A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x...

By Just_Another_IDK

74.6K 2.5K 1.8K

A different spin on a plot we all know well Freedom is all anyone wants but can a gentle soul do what must be... More

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Sequel Release


1.8K 71 85
By Just_Another_IDK

The Edge
In which you're beginning to regret some choices


The chilling waters of the river embraced (Y/N), a relentless current carrying her downstream as she struggled against the pull. She was beginning to regret this method of escape. Her shivering form clung to consciousness, the biting cold seeping into her bones. The distant sounds of Quackity and his pursuers echoed behind her, their relentless pursuit growing closer with each passing moment.

Quackity's urgent commands resonated through the air, and (Y/N) felt a renewed determination to escape. She kicked against the water, her limbs heavy and aching, but a surge of adrenaline kept her moving. The dense forest on either side blurred as the current swept her along, the rhythmic splashes of her labored strokes merging with the relentless roar of the river.

As the river quickened its pace, (Y/N)'s strength waned. Each gasping breath felt like a struggle, and the cold began to gnaw at her resilience. Her mind, once focused on evading capture, now drifted to thoughts of Technoblade, the warmth of Pogtopia, and an undeniable frustration with Tommy for leading her into this perilous situation.

Amidst the chaos, (Y/N) found herself yearning for Technoblade's reassuring presence. She wished he were there, remembering how his strong arms had wrapped around her, effortlessly lifting her to safety on a ledge. She missed the sense of security he brought, the unwavering strength that could turn the tides in their favor.

The surroundings blurred into a dizzying cascade of motion as the river surged, pulling (Y/N) under the water's surface. She fought against the current, desperate to reclaim the air her lungs craved. Emerging, gasping, she strained against the relentless force that sought to drag her under once more.

Her limbs protested with every stroke, the fatigue setting in like an unrelenting weight. The ominous sound of rushing water grew louder, signaling an approaching waterfall. Dread clutched at her as the current quickened, carrying her toward the edge.

As the waterfall's edge drew near, (Y/N)'s heart raced, a mix of fear and determination coursing through her. The tumultuous cascade awaited below, threatening to swallow her whole. The pursuit, the cold, and the relentless river converged in this moment of impending peril, leaving (Y/N) teetering on the brink of a watery abyss, desperately missing the strength and support of Technoblade. She shook her head at herself, she was surprised, she never let herself get attached that easily.

Quackity and his thugs stood at the edge of the falls, their eyes widening in shock as they witnessed (Y/N)'s defiant gesture, a middle finger raised in a final act of rebellion before she disappeared over the cascading waterfall. The roaring water swallowed her form, leaving only ripples in its turbulent wake.

"What the hell just happened?" one of the thugs exclaimed, staring at the foaming water below.

Quackity, visibly taken aback, shook his head, trying to process the unexpected turn of events. "Did she just... did she just give us the finger?" he muttered, disbelief etched on his face.

His cohorts exchanged bewildered glances, grappling with the reality of (Y/N)'s daring escape. The once-confident group now stood in uneasy silence, their plans thwarted by the unpredictable force of the river.

"She's gone," Quackity declared, his tone a mixture of frustration and surprise. "There's no way she survived that fall." She's drowned and would continue to drown until all 3 of the lines on her wrist were gone

As the tumultuous waters continued their course, carrying (Y/N) further away from Manburg and the clutches of Quackity's pursuit, the group debated her fate. Quackity, choosing to believe in the certainty of her demise, made a grim proclamation.

"She's dead. Drowned, lost in the river. That's three lives gone," he asserted, attempting to regain control of the situation. His words lingered in the air, a declaration that marked the end of their pursuit of (Y/N).


Tubbo wandered through the streets of Manburg, his thoughts consumed by the recent news. Whispers echoed around him as citizens exchanged hushed conversations. The words "Tommy" and "(Y/N)" reached his ears, and a sense of urgency pricked at his conscience.

"Did you hear? Tommy and (Y/N) were spotted in Manburg! They got chased into the forest."

"Chased into the forest? What are they doing here?"

Tubbo's heart raced as the gravity of the situation sunk in. His feet carried him to Schlatt's imposing office, where a guard stood, beckoning him inside.

"Schlatt wants to see you, Tubbo. Move."

Tubbo hesitated for a moment, then nodded, stepping into the office. Schlatt sat behind his desk, a malicious glint in his eyes.

"Tubbo, my trusty Secretary of State. I've got a job for you." Schlatt smirked

Tubbo swallowed hard, sensing trouble in the air. "What is it, sir?"

"Tommy and Wilbur have been causing a ruckus. I want you to find them and bring them back to me. And if they resist, well..." he chuckled darkly

Schlatt grabbed a glass bottle from his desk and hurled it against the wall, the shattering sound punctuating the threat. "Make them understand, Tubbo. Make them understand who's in charge."

Tubbo, unnerved by Schlatt's demeanor, nodded obediently and left the office. As he ventured into the forest, a mixture of determination and unease filled him. The pursuit of his friends had begun, and the shadows of Manburg loomed ominously behind him.

Tubbo wandered aimlessly through the dense forest, the weight of Schlatt's orders pressing heavily on his shoulders. The once vibrant trees now seemed to whisper tales of the chaotic state of Manburg. As he moved deeper into the woods, Tubbo stumbled upon an unexpected sight—a tree, its branches rustling with the sound of someone struggling.

To his surprise, Tommy, disheveled and frazzled, fell from the foliage. Tubbo couldn't hide his shock.

"Tommy! What happened? Why are you in a tree?"

"(Y/N) and I got chased, okay? Schlatt's gone mad, Tubbo. Manburg's a mess." He said hurriedly, "have you seen (y/n) by the way, we got split up a few days ago and I was trying to spot her from the treetops."

Tubbo's eyes widened, absorbing the gravity of the situation. Tommy descended from the tree, and they found a secluded spot to talk. "Schlatt's ruined everything. Crime, homelessness, taxes—all at their worst. And I was there when Schlatt gave the order to hunt  you down,Quackity and the guards he sent, they haven't come back."

"And (Y/N)? What about (Y/N)?" Tommy pried as if his life were on the line and if Techno found out it probably would be.

Tubbo shook his head, a cloud of worry hanging over his features.

"No, I haven't. Quackity's out there looking for her, but they haven't found her yet." Tubbo assured

Tommy's face tensed with concern, his mind racing with the uncertainties of (Y/N)'s fate. In a moment of urgency, he turned to Tubbo.

"Listen, Tubbo, I need you to promise me something. Don't tell anyone about Pogtopia. It's a secret, okay?" Tommy said firmly.

Tubbo hesitated but ultimately nodded. "I promise, Tommy. But what's Pogtopia ?"

Tommy grinned mischievously. "Follow me. I'll show you the way to Pogtopia. We need a plan, and we need it fast."

Guiding Tubbo through the winding paths of the forest, Tommy led the way to the hidden refuge—the ravine where the rebellion against Schlatt's tyranny was quietly brewing. The shadows of the trees seemed to cloak them in secrecy as they approached the entrance to Pogtopia, where hope and resistance awaited.


Technoblade navigated the bustling marketplace, his keen eyes scanning the stalls for affordable enchanted books and materials. Amidst the array of goods, he stumbled upon a peculiar item that caught his attention—an exquisite hairpin.

The hairpin was a delicate work of art, crafted from polished silver and adorned with a small sapphire gemstone. Its intricate design resembled a dragon curled around the gem, its tail forming the pin. The craftsmanship was impressive, and Techno couldn't help but appreciate the attention to detail.

As he examined the hairpin, memories of (Y/N) flashed in his mind—the brave adventurer who had ventured into an ancient city to secure Swift Sneak books for him. The voices in his head, usually relentless and demanding, softened with a rare sentiment. He could imagine her hair fluttering in the breeze with the pin in her hair shining in the sunlight.

"Hey, Techno, why don't you get that for (Y/N)? She did go through a lot for you to get you swift sneak books."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. She's been missing, and I..." things seemed quieter without her around, Techno had never felt this kind of longing for someone... ever, "I miss having her around."

"Well, this hairpin is a thoughtful gesture. It's unique, just like her."

After a brief internal debate, Technoblade decided to purchase the hairpin. The vendor, a wizened merchant with a toothy grin, handed him the delicate accessory. As he pocketed the hairpin, a subtle smile tugged at the corners of Techno's lips—an unusual expression for the Blood God.

"Alright, you win. Let's wrap this up and head back. I've got a hairpin to deliver." He said to the voices with a small smile.

It was earlier than he expected but he was now walking around with fully enchanted armour and maxed out weapons. It seemed that him wanting to get back to (Y/N) made him hasten his quest.

The voices in his head, surprisingly agreeable for once, echoed their approval. The decision to buy the hairpin became a quiet acknowledgment of the bond forged in the battles and adventures shared with (Y/N). The marketplace faded into the background as Technoblade prepared to reunite with the one person who had managed to carve a place in the heart of the unyielding warrior.

"I hope (Y/N)'s doing alright. We left her with Tommy."

"She's a tough one. I'm sure she's fine, probably kicking mobs in the Nether or something."

"Or maybe Tommy."

"She's too nice to hurt people."

"What if something happened to her? We don't know for sure."

"Remember when Schlatt and his goons beat her up."

"We can't let that happen again."

Silence fell upon Techno as the voices debated, their concerns echoing in the chambers of his mind. The warrior remained stoic, his gaze fixed on the path ahead, a silent hope coursing through him that (Y/N) was safe.

"She's smart, right? She can handle herself. No need to worry."

"I heard a scream in the last dream. What if that was her?"

"No... she's strong. She'll be fine." Techno muttered to himself, trying to shake off the dread that coursed through his body. He hated these emotions, worry, fear, dread, they were all foreign to him.

He stepped through the nether portal and followed the same path back, it would take about a day in the nether to get back to the dream smp.

As the internal turmoil continued, Techno pressed forward, his mind a battleground for conflicting emotions.

A familiar landscape appeared and a familiar portal came into view he was a little close to being back in Pogtopia.

"Maybe it would be less stressful if we took (Y/N) with us next time."

He stepped through the portal, just a couple more hours of walking to go.

The familiar landscape of Pogtopia came into view, the ravine offering a sense of both sanctuary and unease. The voices, unable to find common ground, persisted in their speculation about (Y/N)'s well-being.

"We should check on her when we get back."

"Or maybe she's already there. Let's not jump to conclusions."

Technoblade, his heart heavy with unspoken concern, approached the entrance to Pogtopia, the internal voices continuing their restless debate. The uncertainty surrounding (Y/N)'s fate lingered in the air, and as Techno stepped into the familiar refuge, the hope that she awaited them within clashed with the nagging worry that something might have gone amiss during her absence.


Wilbur sat in solemn silence as Tubbo and Tommy painted a vivid picture of Manburg's decline. The reality of their once-prosperous nation now crumbling into chaos weighed heavily on the former leader's heart. His gaze, however, held a glimmer of concern when he asked about (Y/N).

"Tubbo, any updates on (Y/N)?" Wilbur inquired, the concern etched on his face.

Before Tubbo could respond, Techno's arrival disrupted the conversation. "Where's (Y/N)?" The urgency in his voice regarding (Y/N) demanded immediate attention. Tommy, grappling with guilt, stuttered through an explanation of how his impulsive actions had set off a chain of events leading to (Y/N)'s predicament.

"She's uh- she's- she's not here," Tommy stammered nervously.

"Quackity and a few of Schlatts men are hunting her down, trying to capture her," Tubbo's addition of the missing group sent after her only heightened the tension. The voices in Techno's head escalated into a frantic plea for action, urging him to find (Y/N) at all costs.

"See we shouldn't have left her with Tommy."

"We have to find her."

"We can't waste time," Techno declared, locking eyes with Tommy. He pulled the distressed younger man out of the ravine, determined to uncover the events that had led to (Y/N)'s dire situation.

As they ventured into the unknown, the voices in Techno's head continued their cacophony. Each step forward intensified their collective worry, amplifying the urgency of their mission. Conversations between Techno and Tommy ebbed and flowed, the weight of responsibility evident in every word.

"You have to tell me exactly what happened," Techno pressed, his tone firm but laced with a genuine concern that echoed the sentiments of the voices in his head.

As Techno guided Tommy out of the ravine, a tense conversation unfolded between them. The urgency in Techno's voice was matched by the persistent pleas of the voices in his head, amplifying the gravity of the situation.

Tommy hesitated, a mix of guilt and fear etched across his face. "I messed up, Techno. (Y/N)... she followed me into Manburg," he admitted, the confession hanging in the air.

"What an idiot."

"If she's hurt because of him I say we do double the damage."

"Make him pay."


"Blood for the blood god."

Techno's expression tightened at the revelation. "What were you thinking, Tommy?" His voice carried a blend of frustration and genuine concern. The echoes of the voices in his head intensified, their urgency mirrored in Techno's stern expression.

"She followed me when I rushed in to burn the flag. I didn't expect her to come with me," Tommy explained, his words laden with regret.

"Yep she's dead."

The gravity of Tommy's admission added a layer of complexity to their mission. Techno's mind raced, torn between finding (Y/N) and grappling with the repercussions of Tommy's impulsive actions. The ongoing conversation weaved through the labyrinth of emotions, decisions, and the unwavering determination to locate (Y/N).

"Someone is coming."

The rustling leaves whispered as Techno swiftly threw Tommy into a nearby bush, the urgency etched on his face. Moments later, Quackity and his group emerged from the forest, disappointment painted across their faces.

Quackity nervously greeted Techno, who wasted no time. In an instant, Techno's grip tightened around Quackity's collar, demanding answers. "Where is she?" he growled, the voices in his head echoing the urgency.

"Kill him."

"Spill his blood."

"Make his death slow and painful."


Quackity, now visibly uneasy, stammered out the grim news. "(Y/N) jumped into the river to escape us. She was pulled over the waterfall a day ago, she's dead," he explained, the weight of guilt lingering in his words.



"Avenge (Y/N)"



Techno's eyes flashed with rage. The voices in his head surged, demanding retribution. "Blood for the blood god!" they chanted, and Techno, fueled by fury, brandished his netherite axe. His vision red. A hiss of steam resonates through the quiet air, he grows in size and the face of a boar replaced his bone mask.

The chaotic symphony of battle erupted as Techno cut down Quackity's group with brutal efficiency. The forest bore witness to a clash of blades, and the voices' relentless chorus spurred Techno on. Quackity, sensing the imminent danger, managed to escape the carnage.

As the dust settled, Techno stood among fallen foes, the aftermath of a storm fueled by vengeance. Tommy, seizing the opportunity in the chaos, fled back to Pogtopia. Techno, still seething with anger and concern, stood alone in the aftermath, haunted by the echoes of the voices and the absence of (Y/N).

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