My Famous Mom (one-shots)

By TSwiftLover89

69.6K 1.3K 623

Y/n's Mom is famous, no shocker there. This book contains her ups and downs and how she deals with her Mum's... More

Home time-FP
I'm so sorry-TS (part2)
New Pool-TS
New Pool-TS (part 2)
Out of the Woods-TS
Its the start of an Era-TS
Fall out of love?-TS
what about me?- TS(part 1)
What about me?- TS (part 2)
A baby-TS
Mommy's Sick-SG
You got my message!- SG
Australia Version 3- TS
On stage-BE
My fucking kid- BE

Pink Arm-TS

3K 66 17
By TSwiftLover89

Mother: Taylor Swift
Y/n age: 6
Part 2 of Meanie

Tws: Long

(Y= Your first initial. Bare with me it's for the FAKE insta post I made.)



"Deep breaths princess," I chuckle to Y/n, holding the laughing gas over her mouth,

"Y/n baby, you have to stop laughing," I laugh
"I can't!" She laughs from under the mask

"Monkeys can't do handstands!" She cracks up referring to her hospital gown

"Omg," I laugh using my free hand to rub my face,

Y/n is already a giggly child, she's constantly laughing or making jokes.
I guess it makes sense since her names
Y/n Marjorie-Joy Swift.

She's joyful.

But this gas has just amplified it and I've enjoyed it so far.
Her giggles and her being no longer in pain makes me feel even better.

I take the mask off her face placing it on the tray next to me.

"mOm?" Y/n says her voice cracking
"Yeah," I answer pulling my chair closer to the bed

"Hahaha," she just laughs
"What?" I scoff playfully
"There's a giraffe on the wall!" She exclaims like it's the funniest thing in the world.
"Woah," she says looking up at the roof

"MoMmA! Everything's spooning!" She yells
"Sh, sh, sh," I laugh
"You gotta try and keep it down, what do you mean everything's spooning?" I question lifting my eyebrows in a mix of confusion and amusement.

"It's going vosh, vosh," she says pointing her finger in the air and spinning it.
"Ohh is the room spinning?"
"Yeah," she states licking her lips

My stomach growls which scares Y/n
"Mom! There's a monster in here!" She yells
"No that was my tummy, no monsters," I reassure patting my stomach
"Right, right," she agrees and licks her lips again

"Why is the sky blue?" Y/n questions
"Umm I think it has something to do with reflections and the ocean," I answer
"Don't you learn this in school?" I joke, pulling out my phone to quickly text  Mom

That's like the tenth question she's asked me, I'll give it to her this one was easier than
'Why are we alive?'

"Mom, I don't like school," Y/n states loudly again
"Aww don't worry babe, lots of kids hate it," I smile at her as I continue typing up the message.
"Zac is mean," she says pausing between each word
"Who's Zac?" I question more seriously my previous smile slowly dropping from my face.
I lower my phone and look at her.

"A bad guy," she says squinting
"But a real-life one,"
"Oh," I whisper turning my phone off and slipping it into my pocket
"You know my friend Melanie?" She asks me
"Yes I know Mel," I confirm nodding my head
"He's mean to her too not like he is to me,"
"She says he bullies us," Y/n says innocently, before mumbling some other nonsense

Right when I go to ask Y/n another question Dr Milo walks in

Why is everything happening so fast?

"Okay, are we all ready?" He asks clapping his hands

Before Y/n can have the surgery, her arm has to be put into place.

So I was given the task to make sure Y/n inhales enough of the laughing gas so she won't feel it.

"Yep," I say placing the mask back over her mouth and making her burst out in laughter again
"Okay this should take less than a second," he says chuckling slightly at her.

I take hold of her left hand while my other continues to hold the mask carefully on her face.

"And three two one," he says before he snaps it straight,
"There we go," he says gently placing her arm back on the pillow
"One step down, two to go," he smiles

"We'll start prepping her for surgery now so it can be over as fast as possible," he explains writing on her chart.

After about ten minutes, two nurses come in and start getting her ready.

"No, no no touching my chair," Y/n scolds the nurse drowsily for trying to put her hair in a hair net type thing.

"She hates it when people touch her hair, here I'll do it," I inform them taking the hair thing

"Here we go baby," I cooe gently moving Y/n's head forward to carefully slip her hair in.
"Good job," I whisper kissing her forehead making her give a tired smile and giggle

"Ms Swift your welcome to walk with her to the OR doors," The nurse softly asks
"Yes please," I respond instantly
"Okay then let's go," she says moving Y/n's bed.

I gently hold Y/n's left hand the entire walk through the halls.

When we reach the metal doors reality sets in.

This is all happening too fast.

The nurses give me a minute to say bye to my girl before they push her inside.
1 minute wasn't long enough, what if she didn't hear me when I told her how much I love her? When the door closes behind them, I let the tears slip out of my eyes. I pull out my phone and call



I'm sitting in y/n's hospital room, staring at the floor using my hands to support my head, while I cry and overthink every choice I've ever made.
I've been sitting here like this for about twenty minutes.

"Taylor," my mom says relieved, standing at the door,

I look up at her with my face red and eyes puffy from crying.

She places her purse down on another empty chair and takes a few steps into the room before I stand up and crash into her arms.

"She was in so much pain Mom," I sob into her shoulder
"So much pain and I couldn't do anything to help her," I sob again loudly.
"I was so useless,"

"And she was so small in that massive bed they even had to get one of the smallest sizes of hospital gowns," I continue to cry.

"It's okay Tay, kids break bones all the time, she was just unlucky and got hurt badly," she says sympathetically rubbing my back.
"Let's sit down," she says sitting down so I sit next to her

We sit in silence for a while

"She's being bullied," I say distraught, looking at where her bed was.

"What?" Mom questions
"Taylor what did you just say," Mom says getting protective of Y/n
"She admitted it to me while she was high on the laughing gas," I admit placing my head back in my hands

"Are you positive that's what she said," Mom asks with urgency
"Well she said she didn't like school because this Zac kid was mean," I exclaim spitting his name out like poison

"Then she said her friend Melanie is also bullied by this shithead of a kid," I say full of hatred for this kid

"This kid has another thing coming," Mom says calmly but I can sense the hidden fury.

My whole family has a deep-running hatred for bullies and anything of the sort, call it past trauma. I'm so angry I'm swearing in front of my mother.

"I don't think I've ever hated a kid more than I have right fucking now,"
"I feel like I wanna pound his little bitch face into nothing," I spit

Usually, I wouldn't swear or talk about any kid like this but he's hurting my daughter. Anyone who does anything to my daughter will have to deal with a very angry me. Trust me when I say you won't stand a chance against me when I'm pissed and in angry Momma bear mode.

"Okay, Tay sweetie. I completely understand your rage but you have to calm down. You're tired, stressed, hungry and you're rightfully very worried about Y/n," Mom says rubbing my back,
"I failed to protect her I have to now!" I scoff loudly
"You can't protect her at all if you're in jail for assaulting a minor!" Mom explains getting annoyed too

"Fmmmm. Let's go get some food from the cafeteria?" Mom says after taking a deep breath

"I'm not moving till she's back," I state seriously moving back in my chair, resting my head against the wall and bringing my legs to my chest.

"Taylor it's like a 3-hour surgery and you haven't eaten today,"
"Do I have to call Dr Mason?" Mom says now concerned for me
"What? God no Mom. Don't bother her," I say rolling my eyes
"Taylor, are you star-" Mom starts before I cut her off
"I'm not starving myself don't jump to conclusions. I just haven't had the time, to eat anything," I explain, rolling my eyes.
"First it was getting Y/n ready and to school on time, finishing packing and then catching a plane," I list off my excuses.
"Can you just, bring me up something? I don't want to be spotted," I suggest rubbing my eyes
"I can do that, anything in mind you want to eat?" Mom asks me standing up
"Nothing too big," I say.

I honestly don't think I could keep it down.


"It should have finished... 20 Minutes ago!" I whisper yell pacing around the room, using my phone to see the time before using it to hit my palm.
"What if something's gone wrong? some sort of complication?" I ramble on

And right on cue, Y/n is wheeled back in.

She has a hot pink cast that goes from her wrist like a glove to her shoulder.
(a glove without the fingers basically what a normal cast looks like but long)

(I hate putting photos in but like that^)

"It went very well," Dr Milo beams as nurses park the bed back in its original place,
"Zero complications or issues, she will be quite sore for a while if the pain gets too bad I'll prescribe something," He continues
"Thank you!" I thank him tears rushing into my eyes for what feels like the 1000th time today.
"Thank you so much," I thank him again hugging him briefly before going lay next to my daughter

"You're welcome Ms Swift, it's my job,"
"When should we expect her to wake up?" Mom asks as she brings her chair closer to Y/n's bed
"Within the hour, maybe less. Kids tend to bounce back quicker, I'll leave you guys alone," He says leaving the room.

"You feeling better Tay, you were pretty freaked out," Mom questions me brushing Y/n's hair back.
"Yes, I just love her so much, I can't stand seeing her in pain like that," I whisper holding Y/n's hand interlocking our fingers.
"The pink cast. Y/n's choice?" she gently asks
"Yep, let her pick whatever colour she wanted," I say admiring Y/n's face,
"I'm soo-o tired," I yawn
"Take a nap, I'm going to have one," Mom quietly chuckles
"Fine," I give in



I blink my eyes open.
I look over and see Mommy next to me and she was right that was the best sleep I think I have ever had.

"Momma?" I question poking her face.
Her eyes snap open.
"hey Princess how are you feeling?" She asks kissing my hand
"Tired," I answer honestly looking at the stars painted on the roof

I look down and around the room when I spot my second favourite person

"Nana!" I say excitedly but she doesn't wake up
"Momma, why's Nana here?" I ask
"I called her so I wouldn't be lonely while you were asleep," Momma explains wiping her eyes
"Are you sad Momma, I'm sorry Mommy," I apologize
"No, no. I'm not sad anymore, I feel even better now that you're awake," Mommy says leaning forward to kiss my cheek.

"I have to say I think the pink was the right choice," she compliments before using her head to point to my cast,

"Woah it's so cool!" I giggle before I use my other to knock on it
"Ow, ouchy, yeah that wasn't a good idea," I say bluntly admitting my mistake
"Ohh my gosh Y/n/n I've missed you," Mommy laughs looking at the roof
"That's silly Momma I was just sleeping," I joke
"You're right that was silly of me," Momma smiles

"Good afternoon Munchkin," Nana says tiredly
"Hi, Nana! when did you get here," I ask.
I know why she's here but I don't know when she got here.

"Umm I got here a little after you went to sleep," She tells me
"Oh okay," I tell her giving her a thumbs up with the non-pink arm


"What was that? ohh it was your phone," I answer myself as Mom picks her phone up off the nightstand

"Argh the Pickles know I'm here and are making up stories,"
"Pickles? What do pickles have to do with your phone?" I ask quietly but no one even acknowledges me.

"How?" Nana asks
"Did I miss something? Pickles are food," I state
"Sh Y/n/n not right now," Mom shushes me putting her finger to her lips

"Someone from the ER took a photo," Mommy reads off her phone
"Did they get Y/n's face?" Nana asks seriously
"I don't think so Tree is just making sure they didn't," Mom trails off
"Nope, looks like they covered her face before selling/posting the photo," Mommy says relieved
"Then what do we do," Nana asks sitting up in her chair
"Tree is suggesting telling them the truth with a photo or something," Mommy says looking directly at Nana and I reach my wit's end,

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" I question loudly
"Sorry baby. You know the people who follow me with cameras?"Mom asks me
"Well, they found out I'm here and aren't saying nice things. But I'll deal with that later right now I think we should play...," Mommy says pulling something out of Nana's bag
"Scrabble Junior!" I cheer excitedly
"Ohh I'm so going to beat you, Mommy!" I cheer giving her a cheeky smile as she looks at me, mouth wide open offended,
"We'll have to see about that," She winks

Momma crawls over and sits at the foot of the bed, she pulls the wheely table over and sets up the game while Nana helps me sit up without hurting my arm.

We play for a while. Mommy and Nana laugh at all my jokes before Mommy looks at Nana and I feel the mood change.

"Hey, Y/n/n. Do you remember anything from before you went to sleep?" She asks seriously looking at me concerned
"You had that funny gas, which made you even sillier," she continues
"Arh a little bit why did I say something embarrassing?" I say raising my eyebrows

"No, you didn't but you did say something I wanna know a little more about," Mom says placing the word bully on the board.

That word definitely doesn't work.

"Do you know what the word Bully means Y/n/n?" Mom asks seriously while I fiddle with some of my tiles.
"Someone who's not nice and the word bully doesn't work Mom," I explain
"I know," Mommy nods removing the word bully from the board tile by tile.
"Y/n/n you know you can tell me anything right?" she says looking at me dead in the eyes before placing another word on the board but this one works


"That word works Mommy," I smile at her proudly
"Thanks, sweetie. Y/n when you had all the silly gas you told me someone wasn't being very nice to you, can you tell me more about that?" Mom asks seriously

Oh no.

I snitch on Zachariah, to my MOM! He is going to be so mad,

"no," I mumble looking down and placing the word secret on the board
"Y/n do you know what secret means?" Mom asks
"Something you're not allowed to tell anyone," I say quietly
"Or they'll get mad," I mutter barely above a whisper

"Do you have a secret that you maybe should tell me?" Mommy asks again
"Nope. Your turn," I lie but it really is her turn
"You know I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you right? I am a safe person for you to talk to. But I can't help you unless you tell me who is being mean to you," Mom reassures but I shake my head.

She places the word mean on the board.

"Y/n can you at least tell me who Zac is?" She asks getting frustrated with me

Urg I hate that name.

"He's a boy in my class," I mutter loud enough for Mom and Nana to hear
"Can I tell you a secret?" I ask

I'm tired of Zachariah being mean to me if Mom says she can help me then maybe I can trust her with my secret.

"of course," Mom says desperately
"Zachariah is the mean boy," I tell her and I see her posture immediately change.

"He's the one who. I really shouldn't tell you," I sigh placing the word scared on the board.
"No Y/n you have to tell me," Mom shakes her head

I lay down and use my good arm to hide under the covers.

I hear Nana and Mom talk before I feel Mom lay down next to me under the covers.

"Hey," She whispers
"I really need you to tell me more about Zachariah," Mom begs firmly
"Please don't say that name," I whimper

"Okay, I won't but Y/n I need you to tell me what he has done to you please," Mom begs again,
"Okay," I say quietly
"Can we go out and talk?" she asks more gently I nod and she pulls the blanket down.

"Okay, sweetie can you tell me the sort of things he has done?" Mom asks she laying next to me

"He threw my bag over the fence, he ruined all my lunches and called me names and bad words," I start my voice shaky
"Can you tell me what bad words?" Mom asks quietly
"I won't get in trouble,"
"Ugly, fattie, bitch, stupid face," I list off a few

"He also doesn't like my hair, I knew it was a mistake to wear it out," I say slightly angry blowing my curls out of my eyes
"I hate my stupid hair," I spit
"Y/n. We do not speak like that, you have gorgeous hair," Mom scolds lightly
"It's beautiful and curly not to mention your blonde. Everything about your appearance is amazing, you know I hate lies," Mom says shaking her head

"Hun, could you tell me about what happened today?" Nana asks sitting where Mom was before
"I can,... But I don't want to," I say as I start crying
"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay you're completely safe with me, I'll protect you," Mom cooes
"You're my daughter Y/n. I will protect you till the day I die," Mom whispers hugging me from the side that's not pink

"Wh-When you left he threw paper at me calling me weird then he stopped until recess. That's when he made fun of my hair, my missing tooth and squished my sandwich into the carpet," I sob into Momma's shoulder Leaving out the parts where he hurt me.

"He told me you didn't love me!" I sob even louder
"Ohh for fu-fudge cakes," Mommy whispers angrily

"Princess you know that is far from the truth right?" Mom says softer
"I did at first. But then he said that you love your job more than me! And you do because you always do 'one more rehearsal!' Instead of going home with me," I reply coughing because of how aggressively I am crying

"Sh, sh honey, breathe," Mom hums stroking my hair
"Hunny. I do love my job more than anything but, it's not the job you're thinking of," Mommy says smiling at me softly

"My favourite job is being your Momma," she says lovingly pecking my cheek
"Really," I say excitedly wiping my nose on my shoulder
"113%," Mom smirks
"Yay," I say hiding the best I can in her neck.

Mom, Nana and I watch movies for the rest of the day, taking a break to call Uncle Aussie and Grandpa.

They promised to sign my cast the next time they see me, I'm going to hold them to that.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Mom whispers to me because I'm sitting in her lap
"Okay," I whine not wanting her to leave

"I'll just be a second," Mom reassures me before she goes to the bathroom connected to the hospital room.

"Y/n/n," Nana says getting my attention
"Yeah, Nana?"
"Can you tell me exactly how you broke your arm?" She asks looking puzzled
"Because I know my granddaughter would never climb a tree, especially if it's against the rules," she states
"I had to," I explain quickly, turning back to the movie on Mom's laptop

"Yes but why did you have to?" She asks still looking confused


"To get away from Zachariah," I say quickly
"Don't tell Mom-," I start but I notice Mom standing at the open bathroom door
"Ma. Oh no," I whisper

"Why?! Did he, has he hurt you Y/n!" She exclaims loudly in a scary voice.
So I stay silent.
"Y/n. Is. He. Hurting. You," Mom says through gritted teeth
"Y/n Marjorie-Joy. You answer me right now," Mom says angrily
"Not this week or last week," I whisper but loud enough for them to hear
"So he's hurt you before," Mom says getting angrier I nod slowly

"That's it I'm calling the fucking school," Mom says throwing her hands in the air and grabbing her phone.
"No one has any right to put their hands on you," She says angrily, with what I can assume are tears of anger welling up in her eyes as she types something on her phone and walks out the door slamming it behind her

"I've never seen her that mad before," I whisper bringing my fingers into my mouth,
"She's just really upset that someone's hurt you, one second I'll go and get her before she makes a mistake," Nana whispers back before joining Mom outside

"what have I done?" I mutter to myself trying to ignore my Mom's raised voice as she talks with Nana

"I-. I just don't know what to do,"
"How did I not see this?"

Mom's muffled voice. She sounds sad.

You know what I'm feeling the sudden urge to...

Stretch my legs.

I carefully scoot to the edge of the bed keeping my broken arm pinned to my tummy so I don't bump it on anything.
I slide down the side of the bed until my feet meet the floor and I almost fall over.

"Woah!" I whisper yell using my left hand to support myself by grabbing the railing of the bed.

I use the railing to help me walk slowly till I'm diagonal to the door. I am just about to let go of the bed to try and make it to the door when I hear the muffled conversation end and the doorknob rattle.

Oh no

I can't make it back to bed in time.

"the bathroom!" I whisper to myself

I'll go to the bathroom

1,2,3 go!

I push myself off the bed rail.

"Y/n," Mom says calmer than she was before
"Y/n!" She shrieks in panic as she lunges forward to catch me as I fall over after I tried to go to the bathroom.
"What on earth are you doing out of bed?" Taylor scolds
"I- I needed the bathroom," I whisper-lie avoiding eye contact
"You should have called for me, your body is still coming off the anesthesia," she sighs
"Do you still have to go?" She asks gently picking me up bridal style
"No," I whisper shaking my head gently

Mom places me gently back into bed so I'm sitting by her open laptop

"Hey, I'm sorry I acted that way. I should've kept my composure, you didn't deserve to see me like that," Mom apologizes scooping me onto her lap after sitting down properly on the bed.
"It's okay Mommy," I say snuggling into her
"No, it's not," Mom sighs biting the inside of her mouth while looking at the movie still playing on the laptop

"1 more movie then bed yeah?" she smiles gently tickling my sides
"Can you read me another chapter of the magic tree house book we're up to," I say sneakily playing with her hair
"Of course," she smiles
"after a movie. Of course," I remind her copying her
"Yes," she says, playfully rolling her eyes

Momma puts on Tangled and about five minutes into the movie Nana walks back in wiping her eye with a tissue.

"Sorry sweeties but visiting hours are over and I have to go," she sighs picking up her purse
"Aww bye bye Nana," I say pouting
"Bye Mom I love you," Mom says quietly
"I love you too," Nana says back

She leaves and pretty soon after more nice nurses come in to ask me some boring questions and explain to Momma the stuff about all the medicine stuff I have to take.

It tastes horrible by the way.


When they finally leave Momma and I finally get to relax together, just the two of us but Mommy and I both fall asleep only halfway through tangled so we didn't get to read the magical tree house.


"Mom," I groan in pain my eyes still squeezed shut
"Yeah? Why are you awake?" Mom mumbles still asleep with her arms wrapped around me
"My arm hurts," I groan again squirming in pain, making her let go of me.

I eventually open my eyes and I see sunlight through the crack in the closed window curtain.

"Momma, make it stop," I whine at the pain and discomfort
The pain's making me feel cranky
"Okay, Okay hold on I'll go find a nurse," Mom says immediately jumping out of bed and going out the door still trying to brush her hair out of her eyes and brush the wrinkles out of her clothes.

A couple minutes later she comes back in with a nurse who's holding 3 little tablets and a cup of water.

Great more medicine.

"Hey, kiddo take these," The nurse says looking at me with knowing eyes

It hurts too much to argue so I take the cup and tablets taking a minute to look at them, before I take them I look up at Mom for reassurance when I see her smiling weirdly at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask
"It doesn't matter please take the tablets," she shrugs
"Yuck," I say in disgust as I force the tablets down with water,
"Good job," the nurse says taking the cup and leaving.
"Hey Y/n/n you'll never guess who I found in the hallway," She smiles acting all happy all of a sudden sitting down on a chair next to me and leaning in like Mel does she's telling me a secret.
"Who?" I ask leaning in so our noses are touching the pain is released from my body so I feel less cranky.

"ME!" Cheer's Uncle Aussie holding up a gift bag and a paper bag
"UNCLE AUSSIE!" I yell shuffling forward carefully to hug him he places the bags on the floor
"Hey Kiddo," He chuckles ruffling my hair so I let go and giggle squishing my face up
"You look like you're Mom when she was your age," He scoffs playfully before walking over and hugging Mom.

"He really got nothing, did he? She looks just like you," he whispers to Mom making her let out a loud laugh before immediately covering her mouth with her hand
"Who got nothing?" I ask, smiling big at Mom being happy and wanting to understand what Mommy found so funny
Momma knows I love jokes.
"Nothing, No one," Mom says smacking Uncle Aus

"How are you feeling?" Uncle Austin asks sitting in a chair next to Momma
"Okay my arm is really sore though," I explain looking at the pink cast hiding my arm
"OH! Uncle Aussie you've gotta sign it!" I say excitedly remembering his earlier promise
"That brings me to my present," He grunts lifting the bag
"Austin. You did not have to get her something," Mom smiles rolling her eyes
"Yeah but I did, can't let my only niece think her fave uncle doesn't love her," He jokes
"Here you go," He chuckles placing the large gift bag in front of me
I stand up on my knees to take out the pink tissue paper and pass it carefully to Mommy

The first thing in the box is

"A STUFFED CAT!" I yell excitedly pulling it from the box
"OH Momma look at it!" I say excitedly showing it to her
"It's cute," She beams at me
"Watch this," She whispers to Uncle Austin elbowing him
"Y/n what type of cat is that?" she asks me
"Birman I think. She's so fluffy," I smile hugging the cat with one arm
"Arr so you've raised another crazy cat lady," He chuckles
"Whatever. Open the rest baby," She rolls her eyes

"I can't get it out," I huff trying to take the box out of the bag
"It's too heavy," I exhale sitting back down
"Here," Uncle Aus says taking the box out of the bag
"OMG!" I squeal

It's a MASSIVE box of Sharpies,

"Omg, 115 pens," Mom says eyes wide
"What possessed you to get that?" Mom whispers again
"It's the ultimate cast signing kit," He smiles proudly
"Do you know how hard it is to get Sharpie out of things?" She says that she gets stressed
"She's is going to get it everywhere,"
"Just wait until you have kids, do you know how hard it was to get her to stop calling me Tay-Tay?" Mom says annoyed
"Too long," She states

"It's okay Momma, I won't get it everywhere. I promise," I promise her, trying to get the tape off the box not looking at her.

Eventually, I get the tape off the box and rip it open.

"Woah," I say in awe at all the different and brightly coloured pens
I quickly grab a black one and turn to Momma

"You've gotta sign it Mom! You have to," I cheer excitedly
"Fine," She says rolling her eyes playfully

"And done," Mom cheers putting the lid back on the marker

I love you Mom with a love heart

"Perfect!" I cheer before Mom hands Aus the marker
While he's signing I notice the other bag

"Uncle Aus what's that," I ask pointing at it
"That's breakfast," he explains putting the lid on the marker after finishing a small flower

He grabs the bag and passes me a box, I open it and it has

"PANCAKES!" I cheer
"Yummy," I lick my lips taking the fork from mom

I stab the pancake and take 4 massive bites out of it but before I can keep eating Mommy asks

"Hey, Y/n/n can we take a photo for the Swifties?" Mom asks sitting  next to me
"No face?" I ask
"Nope, I'll cover it with my hand... like this!" Mom says pretending to squish my face
"Oh my goodness momma," I giggle

She pulls me onto her lap and wraps her arm gently around my neck and shoulder to cover my eyes, using her other arm to wrap around my tummy.
She squeezes my tummy a little too tight, it makes me feel like I need to burp

"Urrrpp," I burp loudly
"Y/n. That was gross," mom groans
"Excuse me?" I say weakly
Momma bursts out laughing so I laugh too, I hear Uncle Aussie laughing too

I love being funny.


"Okay finish your breakfast, I'm going to go call Tree," I explain ruffling her hair and kissing her cheek.

I step outside with my phone

The call with Tree was pretty boring giving me the rundown, the basics of what to write but I'm just going to say what I want to say, I've always been good with words and Tree knows that.

I hang up and open Instagram I look through the photos Austin took and choose a blurry one of us laughing (it's blurry because Austin was laughing), one where y/n and I are sticking out our tongues while she shows off her cast and then just a photo of her cast showing where I had signed it. My hand covered her face in all of them.

I start to write what I feel purposely leaving out some key details for privacy.

I smirk at my choice of emojis because I just know it'll run them in circles. I post it but before I can turn my phone off and head inside I catch a glimpse of some of the comments and surprisingly they are all positive ones in support of Y/n.

tswizzlefanpage13 hell to the no! No one bullies our little sister!

selenagomez don't worry little Tay you're a tough cookie. Stuff all those bullies!

Lilly1033 Don't be shy blondie! share their name!..... We just wanna know so we can... Talk.

Vancityreynolds Does he have an earring? God, it's always the ones with an earring. I'll send Inez over.
↩︎Blakelively> Vancityreynolds✓No you will not, I'm sorry I left him unsupervised with a phone.
↩︎Vancityreynolds>Blakelively Arr yes my loving wife everybody.

I chuckle at my friend's comments as I head inside. I switch my phone off and head inside, to hang out with Y/n before she's discharged.

Unfortunately, Y/n won't be able to join me on tour until her arm's healed so, that's why I called Austin. She's going to have to stay with him until her arm is healed, so she's going home with him today.

She isn't going to take this well.


All done :)

On an unrelated note, I'm debating getting clean so I can do the 'clean' 10 months sober thing


How good is 1989 TV?!?!? I don't get why people are bagging it,

Justice for 1989 TV!

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