By sxaredwings

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Ryan was adored by everyone. A perfect son, a good and polite student and always respectful. The only downsid... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (finale)
Bonus (acceptance)
Bonus pt 2
Special chapter (truth comes out)

Chapter 3

71 2 5
By sxaredwings

Studies has to be the most disastrous thing a human being can ever go through. Piles of books, notes and extra taunting from teachers is just the icing on the cake.

Ryan can swear that he's about to loose his mind. He wasn't made for business. The soft boy loved dance and art, not shares and budgets.

"God please end this". He whispers to himself, almost bursting his head when the bell rang. Thank fucking god. The teacher explained a little bit for a few seconds before dismissing the class. He took a sigh of relief before packing his stuff and goes out of the class.

Today's dance class was canceled which bummed the boy's mood. Being his last class, he had pretty much nothing to do, so he decided to just walk around the campus and explore.

For a homophobic place, this academy looked absolutely stunning and out of the world, the greenery, the fountains, the flowers and fresh breeze flowing. It was almost heaven on earth.

Clutching his books close to him, he was just walking when he heard noises, more like violent screams coming from a classroom. The door was shut so he pressed his ears against the door.

"You fucking faggot! People like you deserve to die! There's no place for you here!"

"P-Please l-let me g-go! S-someone help!! P-please!"

The voices belonged to two girls. A distressed one and a violent one. Ryan clasped his hand on his mouth, trying not to let out any sound. He quietly walks away, not having the courage to interrupt the fight. A part of him felt bad for leaving the poor girl but his brainwashed thoughts immediately took over,

She should've thought twice before committing such an act.

She deserves this.

Don't bother helping fags like her.

But he didn't listen to the aftermath of the conversation.

"Man this pretentious homophobic behavior is getting too boring. Can we try to record something else as proof?" The girl huffs as she fixes her hair.

"I'm sorry baby, but this is what they want. Can you believe that we have to act homophobic. Sometimes I find it dumb but at the same time it's a great way to remove frustrations". She laughs and pecks her lips.

"Okay okay, let's try this again".

He didn't even realize that he reached the academy's gym. He put his ID card on the biometric scan machine which allowed him to enter. His eyes gawked at the huge gym. He felt slightly intimidated looking at the heavy weights and machines.

He kept his books on a bench and explored the exercise area. Being a dancer, it was important for him to keep his flexibility fresh so he just did some basic flexibility moves and practiced some dance moves from the previous class.

After twenty minutes or so, he was done. A silly thought appeared in his head as he proceeds to the weights section. There was a barbel with pretty heavy plates on the side. He knew he could never even move it to the side. But regardless, he tries to pick it up, only to miserably fail and almost getting his arms detached from his body.

"It's rude to just use other people's equipment without asking y'know".

A female's cold voice spoke up from behind, causing Ryan to freeze. He turns around and sees a girl of his age. She was wearing a black sleeveless tee with white sweatpants. Short black boyish hair and multiple ear piercings. Eyes cold as the night ocean and arms strong as a wrestler. Even tho she was a bit shorter than him, she looked twice as strong.

"I-I...I'm sorry I just wanted to..." he felt embarrassed in front of the black haired girl who in turn just stared at him before picking up the barbel and starts working her biceps. He just stands in awe, amazed by her strength.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer". She smirks and drops the weight. A pink tint washed over the boy's cheeks as he tried to find words to spit out. "N-No I was just-

Then it clicked in him. Why was she dressed like a dude? Aren't girls supposed to look dainty and fragile? That's what he was taught right? Girls are only supposed to have long luscious hair, a fragile looking body and have a soft nature. Here this girl is the literal opposite. Strong voice, strong muscular body and short hair.

No no no, what if she likes girls?!

The mysterious girl caught the look on his face and tched. She knew what he was thinking.

"No you genius, I'm not into girls. Just because I have a certain style and taste, it doesn't imply to my sexuality. I don't know what shit has been thrusted into your brain but I can already tell that you hate homos right?" She quirks her eyebrows at him, making him feel intimidated by her deathly gaze.

"I-I'm sorry...I-I just, I've never met anyone like you. You're....different". He timidly says, which soften the girl's gaze a bit.

He's definitely another brainwashed lamb.

"No issues, you're not the first one to think about me in that manner. Take one advice from me, don't judge people by what they wear. Rather, judge how they treat you and how they respect you. Looks can really manipulate you know".

"Hey Michelle! You're done with your sets?" Oh no, not him again!

"Hey Ash, yeah I'm done, you finished your back routine?" She casually asks as Ash approaches the both of them, slightly surprised to see Ryan beside her.

"Ahh look it's my darling roommate, fancy seeing you here sugar". He smirks at him who in turn throws a look of disgust at Ash and immediately goes out of the gym, not bothering to say bye to Michelle.

"You roommates with that boy?" "Yeah, they just had to put me with the most homophobic kid ever".

"Pfft, I can tell how much influence he has. Literally from his face I could figure out that he thought I like girls, can you believe it?" She chuckles.

"Quiet tiger, your man will burn in jealousy".
"Oh shut it man. By the way, what's that kid's name? He literally sprinted out that I couldn't even get the chance".

"Ryan Anderson".

Let's just say Michelle's eyes came out of her eye sockets.

"What! Max and Scarlet Anderson's SON? That's him?!" Her eyes widen with shock and also a bit of anger.

Ash grits his teeth slightly while nodding. "Yeah that's him. Pretty much sums up his whole ideology of homosexuals".

"I can't believe you didn't kill him on the sight. If I were you I would've-
"Easy Michelle. Just because he shares the same blood, doesn't make him a cruel person. His mindset needs a little bit of cleaning. And I know exactly what I have to do".

"What are you planning to do?"

"You'll see". He smirks.


"Ugh!!! Why does that faggot always bump into me!!" He screams into his pillow as he curses his fate. Just why did he come to this place? Gays are mot allowed here so how the hell is he studying here?!

Did he bribe the dean? Did he kidnap his daughter? Did he murder-

Okay that's enough, no sane person would do this anyways.

But owning the fact that this place has no place for homosexuals, how did he get admission here?! What kind of sorcery is this?

His thoughts came to a halt when the door opened, revealing his roommate. Ash didn't even think twice before removing his sweaty t shirt and throwing it in the laundry bag.

Ryan grits his teeth before saying, "put on a damn shirt". Ash scoffs, "it shouldn't bother you. You're straight right".

Ugh what an asshole!

"You disgust me! I'm gonna complain to the dean about this!" He shouts and reaches for the door when suddenly Ash grabs him and pins him to the wall next to the door.

His eyes widen at the sudden move and tries to wiggle out of the strong boy's grip but no use. Ash is way too powerful physically.

"How dare you touch me! Let go of me!" He spits out, angering Ash even more.

There's a limit to a human's patience and Ryan somehow managed to cut the last string.

"Listen you homophobic prick, you think you're so smart and intelligent huh? You think I'm an inferior bitch just because of my sexuality? What, you gonna complain to the dean? You think this place right here is homophobic? Well what if I tell you that this Academy is the most supportive in terms of LGBTQIA+ huh? What you're gonna say about it? The dean himself is gay and has a husband".

It almost felt like someone was throwing rocks at Ryan. No, this asshat is lying.

"Y-You're lying!"

"Tch, why do you think I was easily able to bring a boy to my room that night? The dean himself saw us going. Did he suspend or expel me? Did he torture me? Nope. But it seems you and your shit of a family are too clueless".

"Don't talk about my parents like that! They taught me the right things! It's you and the others who are wrong!" Ryan lashes out, trying his best to get out of the tall boy's hold but no use.

"Tch so innocent sugar, you're so naive and innocent". Ash scoffs before continuing.

"Elaborate what right is. I can see how many right things they've taught you. Wanna complain to the dean? Go ahead, I can't wait to see you enter this very room disappointed".

He lets go of the boy and immediately the boy rushes out to the dean's office which is quite far from the dorms but right now he couldn't care less.

He reaches in front of the door and catches his breath before knocking on the door. He hears a come in and he opens to door. The dean's office was beautiful. Simple yet elegant.

"How may I help you? Is there any issue boy?" The dean's voice spoke out. Ryan hesitantly nods before saying, "m-my roommate is g-gay". He simply says hoping for the man to do something about it.

"And? What about it?" This sentence shocked the boy. What the fuck you mean by "and"?!

"B-But isn't being gay-

"Now I get it". The dean says with a smile. "You don't have to pretend here son. This place is safe for all people of the pride community. It only has the reputation of homophobic because I made it that way. Most parents put their kids here in hopes that they'll get rid of this so-called illness but in reality, the kids end up finding peace and acceptance here. The students are safe and secure here. My very intention of starting this academy was to provide education to those who almost shunned because of their sexuality".

Ryan swore his ears were ringing. He couldn't comprehend left and right at this point.

"So you don't have to fear anything here. I suppose you must've encountered some homophobia here right? Don't worry about it, it's just pure acting to show proof to the parents. The students here are extremely kind and friendly and won't judge you at all".

Ryan didn't even say anything.

"S-Sir I-I want to leave this institution. I'm not comfortable here".

Now the dean had a serious look on his face.

"Unfortunately that's not possible. Your parents have paid full price for your course and if you withdraw from here then no other university is gonna accept your admission. If you have any issues with the teaching or the classroom environment then do let me know. Otherwise there's nothing here to help".

There goes his chance. Just why is the universe against him?

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