Zara: Luffy x OC

By bokuaka120

2.3K 64 3

This is the tale of Zoro's sister, Zara, as she embarks on a journey with the Straw Hat Pirates, eventually d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 3

334 9 0
By bokuaka120

Zara smiled at her name. She had anticipated feeling nervous upon seeing her brother again after so long, but instead, she felt a twisted satisfaction in witnessing his shock. "Hello, brother," she said, her tone laced with a hint of malice.

As Zara's brother stepped onto the deck, the atmosphere shifted, charged with the weight of a complicated history and unspoken emotions. His gaze darted between Zara and the rest of the crew, seeking an understanding that the surrounding faces failed to offer.

"HUUUUUH, Zara is your sister?" Nami blurted out, her shock mirrored by the expressions of Chopper and Sanji, who watched the unfolding scene in disbelief.

"You never told us you had a sister, Zoro," Luffy exclaimed, a tinge of betrayal coloring his tone at this sudden revelation.

Zoro's response carried a hint of irritation, his voice laced with annoyance as he retorted, "Yeah, well, you never mentioned your brother Ace to us, now did you, Luffy?"

"Oh yeah that's right haha" Luffy's sheepish giggle served as a hasty acknowledgment of his oversight, diffusing the tension momentarily.

Zara's smile, tinged with bitterness and triumph, widened as she absorbed the reactions around her. Her brother's voice broke through the silence.

"Zara, what are you doing here?" laden with nervousness and an underlying guilt as he stumbled over his words.

Zara's expression hardened, her voice taking on a frigid edge as she stepped closer to him. "I could ask you the same question, couldn't I?" she countered, her words laden with the weight of past hurts. "You left me in that village after said you would come back for me" Her voice wavered, the unshed tears threatening to betray her composure.

Zoro's hand shot out, gripping her shoulder firmly as he moved to lead her away from the prying eyes of the crew. "Come on, we're taking this elsewhere," he insisted, trying to shield his sister from further emotional turmoil in front of the crew.

"Don't touch me!" Zara's voice cracked with emotion, her resistance palpable as she broke free from his grasp, her anguish spilling over in the tense atmosphere. With a final defiant glare

"Fine" Zoro said walking away bursting through the kitchen doors Zara watched and followed after him knowing her brother wanted her to follow him in.

As Zoro and Zara disappeared into the kitchen, the remaining members of the crew exchanged furtive glances, their expressions betraying a mix of curiosity and concern. Luffy scratched his head, a perplexed look crossing his features as he tried to make sense of the unexpected encounter.

"Nami, do you think Zara will be okay?" Chopper asked, his large, worried eyes turning to their navigator for reassurance.

Nami nodded thoughtfully, her brows furrowed in contemplation. "Zoro's tough. He'll handle it. But who knew he had a sister?" she mused, her voice tinged with genuine surprise.

Sanji, his earlier excitement subdued by the tension, casting occasional glances towards the kitchen. "Zoro's always been a bit of a mystery, hasn't he?" he chimed in, his tone reflecting a mix of intrigue and concern.

Robin, who had remained mostly silent during the exchange, spoke up with her characteristic calm demeanor. "It seems there's more to Zoro's past than we knew. Zara must have quite a history with him," she observed, her analytical gaze settling on the closed kitchen door.

Luffy, having recovered from the initial shock, leaned back in his seat, his mind clearly preoccupied. "I wonder what happened between them. Zara seemed pretty mad," he pondered aloud, his curiosity piqued by the unexpected family drama unfolding within their midst.

Chopper and Nami shared a concerned look, their worry for Zoro and Zara and their mysterious past weighing heavily on their minds as they awaited the inevitable explanation that would follow.

Zoro and Zara found themselves in the ship's bustling kitchen, their tense silence echoing the weight of their unspoken history. Zara crossed her arms, her eyes narrowed with a mixture of frustration and hurt, while Zoro leaned against the counter, his brow furrowed in concern.

"Why did you come looking for me now, Zara?" Zoro's voice was low, barely concealing the emotional turmoil simmering within him.

"Ha- looking for you please i just happened to run in with Luffy in the town square my intension was never to seek you out" Zara responds with Malice in her voice.

Her fists clenching and unclenching at her sides as she struggled to find the right words. "I needed to find Dad," she finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I couldn't keep waiting for you to come back. I have my own dreams to you know!" she screamed the last part.

Zoro's eyes softened, the weight of his own guilt settling heavily on his shoulders. "I had to leave, Zara. You know that. I had to become stronger. I had to..." He trailed off, unable to articulate the magnitude of his own ambitions and the sacrifices he felt compelled to make.

Zara lifted her head, her gaze meeting her brother's with a mixture of determination and pain. "I get it, Zoro, I do. But you left me alone, without any explanation. What was I supposed to do? Wait like a dutiful sister... and I was all by myself." Her voice quivered, betraying the depth of her lingering hurt.

Zoro straightened, his features hardening as he met her gaze head-on. "I'm sorry, Zara. I truly am. But I had to do this, not just for me, but for both of us. I needed to become stronger to come back and take you somewhere better. I know how much you hated being there." His voice carried the weight of his resolve, the determination etched into every word.

"I know you always felt a sense of resentment towards me," Zara said, her voice laced with regret and bitterness.

"What, Zara?" Zoro questioned, his voice laced with disbelief and a touch of fear, unable to comprehend the weight of his sister's words.

Zara's breath hitched as she struggled to steady herself, her trembling hand reaching up to wipe away the tear that trickled down her cheek. "I killed Mom," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the weight of her confession, the words carrying a burden she had carried for far too long.

Zoro's eyes widened in shock, his chest tightening at the realization of the immense guilt his sister had shouldered all these years. "Zara, no," he said, his voice filled with a desperate need to alleviate her pain. "You were just a baby. It wasn't your fault. Mom died during childbirth"

Zara shook her head, her gaze clouded with anguish. "That's why Dad left, Zoro. He couldn't bear to look at me, to be reminded of what happened." Her voice cracked, the words choked with sorrow and self-blame.

"Dad left because he was a coward," Zoro's voice rose, his frustration spilling over as he struggled to make her understand. "He couldn't face his responsibilities. I stayed because I loved you, Zara. I wanted to take care of you."

Zara's voice wavered, the weight of their shared past crashing over her. "I know you love me, Zoro, but I felt your resentment. Not only can I sense people's powers with my aura, but I can sense their emotions too, and it was suffocating." Zara looked down at the floor, not wanting to show her face as more tears spilled down her cheeks.

Zoro reached out, his hand hovering in the air before pulling his sister into a tight embrace. Zara's eyes widened at her brother's embrace, the unexpected comfort catching her off guard. "I'm sorry, Zara. I'm sorry for everything," he whispered, his own emotions threatening to overwhelm him as he held onto her, hoping to provide some semblance of comfort in the face of their shared past. "I was just a kid," Zoro whispered into her hair. "I'm here now, Zara. I won't leave you again," he promised, his voice filled with a renewed determination to protect the only family he had left.

Zara clung to her brother, feeling a sense of solace in his presence, a reassurance that they would face whatever challenges lay ahead together, as they always had.

The rest of the crew waited in uneasy silence, the air thick with the remnants of the emotional storm that had unfolded. The closed doors really leaving nothing to the imagination as they all heard almost every world of the siblings conversation. Each of them understood, to some extent, the complexities of family and the burdens that could strain even the closest bonds. Chopper shuffled his hooves nervously, while Nami exchanged a knowing glance with Sanji, their expressions reflecting a shared empathy for the siblings' plight. Robin observed quietly, her gaze thoughtful and contemplative, as the reunion unfolded before them.

After a long while, Zara and Zoro finally pulled apart. A small smile gracing her lips as she realized that, despite the pain of the past, they had found a way to reconcile their shared history and move forward, together.

Finally appearing outside again. The crew, though pretending otherwise, couldn't help but feel relieved by the apparent resolution of the intense emotions that had gripped the siblings.

Nami swiftly took the initiative, offering a small, understanding smile to Zara as she gestured for her to join the group. "Zara, tell us more about your journey," she prompted gently, her voice laced with a supportive warmth. "We want to know everything."

Zara's eyes sparkled with a newfound determination, invigorated by the supportive atmosphere that enveloped her. She took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts before launching into a detailed account of her travels and the adventures she had encountered in her quest to find their father.

Chopper listened with rapt attention, his eyes wide as he absorbed every detail. Sanji busied himself with preparing a fresh pot of tea, occasionally stealing glances at Zoro as his sister spoke, his concern for his well-being evident in his watchful gaze. Robin, ever the observer, nodded along with interest, occasionally interjecting with insightful questions that prompted Zara to delve deeper into the intricacies of her journey.

Luffy, who had been noticeably quiet throughout the ordeal, suddenly perked up, his eyes gleaming with excitement at the prospect of new adventures. "Wow, Zara, you're amazing!" he exclaimed, his admiration for her evident in his enthusiastic tone. "You've been through so much, just like us!" he added, a wide grin spreading across his face.

Zara's heart warmed at Luffy's words, a blush adorning her face as she tried to downplay her achievements. "Ah, yeah, I mean, it was nothing, really," she murmured, her gaze flickering to the ground momentarily.

As the night progressed, the Straw Hat Pirates began to disperse one by one. Zara, feeling fatigued herself, rose to her feet. "Nami, where will I be sleeping?" she inquired, looking to Nami for guidance.

Nami smiled reassuringly. "You'll be with me and Robin. Come on, we have an extra hammock for you," she said, leading the way to the women's quarters, with Robin following close behind.

Left behind on the main deck were Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, and Usopp, each of them lounging about in various states of repose. Chopper had curled up and fallen asleep on Sanji's lap, emitting soft snores that blended with the gentle creaking of the ship.

Zoro's gaze swept over the remaining crewmates. "I'll say this once, but if any of you so much as try to make a move on my sister, I'll splice you open," he growled, his hand instinctively gripping the hilt of his sword, Wado.

Sanji sneered at Zoro's threat. "As if I would want to be a part of your bloodline, but I feel you should never speak on a lady's behalf like that, you damn brute," he retorted, his own irritation evident in his tone.

"Come on, guys, let's calm down. We don't want the girls to come out and start complaining," Usopp interjected, attempting to defuse the escalating tension.

Luffy, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush, remained silent, his mind preoccupied with Zara and the tangled emotions she had stirred within him earlier in the day. The memory of her calling him Joyboy sent a surge of unexplained warmth through his being, leaving him grappling with newfound feelings that he couldn't quite comprehend.

Zara lay on her hammock, her mind still racing from the emotional reunion with her brother. She couldn't shake the weight of their shared past, the memories that had shaped their lives and the intricate web of emotions that still bound them together. Her thoughts drifted to the future, the possibilities that lay ahead now that they had found a way to reconcile their fractured relationship.

Nami and Robin, nestled in their hammocks nearby, exchanged quiet words, their hushed tones a testament to the bond they shared. They spoke of the challenges that lay ahead, the mysteries waiting to be unraveled, and the uncharted territories that beckoned to them from the horizon.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the ship, Zoro and Sanji had finally put their differences aside, each finding solace in their own thoughts as they drifted off into a restless slumber. Luffy, his mind still swirling with the enigma of his newfound feelings, gazed up at the starry night sky, pondering the complexities of the world and the unpredictable path that lay ahead.

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