Reincarnated into a Twisted W...


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After dying an unfortunate death at the age of 17, she gets reincarnated into the world of a game she used to... Еще

Prologue - Unfortunate death
Chapter 1 - Twisted Wonderland
Chapter 2 - Second chance
Chapter 3 - Charming
Chapter 4 - New discovery
Chapter 5 - Making Sweets
Chapter 7 - First Gala
Chapter 8 - Failed Teleportation
Chapter 9 - Trust
Chapter 10 - Moon and stars
Chapter 11 - Admire
Chapter 12 - Friends
Chapter 13 - Home
Chapter 14 - Marriage
Chapter 15 - Troubled
Chapter 16 - Threats
Chapter 17 - Son

Chapter 6 - Viper

2.9K 177 70

YOU sinked into the seat of the carriage and tried to keep your eyes open.

You may or may not have stayed up all night reading all the romance novels Kalim's mother, Lucy has borrowed you.

And because of that, you completely forgot that you were visiting Kalim's place the next day.

Your parents were happy yet surprised that you and Kalim grew so close the past month. Of course, they weren't dumb to not notice he would show you affection he wouldn't even show his siblings. Unfortunately, you were quite ignorant.

So here you are today, Kalim inviting you to his house like usual. You wanted to decline his offer because you were too tired, but you also didn't want to break the six-year-old boy's heart.

"Lady [Y/n]."

But Kalim would've understood of you declined, right?

"Lady [Y/n]."

He would have. He's the most sweetest and forgiving character in the game!

"Lady [Y/n]."

Ugh! You really should have politely declined his invite. Now it will seem like you are bored and tired when you're with him.

"...Lady [Y/n]."

Oh gosh, you shouldn't have stayed up so late!

"Lady [Y/n]!"

You perked up. "Huh?"

He sighed. "Please avoid zoning out randomly, Lady [Y/n]."

You sweat dropped as you looked at the ground. "Sorry, Ilias."

Ilias Natsu is a twenty year old man who is your personal butler ever since you were born. Despite being a butler, he has many women fawning over him. He has long, pale turquoise hair that's styled in a braid and siren-like black eyes. He also has a small beauty mark beside his left eye, making him look more attractive.

He may look mean due to to his cold demeanor, but deep down he's an absolute sweetheart and gentleman. He cares about you dearly like you're his younger sibling.

Ilias sweat dropped and pat your head. "Don't apologize, Lady [Y/n]." He glanced outside and smiled. "It seems like we arrived."

You perked up as you placed your hands on the window and gazed outside.

Even though you lived in the Scalding Sands for five years, the landscape never fails making you awe-struck.

The carriage stopped as the door opened. Ilias stepped out first before lifting his hand in front of you and stood in a butler-like pose with a smile.

He never fails to amaze you.

You placed your smaller hands into his larger ones as he helped you down.

The two of you walked inside the Asim Palace and as you stepped inside...


You were immediately engulfed into a hug and it didn't take you ten seconds to figure out who it was.


You hugged him back as Kalim nuzzled his cheek against yours and after a minute, he pulled away but still kept his hands on your shoulders.

"How are you doing, [N/n]-chan? Did you sleep well? Have you eaten? Are you still tired? Are you hungry? I can have my chefs make you the most delicious food! I'll also tell my attendants to prepare a large room for you to rest! Oh, or I can-"

You sweat dropped. "Kalim-san, thank you but I'm not hungry nor tired! I ate at home!"

Kalim smiled. "Oh, that's good then!" He then remembered something. "[N/n]-chan, I have someone I want to introduce you to! Come on!" He dragged you with him.

Kalim's attendant and Ilias sweat dropped as Ilias followed you two.


Kalim brought you to another living room as he stood in front of you and grabbed your hands.

"[N/n]-chan, yesterday, I met a boy who became my new friend! His name is Jamil and he's really cool!" He exclaimed and continued rambling.

You paused. So this is when Kalim and Jamil haven't been befriended yet. It all makes sense now.

"-and when we were talking, I immediately thought of you and told him about you! I wanted you two to meet since I'm 100% sure that he'll like you as well!" He finished.

You stared blankly as you sweat dropped and nodded. "Oh, I see." You tilted your head. "Who is this.. Jamil?" You asked, acting innocently.

Kalim just grinned before turned around and pulling you. He stopped in front of a boy who's slightly taller than him and tapped him on the shoulder.

The boy turned around and your eyes widened slightly.

Jamil Viper. Tan-skinned with short, chin length brown hair. Gorgeous charcoal grey eyes with an oversized red hoodie and grey sweat pants and black sandles.

He was so adorable as a child. You couldn't help but swoon.

Kalim's voice broke you out of your thoughts as he spoke, "Jamil! Jamil! Meet [N/n]-chan! And [N/n]-chan, meet Jamil!"

Your eyes practically sparkled as you gazed at Jamil.

Jamil glanced at you with tired eyes and bowed.

You snapped out of your thoughts and smiled brightly. "Hello! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Jamil glanced up slightly to meet your [E/c] eyes that are filled with kindness and admiration. His breath hitched for a moment.

He slowly stood up straight. "Likewise.."

You lifted your hand in front of him and smiled. "My name is [Y/n] Amory." You tilted your head. "How about yours?"

Jamil's eyes slightly widened as he stared at your hand for a second before shaking his head and slowly lifted his hand and gently placed it on yours. "Jamil Viper."

You shook his hand and gave a close-eyed smile. "I hope we get along well, Viper-san!"

Jamil stared blankly before nodding and the two of you let go of your hands. You glanced at Kalim. "Hey, Kalim-san. Let's go play in the garden with Viper-san!" You suggested.

Kalim squealed before nodding. "Yes, great idea, [N/n]-chan!" He grabbed your hand and began was about to drag you.

You gasped slightly before halting in your tracks. "Kalim-san, wait!"

Kalim stopped and turned around to look at you with a confused expression. "Is something wrong, [N/n]-chan?"

You glanced at Jamil over your shoulder as you smiled at him and grabbed his hand gently.

You gave Kalim a smile before you dragged the both of them with you, making them baffled.

Kalim snapped out of his daze before laughing and running along, leaving Jamil still in his daze.

Why would someone remember him? You stopped and remembered to take him along?

That made him feel...

Happy. Wanted.

A small smile subconciously appeared on the brunette's lips but he immediately put his guard up and snapped out of his daze.

You're befriended with Kalim. He can never be the same position as Kalim, he recalled.

No matter what.


Your eyes sparkled as you were met with the heartwarming atmosphere of the Asim's garden.

The beautiful flowers and small animals.

It was absolutely breathtaking! You always loved flowers and even took the time to learn about all the flower types and their meanings.

And you were a huge animal lover. You used to have three cats and two birds in your previous life.

You let go of the two boys' hands and ran to the flowers in the middle of the garden.

You knelt down on your knees as you grazed your fingers over the various flowers.

Tulips, white and red roses, daisies, irises, orchids, and so on.

Kalim ran towards you as he knelt down beside you as Jamil just walked over and stood behind you two.

"Do you like flowers, [N/n]-chan?" Kalim asked as he glanced at you.

You hummed and nodded. "Yes! I really, really like flowers." You answered. "I love their how their colors stimulate and relax my eyes and how their scents make me feel at peace and they're so meaningful. They just give so much.." You paused. "Emotion."

It was true. Flowers always comforted you. Whenever someone gifts you a single flower, it makes you happy. And seeing this large flower garden brings back so many memories.

Kalim just stared at you in awe.

You never fail to surprise him, and he can't help but like you more. You were just so cool, admiration, sweet, loving, and adorable.

He glanced at a random flower and pointed at it. "What flower is this?"

You glanced at the flower and smiled. "Pink water lily. They represent feminine strength and beauty. That one is one of my favorites." You answer.

Kalim swooned as he glanced at you with sparkly eyes. "You know alot about flowers! Did you study about them?"

You nodded as you sweat dropped. "Yes."

'Not in this life though.'

Kalim then stood up, saying that he's going to bring a book from the library in the palace and that he'll be right back. Leaving you with Jamil.

You glanced at Jamil and smiled. "Come sit beside me, Viper-san." You suggested

Jamil perked up as he complied and knelt down beside you.


Not these kinds of awkward silences! You cringed mentally.

What to say... what to say...

"Viper-san, what do you normally do during the day?"

"Serve the Asim's."


"Help my parents serve the Asim's."

"...Do you do anything else besides serving Kalim's family?"

He paused. "No."

"Oh." And silence.


"Viper-san, how do your parents look like?"

He glanced at you with a confused expression. "My parents?" He furrowed his eyebrows suspiciously. "Why?"

You sweat dropped. Shit. "Uhm, well, I saw a lady when I first came to the Asim Palace, and I couldn't help but wonder if you were related to her." You explained. "Well, since, you know.. You resemble her."

Jamil just stared blankly before he pulled out a pendant necklace. He opened the pendant, revealing a small picture it. "Here." He showed you the picture.

It was a picture of family of —whom you assumed was—his mother, his father, himself and his younger sister, Najma Viper.

He pointed at the two adults in the picture. "These two are my mother and father," He then pointed at the little girl in the picture, "and this is my younger sister. Najma."

You stared at the small picture in awe. His parents looked so ethereal and gorgeous. And Najma looks so young and adorable.

You snapped your fingers. "So the lady I saw was your mother!"

Jamil glanced away from the picture and at you as he nodded. "Probably." He placed the necklace back in his shirt. "Why did you ask, though?"

You smiled. "Well, when I saw your mother, I was so shocked since she looked so, so, SO beautiful!" You placed your hands on your cheeks. "And your father looks so cool, and your little sister is so adorable! I really hope to meet your family one day! You have such a sweet family! I bet they are as sweet, kind and cool as you are, Viper-san!"



Jamil just stared at you with widened eyes and mouth slightly agape as you rambled about his family.

Nobody has ever said anything like that about his family. His family also never got compliments or praises. His family were just servants to the Asim family.

He and his family were always looked down upon because of being servants, while the Asims were always praised and admired.

He hated that.

He never wanted to befriend Kalim in the first place. He hated him and his oblivious and naive personality.

He always had to keep his head low for the Asims.

It infuriated him.

He expected you to also be like them. Since your family was almost the same position as the Asim's and because you were befriended with Kalim.

But it seems like he judged you completely wrong.

The way you talked so positively about his family, praised them and even himself with genuine admiration.

It sent his heart aflutter.

It made him happy.

He snapped out of his daze when he felt something being placed in his hair.

"Sorry, Viper-san. I just had to."

He tilted his head in confusion before placing a hand on the thing in his hair. It was a flower.

"What flower did you put in my hair?" He asked.

You smiled. "It's a white snowdrop. I spotted it and it reminded me of you, so I put it in your hair." You said bashfully.

Jamil blinked before his cheeks dusted slightlu pink. "Why.. does it remind you of me?"

You gave a close-eyed smile as you stared at the sundrop flower in his hair. "Sundrops represent hope and beauty. And the flower fits you very well."

His face heated up and his eyes widened.

"You.." He murmured before looking away. "Thanks.."

You giggled and smiled. "No problem!" You spotted a mop of white hair in the distance as you stood up and waved.

Jamil glanced behind his shoulder and groaned mentally.

You lifted your hand in front of him. He stared at it for a second before placing his hand in yours and standing up.

Your hands were warm.

You were completely different from what he expected.

You were sweet. Understanding. Smart. Loving.

He understood why Kalim talked so much about you and about how much he adored you.

And he can't help but adore you and like you too.

And he hopes he'll become your friend. He wouldn't spending time with Kalim if it meant that you'll be there too.

His family will be hearing your name from him alot from now on.

A/n : Holy shit 500+ views??? Where tf did yall come from!?!?! 😧😧😧

Anyways, thank you so much for reading this <33 I never thought you guys would like this book !! 🥹💘 (fuck you wattpad for crashing on me everytime and having some stupid ass error 🤬🤬🤬)

Surprise, surprise! [Y/n] is an animal and flower lover (same)😘😘 and to be clear, I barely know alot about flower meanings so don't attack if I make a mistake about the flower meanings ‼️

And please continue commenting on each new chapter, your comments make me happy and I love reading them 😙😙

Another thing, since school is starting again soon, I won't be updating for three or four weeks, it honestly depends! Because when school starts, I will have to study ALOT since after three weeks my first exam week will begin and I can't pay to fail any exams this year 🤧💔💔

So pray for me and I will definitely update again after the exam week 💕

I hope you guys liked this chapter and have an awesome day ‼️😝

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