Percy Jackson; Hero's Awakeni...

Autorstwa ShadowX691

274 7 0

Slightly original PJ&O fanfiction Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
The End! (A/N)

Chapter 4

20 1 0
Autorstwa ShadowX691

(Percy's POV)

I woke up in a strange Norse-style temple, the atmosphere heavy with ancient energy. How did I know it was Norse? It just felt right, like I was connected to this place in some profound way. As I rose from the bed, I noticed that it was dawn, and the infirmary was filled with slumbering demigods.

My eyes wandered, searching for suitable clothing. A backpack caught my attention, and I carefully stored my knight's attire in it. Scanning the room, I found a white hoodie and a pair of jeans. An intriguing mask lay nearby, and as I donned the new attire, I discovered a hidden mask attached within the hood. My lips curled into a satisfied smile.

Checking the condition of my sword, I felt a sense of reassurance as I discovered it was as sharp as ever, thanks to the imbued Excalibur magic. A quick wipe of the blade on a nearby rag, and I was ready for action.

Mask on and hood pulled up, I removed my sword sheath from my pants and secured it comfortably on my back. I headed out of the infirmary, blending into the shadows like a phantom.

As I maneuvered through the temple, I observed other demigods coming and going, going about their daily business. I made my way to an exit, but there was a problem; a crowd of people stood there, and the sunlight left no shadows for me to hide.

Sighing softly, I prepared to make my move. With the countdown echoing in my head, I leaped into action. "3, 2, 1, GO," I whispered to myself. Running, I slid beneath the guards who tried to obstruct my path. They formed a wall, blocking the entrances, but I didn't let it deter me. With an eye roll, I leaped over them, landing gracefully on the other side.

I turned to face the bewildered guards and even shrugged while walking backward, challenging them. One of them, a young man crackling with lightning, finally advanced, brandishing a sword. I unsheathed my own blade, the golden veins on it glowing brighter than ever.

With a twirl of my sword, I exuded an air of confidence that made the lightning boy uneasy. He gestured for the other guards to circle me, but I analyzed the situation and prepared to face them. "Stand down," he ordered, his voice commanding.

I shook my head and assumed a battle stance. Without warning, I rushed the lightning-wielding guard. Leaping into the air, I brought my sword down with precision, his eyes widening as he barely blocked the strike. A deep breath, and my blade began to glow silver, a technique I had learned with the crusaders, channeling power into my blade. As a former head templar, my silver sword was a testament to my expertise.

I continued my assault, gracefully sidestepping one of the guards, causing him to stumble into the lightning kid. My eyes never betrayed any emotion as I faced the remaining guards.

Dual-wielding my swords, I shifted into a hybrid stance, which now included elements of Norse combat I'd studied. The guards took a step back in fear, analyzing my new fighting style. With an emotionless stare, I advanced, using storms to strike them, ice spears to drive them into the tempest, and water tendrils to trip them.

With a sigh, they all fell to the floor, defeated. I felt a sudden surge of strength and then weakness, causing me to gasp. Turning around, I found myself face to face with gods. I merged my swords and sheathed them, bowing respectfully.

One of them, who resembled Odin, spoke, "At ease, young one. What is your name?" I pointed to my throat, unable to speak, and Odin nodded, closing his eyes briefly. He then said, "I have bestowed upon you the gift of telepathy."

I conveyed my gratitude, saying, "Thank you. I have two names, actually. My birth name is Perseus, or rather Percy. But call me Percival. Percy brings up too many memories."

"I am Odin," he introduced himself. I nodded and turned to the other gods, asking, "You must all be the Norse gods, then?" They nodded in agreement.

Thor stepped forward, speaking with a jovial tone, "Anyways, we would like to give you our blessings and I, personally, would like to 'claim you' as those Greeks say."

I couldn't hide my surprise, "Thank you, lords and ladies." They smiled at the flattery as Odin continued, "I bestow upon you the gift of wisdom, knowledge, insight, warcraft, and a bit of poetry."

Freyja added her blessing, "I bestow upon you all my domains, as well." I couldn't help but appreciate her eloquence.

Freyr echoed his sister, "The same as my sister."

Loki, the trickster, chimed in, "I give you shapeshifting abilities and the power to create illusions."

A spirit, Balder, stepped forward, offering, "I give you power over light."

Tyr pledged all his domains, and Frigg did the same.

Thor, in his booming voice, declared, "I give you the blessing of all my domains, claim you as my adopted son, and offer you a blood bond. Do you want to blood bond?" I raised an eyebrow, asking him to repeat that part more slowly.

"Would you like to blood bond?" he inquired once more, and I eagerly agreed. Thor swiftly cut his hand, and then mine, palms pressed together. Our blood mingled, forming a strong bond between us. He healed the cut with lightning speed, and I couldn't help but grin. Running forward, I accidentally became as fast as lightning, even executing a backflip and sending a bolt of lightning into the air.

The gods laughed at my antics, and Odin remarked, "Well, that's certainly... amusing. I already like your spirit, son."

As the gods vanished, I removed my mask and faced the stunned guards. In that moment, I began to understand the full extent of my curse, a cycle of heartbreak and rebirth. "I'm sorry," I offered, "we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Percival."

The lightning boy, Aiden, smiled and introduced himself as my brother. I greeted the other guards and noticed a particularly beautiful demigod who seemed to be my age. My heart skipped a beat, and I couldn't help but feel drawn to her. Her name was Freya, and her striking blue eyes and golden hair held a certain allure. She had a lithe figure and a gentle smile that made my heart race. I smiled at her, and a blush crept onto her cheeks. My own face felt hot, and I turned away to avoid embarrassing myself.

I addressed Aiden, "Could you show me around? I couldn't exactly sightsee while we were... you know, beating each other."

He playfully pouted, and I heard a delightful, melodic laugh that could only belong to Freya. Her laughter was like music to my ears. Smiling, I followed Aiden, eager to explore this newfound world and embrace my destiny.

My days in the Norse temple continued with a mix of emotions. I even found Merlin again, anyways, as Percival, I was determined to make the most of my newfound connections with Aiden and Freya. The bond I shared with my half-brother was unique, and I cherished the moments we spent training together. Aiden was not just my brother; he was my comrade in arms, and I knew we would stand by each other in the battles to come.

As for Freya, our initial meeting had left a mark on me. Her captivating presence and lively spirit were impossible to forget. Our interactions during the feast had ignited a spark of attraction, and I couldn't help but wonder if she felt the same way. Aiden had hinted that Freya had a slight crush on me, and I couldn't deny the possibility of a connection between us.

Despite the complexities of my feelings, I continued to explore the temple and learn more about my divine heritage. The gods themselves guided me, sharing their wisdom and granting me their blessings. The power of their domains coursed through me, and I felt a newfound sense of purpose.

One day, as I practiced with my sword, I couldn't help but reflect on my journey so far. The defeat of the dragon, my long-time enemy, weighed on my mind. The battle had been fierce, and it had taken all of my strength and determination to emerge victorious. Now, the dragon's remains were a gift for Thor, a symbol of our shared triumph.

As I approached the grand hall, where the gods often gathered, I couldn't help but think about Freya. The memory of our initial meeting and the connection we had formed lingered in my mind. I wondered if I should approach her and strike up a conversation, hoping to understand her feelings.

Inside the grand hall, the gods were engaged in conversation and merriment. Freya was among them, her laughter and energy lighting up the room. I couldn't help but be drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

I approached Freya, my heart pounding with a mix of nerves and anticipation. As I got closer, she turned to me, her blue eyes sparkling with recognition and warmth. "Percival," she greeted me with a smile, "It's good to see you."

I returned her smile, feeling a sense of comfort in her presence. "Likewise, Freya. I've been thinking about our conversations during the feast."

Freya's gaze held a curious glint. "Oh? What have you been thinking?"

I took a deep breath, choosing my words carefully. "I couldn't help but feel a connection between us, something special. Aiden mentioned that you had a slight crush on me, and I couldn't help but wonder if those feelings were mutual."

Freya's cheeks flushed, and she looked down for a moment before meeting my gaze. "You're not wrong, Percival. I do feel a connection between us, and I can't deny that there's something special about you. but, you should also know that my heart is complicated."

I nodded, understanding the complexities of emotions. "I appreciate your honesty, Freya. I value our friendship, and I'm here to support you in whatever way you need."

Freya's smile returned, and she reached out to touch my arm. "Thank you, Percival. You're a true friend, and I'm grateful to have you in my life."

As the evening continued, Freya and I shared more conversations and moments of laughter. Our connection deepened, and I couldn't deny the attraction that continued to simmer between us. Despite the complexities of our emotions, I felt a sense of contentment in our growing bond.

Days turned into weeks, and I continued to train and learn more about my divine abilities. I embraced the teachings of the gods, honing my skills and expanding my knowledge. The powers of wisdom, warcraft, and poetry granted by Odin, as well as the gifts of shapeshifting and illusion from Loki, were at my disposal.

As I explored my newfound abilities, I couldn't help but wonder about my destiny. The gods had claimed me as their own, and I felt a profound sense of purpose. My connection with Freya, while complicated, added to the layers of my journey.

One day, during a practice session, Aiden approached me, a serious expression on his face. "Percival, there's something important I need to discuss with you."

I sheathed my sword and turned to face him. "What is it, Aiden?"

He took a deep breath before speaking. "I've been entrusted with a mission, one that's of great importance to our family and the gods. It's a quest that will test our strength and courage, and I want you to be by my side."

I felt a sense of determination rise within me. "Aiden, I'm with you. We're brothers, and I'll stand by you no matter what challenges we face."

Aiden's eyes held a mixture of gratitude and resolve. "Thank you, Percival. Together, we'll prove ourselves and honor our family's legacy."

As Aiden and I prepared for the upcoming quest, I couldn't help but think about Freya. Our connection remained a source of comfort and inspiration, and I knew that our paths would cross again.

The journey ahead was filled with uncertainty and adventure, but with the blessings of the gods and the support of my newfound family, I was ready to embrace my destiny as Percival, a son of Thor, and face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The morning sun cast a warm glow across the landscape as Aiden and I set out on our quest. The gods had entrusted us with a mission of great importance, and our determination burned brightly as we embarked on this adventure. Aiden, my brother in arms, was brimming with enthusiasm, and his infectious energy lifted my spirits.

As we ventured further into the uncharted territory, I couldn't help but feel the presence of the divine blessings coursing through me. The powers bestowed upon me by the gods were a source of strength and guidance, and I marveled at the newfound abilities I possessed. I could shapeshift into various forms, create illusions to deceive our enemies, and channel the power of lightning with a mere thought.

My silent telepathic ability was a gift that allowed me to communicate with Aiden without words, a connection that transcended the need for spoken language. With a simple thought, I could convey my thoughts and share our strategies, enhancing our synergy as a team.

Aiden, always the spirited one, couldn't resist indulging in humorous antics along our journey. He had a penchant for pranks and jokes, and his lighthearted approach to life never failed to bring a smile to my face. I often found myself shaking my head in amusement at his antics, and I knew that our quest would be filled with moments of laughter and camaraderie.

Our journey took us through lush forests, treacherous mountains, and mysterious caves. We encountered mythical creatures and faced various challenges, relying on our combined strength and the divine blessings of the gods to overcome every obstacle. Aiden's boundless energy and my newfound abilities proved to be a formidable combination.

As we pressed onward, we received clues and guidance that led us closer to our ultimate goal: the elusive, talking dragon. This creature, known for its sadistic sense of humor, had terrorized the land for generations. Our mission was to confront this formidable foe and put an end to its reign of terror once and for all.

Finally, after weeks of relentless pursuit, we found ourselves at the entrance to a foreboding cave, the dragon's rumored lair. With our weapons at the ready and our determination unwavering, we ventured into the darkness. The air grew colder, and the cave seemed to stretch endlessly into the depths of the earth.

Then, as if in response to our presence, the dragon appeared before us. Towering and imposing, with scales as dark as obsidian and eyes that gleamed with malevolence, it spoke in a voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, well, what do we have here? Two brave little heroes come to challenge me? How utterly amusing."

Aiden and I exchanged a quick telepathic glance, our determination steeled by the dragon's taunts. With a coordinated attack, we engaged the creature in battle. I channeled the power of lightning, striking the dragon with bolts of energy, while Aiden used his lightning-based abilities to create distractions and confusion.

The battle raged on, with the dragon unleashing its fiery breath and attempting to outwit us with cunning tricks. But we were resolute, drawing upon the blessings of the gods and our unwavering bond to press forward.

As the battle reached its climax, the dragon's arrogance wavered, and its sadistic laughter turned into pained roars. With one final, powerful strike, we vanquished the creature, bringing an end to its reign of terror.

Exhausted but victorious, Aiden and I stood side by side, our chests heaving with exertion. We had accomplished our mission, and a sense of pride and satisfaction washed over us.

Our triumphant return to the Norse temple was met with cheers and celebrations. The gods themselves praised our bravery and valor, and the demigods hailed us as heroes. I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of fulfillment, knowing that I had embraced my destiny and made a difference in the world.

However, as the night fell, and the festivities continued, a heavy weight settled in my heart. I had been carrying a secret, one that I had been preparing to share with Freya. I had wanted to admit my feelings to her, to let her know that she held a special place in my heart.

At the stroke of midnight, when the moon hung high in the sky, I made my way to the designated meeting spot, my heart racing with anticipation. I had rehearsed the words in my mind, ready to express my emotions to the one who had captured my heart.

But as I approached the rendezvous point, I was met with a sight that shattered my hopes and left me heartbroken. There, under the moon's gentle glow, I witnessed Aiden and Freya locked in a passionate kiss. My heart sank, and a sense of betrayal washed over me.

Tears welled in my eyes, and with a heavy heart, I turned and ran into the forbidden, letting various ranged monster strike me down, I fell to the ground, tears falling freely as the light faded from the world.

In this place between life and death, I truly understood my curse.

Ancient Greek, Egyptian, and numerous other mythologies, with my name, Percival, becoming legendary in each one.

Each time, Merlin had found me, offering me guidance and friendship, becoming the one constant in my ever-changing existence. However, in each timeline, my curse persisted, and I kept losing those I cared about, over and over again.

I understood that my existence was bound to these cycles, where I would always face heartbreak. It was a heavy burden to carry, but it was the price I paid for being a hero in so many legends and myths.

As I drifted through this liminal space, I couldn't help but wonder where my next rebirth would take me. My curse would persist, and my quest for a lasting happiness would continue. But, for now, I was in between worlds, awaiting the call to a new adventure in yet another time and place.

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