Beautifull Eyes (Vkook fictio...

Galing kay Aneesana

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Jeon Jungkook is a name of fear, a sinner, cold blooded assassin with no heart. He didn't believe in love, co... Higit pa

Author's Note
Glimpse of Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter :22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42,Part -1
Chapter 42,Part -2
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chapter 60

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Galing kay Aneesana

Taehyung heard shuffling around him. He tried to open his eyes but it felt like an impossible task as his eyes won't open and it was as if tons of weight was placed on his eyelids that won't let him see.

His body felt numb, he couldn't feel anything at all. He tried to move but nothing happened. His body wasn't listening to his brain. It was just limp without any sensation.

Taehyung couldn't understand why he couldn't move or open his eyes. It was as if he got trapped in his own body. He felt claustrophobic and panicked.

Why can't he move? He thought with pure panic in his head. He felt a presence around him, but he was unable to open his eyes or to utter a word. His body wasn't in his control.

It was as if he's falling in a pit of darkness and it was so alluring and deep that his body was falling there with satisfaction. Darkness was intriguing and it was calling to him. So he did what his body wants, he once again scummed to darkness.

Taehyung woke up once again, he can feel that it's day time cause there was so much light through his lids, he can feel it.

This time he tried to open his eyes and it worked. His lids parted slightly, but he closed his eyes again due to the scorching rays of sun that was falling in the room. He blinked several times to adjust his sight and it worked.

His eyes were glued to ceiling for couple of seconds, and then he felt it with full force. The pain that racked his body was immense.

A painful groan escaped his lips as his wrist moved a bit. His brows scrunched up in confusion as he brings both of his wrists in front of his eyes, and they were bandaged.

Why his wrists are paining and bandaged? Taehyung thought but as soon as this question came, it disappeared when his thighs slightly brushed each other and an immense pain shot through his core.

A hiss escaped his lips as his eyes widened and everything came back like a storm racking his mind.

Taehyung stared at the ceiling as one by one all the incident played in front of his eyes like a movie playing again and again without a pause.

Not a single tear escaped his eye. He stayed there on bed staring at the ceiling for the longest of the times. Then ever so slowly he turned his face to the side where mirror was placed and saw the scene which he saw in the same mirror few hours back but as soon as he blinked the scene was gone.

He slowly crouched up to see himself in one of his shirt and that was the only clothing on him. He looked around the room and it was empty.

Taehyung was alone in this room.

He tried to get off the bed but as soon as his thighs moved, immense pain will make him hiss. Slowly he got off the bed but as soon as he stood on his feet. His legs shook and gave up as he fell on the floor with a thud.

A pain shot throughout his elbow, but he didn't care, as he holds the bedside table to steady himself, and he stood up with great difficulty. He took support from the wall as he proceeded towards the restroom but with each step a hiss escaped his lips.

As soon as he was in, he locked the door and went in front of the large wall mirror. Without blinking he undid the shirt buttons and removed it off of his body as it slipped down on the floor.

Taehyung slowly cast his eyes up to look in the mirror, and he stiffened in his place.

His face and body was all red and blue with bruises and finger marks. A large tattoo of teeth dig deep in flesh was on his collarbone. His chest was filled with red hickeys but his bosoms. They were filled with blueish and purplish marks which stood out on his white skin. There was blue hickey on his stomach, near his bellybutton and his thighs. His thighs and butt were filled with large hand marks, finger digging marks imprinted perfectly on his skin. But the most brutal marks were on his bosoms. He can see a small trail of blood on his thighs from his vagina.

Then his eyes trailed to his face. Taehyung face was swelled from one side with fingers printed on his cheeks in red color. A small cut on his cheekbone due to the harsh slap. His lips were swelled to and a large cut on the side of the lower lip where blood was dried. His neck was completely blue, bluish finger marks marked his skin, resulted due to Jungkook choking him.

His eyes then met with the honey orbs in the mirror that was staring back at him. His eyes were the only thing that scared him. The eyes that were always full of hope and life no matter what he went through were dull and lifeless as they stare back at him.

Still, not a single tear escaped his eyes. He can see that his soul isn't in his body anymore. Tae's just a shell of a body now. Nothing more.

Slowly he limped under the shower and let the cold water to wash over his body. He got rid of his bandages that were on his wrist and saw deep red rashes on both of his wrists. His flesh was ripped and blood start pouring out as soon as he removed the bandages, but he didn't care.

He washed and scrubbed his body thoroughly but the touch wasn't going away. It was still there, he can still feel it on his skin, on his body and it creeped him out.

Tae scrubbed his skin raw making the bruises more prominent. His skin started to burn, and he stopped but still the touch was there.

How will he remove it! It's not getting off of him! He thought panicked but his face was expressionless. After shower, He dried his body, wore one of his shirt only, without any undergarments.

As soon as he came out of the restroom, his body froze mid step seeing Jungkook standing near the bed and staring straight at him. His hair were messy and his form was disheveled, but he had showered.

Taehyung not once looked at his eyes as he lowered his gaze and limped forward and closed the restroom door behind him.

He can feel his gaze on him. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't form the words, he can feel this.

Without giving him a single glance, he tried to move out of the room. "W-Where are you going?" He asked behind him, his voice soft.

Taehyung didn't say a word, nor he turned around as he slowly moved out of the room, and he limped towards the guest room. With every step he took a hiss escaped his lips.

As he entered the guest room he made his way in, but before he could sit on the bed, the door opened, and he came inside. Taehyung slowly turned to face him but before he could say a word, he spoke up.

"You must be here to fuck me!" He said it so robotically, as if to himself, and his words made him flinch as he in one swift motion he tore his shirt. The buttons popping out as the shirt slipped on the floor around his feet.

Taehyung can feel his gaze on him, but he didn't say a word as he limped to the bed and lay down. His face towards the ceiling and his hands on each side of his head.

He laid there like a lifeless doll. When he didn't felt him moving an inch, he spoke up numbly. "Should I spread my legs?" He asked robotically, looking at the ceiling. Before he could open his legs, a low growl was heard and a blanket was thrown over his form and then the door slamming shut was heard.

Taehyung didn't flinch, nor he moved. Hestared at the ceiling for the longest of the times, not blinking.

He wasn't feeling any emotion. Numb was all he felt. Silence felt like lullaby to him. And all he wants now was darkness.

Every time he closed his eyes, last night's incident played in front of his eyes. For the first time in his life, he wished that he was blind, in this way those haunting scenes and memories won't be plastered in his head to repeat and again. Whenever he closed his eyes.

He laid there like a statue whole day staring at the ceiling and it was night when his stomach grumbled. He hasn't eaten anything from two days. His body was completely drained and paining. He needs to eat something, or he'll pass out.

Slowly he got of the bed and get to the cupboard. He took out one of his shirt as few of his old clothes were placed here as well.

He again wore his shirt only and nothing else.He slowly made his way out of the room and limped down the stairs as he moved towards the kitchen. As soon as he entered the kitchen. He saw him there making something, his back towards him.

He didn't say a word as he slowly opened the fridge and took out eggs from there. He felt him turning, and he felt his gaze on him. He didn't bother to look at him. He turned on the stove and placed the frying pan on it but in next moment he was beside him as he turned the stove off.

Taehyung didn't look at him. He didn't bother to ask why he even did that as he quietly decided to leave but the next second he holds his arm, turned him around, picked him up like a child and placed him on the slab, he flinched when his butt came in contact with the slab.

Taehyung didn't look at him, nor he said a word as he waited for him to do whatever he wants. Instead of doing anything he softly places a plate with chicken sandwich on his lap.

"Eat this." He ordered him but Taehyung didn't want to, he wanted to through the plate away, but he can't waste food. So he simply places the plate away from him and tried to get off the slab.

But he didn't let him get off as he placed his large hand on his lap. Taehyung flinched at this contact but didn't look up. "Why are you wearing this?" He asked seriously holding the hem of his shirt in between his finger and thumb.

"You want me to remove it? Alright!" First he asked, and then he answered and went to open the buttons of his shirt, but he was fast as he holds both of his hands, not touching the wound.

As soon as his hands touch him, he saw the deep flicker of fear in his eyes, but he was hiding it. "Don't roam around wearing only this!" He warned him seriously.

"It affects you?" He asked robotically not looking in his eyes. Jungkook clenched his jaw. "Yes kitten!" He muttered under his breath.

Taehyung smiled, it was fake and abnormal smile, with dead eyes and curled lips.

"Can you hurt me again like yesterday?" He asked softly not looking at him once. His voice pleading yet fearful.

His words took him off guard as he gulped and looked away from him. "You want me to hurt you?" He asked softly, his eyes staring at his face as he asked.

A sickening smile appears on his face but his eyes! His eyes held fear as he nodded his head happily making him tense.

"I'm only wearing this shirt to make you want to hurt me." Taehyung told him robotically with utter seriousness making his eyes to widen.

He abruptly holds his chin and made his face him but still he didn't look in his eyes and shut his eyes tightly.

His body was trembling. He was scared and fearful but his words are saying another story. "Why? Why you want me to hurt you?" He asked him seriously.

Taehyung smiled again, that weird smile. His eyes were closed tightly. "I must be punished!" He told him seriously in a hush whisper making him tense all over.

His chin wobbled but not a single tear escaped his closed eyes. "Open your eyes kitten!" He ordered him softly but Taehyung didn't open them as he shook his head in negative.

"I'm not listening to your orders. Hurt me!" He told him like a robot making every muscle in his body to stiffen as he couldn't understand what's happening.

"I will not hurt you until you open your eyes." He told him softly using his own words to manipulate him and just like that his eyes shot opened.

Honey orbs against green forest ones.

"Now hurt me!" Taehyung told him like a deranged Boy. His pupils were dilated covering the whole of his honey irises, making him appear to be in haze.

His eyes were saying a complete different story from what his mouth was uttering.

"Eat something kitten!" He told him softly as he picked up the sandwich and placed it near his lips.

Taehyung shook his head like a child before he could utter a word, he spoke up. "If you listen to me, then I'll do what you want." He saw a pure terror passed through his honey orbs but a sadistic smile appeared on his face as he nodded his head in agreeing.

He gulped as he softly tried to feed hi the sandwich, but he took it from his hand, cautious not to make any skin contact as he softly ate it. He filled a glass with mango juice and placed it near him on the slab and left the kitchen only to stand near the door where he could see him, but he couldn't.

His eyes were fixated in front of him as not once he looked anywhere else and ate his food silently like a robot. After eating, he drinks the glass of juice in small sips like a child and then placed it on the side.

Taehyung decided to get off of the slab but felt an immense pain between his legs, in no time he was in front of him as he tried to get him down from the slab, but he flinched away from his touch and abruptly got down, hissing in pain as his muscles got stretched.

He didn't take his help as he without a word started walking up the stairs, and he limply followed. Taehyung mind was screaming him to stop but his heart wants this.

He entered the guest room instead of his. As soon as he limped in. He closed the door behind. "Sit on the bed." He told him simply and went in the restroom. His heart was beating in his throat but his face was expressionless. Taehyung eyes were screaming of fear and every fiber in his body wanted to run away from here but his heart! His heart wanted this and he listened to it.

Taehyung was sitting there not moving when he came and sat beside him. His hands softly rose up to open the buttons of his shirt, but he abruptly holds his hand, stopping him from doing that. He flinched as soon as his hand touched him. But he didn't let go as he took out the ointment and tried to apply it on his wrist wound.

Taehyung harshly pulled his hand away from his. "Don't!" He spoke rather angrily.

But Jungkook narrowed his eyes at him. "I will not do what you want, if you don't let me treat it." He said calmly pointing at his wrists.

Taehyung didn't look at him, he tilted his head to the side and then took the ointment from him, snatching it. He roughly start applying with force paining himself as he growled lowly and hold his hands to stop him from hurting himself. "Stop it!" He yelled and tae flinched stopping dead.

He took the ointment from him and then softly applied it on his wrists. Taehyung stared ahead at the wall flinching every time his fingers touched his wound.

When he was done with both the wrists. He let go of his hands. He was again about to open the buttons of his shirt when he holds his hands angrily and stopped him.

"You will tear my shirt? Okay!" Taehyung asked softly and then answered as he looked at the wall behind him.

Jungkook clenched his jaw as he holds his chin softly and made him face him, but he immediately closed his eyes not looking him in the eyes.

"Why you want me to hurt you?" He asked him angrily but he smiled softly.

"I must be punished." Taehyung told him softly without an emotion in his robotic voice. His eyes still closed and fear was evident on his features now.

His eyes still closed and fear was evident on his features now.

"Why?" He asked him angrily making Taehyung eyes to shot open.

Broken lifeless honey orbs against forest green ones!

"Because I sinned!" He mumbled looking him dead in the eyes. The emptiness in his honey orbs scared him. Before he could ask him why, he answered.

"Because I loved you!" He mumbled.


I dont know why im crying while writing this...........

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