MHA smut

By iuseyouformyself

146K 561 875

⚠️ Warning ⚠️ All stories that I will uploading and sharing in this book DO NOT BELONG TO ME! They belong to... More

Croon for you
Daddy Cool
Good For Me
Don't Watch Your Friends' Sex Tapes and Other Life Lessons
Two's Company, Three's A Threesome
Den of My Soul
fight so dirty, love so sweet
Bad Taste In Good Men
Set on You
the more you ignore me
The Scent of Smoke
slow down (it's a science)
finding the world under foot
Hand on ass, heart on sleeve
Hard As A Rock, But A Fool
No Easy Steps
Liquid Nitrogen
put your lips on me and I can breathe underwater
Change of Pace
It's rotten work. Not to me. Not if it's you.
A Lesson to Remember
Hearts Beating Faster
Lightning in a Bottle
Winging It
For You
Take turns to make a circle
Toss a coin in the dark and if you hear it tinkle, don't breathe
Desecrate, chants the song of caged birds
make the call (to give it to you all)
Between greed and grapes
The Path That We Follow
whatever you've done, just bury it
Edges Aligned
In Perfect Rhythm
Soft Lace and Silk Sheets
Maybe He Was Pretty
Sunkissed and More
circumbinary orbit
And It All Keeps Coming Back to You

Kacchan, Respectfully, Choke on It

2.8K 15 28
By iuseyouformyself

Written by: Doodlejoops


Izuku wearing Mirko's costume is the worst (best) thing to have ever happened to Katsuki.


Katsuki was simply of the opinion now that Weird Shit Always Happened when he left Class A to their own devices for any length of time. It wasn't that his presence strictly prohibited any of the weirder shit; he couldn't care less what his classmates got up to so long as they respected his desire to have fuck all to do with it. But he had two years' worth of case studies confirming that his absence curated an atmosphere of complete abandon.

With that in mind, he braced himself for what he would find once he shuffled his way back to the dorms, still dressed in his dark yukata, exhausted from a day spent with his all too histrionic mother, a paper bag stacked with the treats she had insisted he brought back for his classmates to share held haphazardly under his arm. He could hear the raised voices and raucous laughter from outside, and with the sky darkening it was easy to see inside the common area through the tall windows. He yawned, acknowledging the excitable movements and the bright red head bobbing up and down, before doing an actual double take, his jaw dropping as he stopped at the base of the stairs.

Class A got up to some questionable shit. The bond they shared with one another after all that they had been through seemed to leave nothing off of the table; after all, there was nothing like facing actual death to put a few things into perspective. But seeing several sets of entirely bare asses, adorned with bouncing bunny tails, was definitely topping his mental Weird Shit ranking. Kirishima, devoid of shame, was leaping up and down, the fabric between his legs holding on for dear fucking life, his voice loudest among the group. Pink Cheeks and Ears were standing side by side, the former shoving mochi into her mouth even as she chatted excitably to a firmly blushing Class President. Jirou, at least, seemed somewhat aware of quite how much skin was on show, surreptitiously tugging at the fabric. And, as if a final insult to the day he had, Icyhot was also dressed in the bold white and purple bodysuit, expression bored even as he leaned onto one leg, casually sipping the drink in his hand. Katsuki's eyes darted across the room, and seeing that no one else was dressed in Mirko's hero costume was somehow even more confusing... what exactly had the four of them done? With a tired grumble, Katsuki continued up the stairs, pushing open the tall double doors, the creek of the hinges announcing his arrival.


Kirishima was the first to launch himself forward; all seventy kilos of him a blur of white and red as he grabbed Katsuki around the shoulders and yanked him into a bear hug, Katsuki's face buried in his goddamn tits for a moment before he screamed.

"You're gonna crush the fuckin' datemaki!"


Kirishima pulled back, and Katsuki aimed a blast at his face, protecting the crumbled paper bag under his arm.

"What the fuck are you wearing?"

Kirishima grinned, arms spread as he spun on the spot, gracing Katsuki with an unobstructed view of his boxy ass, the fluffy tail jiggling.

"Mirko came to visit!" Kirishima explained. "She brought outfits for the girls but some of us lost a bet."

"She still here?" Katsuki asked, storming towards the table in the centre of the room, already covered in leftovers and placing his mothers' parcel carefully in the middle.

"Nah, she left about half an hour ago."

"So why the fuck are you still wearing that?"

"It's actually quite comfortable," came Shouto's voice, wandering to Katsuki's side and peering inside of the bag curiously. Katsuki snarled, smacking the back of Shouto's hand harshly.

"Get your dirty hands off! And what d'ya mean it's comfortable? Your damn balls are all but hanging out."

"Maybe that's why it's so comfortable," Shouto shrugged, ignoring Katsuki and reaching into the bag regardless, pulling out a piece of perfectly rolled datemaki and taking a bite. "Did you make these?"

"No, my mum did, and that's all you're fucking getting."

"It's a shame you couldn't make it to the party today," Kirishima said, dropping down onto the couch beside Kaminari, whose face was a complicated shade of purple and arguably more affected by the sheer amount of ass around him than anyone else was. Mineta, Katsuki noted, was nowhere to be seen. "Mirko asked about you!"

"Yeh, well, you know how fucking clingy and gross my folks got after the whole dying thing. My fault for waking up I guess."

"Dude, it's still not cool to joke about that."

"Hah? I'm the one who died! I'll joke about it all I fucking like!"

"Give it a break already, we all almost died," Mina snorted, leaning over the back of the couch and placing her elbows on Kirishima's shoulders. "You're not special."

"The hell I ain't!"

"Did you have a good time at least?"

Uraraka had led the blushing Jirou back to the couches, also nosing curiously at the treats that Katsuki's mother had made, and she flashed him a bright smile. It was still taking Katsuki a while to get used to this... people genuinely seemed happy to have him around these days, like his presence was a comfort to them rather than an abrasion, and Pink Cheeks in particular had made a lot of effort to be around him since the war ended. Katsuki wasn't sure what it was about, but he found that he didn't mind all that much.

"S'fine," he grunted in response.

He looked back across the room, realising that there was a distinct absence of green among the group of greedy students, and he frowned.

"Where's Izuku?" He didn't remember Izuku telling him that he was going to be spending New Year with his mother this year, but it was weird that he wasn't there, especially given one of the top-ranking Pros had decided to pay them a visit. He almost missed the knowing smirk on Mina's face as he locked eyes with her.

"Think we went to take a leak," Kaminari said, oddly subdued. Jirou was now sitting beside him, and his face had only darkened to an uglier purple as a result.

Katsuki shrugged as if he didn't really care either way and stretched his arms over his head, back popping loudly. It had been a long day, it was already creeping close to his bedtime, and he was sure that he'd seen more than enough of his classmate's asses for one day. But even as he opened his mouth to announce that he was going to bed, he heard an excitable voice behind him, grabbing his attention.

"Kacchan, you're back!"

Katsuki carefully arranged his face into a carefree, cool pout before he turned around, then he all but choked on his tongue, eyes widening by an embarrassing amount as he took in the sight of the nerd walking towards him. Apparently, Kirishima and Todoroki weren't the only ones to fall foul of a bet, and there Izuku was, in his full, legging glory, carved upper thighs all but spilling out of the thigh-high boots he was wearing. The headband over his head was at an angle, one ear sticking up higher than the other, a gloved hand pushing his fluffy fringe back from where it had been flattened over his forehead. Katsuki realised, to his agonising despair, that Izuku was also freeballing, the imprint of his dick entirely too obscene for a goddamn dinner party.

"Yeh, I know," Izuku said, laughing somewhat nervously, mistaking the redness of Katsuki's cheeks and the tight line of his jaw as indignance. "But Kirishima and Todoroki both said it was comfortable! And I can't pass up an opportunity to wear official hero merch, Kacchan! The boots don't feel all that different to my usual costume, and the amount of support around my lower legs is great! I need to find out who designs Mirko's costume. Don't get me wrong, Hatsume does a great job, but I wonder if I might be able to make use of the fabric for my own costume-"

Katsuki had no idea what Izuku was saying. Something about boots, fabric, support ... It was all just noise to him, a dull hiss in his ears as he put all of his focus on keeping his eyes fixed on Izuku's face.

"I'm going to bed!"

He ought to have been embarrassed by how strained his voice sounded, all too aware of the fact that there would be some sniggering behind his back, Izuku's head cocking to one side, blinking back at him innocently.

"Oh. Well, I suppose it is quite late," he said, and damn if he wasn't even trying to hide his disappointment. "Goodnight, Kacchan!"

Katsuki grunted, growled, whined , he surely had no fucking clue what the noise was that left his throat in response, walking a little too fast out of the common area, the blood rushing to his face leaving him feeling hot and sweaty despite the agreeable temperature. He stomped his way up to his room, intent only on getting as far away from the rest of his class as he possibly could, painfully aware of the chub now sitting heavily against his hip, swearing to himself as he grabbed the waistband of his underwear through the fabric of his yukata and hiked it up. This was embarrassing, fucking embarrassing.

He fumbled with the lock on his door and slammed it shut loudly behind him, tugging at the sash around his waist and tearing it off, feeling all but suffocated by how hot and clammy he suddenly felt. He swore, hands shaking too much to be careful as he disentangled himself from his yukata and threw it haphazardly over the back of his chair, finally able to breathe as the cool air met his hot skin.

He gave himself precisely three seconds to enjoy the sensation, before glaring furiously down at his treacherous dick, tenting the front of his boxers.

"Fuck you."

He was not going to give in to that. No fucking chance. No way. He'd already surrendered enough of his goddamn pride to Izuku as it was, and whilst granted this would not be the first time he had found himself arguing with his own hard-on thanks to Izuku, tonight was not the night to send that number into double digits. Ridiculous. Fucking outrageous. Fuck that nerd.

His dick twitched, and he groaned, pressing his face into the palms of his hands. He just needed to distract himself, read through the notes that Aizawa had given him for his last test. Think about English instead of the way Izuku had stuffed his glorious fucking thighs into those stupid purple boots, or the way said stupid boots complimented the pink freckled skin they hardly covered. He snatched at the pair of jogging bottoms lying at the foot of his bed, whining pathetically at the way his hard dick was pressed against his hip and threw himself onto his bed, hands slapping around blindly for the textbook at his bedside. He could do this. All he had to do was not touch his dick whilst thinking about Izuku, something he should be perfectly capable of doing without much effort.

Eventually, he was able to put the filthy thoughts at bay, his body cooling and relaxing as he recited the sentences in his textbook back to himself under his breath, his fingers still gripping hold of the paper hard enough to have left permanent creases, before he realised that there was no way he was going to be able to sleep without at least brushing his teeth first. He checked the time, it was nearing ten, later than he'd usually leave it, but also hopefully late enough that the class might have retired to their rooms and he was no longer in danger of bumping into Izuku on his way down to the bathroom. He sighed, dropping the textbook onto his pillow and sliding off of the bed, grabbing whatever shirt was within reach. A furtive glance at his crotch confirmed he had killed his erection through sheer force of will, and he confidently strolled out of his room and down towards the bathrooms.

He saw Kirishima on his way out of the bathroom, mercifully now dressed in clothes that sufficiently covered his balls.

"Thought you'd gone to bed already," Kirishima said as Katsuki passed, shrugging a single shoulder.

"Did some homework," he grunted in response. For some reason, Kirishima had stopped to stare at him, far too many of his sharp teeth visible as he grinned a Cheshire-cat-like grin.

" What? " he snapped. Kirishima's grin only broadened, eyes darting to the bathroom door.

"Night, Bakugou!"

Katsuki blinked after him, irritated and confused, but he huffed out a breath and stormed into the bathroom, unceremoniously throwing the doors open.

There was a yelp, a flash of green, before Katsuki was suddenly blinded, something cold and damp slapping him in the face. He yelled, reaching up to yank at the wet towel clinging to his face just as he heard a panicked, " Kacchan! I'm so sorry!"

He got it, he really did. The war had left all of them a little jumpy, but it had scarred Izuku and Katsuki perhaps most of all of them, and these days if you surprised either of them you were liable to end up with some sort of injury. As it was, Katsuki had gotten off remarkably lightly with a wet fringe and only somewhat dampened pride, and he simply threw the towel back across the room.

"Whatever, it's fi-" He froze, eyes falling on the nerd standing only a few feet from him, still wearing that godforsaken costume. He had removed the ears at least, his hair a fluffy mess from where he hadn't combed it yet, but the thigh-high boots and that high-cut bodysuit were still miraculously in place, clinging to him like a second skin.

" Why're you still wearing it? " Katsuki hadn't meant to sound so depraved, bordering on traumatised, his voice high and his hands raised before slapping hard against his legs. Izuku hesitated, looking down at himself, before glancing up.

"I dunno," he said, voice quiet and a blush starting to form on his chubby cheeks. "I kinda like it."

"Hah!" Katsuki squawked out a laugh, unhinged and desperate, and Izuku took half a step back, alarmed.

"Uhh... Kacchan, is everything ok?"

"Great!" Katsuki yelled, his voice echoing around the large bathroom. He took a sharp turn, marching towards the sinks against the wall, doing his absolute best to forget that Izuku was even standing there as he snatched his orange toothbrush. He squeezed the toothpaste with so much force that it completely missed his toothbrush and splattered against the mirror, Katsuki looked up to see his own red, mortified face glaring back at him.


He scowled, trying again, hands practically shaking, before he finally managed to line the head of his toothbrush with paste. He could hear muttering from behind him, something going through Izuku's mind as he no doubt stood and watched Katsuki struggle. The bastard probably felt all fucking superior, full of himself, laughing at Katsuki because he couldn't even brush his goddamn teeth properly. He growled, shoving the brush into his mouth and looking up at the mirror again, and almost inhaled the goddamn thing when he saw Izuku looking back at him, now standing at his side.

Katsuki froze, staring as Izuku, cheeks burning pink, turned suddenly, his hands gripping hold of the sink beside him and heaving himself up, sliding up onto the counter with an enviable amount of grace considering Katsuki was one thrust away from deep-throating his toothbrush if he wasn't careful. He had no idea what to do, mouth slack, foam dripping down his chin as Izuku leaned back on his palms, his body stretching on the counter in an undeniable attempt at seduction. Katsuki was finally startled into motion when Izuku let his thighs relax, legs falling wide, the pretty imprint of his dick against the purple fabric impossible to ignore.

"I like it," Izuku said, his voice firm if not somewhat shaky, staring resolutely back at Kacchan. "The costume."

" Mfkay? " Katsuki squeaked. Katsuki had grown up enough to know that he wasn't entirely immune to fear, that he couldn't have perfect control over everything that the world threw at him, but even this was much much more than he could have bargained for. The look on Izuku's face was challenging, doing a grand job of feigning confidence even as the corners of his mouth wobbled.

"I think you like it, too."

If Katsuki's mouth wasn't stuffed full of rapidly expanding toothpaste suds he might have screamed. Instead, he forced himself to lean forward, spitting out into the sink and wiping the back of his hand across his mouth, fixing Izuku with a disgruntled scowl.

"I wouldn't wear that shit."

He could do this. He was a goddamn master of denial, he was so good at denial that he'd deny he'd ever denied a damn thing in his life. That he could already feel his dick expanding in triumph was neither here nor there, and as he pushed himself away from the sink, ready to throw himself at the only available exit, he felt something sturdy and hot wrap over his chest and roughly drag him forward. His hands swung out, fingers slapping against the counter, his face suddenly a matter of inches away from Izuku's crotch, realising that Izuku had hooked a leg over Katsuki's shoulder. Katsuki was stunned, eyes wide, entirely unable to look away from the sight in front of him, the way the outline of Izuku's dick was all the more pronounced, and the heady scent of arousal that was rapidly coating his nose and throat.

"That's not what I meant."

Katsuki dragged his gaze away from between Izuku's legs with a gulp, looking up to see Izuku staring down at him. From this angle, his rock-hard stomach looked good enough to eat, begging for Katsuki to stick out his tongue and drag his way up to the pretty pair of lips sticking out from beneath the furry collar of the costume. But Katsuki ought to be outraged by this. What did Izuku think he was doing pulling him around like this? He rearranged his face into an ugly-looking pout, realising that intimidation was the only way out of this if he wanted to keep even an ounce of his dignity. But, Izuku's eyes only sparkled, soft puffs of air coming from his parted lips, looking a lot like he did before he and Katsuki sparred.

"The fuck has gotten into you?" Katsuki spluttered instead.

"It's this costume ," Izuku replied, almost conspiratorily. His entire being seemed to be buzzing, looking at Katsuki with such open, honest excitement that Katsuki realised that despite this slutty display, he was still the same damned nerd he had always been. "Makes me feel confident. Like I could do anything!"

Katsuki's face scrunched up, heart racing. "Yeh, well being confident don't mean you gotta start acting like a damn whore all of a sudden."

Izuku laughed, a delightful trill, expression beaming. Katsuki weakly tried to push away, but before he could get too far Izuku reached out, his hand catching the front of Katsuki's shirt and tugging, keeping him in place. They stared, each of them eyeing the other. Katsuki could escape without issue, and Izuku knew that, his leg still hooked loosely over his shoulder. Katsuki could stop this at any time. But, to his resignation, Katsuki realised there was no chance in hell he was gonna walk away now. His crotch pulsed, his hands leaving sweaty imprints on the dark laminate of the counter, and he allowed himself to move just an inch closer.

For a moment, neither of them moved, just watching, reading, waiting for one of them to make the first move. And then, Izuku let go of Katsuki's collar, his hand shaking despite the confident tilt of his head, and reached for the fabric over his crotch. Katsuki watched as, at an agonisingly slow pace Izuku hooked his thumb into the tight latex and tugged, his cute round balls slipping out first before his dick followed, pink and hard and demanding. Katsuki swallowed back a whine, eyes crossed as he stared at the glorious sight before him, mouth watering.


Katsuki looked up, Izuku panting his little breaths, blushing all the way up the tips of his ears, the adrenaline palpable in the electrically charged atmosphere around them. Whatever the hell kind of confidence Izuku was high on, Katsuki could only utter a silent prayer of thanks, the tension rolling off his shoulders as he realised that Izuku wanted this. He wanted this every bit as much as Katsuki did.

"You little fucking slut," Katsuki growled, the corners of his lips tearing back into a triumphant smirk. Izuku laughed again, the sound sending a thrill down Katsuki's spine.

"Me? You're the one drooling over my dick."

"Baby nerds like you shouldn't know how to talk like that."

"Kacchan, respectfully, choke on it."

Katsuki realised that he was powerless to argue, his body moving on its own, hand grabbing hold of Izuku's balls and squeezing hard enough to make the boy cry out in surprise. He couldn't wait any longer, his mouth pooling with saliva, the smell of musk and the heat radiating from Izuku dragging him in. He opened his mouth, and flattened the entire of his tongue over the base of Izuku's length, dragging upwards before wrapping his lips around the wet, smooth head of his dick. The taste was intoxicating; gross, if he really allowed himself to think about it, but carnal, the kind of flavour that his mouth was made to get a taste of, and he couldn't hold back the moan as he sucked, right hand massaging Izuku's balls. He felt Izuku grab hold of his hair, tugging sharply, painfully, and both of them groaned in unison. Katsuki pulled back, tongue swirling across the top of Izuku's cock, catching the salty white pearls that formed and swallowing them down.

" Ah! " Izuku gasped. "Ah, K-Kacchan!"

Katsuki wasn't sure how he could ask Izuku to keep calling his name like that when his mouth was full of dick, but pulling away long enough to say anything felt like a goddamn fucking crime . Somewhere in the back of his mind, he was sure this was the kind of thing you had to build up to, that deep-throating your first time taking dick was only going to leave him choking and gagging, but he wanted it. He wanted Izuku deep inside of him, wanted his throat full of the taste and smell of him, wanted to feel nothing else but the stretch of his lips as Izuku trembled and whimpered beneath him. He took a deep breath through his nose, glancing up through tear-blurred eyes to see Izuku staring down at him in wonder, lips red with arousal before he pushed, forcing his throat to open until his nose pressed against the tuft of curls above Izuku's dick.

"Oh my god !"

It hurt, his jaw ached and his throat burned, but Katsuki honestly had never felt anything more fulfilling in his life than the sensation of choking on Izuku's cock. He swallowed around him, throat bobbing and unable to breathe, and the grip in his hair got tighter, more desperate.

"Wa- wait, Kacchan I'm gonna- stop, I'm gonna-"

Katsuki growled , feeling light-headed, but mouthing at his prize like a dog with a bone. Izuku let out a garbled cry before his throat was flooded with heat, Katsuki's eyes rolling back as he valiantly tried to swallow down every ounce of Izuku's cum. He lasted only a second before he was pulling away with a gasp and a cough, the last spurts of cum hitting him in the face. He stood there, arms shaking, breathing heavily, throat burning, Izuku slumped back against the mirror, still whining with the aftershock, before their eyes met once more, and Izuku pushed forward.

"Kacchan, come 'ere, lemme-"

But Katsuki looked down to see the rapidly forming wet spot across the front of his grey sweats.

"Think I'm good," he said, his voice sounding ragged and terrible and fucked out.

Izuku laughed, leaning forward, foot sliding from off of Katsuki's shoulder and replacing it with his arms. They stared at each other for a moment, Katsuki aware of the cum painting his cheek, a cruel smirk twisting his features before he deliberately rubbed his face against Izuku's. Izuku squeaked, before the sound was muffled by Katsuki dragging his tongue over his lips, the two falling into arguably the messiest first kiss in history.

"Hey, 'Zuku," Katsuki breathed into his mouth.


"I like the costume, too."

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