Reliant ~ [John Soap MacTavis...

By stbones

70.9K 3K 2.7K

He narrows his eyes, his patience wearing thin. "You have a big fucking mouth for someone in your position." ... More

~ Introduction ~
I. Left for dead
II. A fisher hat, a skull mask, a mohawk
III. Too enigmatic
IV. Sore wrists
V. Doubting
VI. Reunited
VII. New faces
VIII. Price's Office
IX. A restless night
X. Three Dots, One Stripe
XI. The Photograph
XII. Flushed Red
XIII. Disassembled Firearm
XIV. Vanished From The System
XV. The Good In People
XVI. A Feeling of Dread
XVII. A Blacked-Out Funeral
XIX. Aching Jaw
XX. Everyone For Themselves
XXI. No Celebrating
XXII. Quite Alike
XXIII. The Old Office
XXIV. Smoke
XXV. The Broken Lock
XXVI. A New Approach
XXVII. Dark Blue
XXVIII. Careful Not To Burn Yourself
XXIX. Folded Page
XXX. After Hours
XXXI. Lexi
XXXII. A Point For Effort
XXXIII. Work For It
XXXIV. The Belt
XXXV. The Envelope
XXXVI. Panic
XXXVII. A Crimson Desk
XXXVIII. Jay Carter
XXXIX. Wounded and Bruised
XL. Frosted Glass
XLI. Karambit
XLII. The Mirror
XLIII. Not Enough Training
XLIV. Ripped Stitches
XLV. Hollow
XLVI. No Splitting Up
XLVII. Makeshift Tourniquets
XLVIII. Ironic
XLIX. Fixing
L. Thorns
LI. Purple
LII. The Injection
LIII. Encircled
~ Update ~
LIV. Something to lose
LV. Half-covered in blood
LV. For the Both of Us

XVIII. A Doable Plan

1K 57 20
By stbones

Price sits with his arms in front of his chest, his back leaning against his chair. His face is hard as stone and I practically have to bite down on the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing.

It's like I just told him I'm planning on putting bombs all throughout their base.

"You wanna do what?" Gaz asks from the left side of the meeting room, his hands falling flat on the large table. There's amusement in his tone like he can't believe the words that just left my mouth.

I look around the table, my eyes scanning all of their reactions but avoiding Soaps, before my eyes fall onto Ace. Her mouth hangs open just a little, her brows raised in surprise. But somehow, somewhere in her expression, I can see a hint of admiration, even.

She sees my point.

It's funny, almost, and my respect towards her immediately goes up.

"I don't..." Price starts. "I'm not sure how it would benefit either party here."

A smile curls up on my lips, and I immediately know I'll be able to convince him. I lean forward slightly, my eyes locked onto Price's unwavering gaze.

"Let me explain," I begin, my tone steady and persuasive. "If I can successfully fake my death, it will not only keep me out of that facility, but it will also throw Canmoore off trail. He'll think he's won, that he's finally rid of me. God knows how wrong he is," I smile at the last sentence.

I shift my focus to Gaz, who still wears that amused expression. "As for you, Gaz, it's an opportunity to turn the tables on Canmoore. He'll have to believe that I've chosen his side, that I've died for him."

Gaz's amusement begins to fade, replaced by a more thoughtful expression. He taps his fingers on the table, considering the possibilities. "What about intel you can get us now? That's gonna be lost."

"No. It won't be. I have connections. Loyal ones."

Ace chimes in, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. "It could be a strategic advantage, having her here while also having contacts on their side."

Price still looks uncertain, but the seed of doubt has been planted.

I press on, addressing his concerns. "I understand your reservations, Price. But consider this: I've been a part of their operation for my entire life. I know everything. Methods, their weaknesses. I can use that knowledge to our advantage."

Price's expression softens slightly as he contemplates my proposal. The tension in the room eases, replaced by a sense of cautious optimism.

"And like I told you... I don't want anything to do with that man anymore. I've seen how you work. I've made my choice. I don't want to go back there."

"This would not mean that you're part of us."

I chuckle. "You know what I'm worth. You can decide on that later. Unless.. you're threatened by a woman with a ranking just as high as yours..?"

He shakes his head, disbelief showing in an uncertain smile. Finally, he speaks, his tone measured. "It's risky."

"You scared of a bit of risk, old man?" I chuckle, carefully trying to push all the right buttons.

The room falls into contemplative silence as Price and the others deliberate my proposition.

Ghost, who had only eyed me down from the back of the room suddenly speaks. "It's doable."

I frown in response to his sudden statement. Of all people, he's the last person I had expected to make an argument in my favor. "Thank you, Ghost."

"I'm not saying it's a good idea," he mumbles. "It's just.. doable."

"Okay," I say sarcastically as I look at him for a moment longer, grateful for his first comment nonetheless. But as I turn to look at Ace and Liam, my expression becomes serious again. "Guys, those things they used on you are long gone by now. The shit I have in my neck right now is one step above that already. You know damn well it's not going to take long for them to ruin things. Really ruin things."

Ace and Liam look over at Price at the same time, and in response, Price sits up a little straighter. He's grown curious now, and his interest in the idea seemingly peaks.

"How do you want to go about this, then?" Price asks, his voice low and cautious.

My hand slips into my back pocket and I pull out a piece of paper. Unfolding it, I place it down on the table before sliding it over to him. "Here's what I've got."


The moment my room's door closes behind me, I instinctively tap my tragus twice. A soft beep signals a successful connection, and within moments, Carter's voice fills my earpiece. "Alex?"

"Carter," I reply immediately, a sense of relief washing over me. "I'm glad to hear your voice."

"Is everything okay?" he asks, concern lacing his words.

"Yeah, everything's fine," I assure him. "But you might want to sit down for this."

"Alex, what's going on?"

"Promise you won't get mad."


"—And promise you understand that this is the best option for both of us, and that I'll make it worth it in the end."

"Cut the crap," he mumbles. "What did you do?"

"I... am going to fake my own death."

Silence, followed by a sigh.

"You what?"

"I'm going to fake my own death," I repeat, trying to convey the gravity of my decision. "And it will help us gain 141'strust, significantly."

A sarcastic laugh follows. "Tell me why this actually doesn't surprise me."

"Listen," I start again, hoping to do some more explaining. "If I'm able to work with them without having to go back, I can get one hundred percent of their trust. Yesterday, I swear it took me an hour to explain what happened, and I'm still not sure if they believe me."

"So what... You fake your death and then you leave me here to deal with this shithole?"

"We work together. I get 141 to help us to stop those fuckers with illegal weaponry. You and I stay in communication, and then we get Canmoore."

More silence and another sigh. "Do they know about me?" he asks.

"They know I have connections. They do not know who and I would like to keep it that way."

"They saw me that day. I barely escaped in the first place," he says. "They'll recognize me."

"They won't ever see you. There's no need to. I'll keep your name and face out of the picture."

Some crackling noises sound, and I'm not sure what's going on on the other side, but it takes him a moment to respond again.

"If I loved you even slightly less than I do right now, I would've left a long time ago."

"Is that an okay?"

"Fine. But you better make this worth it."

"Love you too, Carter. I will."

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