily.

"Heheh..." Peppy looked away nervously.

"Seriously daddy-o. We love you, but you have some problems going on... Clay, move to the next seat!" Said Viva before seating her father between her and Poppy.

"Yay! FAMILY REUNION!" Poppy screamed in excitement.

"Okay! Settle down, everyone." She checked over the back too to see everyone all sitting in their chosen seat.

'Wow.. that's a lot of people.' She thought nervously.

"I'll repeat again. My name's Khem and I am a human-"

"Why are we here?" A random Bergen asked.

"We're here to watch your life of course!"

"I'm sorry what the what-"

"Uh- technically we're here to watch Branch's and Poppy's life. Some of it.."

"Our life?" Branch asked curiously. "Okay, how exactly?"

"How? Through this big screen of course!" She pointed to the screen behind her.

"Oh that's huge."

"That's what she said!"

"Shut up."

"Why?" Branch asked again.

"Branch, I'm gonna be real with you here... I'm DEPRESSED! OKAY?!  I just finished your stupid MOVIE and I need MORE! And this! ...Is the only thing I could think of doing."

"Sorry wha-"

"No- sorry, I got a little too much there. My bad."

"No-no. You're fine.. I get it.. I think.."

"Movie..?" Another Bergen asked.

"Yep! There are three movies for now and two holiday shorts so you'll be watching them all. *whispers* Hopefully I won't give up halfway through."

"Uh! Sure!" Poppy smiled weirdly.

'Oh, this is going to be really embarrassing.' Branch thought, his mind started to shake in fear.

'At least it won't show me.' Others thought.

"So, shall we?" Khem smiled excitedly, finally getting comfortable with the situation she's putting herself in as she sat down in her own seat.

Before them, the screen starts glowing, showing the usual Dreamworks logo.

UGH FINALLY! We can finally go straight to point! I hope you enjoy this chapter guys. The next chapter might come out next week or before that so I hope you don't mind waiting. Also I can't be bothered proof read this story so I'll do it when I actually edit everything when the third movie comes out everywhere.

Also I was ill the pass couple of days, I thought I would be for a little longer but nope! And also I'll be very busy this week so I need to post this chapter really quickly....yep

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