~Left Out~ Bajifuyutora

Galing kay Insomniac_Rain

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Umm it's bajifuyutora, need I say more? Here's the actual description In this story Baji, Kazutora, and Chi... Higit pa

~Realizing~ (1)
~Confronting~ (3)
~Bye Bitch~ (4)
not a chapter
~Cut the crap~ (5)
~Nah, leave me alone.~ (6)
~Found ya~ (7)
Been awhile, huh?

~A plan & Action~ (2)

441 8 11
Galing kay Insomniac_Rain

Chifuyu POV:
I was walking behind them, I seen they were holding hands... but what about me? Don't they remember me?

Now that I think about it, they have been doing a lot of things without me, going on a date, dinner, what's next?

They've been leaving me out a lot, is it on purpose? That's the only logical explanation, because there isn't anyway for them to just, forget I'm apart of this relationship too. So they must be doing it on purpose.

Why though? Why leave me out? Don't they love me? What am I saying, of course they love me. I just need to give them a little reminder that I'm part of this relationship too!

Y'know I was never one for 'revenge' but this might be a perfect time for it~ or I should just talk to them? Nah, what's life without a little spice~ (he didn't actually say that, this is what he actually said)

I was never one for revenge... I should probably just talk to them about it, but, why do I feel they wouldn't listen?

I'll just stick with revenge for now, what should I do for revenge?

Hmmm... oh! I know! Maybe I should pretend to be cheating on them with partner! Wait... isn't that too much?

Then again, them ignoring that I'm apart of this relationship is also a bit much, hm, let's do it! What's the worst that could happen?

Not alot, so, I'll talk to Takemichi when we meet up at the skatepark, and try to convince him by-

"What're you thinking about back there?" Baji asked me

'Shit, can't let them know' I thought to myself, umm what's a good excuse? Oh!
"Nothing, I'm just admiring the scenery!" I say and point to the cherry blossom trees

"Ooh~ They are very pretty Baji" Tora said, unknowingly helping me.

"That's true Tora" Baji said and kisses Tora.

"..." I don't know what to say, did they forget I'm here? Yeah, I'm definitely going through with my plan.

Tora pulls away, "Cmon we still have to go to school" he says and continues walking, dragging Baji with him.

"Hmph!" I cross my arms once they're far enough away, so they can't hear me.

This isn't fair... why do they forget about me? I'm their boyfriend too! Do they not love me anymore? I fall to my knees and start crying, I just couldn't hold it in anymore, luckily Takemichi was turning the corner and saw me crying

"Chifuyu!" He ran over to me with Hina following close behind, "Whats wrong?!"he asked

"Whats wrong with me?! Am I not enough for them!?" I cling onto Takemichi and cry on his shoulder

"Nothings wrong with you!" Takemichi assures

"...Enough for who?" Hina asks

"Enough for my boyfriends! Baji and Kazutora! They always leave me out! I'm never gonna be good enough for them!"

"Chifuyu-" Takemichi started

"O-Or anyone-"

"Chifuyu! Matsuno, You stop talking like that!" Hina snapped

"It's true though-"

"No! No it's not!" Takemichi says

"It's not true at all, Chifuyu, if they can't see your worth, then they need to open their eyes." Hina said

"...*sniff* why don't they love me?"

"..." Hina couldn't answer that

"...Fuyu, what about we skip school today, we can go to the skatepark now?" Takemichi offers

"That's a good idea." Hina says

"O-Okay..." I agreed

"Let's go buy new skateboards!" Hina says

"Yep! Let's go!" Takemichi says and helps me up.

I take his hand and stand up, he drags me and runs after Hina who's already running towards the mall.

With BajiTora:

"Huh? Where'd Fuyu go?" Kazutora asked

"What do you mean? He's behind us?" Baji turns around, "Eh? Where'd he go?"


3rd person POV:
Chifuyu, Takemichi and Hina were all at a store in the mall, buying skateboards.

Chifuyu saw a skateboard that had a raven and a tiger on it, it reminded him of his boyfriends, of course he didn't tell the others that when he bought it.

Takemichi bought a regular one(I didn't know what to put for his, tell me what)

And Hina bought one with cherry blossom trees on it

Once they payed, they ran to the skatepark well chifuyu rode his skateboard there, takemichi was too scared to ride it there, and Hina ran with Takemichi, so he didn't feel left out

When they finally got there, Chifuyu was ready to teach them how to skate! Yes Hina knows a bit about how to skate, but not as much as Chifuyu.

And good ol' Takemichi, he just doesn't know and is too scared-

Chifuyu held Takemichis hand while he got on the skateboard to help balance him out, when Takemichi was on, chifuyu held his hand and they slowly started moving

When Takemichi wasn't as scared anymore Chifuyu let go of his hand, and Takemichi was so excited because he didn't fall, and he was zooming around the skatepark

"WOOOO!!!" Takemichi yelled, good thing no one else was there, they were at school.

"This is the one of the first times Takemichi isn't afraid to do something, well without crying-" Hina stated proudly, "You did good Chifuyu, Good job" Hina patted Chifuyus head

Chifuyu was shocked, and a little embarrassed, but leaned into her touch (LIKE A MOTHER-SON RELATIONSHIP! NOT A SHIP)

"Thank you!" Chifuyu said and hugged her, Hina hugged back and they watched Takemichi skating for a bit, then decided to join him.

Chifuyu jumped on him skate board and rode over to Takemichi and did a ollie. Hina was right behind him, no tricks though(she doesn't know how)

"Yeah! Cmon guys! Let's go! Can we ride down the street?" Takemichi asked

"Hmm, if we're careful" Hina said

"Yeah, the main thing is watching out for cars." Chifyu states

(They've been at the skatepark for a couple hours now, so school just got out)

"Yknow what? Screw it, let's go!" Chifuyu said and started skating out of the park.

"Wait for us!" Takemichi yelled after him and started skating faster.

Hina just chuckled and skated after them.

"I'm still wondering where he went." Kazutora said as he and Baji were walking down the street back home

"Same, he was behind us then, he was gone." Baji says


As they were walking they seen Chifuyu skating down the road faster, they saw Takemichi trying to catch up to him and Hina skating after, laughing.

"...Is that where he went? He went with them?" Kazutora mumbled

"...I guess." Baji said quietly

Chifuyu was on the other side of the cross walk, and Hina was getting food at the store behind, Takemichi was crossing the crosswalk where a driver doesn't see him and is driving straight towards him.

Takemichi doesn't notice but Chifuyu does and just when the truck is about to hit him...

"TAKEMICHI!" Hina yells

Chifuyu hops on his skateboard and skates into the street.

"CHIFUYU!" Baji and Kazutora yell, but since they're so far away, Chifuyu can't hear them.

Chifuyu skates across the street and grabs Takemichi dragging him with him.

The driver zooms past almost hitting them both. Chifuyu skirts to a stop on the other side of the rode.

Chifuyu is panting heavily and Takemichi, well, looks traumatized.

"Thank god..." Baji and Kazutora whisper at the same time.

"TAKEMICHI, CHIFUYU! Are you guys okay?!" Hina yells worried and is checking them for any signs of harm.

"I'm all good." Chifuyu says

"I-I'm fine" Takemichi stutters

"Phew! I'm so glad, here let's go eat some yakisoba." Hina says

"YES! YAKISOBA!" Chifuyu says and hops back on skateboard

Takemichi hesitantly does the same, Hina left her skateboard at the shop so she's running along side them

They sit down and start eating at the small corner shop.

"I'm so glad he's okay..." Baji says relieved

"Same.. I dunno what I would have done if he wasn't." Kazutora says



3rd person POV:
"Today was fun guys, but I have to go now." Hina says

"It's fine Hina! Thank you for today, I'll see you tommorow?" Chifuyu says

"Yeah, see you guys tommorow, bye!" Hina says and runs off



"So what did you want to talk to me about Chifuyu?" Takemichi asked Chifuyu

"Well, I want to get revenge on Baji-san and Tora."

"Huh? How so?"

"Well can we maybe fake date? So they think I'm cheating? Please?"

Takemichi was taken aback by this and said "What?"

"Yeah.. I just think maybe it'll get their attention and remind them that I'm apart of the relationship too..."

"...Okay, I'll help you, but to make it more believable, we should have Hina help."

"Really? Thank you partner! Thank you so much! I'll call Hina now." Chifuyu said and takes out his phone and dials Hinas number


"Hey Hina! It's me and Takemichi!"

"Hi Hina!"

"Oh, Hey guys, we were literally just hanging out- what do you need?"

"Well umm- Takemichi, can you say it?"

"Sure, So Hina- *explains*"(I'm lazy)

"...I don't know about this."

"Please Hina! I just want to remind them, that I'm their boyfriend too..."

"Yeah, there won't be any harm Hina, please?"

"Alright fineee, when do we start?"


Chifuyu POV:
That went better then expected, now all I have to do is umm make them think I'm cheating? That can't be too hard right! Right?

I walked inside, didn't even bother saying I'm home, because I won't get a response anyways, and Peke-J is sleeping on the couch over there, so no one to talk to.

Hmm~ Oh! I could start trying to trick them by calling Takemichi and Hina! That's perfect, but first I want to change.

I walk into our shared bedroom, they're on the bed playing games.

I just walk past them and to the closet, earning bewildered looks from them.
So far so good. I thought as I picked out a oversized hoodie, and for the first time ever, it's neither of there's, I'll say it's Takemichis~

I grabbed the hoodie and a pair of basketball shorts and some long cat socks, I walk past them and into the bathroom.

Which I can already tell made them confused because I usually change infront of them, without any discomfort.

I walk into the bathroom and change

This is about the outfit he's wearing

I walk out of the bathroom, and I swear I saw them blush a bit, must've been my imagination, cause they only glanced at me.

I walked over to my dresser and started taking out my earrings, I swear I felt someone looking at me, but it HAS to be my imagination because each time I look back over my shoulder, or glance at them in the mirror, they're not looking.

So I was a little confused but just continued to take out my earrings.

Right now I was wearing stud earrings, they were black with hints of gold in them, they were pretty cute, but nonetheless I took them out. I decided to put some cat ones in instead because, well, who doesn't love cats?(a lot of people)

Those are the earrings he put in.

I smiled at my reflection, I felt super cute and confident! I SWEAR THEY'RE LOOKING AT ME! I think to myself and spin around, but lonebehold they're still playing games, so why do I feel someone looking at me! Ugh, oh well. I turn back around and look in the mirror again

I feel like my amazing outfit is missing something, but what? Oh! A cat clip! That would put it all together, now let's see... I know I have one somewhere.

I look around and don't see it, hmm, oops I forgot to look in the drawers, I open the drawer and there they are!

(You can choose which one he's wearing)
I pick up one and put it in my hair, and I look in the mirror again. Yep! That was it, now my outfit is perfect, now time to "cheat"

I walk out of the bedroom and purposely leave the door open, I text the gc and tell them its time. So I call the groupchat with me, Takemichi and Hina in it. They both answer on FaceTime and luckily for me, the kitchen is across from my bedroom

I prop my phone on the table and turn on the camera, "Hi babe! And hina!" I say loud enough for them to hear and they both lift their heads up.

They lifted their heads because they know that's not what I call them.


"Hey baby! I love your outfit!" Takemichi says, and Baji and Kazutora hear because I put it on speaker

"You look so good in that Chifuyu!" Hina compliments my outfit

"Aw, thank you guys! Hey babe?" I say addressing Takemichi

"Yeah baby?" Takemichi asks, he's doing alot better then I thought he would.

"Do you wanna go on a date tommorow after school?"

"Of course babe!"

"Ooh~ Love birds~ Don't forget I'm here too~" Hina fake teases

"We won't Hina!" I say playfully

"What the fuck." Baji says "You hear them Tora?"

"Yeah! The fuck is going on? Chifuyu is ours, not Takemichis!" Kazutora says

"I'm gonna confront him!"

"Same. I can't believe he's cheating on us!"

"I can't believe it either. Cmon Tora."


They both get up and walk into the kitchen

"Oi! What the fuck is going on?!" Baji yells

2287 words! Not counting the authors note! That's a lot for me! For some reason I have a lot of motivation for this story, idk why. Oh well though, atleast I'm updating! If you find errors let me know! Cause I'm too lazy to find them myself.Have a good day my dears~

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