The Enchantress² | N + E Mika...

By Kinky_BabyGirl14

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-Book 2- A Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson love interest book. ... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1 - Return of the Heretic
Chapter 2 - Unanswered Questions
Chapter 3 - Of Witches, Secrets, and Family Ties
Chapter 4 - The Unseen Protector
Chapter 5 - Reunions and Confessions
Chapter 6 - Morning Surprises and Midnight Revelations
Chapter 7 - A Desperate Plan
Chapter 8 - Bound by Chains, Freed by Fury
Chapter 9 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 10 - The Davina Problem
Chapter 11 - A Game of Memories
Chapter 12 - A Vengeful Reunion
Chapter 13 - Revelations and Complications
Chapter 14 - A House Divided
Chapter 15 - Gifts, Betrayals, and Threats
Chapter 16 - Between Dreams and Reality
Chapter 17 - A Miracle and a Tragedy
Chapter 18 - Protecting the Future
Chapter 19 - Reclaiming the Kingdom
Chapter 20 - A Heretic Unleashed
Please Read
Chapter 21 - A Night of Revelry and Mayhem
Chapter 22 - A Game of Truth and Consequences
Chapter 23 - A Dangerous Gamble
Chapter 24 - Monsters Within
Chapter 25 - Making Choices
Chapter 26 - A Moment of Peace and a Desperate Plan
Chapter 27 - Thanksgiving Surprises
Chapter 28 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 29 - Love, Loss, and the Power of Family
Chapter 30 - The Unwanted Alliances
Chapter 31 - Desperate Choices and the Unraveled Truth
Chapter 32 - The Sacrifice Play
Chapter 33 - Moving Forward with a Smile
Chapter 34 - Forever a Mikaelson
Chapter 35 - When the Past Comes Knocking
Chapter 36 - A Lethal Game of Secrets
Chapter 37 - Interventions and Confessions
Chapter 38 - Chains and Revelations
Chapter 39 - Magic, Miracles, and Mikaelsons
Chapter 40 - Deceit, Confrontations, and Magical Showdowns
Chapter 41 - The Unfinished Prophecy
Chapter 42 - Family Under Siege
Chapter 43 - The Mindscape Connection
Chapter 44 - The Resilience of Phoebe Mikaelson
Chapter 45 - The Society of Shadows and Saviors
Chapter 46 - Fighting for Control
Chapter 47 - The Beginning of the End
Chapter 48 - Happily Ever After?
Chapter 49 - In the Name of Love
Chapter 50 - Promises and Lullabies
Chapter 51 - A Message from the Grave
Chapter 53 - Flames of Desperation
Chapter 54 - Back From the Dead
Bonus Chapter - Blades, Magic, and Mikaelson Shenanigans

Chapter 52- A Family Scattered

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By Kinky_BabyGirl14

Faith sits on the pier with her feet dangling in the water by the Salvatore school, her mind in another place as she feels the magic that doesn't belong to her crawl under her skin.

She tries to shake off the feeling, but it only intensifies. Her head starts to spin, and she feels like she's about to pass out.

Suddenly, a pair of hands grab her shoulders and steadies her.

"Are you okay?" Lizzie asks as she takes a seat next to her.

Faith nods her head, "Just thinking about my mom."

Lizzie gives her a sympathetic look and puts an arm around Faith's shoulders.

"I'm sorry about your mom." she says softly.

Faith appreciates the gesture and leans into Lizzie's touch. 

They sit there in silence for a few minutes, Faith taking comfort in the warmth of Lizzie's body and the gentle sway of the water beneath them.

"We don't have to talk about that yet. Let's start with simple things." Lizzie suggests, trying to take Faith's mind off of her worries.

"Okay. My favourite colour is green." Faith say with a smile and moves her feet in the water,

Lizzie laughs lightly but can see the lightness as Faith thinks of whatever it is, "Why?"

Faith lets out a breath, "It reminds me of the forest, the leaves and every little detail of the mindscape where Hope and I would meet with our mom when we were younger." 

Lizzie nods understandingly, "That sounds nice. My favourite colour is blue."

They both sit quietly again, for a few moments, watching the water ripple beneath them.

"Josie says that you have stopped your medicine." Faith says and Lizzie's smile drops, a deep frown taking its place.

"My mom was bipolar too." Faith says quickly before Lizzie could overthink her words, "She didn't like the medicine either, said it made her feel worse."

Lizzie's eyes widen in surprise, not expecting Faith to share such personal information with her. But she appreciates the connection it brings them, knowing that Faith understands what it's like to live with a mental illness.

"I just...I don't like feeling like I'm not in control of my own emotions, you know? How did she handle it?" she asks.

Faith takes a deep breath, "It was tough. She had a lot of ups and downs. But she found other ways to cope, found people who understood her and supported her. She wasn't perfect with it, but she found that sometimes letting go of the control that she struggled so much to have was the only way to deal. The important thing is to find what works for you, Lizzie. And remember that you're not alone in this."

Lizzie nods slowly, taking in Faith's words. 

"It's scary, you know. I just...I don't ever want to hurt anybody." Lizzie tells her and Faith gives her a sympathetic smile before leaning back on her hands.

"When me and Hope were three or four and my mom was pregnant with Henrik, she had gone without sleep for a little too long, which made it worse for her, and she had an episode. She was in a manic state and wasn't herself. She started screaming and throwing things, we were so scared. But it wasn't her fault. She didn't mean to act that way. When she finally came down, she didn't remember doing a single thing that had happened. It was like she was a completely different person. She didn't come near us for weeks, scared that she would hurt us. But my dad and our uncle Elijah eventually got her to see that she hadn't hurt us and that she wouldn't."

Lizzie listens intently to Faith's story, feeling a sense of comfort in knowing that she isn't alone in her struggles.

Faith continues, "The important thing to remember is that you are not your illness. You may be bipolar , but that doesn't define you. It's a part of you, but it's not all of you. And you can still control how you react and respond to situations. It's not easy, but it's possible."

She looks up at Faith, a newfound appreciation for her friend filling her heart.

Faith grins at her, "And you know what? You have me." 

Lizzie smiles back at Faith, feeling a warmth spread through her chest as she looks at Faith.

"You want to tell me what you were thinking so hard about when I got here?" Lizzie asks her and Faith nods her head.

"I feel stuck, like I should be doing something that I am not. My mom died because some crazy people tried to free some spirit and she sacrificed herself to save Hope and my family from it. I feel like I need to do something to honour her sacrifice, but I don't know what to do." Faith confesses, her voice trailing off at the end.

Lizzie pauses for a moment, thinking about what Faith said. She knows what it's like to feel lost and unsure of what to do next.

"You could always go about this by thinking, what would your mom do in your situation?" Lizzie suggests with a shrug.

"What would my mom do." Faith repeats as she thinks it over before she spots Shaun walking through the trees from the corner of her eye.

Lizzie sees a glint in Faith's eyes that makes her unsure that she should have given her the advice.

Faith grins as she has an idea, "You are brilliant, Elizabeth Saltzman." Faith says before kissing her cheek as she gets up from her spot and runs of,  leaving Lizzie unsure what the just happened.

Faith follows her uncle Shaun but stops herself from calling out to him when she sees him acting strangely.

Shaun looks around to make sure that he can't see anyone watching him before he places his hand on the brick wall next to him. The wall becomes a door and Shaun walks through it, letting it close behind him.

Faith's heart is racing as she cautiously approaches the wall. She can feel the cool breeze against her face as she gets closer, the hairs on her arms standing on end.

As she reaches the wall, she places her hand on the brick, hoping that it too will become a door.

But nothing happens.

Faith steps back, a look of disappointment on her face. She tries again as a thought comes to her, she place her hand back on the wall and focusing on her magic. 

Instead of Faith's normal magic coming to the surface, she feels her other magic coming rushing forward.

The magic that scares her to use, the dark magic that she inherited from her mother. 

It's a powerful and dangerous magic that she's been warned not to use, but in this moment, she feels like it might be her only chance to find out what's on the other side of that wall.

She concentrates harder, her eyes tightly closed, and feels the energy flow through her body.

Suddenly, the wall begins to move and the same door Shaun walked through appears which makes Faith grin before she walks through it.

On the other side, Faith finds herself in what looks like a storage room for magical objects but very modern. Everything is neatly organized on shelves and in glass cases, and the room is lit up with bright fluorescent lights.

Faith can feel the power emanating from each one.

But before she can look at anything, hand wraps around the top of her arm and Faith jumps, startled.

She turns around to find a very angry Shaun looking at her.

"What are you doing here?" he demands as he lets go of her.

"I think the real question is what is this place?"

Faith looks around the room, trying to gather as much information as she can. She can see various magical objects, some of which she recognizes and others she doesn't. 

The room is filled with a powerful energy that makes her feel both excited and nervous at the same time.

Shaun huffs out with a glare, "You need to leave Faith."

Faith crosses her arms, refusing to back down. "I'm not leaving until you tell me what this place is and what you're doing here."

Shaun shakes his head.

Faith looks around him and sees another door but when she takes a step towards it, Shaun moves in front of it in a protective manner.

"Don't think I don't know that you have been asking favours from those you shouldn't." Shaun mentions, trying to distract Faith from the door.

Faith knows what he is talking about, she had tracked down some members of the Society when she was still in New Orleans and asked them to help her understand her mother's power more.

"According to my mother's dying wish, I am to be the head of the Society." Faith reminds Shaun which catches him off-guard, stunning him.

"How do you know that?" Shaun asks her and Faith gives him a sly grin.

"Aunt Kelsey likes to talk when she drinks. And recently she has been drinking a lot."

Shaun scoffs not impressed. "You are to become the head when you are ready to take on that role." Shaun takes a step forward, "Right now you are a liability to them. You shouldn't be messing them and you shouldn't be here. You need to leave."

Faith eyes looks over Shaun's face before grinning. 

Her grin shocks Shaun as in that moment she looked exactly like her mother.

"Why are you smiling?" Shaun asks, unsure of what she's planning.

"So, tell Kelsey of my meddling or even my dad. But you haven't, why? What's stopping you of calling any of the teachers at this school to remove me from here?" Faith questions as she watches Shaun closely, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Shaun doesn't say anything, instead he narrows his eyes at her.

"Cuz you know that if you call someone on me, whatever you are hiding behind that door will be outed as well. If you get me in trouble, you'll be in trouble too."

Faith takes a step closer to Shaun, pushing him back with her confidence. 

"I know you're up to something." Faith grins before taking a few steps back from him, "But I don't care about that. At least not at the moment."

Shaun looks at Faith, he grins widely as he shakes his head in disbelief.

"You are so much like your mother. It's kind of scary," Shaun says with a chuckle.

Faith takes that as a compliment and smiles, feeling a sense of pride. She knows her mother was a powerful woman, and she wants to follow in her footsteps.

"But you still need to leave," Shaun reminds her, his voice stern.

"Not until I get what I came here to ask." Faith tells and Shaun studies her for a moment. 

He knew the look on her face, it was the same face Phoebe had when deadly things were going to follow.

"Fine. Who is it that you want dead?" Shaun asks, fully serious.

Elijah walks down the stairs in the compound with suitcases as Henrik stands in the courtyard waiting for him. Henrik's eyes widen as he sees Elijah carrying suitcases, wondering where he could possibly be going.

"Dad, what's happening?" Henrik asks, his voice trembling.

Elijah looks at Henrik and smiles, "We're going on an adventure, Henrik. A big adventure."

Henrik's eyes widen with excitement and Elijah smiles a smile that hides his pain.

"Elijah!" Klaus yells out and Elijah lets out a breath.

"Go see if you need anything else from your room before we leave." Elijah tells Henrik, knowing an argument is going to happen between him and Klaus.

Henrik nods excitedly and runs off to his room, leaving Elijah and Klaus alone in the courtyard.

Klaus looks at Elijah with a stern expression, "Where the hell are you going?" he asks, his voice low and threatening.

Elijah stands tall, not intimidated by Klaus's tone, "We're leaving, Klaus. Henrik and I are going to start a new life, away from all of this."

Klaus scoffs, "And what about your loyalty to our family? To me?"

"My loyalty has always been to our family, Klaus. But I can't be here anymore. Every corner I take, I expect to find Phoebe just standing there, waiting for me. Every room I enter, I expect to hear her laughter. I can't bear it anymore." Elijah says, his voice cracking at the mention of Phoebe's name.

Klaus's expression falls at their wife's name, "I understand your pain, Elijah. But leaving like this, abandoning our family, isn't the answer. We need you here. I need you here."

Elijah shakes his head, "I need to do this for myself, Klaus. Maybe one day I'll come back, but for now, Henrik and I need to leave this city if we are ever going to be able to get even close to happy again."

Elijah goes to walk off but Klaus calls out to him again, "Please, Elijah. I need you."

Elijah stops in his tracks, turning around to face Klaus once more. He looks at him with melancholic eyes, "She told me she was drowning with everything. And I did nothing. I couldn't save her, Klaus. I didn't pull her out of that darkness. I failed her. I failed all of you. But I won't fail my son too."

Klaus steps towards Elijah, putting a hand on his shoulder, "You didn't fail anyone, Elijah. Phoebe's decision was her own. She died to protect us and our family. And she would hate to see you blaming yourself for her decision."

Elijah looks at Klaus, his eyes filling with tears, "I know. But it doesn't change the fact that I miss her every day. And being here, surrounded by everything that reminds me of her, it's too much to bear."

Klaus squeezes Elijah's shoulder, "Then go. Take Henrik and start anew. But know that you will always be welcomed back with open arms. Our family will always need you, and I will always need you, my brother."

Elijah nods as Henrik rejoins them with a backpack on his back and an unsure look as he looks between his dad and his uncle.

Hope paces in the semi-abandoned building that's in the woods next to the Salvatore school. Faith was meant to meet her and Freya an hour ago but neither had showed.

Hope bites her lip, her mind racing with thoughts of what could have happened. Faith was never one to be late, and it was worrying that Freya had not shown up either. 

The building was dimly lit, with only a few rays of sunlight streaming through the cracked windows.

Roman wonders in and looks at Hope unsure if he should speak up. He can see the worry etched on her face and he doesn't want to add to her distress, but he also wants to help.

"Is something wrong, Hope?" He asks and Hope is startled for a moment, her thoughts interrupted by Roman's voice. She turns to him, her eyes still scanning the empty room for any sign of Faith and Freya.

"It's nothing. I was just meant to be meeting Faith but it looks like she's not coming."

Roman nods as he looks around the room, "What were you going to do here?"

Hope looks at Roman as she is not sure that she should be telling Roman anything. But he is her friend.

Hope fidgets with her hands before finally answering, "Faith is having trouble with her magic and we were meant to meet to figure it out."

Roman nods in understanding. "I see. Do you want me to help you look for them?"

Hope shakes her head as she takes a seat on the old stairs, "No. I am sure Faith will appear. And my aunt can take care of herself."

Roman takes a seat next to Hope, feeling the unease swirling around the room. They sit in silence for a few minutes before Hope's phone rings, causing her to jump in surprise. She quickly answers the call, relief flooding her face as she hears Faith's voice on the other end.

"Hey. Sorry, Hope. But I am not going to make it, can you apologize to Aunt Freya for me."

Hope breathes a sigh of relief at the sound of her friend's voice. "Sure, no problem. But is everything okay?" she asks, concern lacing her voice.

Faith hesitates for a moment before answering. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just got caught up with some other stuff."

She ends the call and turns to Roman, "Looks like Faith is not coming. I might as well head back to the school."

Roman nods, standing up when he sees the reluctance in Hope's eyes, "Or we could stay and talk instead?"

Hope looks up at Roman, her eyes scanning his face. She knows that she should leave and go back to the school, but there is something about Roman that draws her in. She wants to stay and talk to him, to get to know him better.

"That would be nice," she says, a small smile appearing on her face.

Roman sits back down next to Hope, "So Hope Salvatore, tell me more about you. What is your family like?"

Hope frowns a little at that. 


Her mother's maiden name. 

But it was not hers. 

She is a Mikaelson and she hated having to use Salvatore instead of her true family name.

Hope glances at Roman, she trusted him enough to confide in him.

"My mother was a powerful witch, she possessed a magic that was beyond anything anyone had ever seen. A magic people feared, a magic that Faith now possess, or at least that is what my aunt claims. I come from a long line of powerful witches and supernatural beings on both my mother's and father's side." Hope takes a breath and gets to her feet, standing in front of him, "My name isn't Hope Salvatore, it's Hope Mikaelson. My mother was Phoebe Salvatore and my Father is Klaus Mikaelson, the Original Hybrid."

Roman's eyes widen in surprise at the mention of Klaus Mikaelson, a name that reverberated throughout the supernatural world. He had heard of the Mikaelson family, known for their power and ruthless nature. 

But he had never met one in person.

"Hope!" Freya's voices echoes through the space as she looks at her in disbelief and anger.

Hope quickly turns to face her aunt, her eyes widening in surprise. Roman stands up as well, sensing the tension in the air.

"Aunt Freya..." Hope says, annoyance flashing across her face.

Freya strides towards Hope, her anger evident in her movements. "What were you thinking? Revealing who you are to a stranger? To a vampire of all people?" she seethes, her voice trembling with fury. "Do you have any idea what kind of danger you've put herself in? Your sister too?"

Hope groans in frustration, "He isn't a stranger, he is my friend!"

Roman steps forward, trying to diffuse the tension between the two women. "I don't mean any harm to Hope."

Freya turns her fiery gaze towards Roman, studying him carefully. "I'll deal with you in a moment."

Hope rolls her eyes at her aunt's protectiveness and crosses her arms, "It's not like he's going to tell anyone. He's not exactly a blabbermouth."

Freya stares at Hope, "That's not the point," she says firmly before turning back to Roman. "What do you want with my niece?"

Hope is getting agitated, she can feel her magic stirring inside of her. She didn't like being scolded like a child, especially not in front of Roman.

Hope huffs before turning on her heels and marching off way from them both.

"You stay here." Freya instructs Roman before going after her niece.

Roman watches the two women disappear from sight, unsure of what to do next.

"Hope, please!" Freya calls out to her niece, her voice pleading.

"Just leave me alone, Aunt Freya!" Hope shouts back, continuing to walk away from her aunt in frustration. She was tired of being treated like a child, and she couldn't stand the overprotective nature of her family.

Hope takes a corner and ends up at a dead end. She turns around still angry and comes face to face with Freya.

"Hope-" Freya starts but is cut off by Hope.

"I said leave me alone!" Hope demands and suddenly the room goes up in flames.

Freya gasps in shock as the flames intensify, the heat becoming unbearable. Hope can feel the power surging through her veins as she unleashes her magic, the flames licking at her skin but not burning her.

Freya tries to reach out to her niece but the heat forces her to step back.

Freya raises her hands in defence, summoning a shield to protect herself from the flames.

"Hope, calm down!" she shouts over the roar of the fire. "You're going to hurt yourself!"

Hope's eyes widen in horror as she realizes what she's done. She tries to reign in her powers, but they're out of control.

The flames are spreading rapidly, consuming everything in their path. Hope can feel the panic rising, she doesn't know how to stop the fire. She glances at her aunt, who is still struggling to hold up her shield against the intense heat and power.

Suddenly hands wrap around Hope's hand and she feels her magic being siphoned, a calmness washing over her as Faith, her twin sister, steps in to help. 

Faith's eyes are closed as she channels Hope's magic, quelling the flames and bringing them under control.

Slowly, the fire dies down, leaving charred remains in its wake.

"I leave you alone for a few hours and you set fire to our hang out place." Faith jokes, feeling the tension in the air and trying to lighten the mood. 

Hope lets out a shaky laugh, still in shock from what just happened.

Freya lowers her shield and rushes over to them, embracing both of her nieces tightly.

"Thank goodness you're both okay." Freya says, relief evident in her voice.

"I am sorry, Aunt Freya." Hope says, tears starting to form in her eyes. "I didn't mean to do that."

"It's okay, Hope." Freya says, pulling Hope into a tight hug.

"I am tired of having to pretend to be someone else. Mom's letter said that I shouldn't be ashamed of who I am. But how am I supposed to do that when I am not even using my real name?" Hope asks, her voice cracking with emotion.

Freya pulls away from the hug and looks at her niece with understanding eyes.

"I know it's hard, Hope," Freya says softly. "But you have to careful about who you can tell. There are people out there who don't like those who carry our family's name, and they might try to harm you because of it."

Hope sighs out and Faith bumps her with her shoulder, a small smile on her face. "We're in this together, sis," Faith says. "No matter what."

Hope nods, feeling grateful for her sister's support. "I know, Faith. Thank you."

"Come on then, I am starving." Faith says and Hope smiles, nodding in agreement.

Freya watches her nieces with a gentle smile as she sees so much of their mother in them.

She remembers how Phoebe always fought for what she believed in, even if it meant going against the norms of their society. And she knows that her nieces will do the same, no matter how difficult it may be.

Freya was proud of them for standing up for themselves and their family's legacy, but she also knew the dangers that came with it.

As they walked away, Freya couldn't help but worry about what the future held for them.

With Elijah and Henrik having left New Orleans, Freya with the twins in Mystic Fall.

Finn and Cami traveling where they want, Rebekah and Marcel running around trying to find the ingredients to do the spell to bring Davina back.

And Kol's main focus being Kelsey and no one else.

Klaus finds himself alone, the one thing he never wanted to be.

Klaus stands in front of Phoebe's grave that sits right next to the Baby Mikaelson grave stone. 

He stares at the tombstones, feeling a pang in his chest.

He had lost so much in his life - his father, his mother, his siblings, his child.

And now, Phoebe.

He had loved her deeply.

Klaus kneels down and traces the engraved letters of Phoebe's name with his fingers, feeling tears brim in his eyes.

"I don't know what to do." Klaus takes a breath, "And I really wish you were here to tell me."

As Klaus sits in front of Phoebe's grave, he can't help but feel the weight of the loneliness that has been settling in his heart. His family had always been the centre of his world, and now that they were all scattered, he couldn't shake off the feeling of being lost.

So, he speaks to Phoebe's gravestone as if she is sitting right in front him.

"You once asked me what my biggest fear is?" Klaus starts, his voice echoing in the quiet cemetery. "And I told you it was being alone. But I was wrong, turns out my biggest fear is losing my family, losing you. And now, I'm here, alone, with nothing but memories of you. It's a cruel fate, isn't it?"

Klaus takes in a shaky breath, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill out. He reaches out and places a hand on Phoebe's gravestone, feeling the cold stone against his skin.

A gust of wind blows through the cemetery, rustling the leaves of the nearby trees. Klaus looks up, hoping to see some sign of Phoebe's presence, but there's nothing. He turns back to her gravestone, feeling the tears fall down his cheeks.

"You left me, and I don't know how to live without you. I don't know how to go on when every moment feels like a struggle." Klaus whispers, his voice breaking. "You left me with nothing but this emptiness inside me."

Phoebe's wedding ring that sits on a chain around Klaus neck swings in the wind, hitting against his chest. Klaus grabs it with one of his hands and holds it tightly with his eyes closed, as if it's the only thing keeping him grounded.

A tear from Klaus drips off his face and hits the diamond in the ring which makes it glow softly as it catches the light of the sun.

Suddenly, Klaus feels a warm breeze brush against his face, and he opens his eyes to see what looked like Phoebe with a sad smile on her face.

"I didn't leave you, Klaus. I died so you could live." She whispers to him, touching his face softly.

Klaus knows that is just magic, a trick of his mind but it feels so real to him. He reaches out to touch her face, but his fingers go right through her. 

He blinks a few times, trying to clear his head, but the image of Phoebe doesn't disappear.

"You're not really here, are you?" Klaus asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

Phoebe smiles sadly again as she shakes her head slowly, "No, my love."

Klaus takes a deep breath, his heart heavy with grief. He knows that he has to accept the reality of the situation, but his mind refuses to let go of the illusion of Phoebe's presence. He stares at her image, hoping that he can hold on to it for just a little longer.

"I miss you, Phoebe," he whispers, a tear rolling down his cheek. "I miss your smile, your touch, your voice. I miss everything about you."

Phoebe's image leans in closer to him, and Klaus can almost feel the warmth of her breath on his face.

His heart skips a beat, and he feels as though he's suffocating under the weight of his emotions. It's both a blessing and a curse to see her again, but Klaus doesn't know if he'll ever be able to let her go.

"I miss you too, my love," Phoebe whispers, her voice almost a ghostly echo. "But you have to let me go. You have to move on."

Klaus takes a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions, and looks at her one last time. He knows that he has to let her go, but the thought of never seeing her again is too much to bear.

"Please don't go," he begs, his voice hoarse with emotion.

"I will stay for as long as you want me too," Phoebe says, a gentle smile on her face. "But remember that I'm always with you, even if you can't see me."

Klaus nods, his heart filled with both love and pain. He knows that he has to say goodbye, but he doesn't want to.

Klaus and the Phoebe's image sit by Phoebe's grave stone in silence for what feels like an eternity.

The sun begins to set, casting an orange glow over the cemetery. Klaus reaches out and touches the cold, hard surface of the stone, tracing the letters of Phoebe's name with his fingers. He feels the cool breeze on his face, and the rustling of leaves in the trees nearby.

It's almost as if nature is offering him a moment of peace amidst his turmoil.

As the night falls, Klaus finally stands up and takes a deep breath. 

He knows that he needs to leave, but he's not sure if he can do it alone. He turns to Phoebe's image, hoping to see some kind of guidance in her eyes, but all he sees is a fading glow.

Klaus closes his eyes, taking in the last feeling of Phoebe's presence, before turning to her grave again and resting his head against it.

He feels a deep longing in his heart, not just for Phoebe, but for the life they had together.

Klaus stays there for a moment as his minds runs through all the happy memories that he had of him and her.

Roman looks around to make sure no one is around as he arrives back at the abandoned mill. He takes a breath as he grabs his phone from his pocket and starts to dial a number.

"Roman Sienna." A voice says which makes him almost jump out of his skin and drop his phone onto the floor. 

Roman whips around looking around him to find the person who said his name.

But there's no one in sight.

"Who is there?" he demands, his voice low and cautious.

"You don't recognize my voice, Roman? I'm hurt," the voice on the other end says, filled with amusement. "It's been a while but when I got a phone call asking about information on a boy named, Roman Sienna. I just had to come see you with my own eyes."

Roman's heart raced as he recognized the voice. 

It was one he hadn't heard in years, one that brought back memories he had long since tried to forget.

"Oh, Roman. You and your mommy have been very busy, haven't you?" the voice continued, tauntingly.

Roman felt a knot form in his stomach as he realizes who is speaking to him from the dark corner on the other side of the room.

"I do believe that cult of yours was warned about coming near the Mikaelsons or the Salvatores. But it seems like you have forgotten." The voice chuckled, the sound echoing off the walls of the abandoned mill.

Roman gritted his teeth, the memories of his past starting to gnaw at his mind.

"Which one are you?" He calls out to the darkness, his voice stern and determined.

"I'm hurt, Roman. You still don't remember me?" The voice replied mockingly.

Roman closed his eyes, trying to push down the memories as Kelsey steps out of the shadows with the promise of death in her eyes.

"What do you want, Kelsey?" Roman said through gritted teeth, his hands balled into fists.

Kelsey smirks, "I want you to leave the Salvatore school and leave Hope Mikaelson alone. I want you to stop meddling in things that you have no business in."

Roman snarls, "I'll never stop fighting for what's right."

Kelsey takes a step forward, her hand moving to rest on the hilt of her dagger. "You really want to do this, Roman? We both know how this will end. Phoebe once told me that if it ever came to it, to give you a chance to get out from under your mother's stupid ideology."

Kelsey pulls her dagger out, flipping it in her hand, "Which is why when word came that you lot were stirring up your nonsense again, I decided to deal with you personal and left the others to deal with the rest of you purest loons."

Roman took a step back, his eyes flickering to the door, trying to gauge the distance between him and his escape.

"Don't even think about it." Kelsey warns as she moves into the path, pointing her dagger at him.

"So, which will it be? Will you meet your death like the rest of your so called family tonight or will you finally see the truth and leave that life behind?" Kelsey demands, her voice laced with coldness.

As Kelsey gives Roman the ultimatum, in France, Greta and Antoinette gather with those they have convinced to live with their way of thinking. 

Their army of supernatural purist believers.

As Greta addresses the group when the door to the house slams open and Shaun walks with grin while shaking his head at them in disappointment. 

Greta's eyes widened at the sight of Shaun but Shaun gives them an disappointed look all the while still smiling widely.

"We had a deal, Miss Sienna. You stop with this nonsense and you could live in whatever nonsense way that you wanted." Shaun takes a step into the house and all the vampires look at him shock while Shaun has a sly grin, "Yet I find myself here, to find you pushing your ideology on others to become a part of your army to take down those who are different. Like certain Mikaelson children."

Antoinette's eyes narrowed at Shaun's words and she stepped forward to confront him. "What do you mean, Shaun? What are you implicating?"

Shaun chuckled and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. "Oh, don't play dumb with me, Antoinette. You think you're so clever, don't you? Gathering an army of supernatural purists to take down anyone who doesn't fit into your little boxes. It's disgusting, really. And I know for a fact that you've been targeting the Mikaelson children."

Greta takes a step forward, her eyes blazing with fury. "Your nieces are dangerous. A menace."

Shaun raises an eyebrow at Greta's words. "Oh, spare me the righteous indignation, Greta. Because from where I'm standing, they're just a couple of teenage girls trying to navigate their way in a world that's out to get them."

Antoinette steps forward again, her eyes flashing with anger. "You have no idea what they're capable of, Shaun. They're not just innocent teenagers. They're powerful witches who could bring about destruction if they wanted to. They're a threat to our kind. They need to be dealt with before it's too late."

Shaun narrows his eyes at Antoinette. "And what is your kind? What kind of world are you trying to create? One where only those who fit into your narrow definition of 'pure' are allowed to exist? That's not a world I want to live in. And I certainly won't stand for it."

Antoinette snarls at Shaun's words, her fangs bared. "You're a traitor to our kind, Shaun. You're siding with the enemy."

Shaun laughs bitterly, shaking his head. "The enemy? Who's the enemy, Antoinette? You're the one trying to wage war on innocent teenagers who never asked for any of this." He takes a step towards them, "But I am here to end that war before those girls even know it existed."

Greta laughs bitterly at Shaun, "You are going to take all of us down?" Greta gestures to all those in the house. "You may be the brother of Phoebe Salvatore but you are not her. You don't have the power or the influence to stop us."

Shaun smirks at Greta's challenge. "You underestimate me, Greta. I am in fact my sister's brother. And we both know I wouldn't have stepped a foot into this house if I didn't know I would win. You will all be dead by the end of the night."

Shaun's eyes glint with a fierce determination as he moves closer to Greta and Antoinette. "I've seen first hand the destruction that comes from this kind of hatred and fear-mongering. And I won't let it happen again."

Antoinette hisses, her eyes blazing with fury. "You're delusional, Shaun. You have no idea what you're up against."

Shaun chuckles. "Oh, I know exactly what I'm up against. I've dealt with worse. But I'm not here to fight, Antoinette. This is not my fight."

"Then if you are not going to fight us, why are you so sure that we will all be dead by the end of the night?" Greta asks, weary of Shaun's confident demeanor.

Shaun's smirk turns into a sly smile, "Because, my dear Greta, I have something you don't. Something that can destroy every single one of you."

Antoinette glares at Shaun, "What?"

Shaun gestures behind himself with his head. 

Footstep can be heard as the something that Shaun spoke of walks into the room.

Every person, except Shaun, in that room eyes widen and they subconsciously take a step up.

"No, no, no. That can't be." Greta says, her voice shaking.

Shaun grins, "Oh, but it can be and it is."

Shaun turns around and heads to the door as he yells out behind him, "Good luck. God knows you will need it."

As soon as he closes the front door behind him, he can hear screams and wails of pain as pulses of magic ripple through the house.

Shaun pauses for a moment, listening to the chaos he had unleashed. 

Shaun's lips curl into a satisfied smile as he walks away from the house, knowing that he has accomplished his mission.


So the story continues.....

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