HDxD: Papa Dragon

By losghost-10

3.2K 90 59

What if issei was a father? What if he was on a relationship break with his harem? What sort of high jinks wo... More

Chapter 1: Papa Dragon?

Part 2: Asgardian Wedding & Old Faces

1.6K 52 36
By losghost-10

(A Few Months Later)

The Hyoudou household was rather quiet for the moment, ever since Rossweisse started going back to work in Kuoh town.

Since then she would leave in a teleportation circle in the morning after breakfast and return later in the evening, which they would then relax together and eat dinner.

It was great and honestly everything Issei ever wanted in a relationship, there was no fighting with other girls, or competition on who did what it was just perfect.

And Eri was the cherry on top, he didn't know if it was because of his Draconic nature but he cherished her like a pile of jewels.

Although he did notice she was growing rather quickly looking as if she was two years old, but after asking Ddraig about it he was told since she was supernatural in nature that she would age faster until adulthood where she would stop and slowly progress.

That last part made a pain in his heart at the idea of his little girl growing up, Ddraig couldn't help but chuckle at his partner acting like an old man at the age of 20 but issei didn't mind giving a laugh of his own at the thought.


But that all aside today was a bit different, most of it was fine but when Rossweisse had come home with a dark cloud above her head he knew something was wrong.

It didn't take an idiot to know something was wrong from how sad she looked, so he cleared his throat to alert her to his presence which made her head shoot up and look at him.

She launched towards him and tackled him into the couch "Isse-kunnnnn!"

Issei grunted and patted her head "Hey my valkyrie, what's going on?"

She sniffled and had a pouting face "That idiot Odin *hic* called me, and made fun of me since Thor and Sif *hic* are getting married again *hic* while I'm still not."

She continued to cry to issei's slight amusement but much larger furry at the old one eyed bastard, he racked his fingers through her hair while rubbing circles into her back "It's okay dear, if you wanna get married we could do that whenever you wish it."

Rossweisse perked up and looked at him meekly "R-really? But what about...the other girls?"

Issei sighed with a hurt face "It's...it's fine, I don't think they're coming back. Honestly I was a fool for expecting anything else after two whole years, but now I have you and I wouldn't trade you for the world."

Her face became tomato red and her smile brightened the room "Then let's get married in...4 months, that should give us some time to plan and get ready."

"As you wish my valkyrie." Responded issei with a kiss at the end.

The two stayed in each others embrace just enjoying the other's company until they heard the cry of Eri waking up from her nap, Issei got up much to Rossweisse's annoyance but also understanding.

Issei went and got Eri from her crib checking her diaper and nodding when he saw she was still clean, and when he gave her milk she took it gladly.

Afterwards he burped her and sat back down with his now technically fiancé with Eri in his arms, they stayed sitting there in peace until Rossweisse spoke up.

"Odin also said I was invited to the wedding, would you like to come with me? It'd be nice to have Eri meet new people and see new places."

At hearing this Issei hummed in thought for a moment before replying "Sure it'd be nice to see the old perv, though if he makes any more comments that make you cry I'll shove the boosted gear up his backside."

Rossweisse laughed and held him tightly saying she'd hold him to hit, they stayed like that all the way up until dinner where they ate some spicy curry issei made from his mother's list of recipes.

Later in the night and Eri went to sleep again leaving the two adult to do their usual nighttime activities which they were very grateful issei knew how to make noise canceling seals so not to wake up Eri from how much he made her scream out his name.

(Time Skip a Month)

It was now June and our favorite little family were all dressed for the wedding, Issei was currently being fussed over by Rossweisse making sure his suit looked nice and that his hair was styled to compliment his beard.

(This is his hair style right now with the suit but with his beard)

"Honey I think you've checked me over at least twelve times already, we look perfect and are going to be late if we don't teleport soon."

Rossweisse froze still and took a deep breath, she exhaled right after and looked up at him "Yea, sorry I'm just worried is all. I mean this is the first time anyone will know about us, and the first time anyone in Asgard will see me with a man. I'm just worried is all."

Issei gave her a soothing smile and kissed her forehead "Honey you look beautiful and shouldn't worry about how we will look in front of others, so forget about them and focus on Eri and me."

The Valkyrie took a moment to calm herself and smile back at her lover "Thank you, I needed that."

She stepped back giving him a good look at her in a white dress, that accented her hair and looks perfectly.

(Like this but Rossweisse obviously)

"Wow, I still can't believe how beautiful you can be. If I wasn't already getting married to you I would have dropped down on one knee and asked here and now."

Rossweisse blushed and turned away "T-thanks, you look pretty handsome yourself."

Not far from them a giggle was heard, turning to the sound they both saw Eri who had grown to look like a 2 and a half year old.

"Aw, and you look cute too Eri dear." Said Rossweisse as she went over and picked up the toddler pecking her on the horn.

(Something like this)

It was still surprising whenever he saw the draconian horn on his daughter's head, it started growing out of no where and Ddraig had mentioned he now sensed her Draconic nature.

However he couldn't think about that now, if they didn't leave soon they would actually be late for the beginning meet and greet part of the wedding.

"Alright girls, come on we gotta go now." He said smiling at the two.

Rossweisse pouted but nodded to her fiancé and went over to him with a bag filled with things for Eri, once close enough Issei formed his transportation seal and flashed them away towards their destination.

(A Moment Later)

After teleporting Issei and his family were in the center chamber of the rainbow bridge, walking a bit they stepped out of the chamber to see the sight of Asgard in all its glory.

"Nice place, ain't that right Odin?" Said Issei while not turning to the man he had sensed as soon as he arrived.

The All Father laughed and smiled cheekily at the red dragon emperor "Ah, it's good to see you my boy. I have enjoyed hearing from my ravens about you, to think you'd start dating and even ask my former Valkyrie to marry you."

Looking over the three Odin raised an eyebrow at the child in Rossweisse's hands, smirking as if he knew something they didn't, the one eyed god turned and started walking "Well come on now, don't wanna miss the wedding by speaking about the small stuff."

Rossweisse glared at the old man but followed along anyway "I don't think it's appropriate to talk like that about someone's fiancé, especially when said man can kick even your ass you dirty old man."

Issei bopped her on the head for cursing in front of Eri but couldn't help but add on to what she said "She's right you know, as a dragon I'm quite territorial of my treasures. Especially my mate who i'd kill for if need be."

Odin laughed "Ah but what's the point of life without tempting danger, and besides today will be fun."

The two adults sweatdropped at the old geezer, they shook their heads in unison following the old goat to the main hall.

It took no longer than 10 minutes to arrive to see many gods, Valkyries and other beings from the supernatural world.

Hell Issei was pretty sure he saw a few of the people he was friends with like Sairaorg and even Vali, he absentmindedly noted Vali had her peerage with her and Kuroka at seeing him blushed and winked his way.

Issei couldn't help but blush at this, but he cooled his features and waved her way, yet he didn't go over to her as he was currently busy following Rossweisse and Odin to wherever they were going.

As his group walked many of those in the hall looked their way, some curious as to who he was and some were wondering why Rossweisse was holding a child.

A few of the more chatty members of the hall murmured and chatted to those near them, some even saying Rossweisse had a child in secret with the mystery man.

Speaking of which many if not all of those in the hall wondered who issei was, it was surprising honestly that no one knew but then again he hadn't been seen in public in years so it wasn't a stretch for them to not recognize him due to his new looks.

"They sure are loud aren't they, and thinking I'm some sort of super model...really? I didn't think I'm that good looking, I'd say I am at least average at best." Said Issei while he followed the other two.

Rossweisse and Odin sweat dropped at this 'Doesn't he know how much better he looks? He literally looks like a beefcake/chick magnet.'

The two Asgardians shook their heads at the brunette, apparently he didn't know just how much he matured in the looks department and also didn't notice how all the woman in the hall were looking at him in pure lust.

After thinking this they stopped having arrived at their destination, they had stopped right in front of Thor and Sif as they both sat in thrones while everyone watched.

(How Thor looks)

"Ah father it's good to see you have brought our last two guest, I do say it's good to see you." Thor was a tall man with a long beard and his trusty hammer by his side.

"Oh and who might this be?" Thor gestured towards Eri after noticing her in Rossweisse's arms.

Rossweisse formed a small blush and smiled "This is Eri, the adopted daughter of myself and my fiancé."
The room went dead silent, none could believe what they heard, the forever virgin as they called her had gotten herself a man and a child all without telling them.

It was also at this point that Vali started laughing causing everyone to look her way, Vali couldn't help herself and spoke aloud for all to hear "To think my rival has become a family man, damn how the world has changed. Isn't that right Issei Hyoudou."

A few gasps were heard and everyone turned back to look at the new issei, his longer hair and beard complementing his new look to make him total husband material in all the women's eyes and a worthy man in the looks of the men in the room.

"Holy shit that's issei?!" Shouted Kuroka.

Issei chuckled and waved "Yeah it's me, but it really shouldn't be that much of a surprise right? I mean I didn't change that much, I may have a fiancé and child now but it's not like that should surprise anyone. I've always wanted a family and a lover."

His words made everyone think for a second, it actually checked out in all honesty, Issei was always a good person who would protect the weak and those he loved with his life. In all respects he was a true hero who never faltered except for his usual perversion that appeared to now be absent.

After getting over their surprise they all cheered and gave a toast to the savior of the universe, and the one to help bring peace to the major factions changing for the better.

Issei blushed a little at the praise and shook his head goodheartedly, turning back to Thor and Sif he bowed and greeted them "It's good to see you sir Thor and lady Sif, I hope you two are happy in your marriage with each other and may you live in virtue."

Sif smiled at Issei and thanked him "Why thank you Red Dragon Emperor, it is good to see you without your perversion and becoming a model man for others to strive to be like."

(What Lady Sif looks like)

Issei smiled at this "Thank you for the compliment, now I think it's time for the ceremony to begin so we will go and speak with you later once the ceremony part is over."

Thor and Sid nodded saying their farewells for now and after Issei and Rossweisse left the ceremony officially began, it was about an hour in total but once it was done the partying began.

The dance floor was full of all kinds of supernatural races, but issei stayed with his fiancé for most of it only really talking with Vali, Kuroka and Sairaorg.

He noticed a couple times how Kuroka looked at him but he didn't say anything as he was unsure how to approach it, sure he wanted a harem in the past but now.......now he wasn't so sure and was perfectly happy with his fiancé.

What he was unaware of was Rossweisse looking at the situation Issei was in and was thinking deeply on it, she decided she would approach Kuroka when Issei was away from them and talk to her in private.


It was a little while into the party that Thor shouted out "Alright everyone let's do the annual lift challenge of Asgard, if anyone can lift my hammer than they shall be a new thunder and lightning god in the world."

The crowd cheered and formed around the hammer Thor had placed down on the center of dance floor, many of them tried to lift it but no one could even make it budge.

Vali turned to her best friend and rival "You gonna try it? I will for the hell of it but I'm interested to see if you can do it."

(I'd be an idiot if I didn't make Vali look like fem Virgil, it just fits to well to not do it)

Issei hummed in thought "Sure I'll try, but only after you since I don't wanna rain on your parade by lifting it."

Vali smirked "Ha, I'll lift that hammer and show you my rival and maybe we can have an after party at your place this time."

The red dragon emperor rolled his eyes "Yeah, yeah. Not like I can go back to your family home after that one incident with your parents walking in on us that one time."

The defendant of Lucifer blushed "Your the one who decided we should play that blasted game of Twister, fucking game I should have won if it wasn't for you being bigger than me."

He laughed at his rival much to her annoyance "Yeah, but I still won. I just wish your parents didn't walk in on us after you fell on top of me and make a big ol deal about it."

Vali groaned at the mention of how her parents reacted "Yeah, I still get shit from them about me and you always asking when I'll bring you over again and if we're dating."

Kuroka and Issei laughed at this making Vali blush "Oi it ain't that funny, you try having your family clown on you all the damn time. What's worse is that even Albion is starting to nag me to get in a relationship and settle down, like what the hell man I thought she was on my side."

At this Albion spoke through her wings "Ain't my fault that I'm affected by your hormones, your in the time of your life that you should settle down and unlike me you have a strong mate literally right there."

Vali and Albion started to bicker and fight as the host of the divine dividing gear went and tried lifting the hammer, to Vali's irritation it didn't budge and as she left she gave it a kick saying it was a stupid hammer and she didn't need it anyway.

Thor sweat dropped at this along with everyone else wondering what got the white dragon emperor so upset, it was now Issei's turn and the crowd watched on wondering if he was going to be able to do it.

The young man went up to the godly weapon and simply reached down for the handle, he did it so nonchalantly that they thought he wasn't taking it seriously.

And they would be right as Issei wasn't really trying, it wasn't like he needed another title or something like that.

It was to his and about every other person's immediate surprise when he did in fact lift the hammer, it was so surprising that when someone ironically dropped a pin they all heard it.

"Huh.......guess I'm a thunder and lightning god now.....that's neat I guess, anyway does anybody know what I do with new godly responsibilities?"

Odin laughed out loud causing Thor and a few others to do the same, Odin after a minute recomposed himself and responded "Yea it's pretty simple, in a few seconds the fates will appear and give you your godly titles and you'll basically be a god, dragon, devil hybrid and you can basically do whatever you want as long as you remember to answer whoever praise to you every once and awhile."

Issei gave a little nod "I kinda expected more, but then again I've seen some lazy gods before but I honestly thought there'd be more to it."

Shrugging he walked over to Rossweisse and Eri letting the 4 year old look at the hammer up close, she giggled and patted the hammer.

(I don't really like the look of mjolnir in the DxD universe so this is the version I'm using, just imagine it can grow like the one in dxd for extra damage.)

A small cough from Thor got issei's attention, it took the brunette a moment until he figured it out and he threw the hammer back to its owner receiving a nod from the god.

Also the fates arrived, the three different in appearance as one was a young girl, the next a young woman and the third a woman in her late 30's or 40's.

(The three fates, I used characters I liked because why the hell not.)

After appearing they spoke for all to hear "All Hail the new god of Lightning, thunder, Loyalty, Sex and Dragons. Now and forever Issei Hyoudou the Apocalypse Defyer and new Dragon god fight with honor and protect the realms."

They left right after but not before giving him a wink of....lust? Want? Well whatever it was it caused Issei to shiver.

The party went a little longer with Rossweisse and Sif gushing over Eri for a large portion of it, and at the end of the party they said their goodbyes and left with Vali and Kuroka.

(Time Skip)

Issei and his group appeared in his home with Vali and Kuroka behind them, the two were surprised at how nice it all looked.

"Wow, what a nice place for your home Isse-kun." Purred out Kuroka.

The dragon emperor smiled and nodded "Yup, it's been my home for two years now. I'm going to put Eri to bed, if you'd like to get something to drink then the kitchen is right over there."

He gestured towards the kitchen making Vali nod and go over to the fridge, issei left not that long after with Eri leaving Rossweisse alone with Kuroka.

"So, I've seen you give issei hints and looks of lust." Said Rossweisse with a small glare.

Kuroka gulped and stammered "Yeah, I still like him from before so seeing him again made me want to pursue him. He is still going for a harem right?"

The question was asked with an underline of importance that Rossweisse caught and responded "I am....unsure if he still wants that, I have brought it up before but he just says he's happy as things are now with me and him. But I do wonder if he would accept others if they asked."

Kuroka's cat ears sagged "So you think he won't accept me?"

Rossweisse grimaced at how sad and utterly defeated the girl looked and sounded "It's complicated but I think if you asked he'd maybe accept, personally I like you a lot and we are friends even if we don't talk that much anymore since I'm too busy with work, I'd honestly be happy to have you in our relationship and get closer to you."

At this the two heard a choking sound and coughing, they both turned to see Vali blushing and getting over the fact she almost died from choking on some orange juice.

"Wait, so if I'd ask him to be by husband too you'd be alright with it?" Asked Vali with a very prominent blush.

Rossweisse blinked in surprise before nodding "Uh, sure I guess. You two are already really close and if I'm being honest I thought you two would have gotten together back before I even got together with him."

Vali's mouth was gapping in surprise "It was that obvious?"

Kuroka and Rossweisse nodded making the white dragon emperor fall to her knees and groan about how it wasn't fair and how she wished she could have gotten with issei sooner.

The two watched on until Issei approached them and asked what was going on, Kuroka smiled and explained "Oh nothing, just that Vali is upset that she could have been in a relationship with you much sooner if she had known she had a chance."

Issei tilted his head in confusion "Wait what? She wants to be in a relationship with me?"

The sound of Kuroka and Rossweisse facepalming filled the room, a few moments later Vali finally got her act together and walked towards Issei.

When seeing her issei blushed and opened his mouth to speak, to his surprise though he didn't get the chance as Vali's lips met his own in a kiss.

He was in a make out session before he knew it, he didn't know what to do and looked to Rossweisse for answers but when he looked over his eyes went wide as he saw Kuroka making out with Rossweisse who was also looking at him for advice on what to do.

He used a small telepathy spell to ask 'What the hell do we do?!'

Rossweisse answered 'I don't fucking know! How did this even happen?! I mean I said I liked her but didn't mention anything about being bi!'

Issei gave a shrugg in the hold he was in 'I don't know but should I kiss back or something?'

The valkyrie thought for a moment before shrugging back 'I mean I'm okay with it, if you okay with me kissing Kuroka.'

Issei raised an eyebrow 'Sure I guess, but I don't think we're sleeping tonight if this goes further.'
'.....is it weird I'm into this?' Asked Rossweisse.

'.......nope I actually think it's pretty hot, but wouldn't that make this a polygamist relationship if we all started dating?' Asked Issei as he pushed Vali onto the kitchen table.

Rossweisse took a second to think 'I mean, yeah it would, but won't we need a bigger bed for this?'

Issei bit down on Vali's neck making her moan 'Nah, I got some magic to make it bigger if need be. It's nice to sometimes sleep in a large bed, or just remember old times.'

The two were brought out of their mind speak by Kuroka "Hot damn let's take this to the bedroom, I don't think I can wait anymore~"

Issei looked at Vali to see her with heart eyes and a sultry grin, yup this was happening alright and he wasn't sure how to feel about it at the moment.

But his mixed emotions didn't stop him from picking up Vali and taking her to the bedroom as Kuroka did the same to Rossweisse.

It was gonna be a long night in the Hyoudou household, it would be growing by two members and only time would tell if the harem king would be returning to the world.

Chapter 2 finished

(4187 words)

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