Dying Embers- Anakin Skywalker

By MrandMrsSkywalker

778 38 17

✧༺♥༻∞ Eilidh Levisay resides in Tatooine, leading a solitary existence as a slave under the control of her ma... More

𝐼 ▬𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐵𝒾𝓃𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔
𝐼𝐼▬𝑀𝒾𝓍𝑒𝒹 𝒮𝒾𝑔𝓃𝒶𝓁𝓈
𝐼𝐼𝐼▬𝒟𝑒𝒶𝒹𝓁𝓎 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇
𝒱𝐼▬𝒯𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐿𝒾𝓂𝒾𝓉𝓈 𝒫𝓉 1
𝒱𝐼𝐼▬𝒯𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐿𝒾𝓂𝒾𝓉𝓈 𝒫𝓉 2
𝒱𝐼𝐼𝐼▬ 𝒰𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔

𝒱▬𝒪𝓅𝑒𝓃 𝒮𝑜𝓊𝓁

56 2 0
By MrandMrsSkywalker

✧.*≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫✧.*

 𝕬𝖓𝖎'𝖘 𝕻𝖔𝖛:

I had always believed that my love for Padme would endure forever, unwavering in its intensity. She was the beacon of my heart, the one who had ignited a fire within me that I had never known before. But fate, in its cruel design, had torn her away from me, leaving me with an empty void that seemed impossible to fill.

When the days passed following Eilidh's disappearance, I could sense myself growing distant from everything, including my own heart. A veil of darkness descended upon my soul, the weight of loss and unanswered questions weighing me down. A void had taken hold, engendering a sense of self-loathing and anger that I couldn't seem to shake off, no matter what I did.

Yet, with Eilidh now by my side, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of joy, knowing that she was safe and assisting me in navigating my tumultuous emotions. She understood me far better than Padme ever did, her presence a soothing balm to my wounded spirit. Of course, my love for the queen still lingered, albeit in a diminished state. The image of us being together slowly fades away, like a distant memory fighting against the tide of time.

However, as I gazed upon Eilidh entering my modest Padawan quarters, a radiant smile adorning her face like a breathtaking sunset, all other thoughts vanished. My sole focus became basking in her presence, feeling the warmth of her energy filling the walls of my chamber. The room, once devoid of meaning, now sparkled with life and possibilities.

When the Council dismissed us, I managed to secure permission for Eilidh to stay with me, despite their disapproval. The young woman with light brown hair was not one to be easily deterred. She, too, believed in the connection we shared, recognizing the profound impact we had on each other's lives. She had become my rock, my guiding light in these troubled times.

As I closed the metallic door behind us, a sense of nervousness washed over me at the prospect of having a female companion in my room. Although it may sound trivial to some, the rules and traditions of the Jedi Order loomed over us, forbidding any form of romantic or personal relationships. But Eilidh was an exception, for reasons that were manifold.

Eilidh was not just any woman; she was my trusted ally and confidante. We had fought side by side in countless battles, her unwavering loyalty and unyielding courage earning her a special place in my heart. The Jedi Council, recognizing the unique bond we shared, had granted her permission to enter my room, to be at my side when the darkness threatened to consume me.
Still, the weight of tradition and the fear of judgment lingered in the back of my mind. What would the other Jedi think if they found out? Would they condemn our connection, brand us as traitors to the Order? As I glanced at Eilidh, her eyes filled with understanding and acceptance, I knew that our connection transcended the rules of the Jedi.

Love, after all, knows no boundaries. It is the force that unites, that gives strength in times of weakness and light in the darkest of nights. In Eilidh, I found solace and hope, a flicker of love that refused to be extinguished. And together, we would navigate this treacherous path, defying the odds and forging our own destiny.

For I had learned that true love is not limited to one person, one moment in time. Love is a tapestry woven from the threads of our experiences, each connection bringing something unique and profound. And in Eilidh, I had found a love that was as real and powerful as any I had ever known.

With her by my side, the void within me began to dissipate, replaced by a newfound purpose and determination. In the cramped space of the small room, I watched Eili move about with curious and wide-eyed wonder. Her every touch and gaze were filled with fascination, innocent yet dangerously captivating. Her long, flowing hair danced gracefully on the floor and cascaded down her back as she made her way through the cluttered space. It was mesmerizing, and I couldn't help but find myself entranced by its beauty.

Caught in my gaze, Eilidh turned slightly, revealing a glimpse of her face. A soft blush adorned her goddess-like cheeks as she realized I had been watching her. "Don't look at me like that," she playfully scolded, crossing her arms and pouting her lower lip. I loved teasing her, knowing she could always make me smile.

"Like what, mon cher?" I replied with a chuckle, using the endearment that had become our inside joke. Eilidh looked at me with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. "What does that mean?" she asked, her enchanting eyes searching mine for an answer.

"My dear, I think it fits you quite well," I replied, still smiling at her. She rolled her eyes, revealing the greenish-blue depths that held me captive. I couldn't help but feel fortunate to have her by my side.

Having Lidh with me brought a sense of relief, yet a hint of worry too. When I learned that Obi-Wan had mentioned she was held captive in some dark dungeon, I was consumed with anger. How could they do that to her? And to make matters worse, she had fought against Dooku. It wasn't right. Eilidh shouldn't have to go through such danger because of me. I should be the one protecting her, saving her from harm.

But in the end, she had come for me. It was a profound show of her genuine care and affection. I couldn't help but be grateful for a woman like her, someone who would go to great lengths to protect me, just as I would for her.

As I observed her moving gracefully around the room, I couldn't help but ponder the contrasting sides of Eilidh. She was both fragile and strong, delicate yet fierce. It was this duality that made her so captivating. There was a timeless beauty about her, an undeniable allure that drew people in.

The idea of Eilidh being with someone else put me in a sour mood, yet I had no right to be mad because I had Padme. She was free to be with whomever she pleased. But if Padme ever asked me if I felt anything for Eilidh, I would say yes. Both women were extraordinary and wonderful, both loyal to me. They both made me feel alive, but I couldn't deny that deep down in my heart, I knew Eilidh was the one for me. It was simply the way she understood me that set her apart.
Padme, on the other hand, was a queen, a gorgeous one at that. But I always felt that it would never go anywhere between us due to her duties as queen and my commitment as a Jedi. I was torn between these two incredible women, feeling the weight of my conflicting emotions bearing down on me.

"It seems your only emotion is anger," Lidh teased, her tone light but perceptively knowing. I had forgotten that she could feel my emotions through the Force, and that realization made me feel slightly embarrassed. I coughed, trying to regain my composure, and slipped off the wall I was leaning on, standing straight with my arms crossed.

"Sorry, I just can't get over the fact that they would put you in the dungeons like you're some sort of animal. It irritates me," I admitted honestly. It was true, the Jedi Council could mess with me all they wanted, but doing that to Eilidh was a line they shouldn't have crossed. I didn't care what they thought; my loyalty lay with Eilidh.

She paused, a wave of guilt and sadness emanating from her through the Force. "Honestly," she began, "when I sensed your pain, it was as if my heart was gripped by anguish at the mere thought of something terrible befalling you. The intensity of my desire to reach you, Ani, was overwhelming. Witnessing you lying on the floor, writhing in agony, filled me with a terror I had never experienced before. The magnitude of your suffering drove me to the brink of madness."

Her words hit me with such potency that shivers ran down my arms as if I were living through her eyes as she replayed the traumatic event in her head. My desire to hold her became overwhelming. The pain she had experienced at the sight of my suffering made me realize the depth of her love and my own bleak realization that she had chosen me despite my flaws.

At that moment, I knew that no matter how I felt about Padme, Lidh was the one for me. Her unconditional love and unwavering support touched my soul in a way that no one else ever had. 

 "Seeing that man towering over you with a smirk on his face he was proud of the pain he inflicted on you and that brought so much hatred in me i blacked out, all i could see was your unconscious face in my head. Just the thought of me not making it in time to save you broke me down." 

Eilidh's words echoed in my mind, her voice filled with sadness and frustration. I could feel her pain as she described the moment when she saw someone causing harm to me. It tore her apart, and I couldn't bear to see her like this.

Unable to hold myself back any longer, I reached out my arms to her. The tears glistening in her eyes mirrored the ache in my heart as she ran into my embrace, burying her face in my shoulder. Her arms wrapped tightly around my waist, seeking solace and comfort.

The intensity of her emotions washed over me, intertwining with my own. I could feel her anguish, her fear, and her love. It was as if every beat of her heart resonated within me. Wanting to help her find some peace, I whispered softly, "Listen to my heart, mon cher. Take deep breaths."

I started rocking us gently from side to side, my fingers tracing soothing circles on her back. Time seemed to stand still as we found solace in each other's presence. Gradually, her breathing began to align with mine, mirroring the rhythm of our hearts. She, too, started running her thumbs over my stomach, sending a swarm of butterflies dancing in my stomach.

Eilidh lifted her tear-stained face from my shoulder, revealing a bittersweet smile that captivated me even in her vulnerable state. Her beauty shone through, even when tears streamed down her cheeks. As she looked down at my robotic hand, her fingers delicately stroked its metal surface. In that moment, I realized that I had forgotten about my own prosthetic limb. My priorities seemed to fade away, and all I could focus on was her well-being.

Eilidh's tender touch filled me with a deeper appreciation for her. Whether she made it in time or not, the fact that she had tried to save me meant the world. She was more than enough for me, and her love gave me strength.

As our embrace loosened, she blinked away the remaining tears, her gaze fixated on the metallic prosthetic that adorned my arm. But I couldn't bring myself to care about that anymore. What mattered was the connection we shared, the love that united us.

Placing my hand on her cheek as she stared at me with a sparkle in her eye. "Tell me, what do you feel?" Her question hung in the air, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions. There was so much I felt with her at this moment, but I had blocked the connection between us as soon as she started crying. I didn't want to reveal how I truly felt about her, not when I wasn't sure of my own feelings for Padme.

"I just feel you," I said softly, resting my forehead against hers and closing my eyes. It was an exhilarating moment, one that I didn't want to end. 

But the night sky silently reminded me of the passing time. With a sigh, I pulled her closer and led her to my bed in the right corner of the room.

Gently setting her down on the cushion, I leaned down to take off her black boots. I couldn't deny that she looked incredibly attractive in black, and a mischievous thought crossed my mind, causing a smirk to play on my lips. Eilidh quirked an eyebrow in curiosity, but I simply ignored it, focusing on helping her get ready for bed.

"What a gentleman, Skywalker," she said, crossing her legs and looking up at me. I stood up, forcing her to crane her neck to meet my eyes. "Only for you," I replied, winking at her. Her laughter filled the room, causing her eyes to close with joy.

"Well then, I hope you wouldn't mind me stealing one of your shirts to sleep in?" Eilidh asked, lifting her chin to meet my gaze. My thumb grazed over her smooth skin, and I felt my heart skip a beat. "Of course not, feel free to change. I'm going to shower," I responded, my voice filled with warmth.

Eilidh held onto my hand, her grip gentle yet reassuring. Her smile was soft, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. "Do you have a rag I could use to clean my face with?" she asked. Nodding, I let go of her hand and walked towards the drawer, pulling out a black robe shirt and a white cloth for her.

Instead of handing it to her directly, I walked to the bathroom and set the items down on the sink counter. Peeking my head out of the door, I spoke gently. "I know you'd much rather have a shower, so I'll wait." She glanced at me gratefully, and a sense of contentment washed over me.

"Yes, please, if you don't mind," she replied, standing up and making her way towards me. Instead of saying anything, I simply nodded, granting her privacy to freshen up for the night. The anticipation built within me as I patiently waited for her return, my mind fluttering with questions and possibilities.

Chuckling, I walk to my dresser, the soft sound reverberating through the room. As I pull out a pair of boxers for myself, I place them on the top, letting them sit there until it's my turn. The room is filled with a mix of anticipation and mirth, the air electric with excitement. Little did I know, my actions would have far-reaching consequences, haunting me for the rest of my life.

As I stood there, basking in the simple pleasure of picking out my attire for the nighy, my mind was suddenly flooded with memories of my mother. Flashes of her face appeared before me, haunting and taunting me. It was as if she were still there, terrorizing me, breaking me all over again. I could feel the grip of despair tightening around me, threatening to pull me under.

Desperate for this painful feeling to go away, I clenched the edges of the dresser, seeking solace in its solid presence. I yearned for my mind to find peace, if only for a few fleeting moments. This joyful moment, this simple act of picking out clothes for the day, was meant to be a respite from the turmoil that consumed me. But my poorly-brained thoughts viciously refused to grant me that reprieve.

In an impulsive attempt to silence the anguish, I pushed the thoughts, the memories, and the pain deep down within me. I forced them away, unaware of the consequences that awaited me. Little did I know, that by burying these emotions, I was unwittingly planting the seeds of an internal struggle that would torment me for years to come. 

𝕰𝖎𝖑𝖎'𝖘 𝕻𝖔𝖛: 

It had been some time since I had taken a shower, and it ended up taking much longer than I had anticipated. Anakin's soap had a delightful scent, and I couldn't resist indulging in it. After turning off the shower, I stepped out, with water trailing behind me as I walked. Unfortunately, my long hair dragged along the floor, dirtying its ends. I quickly dried off the excess water and put on Ani's shirt and a pair of boxers he had given me.

Attempting to dry my hair proved to be a challenge, and I found myself struggling. Frustrated, I made my way to the bathroom door and opened it, allowing the steam to escape the confines of the hot bathroom. Peeking into the dimly lit room, I called out for Anakin, hoping he could assist me in drying my hair. He lifted his head from his arm and took in my appearance. His eyes scanned my body multiple times, causing me to blush.

"Yes, mon cher?" he replied, standing up.

"Can you please help me dry my hair?" I asked, feeling a bit embarrassed but hopeful.

He smiled at me and nodded, following me back into the bathroom. I handed him the towel and watched his concentrated expression through the foggy mirror. He was undeniably adorable as he meticulously dried each section of my hair, gradually lowering himself until he was touching the floor. Surprisingly, he didn't complain at all; it seemed like he genuinely enjoyed it.

Anakin's gentle touch and the way he focused on each strand of my hair sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't help but admire his patience and how he didn't hesitate to help me even with such a simple task. As he worked his way towards the end, I found my heart racing faster, my blush intensifying.

The steam from the shower had made the room even more humid, adding to the sensual atmosphere that seemed to surround us. The soft sound of the towel against my hair was the only thing breaking the silence.

Lost in the moment, I couldn't help but stare at Anakin. His tousled hair and the way his brows furrowed slightly in concentration only added to his allure. He was breathtakingly beautiful, and the way he cared for me with such tenderness made my heart swell.

This moment will forever be etched in my memory, as it evoked such strong emotions. Anakin will always hold a special place in my heart. However, I couldn't help but contemplate trimming my hair.

It becomes quite burdensome to maintain its length when it constantly drags along dirty floors, exposed to germs and dirt. Perhaps a few inches off would suffice; I couldn't bear to part with all of it, as it provides me with a sense of comfort, especially since I only had myself when I was in a coma for 3 centuries.

Besides, I could sense that Ani appreciated it as well. Without me even asking, he placed the soaked towel on the counter and reached for his comb. His captivating eyes held me captive through the mirror, silently seeking permission to brush through my hair. My heart raced, and no words were necessary; our looks conveyed a deep understanding between us, it felt so intimate.
I could feel a few tugs every time he caught a knot in my hair, but he detangled it with such concentration and care. It was as if he possessed a profound knowledge of my hair, knowing precisely how to bring out its natural beauty.

Anakin divided my hair into four sections, meticulously working on each one. The comb glided effortlessly through my hair, with every stroke an act of tenderness. His touch was gentle yet purposeful as if he were handling a precious artifact.

As he continued working through the knots, he shared stories of his childhood, his dreams, and his fears. His voice was like music, soothing my soul, melting away my worries with each word. In that moment, time stood still, and there was only the intimacy between us and the shared vulnerability of baring our souls through our unspoken connection.

When each section had been meticulously detangled, Anakin massaged my scalp, his fingertips sending shivers down my spine. It was a gesture of love, of nurturing, and it made me feel cherished.

After what felt like an eternity, but in reality was only minutes, Anakin finished combing through my hair. It flowed smoothly, a testament to his skill and dedication. As I looked in the mirror, I couldn't help but marvel at the transformation, the way my hair seemed to radiate with newfound life and vitality.

Anakin smiled, his eyes sparkling with pride. He knew he had made me feel beautiful, both inside and out. The bond between us had deepened even further as if we had stepped into a realm where words were only a fraction of what could be expressed.

Turning around to face him, I thanked Anakin for being patient with me. "I enjoyed it, so whenever you need a brush, I'll be here," he said teasingly, trapping me between his strong arms and the counter. I couldn't help but laugh as I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling his embrace enveloping me once again. His big fingers traced light patterns on my waist, causing my heart to flutter.

There was something about Anakin that always drew me to him, something magnetic and comforting. His embrace felt like home, the rhythm of his steady heart beating for me. In that moment, I realized that he still needed to shower, but I was hesitant to end our intimate cuddle session. Ani, however, seemed to read my thoughts and pleaded for me to let him hold me for a little longer. My heart couldn't refuse his plea; the desperation in his voice immediately melted me.

As I lifted his head with my hand, his precious cheek resting against my palm, I saw the pain in his eyes. He had shut me out of our force connection earlier, but his emotions spoke volumes. The ache, the hurt, the pain, the sorrows were all there, laid bare before me. "Don't shut me out, Ani... please," I pleaded desperately. I wanted to share his suffering, to lighten his burden. "You're not alone anymore."

It was as if those words were all he needed. I felt his walls crumble, his emotions crashing into me like a tidal wave. He wept, his head dipping down between my neck and shoulder, and I shuddered as his warm breath tickled my skin. Tears of mourning soaked the shirt I was wearing, but I didn't care. All that mattered was soothing him, rubbing his back and hair in a comforting rhythm, praying that I was helping somehow.

Whispering sweet nothings into his ear, I tried to divert his mind from the pain of losing his mother. The grip around my waist tightened even more as if he was seeking solace in my presence. I wasn't going to let go until he was ready until he found peace within himself. Together, we would navigate this darkness, hand in hand.

Hours passed, and the tears slowly subsided. Anakin's sobs turned into gentle sniffles, and I continued to hold him, offering strength and love. Finally, he lifted his head, his eyes glistening with gratitude and vulnerability. He spoke softly, his voice hoarse from emotions unleashed. "Thank you, mon cher. Thank you for being here for me, for accepting me despite my pain."

I smiled, my heart swelling with love for this complex man before me. "Always, Ani. I will always be here for you, through the brightest days and the darkest nights."

"We should get ready for bed," I say quietly. He groans in protest, but it's true. I can see the sunrise beginning to seep through the curtains. We've stayed up all night holding each other, but now it's time to face the reality of sleep.

Nevertheless, he reluctantly lets go of me so I can walk out of the bathroom and prepare for bed. I smile, glancing back at him, and he returns the smile, his eyes tired but filled with warmth. We've shared so many moments like this throughout our relationship—staying up late, losing track of time, and enjoying each other's company.

As he steps into the shower, I lean against the bedroom doorframe, waiting for him to finish. The thought of water cascading down his body fills the room, creating a calming ambiance. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, appreciating the tranquility.

Suddenly, a mischievous thought crosses my mind. Before he can close the bathroom door fully, I yell his name, "Hey! You forgot your clothes!" A tinge of embarrassment flushes his cheeks as he realizes his forgetfulness. I burst out laughing, unable to contain my amusement.

Rolling his eyes at me, he chuckles and grabs the clothes I've thrown towards him. His laughter fills the room, breaking the eerie silence that had settled in. I watch as he disappears behind the bathroom door, the sound of running water fading away.


When the Jedi emerged from his washroom, he was greeted by darkness. The lights in his quarters had inexplicably gone out, casting an eerie shadow that engulfed the room. Anakin's sharp instincts immediately went on high alert, his senses fully attuned to any unusual disturbances. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

With cautious steps, the Jedi crossed the room, reaching out with the Force to feel his way through the darkness. As he navigated towards his bed, he stumbled upon something—someone. Anakin could discern the shape of Eilidh, peacefully asleep on his bed, her legs curled up as she cradled them in her arms. Relief washed over him, knowing that she was safe and sound. But how had she managed to sleep through the sudden power outage?

Shaking his wet head, his discarded his soiled robes into the basket before joining her in bed. The comforting warmth emanating from her presence embraced him as he settled down beside her. Eilidh's eyes fluttered open, meeting his with a sleepy gaze. A tender smile adorned her face as she softly uttered, "Can we cuddle now?"

Anakin was taken aback, as this was an unexpected request. The weight of the dark side bore heavily upon him, his duties as a Jedi Knight often leaving little room for personal connections. But in this moment, with Eilidh looking at him with such vulnerability, he couldn't deny his own desire to hold her in his embrace. "Of course, mon cher," he whispered, observing as she sat up and pulled the covers over both of them.

As they settled in, their legs intertwined, and Eilidh's arm found its place beneath him, while the other rested gently on his bare chest. The rhythm of their breathing gradually synchronized, creating a tranquil symphony in the midst of the prevailing darkness. There was a sacredness in this moment, a sense of profound intimacy that transcended the boundaries of their respective paths.

Silent minutes ticked away, the darkness enclosing them like a protective cocoon. Their whispered conversations trailed off, replaced by a soothing silence that enveloped their hearts. Eventually, they ceased their movements, Eilidh on her side and Anakin on his back. The young Jedi felt content with everything, yet one question lingered in his mind as Eilidh drifted back to sleep: "Please, don't ever leave me again"

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