
By JadenSeptum

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Keep up with me and my current projects by diving into this unedited story written by myself (acting as the "... More



28 1 0
By JadenSeptum

Uriah and Moira moved through some of the clusters of people to see better and when they could make out the rest of the viewing area for the races, they saw a single chair sitting higher than the others under a shade made of grasses, reminding Uriah of when rulers would sit to view fighting pits and such. But the chair was empty.


"Look here they come!" someone beside them shouted and everyone watched the left corner as a dragon came by so fast that he was hardly seen. But Uriah caught a glimpse of black scales and red war paint.

The crowd cheered as the dragon and rider weaved through the tight space with incredible precision. The large odorous man to the right of Moira had his arms in the air and he nearly hit her every time he jumped and cheered, his dirty sweaty stench filling her nose.

Jul 1, 2023, 2:05 AM


Since it started to get more crowded that they had to squeeze themselves through the crimson gorecutter had to stay behind. Moira showed him it was okay, she would come back for him later. Ikatere however did manage to squeeze through to stay with the two of them. Although he almost got stepped on and pushed aside. He had to hold in the instinct to use his poison as he knew these were good humans. Moira took a step closer to Uriah when that man did that as far as that was possible clearly a bit annoyed now but she tried to focus on the race happening. Her eyes widen when she also got a glimpse of the black dragon and the rider. How did they manage to go that fast?


Uriah snickered as he watched that happen as well. "No way he's allowed to race," he said as if that rider shouldn't be.

That's when another dragon came by, this one not flying as fast as the last but trying hard to. The scales on this beast were blue like the sky, with a yellow crown of horns and spots on the wings, its rider a female with blonde hair, both she and her dragon sporting orange war paint on them.

More riders were right behind her. Well until one of them wiped out and fell into the sea, the crowd reacting accordingly. But the human that plummeted popped out of the water and yelled at his dragon for messing up the turn, confirming he was alright.


Moira barely could make out what he said before smiling slightly and nodding. She was however surprised by a woman being allowed to join. In her country women weren't equal to men but here women were treated as equals. She watched the blond rider in amazement. Ikatere suddenly pushed himself between moira and Uriah as he got very nervous from being in this crowd. But with that he pushed moira in the direction of that smelly Viking. "M-my apologies.." Moira said to the man politely as she took a step back again shooting Ikatere a glare.

Jul 1, 2023, 2:49 AM


"You're rather attached, aren't you beast?" Uriah asked Ikatere with slight humor, having to basically shout over the noise.

Since the race was over, there were more cheers and yelling as people shuffled around, most of them going to congratulate the winners.


Ikatere looked up at him with a low rumble as he stayed at his side ignoring Moira's glare at him. "..he seems to feel safe by ye." Moira said to Uriah needing to shout over everything as well. She wondered where this chief was who Uriah was looking for. She tried to look over the crowd but with her length that was nearly impossible. Certainly the chief would congratulate the winner, right?

Jul 1, 2023, 3:27 AM


"Come on, The chief's son might know where to find him. Besides, I'd like to meet the lad anyway. His story is a legend!" he told her before moving through some of the others, putting a hand at her back for a moment to keep others from crowding them too much.

They made their way past all kinds of folk of the north in order to get to the winner which of course was the chief's son. He dismounted his Night Fury (a black as void dragon with a similar shape as Ikatere but larger and a bit more menacing) and took off his leather helm, fixing his hair as a large man came over and put his arm around him, telling him things they couldn't hear.

They weren't the only ones wanting to meet him as others crowded to ask about his adventures. He was certainly a popular kid. He stood tall but lean, with messy brown hair that was long enough to nearly hide his ears. He wore leather riding gear and his left leg was replaced by a metal one. He seemed to be about twenty years of age.


Moira was surprised at what Uriah did for her while going through the crowds, but she was relieved he did. On her own she wouldn't have been able to. When she saw the Night Fury she looked over at Ikatere who was walking behind them. "They..look kinda similar.." she said to him as she looked back at the Nightfury. Ikatere noticed the black dragon as well as his ears lifted up in curiosity but he didn't dare going closer. Although he wanted to he stayed behind the two of them.

Jul 1, 2023, 3:57 AM


Uriah would have to interrupt many others who were talking with the lad normally but this time, the large Night Fury shook his head much like a wet dog would have done, and caught the sight of Ikatere. The beast tilted his head just a tad at the small dragon and seemed there was a strange kinship felt between them, as if neither one had met any of their same species or even subspecies before.

"Alright, alright, leave him alone--come on lets go get some mead to celebrate!" the man who was hugging him said as he waved off the crowd. Uriah noticed he had a peg leg and a missing hand that was replaced with a hook.

The chief's son noticed his dragon's interested gaze and following the reptilian eyes, he turned to see Ikatere and he looked just as interested as his beast. He didn't say anything to them yet as the Night Fury pushed his rider's hand out of the way to approach Ikatere curiously, posture like a house cat sniffing another.


Ikatere noticed the Night Fury approaching him as he clearly hesitated if he should leave the safety of the two he came with and just go towards him as well. Since the Night Fury's posture wasn't threatening at all he decided to carefully approach as well as his curiosity took over. He let out a confused soft purr walking past Moria as he walked over to the Night Fury sniffing as well. It was really interesting to see how these two reacted to each other.


"Whoa--what... I mean is he yours?" the lad asked them, his eyes wide as he stepped up. "Toothless, bud. Be gentle," he told his beast as he rested his hand on the side of the dragon's shoulder.

"Indeed he is. A rescue. We found him on the shores of an island during exploration," Uriah told him.

"I have never seen a species so close to his before--and his colors. Wow, he's remarkable," he admired as he knelt down to look at Ikatere while Toothless sniffed the dragon slowly.


"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock!" a woman scolded, sounding angry.

They looked over to see the blonde woman who was riding the blue dragon stomping up to him. Her hair was pulled into a braid tightly but pieces of it were now out after the race.

"Ah I never should have told her my middle name," he complained under his breath but then stood up to face her.

Her dragon was following behind her, its mannerisms resembling a bird in a lot of ways. "How are any of us supposed to win with you entering the race? You said you were gonna stay out of it."

"Yeah... but that was before you called me a dork so... retribution, sunshine," he said with extreme attitude and sarcasm.

She glared at him. "I know where you live," she threatened him.

He grimaced a bit at that.

"That wasn't a very good comeback," she said with a plain face.

"Eh you can do better."

"Fine then how about... you are a... skinny loser who doesn't know a battle-axe from a broomstick?"

"That was worse somehow--"

"I'm too mad to be clever right now!" she dismissed it.

"Well not that this isn't wildly entertaining," Uriah began, amusement in his expression. "My name is Uriah and this is Moira. We're visiting in the midst of a rather important quest. You must be Hiccup Haddock and I am assuming this is Astrid Hofferson?" he asked.

"It's a pleasure. Sorry for my outburst," Astrid said.

"Yeah she's just a little cranky because it's halfway through the month--"

Astrid elbowed Hiccup in the gut to cut him off and he cringed in pain.

Jul 1, 2023, 4:41 AM


When the blonde came shouting at the brunette Ikatere went to stand behind Uriah and Moria again not liking that at all. Moira however also amused by this whole scene was also fascinated. This interaction between a man and a woman was so different from what she was used to. When Uriah introduced them she greeted them with a small bow. "Nice to meet ye.." she said with her thick Scottish accent and a small smile on her face. She couldn't help but having to hold back a laugh when Astrid did that to Hiccup. Since it had become much less crowded her new friend had decided he could go to them as he landed behind them with a loud thump shaking the ground. "I told ye I would come for ye later.." moira turned around to him scolding him for almost crushing some people when he landed.


"Is that the Goregutter we rescued?" Astrid asked with a frown.


"Seems the twins couldn't handle the one job they had today," Hiccup commented with disappointment yet he didn't seem surprised.


Moira turned back around to them then. " mean the two blonds and the dark haired lad who made him almost run me over?" She asked calmly but still didn't like those three.


"Oh are you saying there was violence? Then yes they were involved," Astrid said.

"Gods I think you bruised my spleen," Hiccup commented with pain as he had his hand on his stomach.

"Do you even know where the spleen is?"

While they were all bickering, Toothless was still sniffing his new friend and the appendages on his head that looked like ears stood up when he raised his head, a purring sound escaping deep in his throat as he seemed to be sure this dragon wasn't a threat.


Moira sighed softly at the comment about the twins and Snotlout before turning back to her friend petting him over his nose. "It's okay ye just are getting used to yer wee thing.." Ikatere looked up at Toothless again as he let him sniff him. Obviously he was much younger then him, but it was also clear he didn't have much interaction with other dragons. But he came out from behind them again to sniff Toothless again. He seemed rather more relaxed then before.

Jul 1, 2023, 5:23 AM


"What dragon type is that?" Astrid asked with interest as she came over to Ikatere and knelt down to look at him. "Why does he look so close to a Night Fury?"

"I'm honestly not sure. But if I'm honest I didn't know what a Night Fury even looked like until this moment. I am quite impressed," Uriah told them as he observed Toothless at a distance.

"Some dragons were known on rare occasion to mate with other types. Most of the time that kind of thing didn't result in impregnation but on rare cases it did. Maybe that's the reason or maybe he's just a Night Fury species that lived too long in another climate completely different than ours," Hiccup suggested as he studied the features of Ikatere in admiration. "Looks like he's young too. And has bioluminescent capabilities which is really rare."

"Does that mean he's a water type?" Astrid asked.

"Maybe a hybrid."


Ikatere watched the two Vikings observe him as he didn't dare to move. He clearly was careful around them still although he felt they were good humans. He let out quiet noises as he was slightly nervous again. The spikes on his body were twitching because of it. But he held back on his instincts to use them. Not wanting to harm any of them.

Jul 1, 2023, 5:46 AM


"He's still a bit timid," Uriah pointed out.

"Well if he's similar to a Night Fury then..." Hiccup said and touched the nose of the dragon gently before running his fingernails along the neck where it meets the shoulder. This was a technique that always soothed Toothless.


It seemed to work because as soon as he did that Ikatere seemed to relax again and even laid down against Hiccup. It was very cat-like behaviour. He was purring as well. Hiccup could notice his scales were a lot more fish-like then Toothless' scales. Since he relaxed more now he finally showed how exhausted and tense he had been.

Jul 2, 2023, 1:52 AM


Hiccup, Astrid, and Uriah smiled when this happened, amused at the dragon's demeanor.

"Seems the rumors of your dragon whispering capabilities are in fact true," Uriah said, impressed.

"Well you spend a lot of time with each species, you get to know them all well," Hiccup replied. "You wouldn't mind if I took some notes on him while you're here, would you?"

"Take all that you need. But I will need something in return."

"Oh, uh slaves—yes. You can have the twins," he jested, having a very dry sense of humor when he made jokes.

Uriah cracked a chuckle at that but then shook his head. "I was wondering if I might have a word with your father? Can you take me to him? I wouldn't normally impose but it's rather important."

He nodded. "Yeah absolutely. Uh let me..." he stopped as he stood up, looking around.

"He's probably in the great hall," Astrid told him.

"Alright come with me," Hiccup told them and began to walk from the cliffs towards the central part of the island.


"I like your accent, Moira. Where are you from?" Astrid made small talk with her as they walked.

Jul 2, 2023, 2:09 AM


Ikatere looked up at them confused when he stood up before standing up as well to go with them.

Moira got a small smile on her face when she asked. "It's that obvious huh?..I am from Scotland.." she said clearly the way she said it she missed her country and loved her country. "'s way more south from here.."

Jul 3, 2023, 6:09 AM


"Ah Scotland huh? Never heard of it," she replied with slight sarcasm, something her and her man seemed to share. "Now here's a more interesting question: is that human blood or animal?" she pointed to the stains on her outfit, holding back a smirk.


Moira smiled slightly more when she made that sarcastic comment before sighing softly. "Some idiot's human.." she stated looking up at her.


"Hm," she replied with a smile now showing. "I don't know, dragons can be pretty stupid too sometimes," she said loud enough for her dragon to hear her and get offended as they walked by her. She was currently trying to snap at a butterfly.

Jul 3, 2023, 7:14 AM


"Aye I noticed.." Moira said thinking about when she met Ikatere and what just happened now. "No this is from some man and his friends who tried to kidnap me."

Jul 3, 2023, 8:40 PM


"Oh, gross. Did you cut off their heads? I find that to be the most satisfying way to do it. Or pull out their eyeballs or—"

"She gets it, Astrid," Hiccup commented, cutting her off.

Jul 4, 2023, 1:26 AM


Moira was a bit surprised and shocked by this conversation. It wasn't a conversation she normally had with a woman. But she could see Astrid was passionate about it. She gave her a small smile. "Maybe I could have done that..but I didn't get the chance..I did slice someone's belly open though.." she said to the blond "..I also think our fighting styles are different."


"Get a good twist and pull? I love that," Astrid said as if she was speaking about a tasty shepherds pie.

"If I'm ever murdered start the investigation with her," Hiccup whispered to Uriah, the man chuckling in response.

As they walked, a couple of men were looking their way and for a moment Moira thought they were recognizing her but when they approached they said with smiles, "By Odin's beard! Look who it is," and Uriah laughed as he embraced them.

"Yaskjir! It's truly good to see you again my friend!" Uriah replied with equal joy in his tone.


Moira was very tense when they kept looking there way but a sigh of relief escaped her as she watched them embrace each other. "Someone ye know?" She asked him way more calmly then.



"This man saved my life!" Yaskjir told her with pride.

Uriah wasn't used to flattery so he denied this, saying, "You do me too much honor, my friend. I did nothing more than my duty—"

"Don't make me throw you into the sea, brother. I was a convicted criminal of the seas before he found me. Now I am a tradesman and living an honest life, with a wife and child and it's all because of him," he told the other three. "I am happy for the first time in my life and that is no small thing, friend," he reminded him.

Uriah didn't know he had changed to this degree and he was moved by this news of a family. He smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "I am glad for you, ever so."

He returned the gesture but then excused himself as they went on.


Moira nodded slightly when he explained being surprised by it as well. She had noticed the difference between Uriah and the other crew members but this man almost described him saint-like. " ye help others in need on yer travels?" She asked him once they continued on to see the chief.

Jul 4, 2023, 2:32 AM


"Indeed. I am a traveling missionary. I used to go by dragon which was very efficient, of course before the poor beast bit the dust. Ideally I would travel all over the north speaking, healing, and helping those in need," he told her.

"Is that very lonely?" Astrid asked curiously.

"Sometimes. And not ever having a place to call my home can make me feel a tad homesick, as well as not keeping the same friends. I also didn't have possessions really. But it's worth it. I can't imagine a more fulfilling life. Of course since I was grounded I met my current crew and traveled with them for a while."

Jul 4, 2023, 3:31 AM


Moira nodded when he explained it all. "So what will ye do after ye helped them? " she asked pure out of interest. She herself had no plan yet as to what to do now. So she had decided to stay with them for a while.

Jul 4, 2023, 4:48 PM


"Go help some more," he said with a shrug. "Even if I end up not traveling as much and staying in one place, if I was to marry and raise children of course, there will always be others around me that can be helped wherever I am. So it's a never ending pursuit. And that prospect rather excites me."

"I think I understand that as future chief," Hiccup said idly as they walked. "My father always told me growing up that a good leader is one who serves his people and not the other way around. I like the idea of always helping someone somewhere."

Jul 5, 2023, 12:14 AM


Moira nodded at both their comments in agreement as the same could be said for a king. Even if she saw her father differently he is a good king..he did everything for his people. He is just consumed by grief. She dearly missed the old him but knew that he was gone ever since her mother died. She didn't notice but her thoughts and her own grief were showing in the expression on her face for a moment.

Jul 5, 2023, 12:18 PM


Uriah was a vigilant man with a keen eye, noticing her mood shift but not addressing it right here because he didn't want to force emotional baggage to be revealed in front of everyone else. Perhaps he would ask her later if it wasn't prying.

The four of them got to the main hall; huge doors that stretched high into the sky, covering the entrance to a cave carved from the mountain behind it, two enormous statues protruding from either side of the door that represent past chiefs, the first two of their tribe.

They climbed the steps upwards towards the doors as the size would intimidate most, watching a small dragon flap its wings when it came near to the top of the left statue, its claws catching the head and perching there to see the nest it made behind the statue like a bird, visiting its young.


Leaving the dragons outside, they walked through the doors of the main hall. They saw a large interior room with several tables and dragonfire lit basins all around, paired of course with the huge chandeliers above. Most of the people on the island were outside but there were still some in here talking and moving in barrels of mead, setting up for perhaps an evening feast later.

But Hiccup led them to the doorway on the right side of the room, breaking open both doors that were quite heavy, to see his father in the war room, his fists resting on the table that held their map as he spoke in a low volume to their general and a few others who were around him, a tense atmosphere in the room.

"If they disappear in this region, we are likely to assume he's hiding off the coast of Iceland," Bjorn, their general, was saying as he pointed.

"What is it, lad?" Stoick, their chief, asked without looking up as his mind was on other things.


Ikatere didn't like having to stay behind outside but he listened anyway and went to lay there.

Moira's eyes widen when she first say the main hall. It was so impressively made and huge. She looked around in curiousity and wonder about it all while she followed the others to the war room. Once they entered it she looked over at the men who were inside wondering what they were talking about. It reminded her of the war chief of her clan talking to his men.

Jul 5, 2023, 1:26 PM


"Well I was... going to ask if we could have a word with you but now I'm concerned and might ask you the same question," Hiccup said as he looked down at the map and back at his father.

Stoick looked up and caught his eyes, glancing at the rest of the group as he didn't recognize Moira and Uriah. But he stood straight as he replied, "Two more of our scouts went missing this morning out west," he told his son. "We think Bludvist and his army of trappers are hiding off the coast of Iceland."

"He's declared war on Berk with these actions," Hadvar, a Viking with long blond hair woven into thick braids said.

"Then we'll declare war back. The bastards can't hide from us," Bjorn said.

"War? Wait—that's... a big step. What if we investigate ourselves?" Hiccup asked as he walked over to the table they were formed around, a long firepit taking the center of the room.

"And who's to say that you could do what they couldn't? No I won't risk you falling into their hands as well as the power of a Night Fury. You will stay and that is an order that I expect to be obeyed, got it?" his father spoke, the deep booming voice and authoritative attitude immediately putting a chiefly presence into the room.


Moira watched the two of them interact as a small smile appeared on her face as Hiccup's father really reminded her of the man who basically raised her. They had the same presence to her. But it was concerning to hear they were about to go to war..and that they walked into that. Her smile had disappeared very quickly. She listened nervously to their conversation but she didn't show it. She slightly looked up at Uriah to see what he was thinking.

Jul 5, 2023, 2:21 PM


He returned her glance with a thoughtful look of his own, his brows tensed together as he listened to what they said.

Hiccup swallowed. "But surely there's a way we can—"

"What did you come in to ask?" he interrupted.

He shut his mouth and didn't take his father's anger personally, as he was under a great deal of stress right in the middle of their festival season.

"I wished to have an audience with you, my lord. It's a matter of importance, I'm afraid," Uriah spoke as he stepped up to beside Hiccup.

"You've got my attention," he told him, his demeanor strong and his eyes harsh but Uriah could tell that was just how the man was and so didn't react to it.


"I..." he began as he recalled his experience from the beginning. "My crew and I were sailing to search for the tomb of Tempus Mora. I know what most were thinking, but we believed the tales to be true as seen by plenty of historical evidence we came across. Our captain was determined to find what the secret he was hiding was. His tribe was protecting something for a long time until his village was burned to the ground by unseen killers and his chief assassinated. They stole something that day that we still don't know. Ever since then, my friend... and our captain... Rune... searched with all his strength to uncover the truth. I should have seen the signs but I helped him as we followed each clue to the volcanic island not on a map. We found the tomb... covered in black magic as forces you could not imagine worked their will through us and guided us inside. I don't know what happened inside but Rune was the only one to emerge after killing them all, and he was... changed. He wore the mask of Tempus Mora and told us he had returned, his voice different than that of my friend. Chief Stoick I know this might all seem like scary stories but what I saw that day terrified me and was more real than anything I had ever physically experienced. There is something truly dark that emerged that tomb and now it's beginning where Mora left off... This is a warning to you and all of your surrounding clans," Uriah pleaded, hoping his words would convey the importance of this threat that was not to be underestimated.


Moira's eyes widen in shock when she heard the story Uriah told Stoick. Black magic? In her culture there was talk of that but it was deeply feared. It sounded to her like something out of a fairy tale, not real, but seeing the expression on Uriah's face and the way he spoke she realized it was real what he had seen and it had really affected him deeply. She stayed silent just watching them trying to process this in her mind.


"So you're telling me the ghost of the 'Conqueror of the South' possessed your friend?" the general asked with disbelief.

"I do not speak any words that are not absolute truth. I tell you no lies, and nothing to coerce you. I know my story sounds... fantastical in the most make-believe sense but Stoick himself has seen the effects of dark magic as I am told and I know he could believe me if he so wished."

Hiccup looked at Uriah with confusion and then to his father as the others laid their eyes on Stoick as well.

"What I saw in my youth... was no more than foolish men praying to false gods and paying the price for it," Stoick said. "Even those who spoke of it since are in their graves. And I will not follow them there."

"You saw things like this happen before?" Hiccup asked his father, searching for specific clarification.

"I've seen all kinds of anomalies, one of which was a man who tried to get Loki to possess him and ended up being turned inside out and drowned in a pool of his own blood. But I never once considered him a threat."


"I've seen possession before but every time I have it's been... men shouting and wailing, convulsing on the ground violently or even attacking others. But this... was far more. This man—whatever he is... he is dangerous," he spoke, trying to persuade him with his words and if not with words then with his eyes that held a deep terrifying memory and his spirit that recalled all it felt that day. "And he might be the largest danger to you and your proposed empire you will ever thus face."

"An you come here to warn us of this?" Hadvar asked.

"Yes and to seek help. My friend's body is being used in unspeakable ways and I must find a way to free him."

"Have you tried killing him? Might set both souls free," Bjorn said without a care.

Uriah glanced his direction with a cold gaze but not for long, ignoring the unhelpful and vulgar comment.

"Well whatever happened, if it was as you say, I'm afraid my men and I have our hands quite tied. Until we end these raids we cannot spare any other missions," Stoick insisted with a stern voice. "Drago Bludvist has begun to collect dragons all over the north, even stealing them from their riders who then taste the bitterness of death. He told us long ago that he planned on learning how to control dragons himself and now it seems he has started to succeed."


"We think he is selling dragons to gain... well... an incredible amount of finance," another in the room said, a man named Jorgen.

"But does he realize all of that is a terrible idea?" Hiccup asked like it should be obvious. "I mean not only is it going to kill tons of people who don't know how to befriend dragons but it can easily start another full on war with them."

"Not to mention it could start a war with other people he's arming and put a target on his own back by the dragons that are being captured. They hold grudges. We know that better than anyone," Astrid added.

"I don't think Bludvist is a man who spends his time thinking or caring of other people," Bjorn said, as if that, too, should have been obvious.

"This man has killed our men and taken our riders. I will not stand by and let this happen. Once we find out where that coward is hiding, and cut him down," Stoick said. "No one messes with Berk and lives. No one."


Hiccup didn't like this way of thinking that his father seemed to have. Hiccup always wanted to try the most peaceful option first, and turn to war on the last resort. He didn't want to see his people die and even others who possibly didn't deserve it. But he didn't know what else to say.

"And you," Stoick said as he looked at—

"Uriah of Dublin, my lord," he bowed his head a little as he said this, being respectful.

"I will speak to you again when this matter is settled. Understood?"

"Yes, thank you," he told him and turned to leave as he excused himself from the room.

Hiccup was the last to leave as he took one more look at his father before turning to walk away.

Leaving out of the door of the keep, they nearly walked right into some folks carrying a stuck pig on a platter. But they dodged out of the way and let them by. Astrid folded her arms as she faced her man. "So what are you going to do?"

"You say that like there's something I can do," Hiccup replied.

"Well you always go out and defy your father, hat's kind of your thing."

"Wha—it's not my thing1 I have lots of things that's not one of them."

"Suit yourself. Well what are you two going to do?" Astrid turned her attention to the others.

Uriah took in a breath. "Well I suppose I will stay for now and speak to others who might want to help, if anyone else could know any way to... But don't worry about finding my crew lodging at a time like this. We can sleep on our ship."

"Moira's welcome to stay with me if she wants. I have an extra bed. Might be more comfortable than a ship's hammock," Astrid suggested.


Moira quietly listened to them as her mind was racing trying to process it all and as a lot of thoughts came rushing in every second. She did understand that Berk wanted to protect their own people but if like Uriah said was true this ghost was a much bigger threat. Not that this Bludvist didn't sound like a big threat. If he indeed get that dragon army he would be unstoppable and able to rule much more then only the north. But she stayed quiet still as she followed Uriah and the others out after giving Stoick a polite bow. She looked surprised when Astrid suggested that but smiled and nodded. "Thank ye..I would like that." She said quietly. She seemed more quiet then before.

Jul 7, 2023, 11:58 AM


"It's my pleasure. Come on, I'll find you something to wear that isn't covered in blood," she offered as she gestured the other direction and began to walk.


"I will see ye later.." Moira said to Uriah before following Astrid as the Gorecutter followed her. "..I could maybe find a way to get the blood out?" She suggested not wanting to trouble her.


"Yeah we can try. So long as the stains aren't too old," she said as she ducked and dodged many others who were walking this way and that, nearly bumping into them several times. Moira's eyes caught so many different folk around that there were almost too many to count as they walked toward the edge of town.

"Is that Goregutter following you?" she asked curiously.


"It seems like he is." Moira said with a soft sigh. "He does seem to like me very much. I don't know why." She stated as she dodged someone else. It seemed like everyone in the north came here from all kind of tribes.


"Uh oh, seems like someone found their rider, huh? No turning back now."

Jul 7, 2023, 12:40 PM


"I..what?" Moira asked a bit confused before realising she told it it could come with her. "..oh..aye I did say it could come with me...but I have no idea how to ride it..I only rode horses.."

Jul 7, 2023, 1:17 PM


"Then you have a leg up on all of us when we first learned how to ride," she pointed out.

Coming up on a large A frame house, the place looked worn by many seasons and patched up here and there, including several burn marks and scratches from dragons. But it was still holding up just fine, with a good view of the sea at the backside. The name "Hofferson" was painted in blue beside the door that she opened.

Jul 7, 2023, 1:38 PM


Moira nodded as a small smile appeared on her face. She then looked at the house. It wasn't that big but she loved the way it looked and how it was build. "It looks very cozy.." she said to her looking back at her.


"I'm sure it's not what you're used to," she remarked as they entered. The inside reflected the style of the outside as there was a firepit in the center and a loft holding a bed, as well as another bed on the first floor. The back opened up onto a balcony overlooking the ocean, with lots of furs, dragon skins, weapons, riding gear, and other things decorating the area.

There was a helmet on the side table by the door as they came in and Astrid kissed her fingers before putting them on the helmet briefly, as if used to doing this all the time without thinking at this point.


"Well no it's not what I am used to, but this is better." Moira said to her smiling as she followed her inside looking around curiously. When Astrid did that she wasn't sure if she should ask who it was from. But her hand went subconsciously to her necklace.


"Make yourself at home. You can take the bed downstairs. I'm used to the one up there anyway," she offered as she went over to a wash basin and began to scrub the paint off her face.

There was a sudden vibration as something thudded against the house and Astrid looked over her shoulder at her dragon that had landed on the balcony. "Hey beetle brain! I told you to get off there it's not made for your weight!" she scolded her with annoyance.


The dragon squawked at her almost like a bird.


Moira nodded before she went to sit down by the fireplace. She untied her hair with a painful face as her hair got twisted and stuck into the fabric she used to tie it together. "C-Curse ye curls.." she mumbled as she looked up in surprise when she heard Astrid's dragon. She couldn't help but laugh when Astrid scolded her like that.


"Stupid beast," she muttered as she walked over to the dragon that then growled at her. "Yeah I'm talking to you," she said louder, not afraid if it. She then began to undo the riding saddle on the dragon and pulled off the bridle with it.


Moira with much struggle finally managed to free her hair. "Do ye have comb?" She asked looking up at Astrid. Now her hair was loose it literally exploded into this gigantic bush of curls. She had very thick bright red curly hair.


"Yeah," she said with a little strain as she dumped the saddle onto the floor and walked to the stairs, climbing them to retrieve her comb from her bedside table and tossed it down to her.


"Thank ye." Moira said catching it as she tried to get it through her hair without breaking it. " ye struggle much with yer hair?" She asked clearly annoyed about hers.


"Not really. Wow you have quite the curls. Lucky duck," she remarked as she hopped back down and began to unbuckle her leather racing gear so she could breathe again.


"Well once ye have it ye start to hate it." Moira said sighing deeply as she finished to untangle most curls. She then stood up to loosen the corset of her dress. Once that was open it revealed the silver necklace she was wearing. It had medallion hanging from it. There was a Scottish thistle in craved on it with an English rose. But around those it was also decorated.


"You must be from a wealthy family of Scotland, I'd hide jewelry like that if I were you," she suggested as she opened a large chest and dug in it for clothing. "Some hooligans aren't beyond stealing here."


"..I am afraid to say I am.." Moira said clearly not happy about that. "And thank ye for the tip but I would cut their hands off before they reach it." She said too calmly. It clearly ment a lot to her.

Jul 7, 2023, 3:55 PM


"What's wrong with being from a wealthy family?" she asked curiously, pulling out a dress from her trunk and held it up to look at it.


"..oh for men it is great..women not so much.." Moira said before taking her dress off. Underneath she was wearing a shift with pettings. She took the pettings off as well. Luckily for her the blood hadn't gone through the wollen fabric of her dress. She sat down to take her shoes off.

Jul 7, 2023, 4:19 PM


"I don't know about that. I think it would be kind of fun to eat like a king even if I had to marry some egg-head as a result. Would be a lot less bloodshed and loss than fighting a war against dragons for twenty years." She took out another dress of hers that might compliment Moira's hair color and tossed it to her. "But then again, I would probably get bored," she decided.

Jul 7, 2023, 4:41 PM


Moira clearly tried to keep in certain emotions when Astrid said it like that. Although she knew she ment well it reminded her of what had happened to her and made her decide to leave. "I don't want to be forced to marry someone I don't know..just so that my father never has to see me again." She said quietly but sharply after catching the dress. It was out before she could stop it. So she tried to change the subject. "Thanks for the dress..this is my colour." she said then with barely a smile.

Jul 7, 2023, 5:51 PM


Astrid didn't say anything about the first comment, only made a face about it. Not a negative one, but one that simply was curious as she wondering what kind of backstory was hinted at there. But she smiled after the second part. "No problem. You're really welcome to borrow anything you want. Even if you stab someone and get blood all over it I'll forgive you," she added with a smirk before replacing her stiff riding trousers with warmer and more comfortable ones. Then she pulled off her dirty tunic and put on a pale blue dress, feeling better now that she was more comfortable. But she kept her hair in its braided crown. "I'll put these into soak and scrub them later," she told her as she picked up her dirty clothes and put them in a half-barrel of water, taking some crudely crushed white powder from a bottle and pouring a tiny bit in there as well. She then replaced her riding boots with fur boots.

Jul 8, 2023, 2:53 AM


The red head nodded as she tried the dress on. It was a bit big for her like the sleeves were too long but for the rest it fitted perfectly. She tried to push aside the memories which just surfaced as she looked over at Astrid. " ye got a house all by yerself?" She asked smiling a bit more now.

Jul 8, 2023, 3:53 AM


"Yeah uh... well my mom died a few years back during a fight with bandits. My dad was dead long before that. I had to take care of her and do my duty to my family during the war, fighting for us, you know. I didn't realize how much that affected me until my mother was gone and if it weren't for Hiccup I wouldn't have gotten through that lost time of my life," she told her casually, the sun getting lower in the sky as it shone through the balcony, casting a golden light horizontally onto their faces now.


Moira was shocked and surprised by how casually she told that. "..I am so sorry..I know how it is to loose a father died in some way as well after she died..he never was the same.." she said looking up at the sunlight and the colors in the sky shown through the balcony. It made her hair look like it was fire and light her eyes up like crystals. "luckily ye got someone who ye can turn to.." she said with a soft smile then

Jul 8, 2023, 7:13 PM


"I agree. He's really been the best part of my life. And I'm sure you like having your crew of lads, too. How did you meet them?"

Jul 9, 2023, 2:32 AM


"I don't really know them that well yet.." Moira said honestly. "But aye..I do like them. They are all different from each other but they seem close."

Jul 9, 2023, 11:19 PM


"Well it's good to have friends. Even if you aren't close. At least they're not enemies," she pointed out. "Come on, let's get to this festival," she said with a smile, some excitement in her as she gestured to the door she began to walk over to.

Jul 10, 2023, 2:02 AM


Moira nodded smiling as she put her boots back on and put her hair back into a bun. "Alright show me around." She said being curious about it all


Heading back into the village of Berk, Astrid took Moira around to tell her about the festivities. "The tradesmen are over there and they have goods from all over the north that we don't see often, as well as games," she mentioned, looking over at people who were tugging on a rope competitively before one team fell and cheers erupted, as well as angry squabbling. There were also two kids having a foot race that Moira noticed. "But if you ask me, the real fun is this way," Astrid added and gestured towards the area outside the cluster of houses.


Walking past some tents set up for visitors, they found the grassy area they usually used for training it seemed, as there were people wrestling and those watching who were invested in the fight and shouting for a winner, and targets set up where people were throwing axes, as well as ones where people were firing bows and arrows, competing to see who would win. There were some informal dragon racing occurring as well that she noticed, as someone shouted "First ones around the mountain! Go!" and two riders leapt off the cliffside on their beasts, the gust of wind carrying so far it made whatever stray hairs Moira had out from her bun blow against her pale face.

"I should have known you lot would be here," Astrid said with a sigh when she noticed the group doing the hammer toss was Snotlout, the twins, and Fishlegs who was another member of her friend group, tall and round like a Gronkle.


"Get a load of this guy, Astrid, he thinks he can beat me in a hammer toss," Snotlout said with a mocking laugh while gesturing to Tuffnut.

Tuffnut used the hammer to hit the man's side and he cringed, falling backwards as he was knocked off balance, holding his side.

"Oh I'm so sorry it probably really hurts to laugh with a cracked rib doesn't it?" he sassed him.

"You son of a—" he began with clenched teeth.

"Hey don't bring my mom into this or I'll shave off your eyebrows again," Ruffnut threatened him.

Fishlegs, who is keeping score, raised his brows. "You know they were keeping a surprisingly even score across all games," he told the girls.

"And when they're done being losers I get to compete against whoever wins," Ruffnut said, still wearing her dirty boyish riding garb.

Jul 12, 2023, 2:28 AM


Moira looked around while Astrid showed her around. She was smiling the whole time seeing the amount of different people and activities. Until she saw the familiar faces of the twins and Snotlout. She sighed softly watching them as she crossed her arms. "..maybe they would be doing better if they weren't concentrating on hurting each other instead of hitting the actual target.." she said calmly but clearly not liked them still for what happened before.

Jul 12, 2023, 2:51 PM


"He just thinks he can get ahead if I'm injured," Snotlout said when he stood back up.

"You want me to hit you again? I didn't think you're wobbling hard enough," Tuffnut sassed.

"And I think you forget I killed a dragon with a missing leg once."

The others seemed to frown in confusion at that.

"And it... grew back?" Ruffnut questioned with her arms crossed.

He looked at her. "Hel yeah it did," he said in a bragging tone.

Astrid frowned more.

Jul 12, 2023, 3:26 PM


Moira wasn't even surprised anymore by this she sighed looking around the area when her gaze fell onto the archery part of the festival. "I am going over there." She said to Astrid and smiled as she walked over there. "Can I try?" She asked the man standing by it.

Jul 12, 2023, 6:22 PM


She noticed him to be the one who greeted them as they were docking. He glanced at her for a moment and briefly twitched his head to the side. "If you can handle it, princess," he sassed her, referring to the way she looked when they met as she donned expensive jewels and had the face and hair of royalty when it came to beauty alone. He handed her the bow he had in hand, then the quiver of arrows before smacking the other Viking who was shooting before her, so that he would let her have the target they were nearest to.

There were a few of them in a row with others shooting to her right at their own targets: two men who joked with each other, a young boy, and a maiden.

When her eyes were gently scanning the area she noticed Uriah over by the crowds that were watching the wrestling matches as he said "Brother!" rather excitedly and embraced another man there before talking to him and some others. From her perspective, it seemed like there was no end to the people he knew here.

"The name's Ulric, by the way," the man who gave her the bow introduced as the two walked to the distance that the others were shooting at. "What do they call you?"

Jul 13, 2023, 1:27 AM


Moira sighed softly when he acted like that towards her. Like only on her appearance. She put an arrow onto the string and without looking up answered him. "Me name is Moira.." She said lifting the bow as she pulled the string back. She aimed carefully before letting it fly. The arrow then smacked the tree behind the target.

"I think you missed there, princess," he said with his arms crossed.

She smiled at him before handing him the bow. Then she walked over to the tree where the arrow landed and picked it up off the ground. Walking back, she held it up to show the tip was stuck into an acorn. "Did I?" she said plainly before handing him the arrow and leaving him there.


He let an admittedly impressed look cross his face it before glancing back at her, quizzical about her now.

But he then looked back at the two men as one of them had his back to the front of their target now, the other shooting around him as an arrow nearly pierced his arm.

"Aye! What the Hel is wrong with you?!" he shouted as he walked up to stop them.

Astrid smiled at Moira when the redhead walked up to them. "Going to try some axe throwing. Want to give it a go?" she asked as the group was now by more targets with throwing hatchets.

Snotlout missed his and Tuffnut's landed in the outer ring of his own with a satisfying *thunk* of the blade on the wood.

Ruffnut pointed and said, "I think you're supposed to hit the target," she said to Snotlout with sass.

"I don't need your attitude, woman," he replied with frustration.

Jul 13, 2023, 6:53 AM


Moira nodded when Astrid asked her. "Sure..although I am more of a archery lass." She said watching the twins and Snotlout as she picked up an axe. She tried to remember how she had to stand again. She did her best to get it right as she threw it at the target. It hit it but barely.

Jul 13, 2023, 5:09 PM


Astrid tried to make a shot herself but the back of the axe hit the target with a clank and bounced off. "Shite!" she cursed with a groan. "I'm used to double sided axes, these ones get me all messed up," she complained.

Ruffnut then got a spear and threw it into the center of Snotlout's target as he yelled at her to go bother someone else and she just laughed.

Jul 14, 2023, 1:23 AM


"'s a struggle aye when you aren't used to it but I am sure we can do it. Mostly ye since you fight with axes. I don't." Moira said calmly to her as she watched that whole scene with Ruffnut and Snotlout "..are they a couple?" She asked Astrid then suddenly.

Jul 14, 2023, 1:44 AM


She snorted a laugh and said, "Yes very much so," but she uttered this in a way that suggested they weren't, yet she liked to joke as if they were. Then she walked to grab her hatchet back from the target.

Jul 14, 2023, 2:02 AM


Moira chuckled at that reaction before grabbing her hatchet as well. "Well let's try again." She said before she went to stand and got ready to throw again. She threw it again but this time she missed the target.

Jul 14, 2023, 2:32 AM


"You'd have more luck if you didn't grip the weapon as hard," a voice said behind her and when her head turned she saw that it was Uriah. He picked up one of the hatchets that was lodged into the stump nearby, handling it gently but with familiarity, something about this weapon looking to her as if it was one he knew far too well. "Try to hold it against your palm here and let the handle relax in your hand, and position it near the bottom rather than the middle," he told her as he demonstrated it in his own hands, holding it out for her after he did.

Jul 14, 2023, 3:34 AM


Moira looked over at Uriah when he started talking and smiled slightly. It was clear he was used to fighting with these weapons. "Thank ye..alright." She said as she took the axe from him. She followed his advice as she went to stand exactly as he told her to do. She took a deep breath before throwing it again. It landed right besides the middle. Her eyes widen slightly in surprise when it did

Jul 14, 2023, 1:56 PM


"Aye, there you go," he said with a smile. "Nicely done."

Astrid tried his advice as well but hit the target with the back of her axe again. "Dammit!" she said with frustration.

He chuckled and retrieved her axe before handing it to her. "Take a step back, lass. Your technique isn't the problem."

She took it and did as he said, aiming with one eye open before she flung her hatchet and the blade finally stuck into the wood. "Ha! Yes!" she rejoiced.

"Well done," he said to her and she noticed a fight between her friends, running to go break it up.


Moira watched them when she noticed Snotlout and the twins still fighting. She sighed softly as she watched Astrid go to them. She then looked up at Uriah "so ye seem to have a lot of friends here." She stated having seen him here and there with some people he seemed familiar with.


He looked at her when she spoke to him. "Indeed. I suppose it's a product of my nomadic lifestyle," he said as he walked over to get the axes back from her target. "This world might be full of rotten people but just as well it's full of splendid ones too. And sometimes all the rotten people need is a helping hand to turn them into the latter." He plucked an axe from the wood and walked back over to her.


"..I hope that's true..some people don't want to be saved..or can't be saved." Moira stated thinking about her father. She showed him a small smile as she looked up at him. "Ye have a kind heart.." she said to him as she looked away again. She didn't want to get stuck too much in her past as she tried to escape from it.


His gaze was soft and he smiled a tad at the compliment. "You say I do but, it would take someone with a kind heart to say those words, so perhaps you are even kinder than I," he suggested with a shrug, smirking a little.


"..I am trying to be.." Moira said with a small smile. "My mother taught me to do so even when I don't feel like being a kind person. Depends if someone deserves it." She said looking back at him. "So I guess ye deserve it."


He nodded as he listened to her and raised his brows as he looked upwards, tossing the hatchet in his hand a little and catching it. "Oh, I don't know. I think being a kind person even when they don't deserve it is what makes the difference in the world. If that hadn't been my friend's philosophy I wouldn't be standing here today." He looked at the target and aimed with an axe in one hand. "God knows I didn't deserve kindness with the kind of life I was living." He tossed the axe and it hit the bullseye, the tip of the blade buried into the target.


Moira looked quite impressed with his throw. Now she was sure that this was his kind of weapon. "..well ye seem to have find yer way in life..helping looks like it earned ye a lot of friends and allies..I hope yer past doesn't haunt it can be a real burden.." She said taking a deep breath. She seemed to be stuck in her own past a lot making her mind go crazy at times. But she tried to hide it as best as she could. Even with that she trusted Uriah a lot so sometimes she let out small hints to her past and where she came from which was surprising as they just met. But something about him made her feel at ease and trust him.


"It can if we let it..." he replied as he squinted while watching the last of the sun drop beneath the horizon of reflective water, colors striping the sky. He caught each hint she had dropped. It was true he didn't want to pry but he also wanted to be there if she needed to talk through something that was bothering her. So after a moment of quiet he said, "I noticed you seemed to be stricken with grief back when Hiccup was talking about his father. And even after that something still seems to relentlessly plague your thoughts." He looked at her, a soft gaze of understanding. "What's on your mind, lass?" he asked gently as the others were far enough way and so preoccupied with their own shenanigans that they wouldn't even hear if the two were talking loudly.


Moira was surprised at him suddenly asking that. She clearly hesitated to tell him but she knew she couldn't keep it from him much longer. "..Me mom died..when I was very young.." she said as she felt the emotions from everything that had happened since starting to surface slowly. She had to take a deep breath before continuing. "..I have three older brothers..I am the only girl..after my mother died I lost my father to his grief..h-he.." her voice started shaking then. "..he started acting like I didn't exist at first..while I was grieving m-meself..Me brothers were everything to him..b-but it got worse the older I got.."


His expression showed how carefully he was listening to her, taking in every word she spoke. He didn't yet reply as he assumed she had more to say. But his eyes revealed clear sympathy and gentleness as he didn't take them off her.


It was difficult for her to tell this as she felt tears starting to roll down her cheeks. But it was out before she knew it. "..after..years of ignoring me..w-when I came of age..he started forcing me to marry...I felt so t-trapped.." her voice broke at that moment as more tears started flowing out. "..I-I managed t-to escape..with help..of the one who basically raised me..o-our w-war chief..a-and I h-have been trying to..g-get as far away as I can..ever since.." she said before breaking down completely.


"Shhh, come here, it's alright," he said quietly and pulled her into an embrace, letting her cry onto his chest as he wrapped his arms around her to hopefully give her some comfort.

Clearly there was trauma in her past and there was probably more there that she didn't tell him. But family issues were the worst kind. And he understood what it was like to lose a loved one.


Moira's body tensed up when he did that at first as she wasn't really used to that anymore, but she gave into it then as she cried everything out just burying her face in his chest. It showed how incredibly hard it had been for her. And now having told him it just all came out at once.

Jul 14, 2023, 4:28 PM


He placed his hand at the back of her head and his heart was wretched with sympathy for this poor girl. He felt for her. And now he just wanted to help her through this but he let her remain in his arms for as long as she needed.

He looked over his shoulder when some Berkians were walking this way but when they saw the two they stopped and one of them pulled the other to go the opposite way in order to not disturb them.

Listening to Moira cry was painful for him. Distress was, of course, never something he liked to hear in the first place. But it felt especially sad with her.

"That's why there's a reward for your capture and return to Scotland..." he said softly as he began to realize why people were after her. "I'm sorry, Moira," he added with sympathy. "I want to do everything I can to help."

Jul 15, 2023, 2:06 AM


Moira slowly calmed down a bit in his embrace as she looked up at him. Her eyes were red from crying as some tears still rolled down her cheeks. "..T-Thank ye..I-I just want..I-I honestly m-miss Scotland.." she said as she took a step back realising how close she had been to him. "..I-I am sorry..for this.." she said as she hadn't wanted to act this way in front of him.


"Sorry? For what?" he asked with confusion, as he didn't see this as impertinence at all. His eyes still looked gently sympathetic but he let her go when she backed away from him.


"I-it's not very lady like.." Moira said with a small chuckle as she wiped her tears away. She tried to lighten the mood a bit again. "T-thank ye..again for listening to m-me.." she said to him with a small smile. She hadn't told him about her being royalty as she didn't want him to treat her differently but maybe with all she told it was obvious now.


"It's my pleasure, Moira. I'll always be one to listen to a hurting soul no matter how... 'unladylike' you consider it," he said honestly, a bit of a smile in his lips now as well. "And you can count on me for discretion as well. I'm not a blabbermouth like Arne or Gregor," he pointed out with slight humor as he thought about his hooligan friends.


"A-Aye let's keep it between us for now." Moira said not knowing what would happen if the others knew. She had trusted Astrid with a little bit but she wasn't sure she could tell anyone else the whole story.


"Yes, my lady," he said with a smirk and a small bow before picking up the other hatchet from the ground. "You know it might surprise you but there's nothing you could do that I would consider embarrassing. Even if you dropped to the ground bawling your eyes out and asking if I knew Margaret the crab. I've seen just about everything that a human being is capable of at this point and I've done enough to know that I'm not in a place where I can rightly judge others from a pedestal," he said as he eyed the target again.


Moira dried the last of her tears as she smiled softly "well that makes ye an even greater person. Because a lot of people judge someone just from their appearance." She said as she carefully fixed her hair. She noticed Astrid had managed to get the trouble makers apart and stop fighting. "So have ye found someone to help ye among the crowd?" She asked him then suddenly.


His expression turned more serious at this question. "Not yet... But I'll find some way to help him, I'm sure of it," he told her, hope in his voice despite his temptation to worry...

He then furrowed his brows a little after a moment, before he glanced back at the archery range. "You didn't happen to see who made that shot did you?" he asked with regards to her arrow from earlier, flipping his axe around in his hand once. "Because whoever it was, I'm seriously impressed," he added with a coy smirk, the way he said this making Moira believe he knew it was her as he just focused on the target in front of them again. That's when he tossed his second axe and it wedged into the same notch the first one did, the sound of the blade hitting wood but also the metal on metal hitting their ears. From this she could tell that hatchets were his best weapon like archery was hers. "Well, I should wrangle my crew. See you in the Great Hall?" he said before giving her a little wink and turning to leave. Somehow it seemed the man carried both kindness and smugness in equal measures...

Jul 15, 2023, 3:30 AM


"I have no idea.." Moira said innocently with a smile and a bit of blushing on her face. "Alright see ye there." She said to him before going over to Astrid. "..I am going to the great hall..see ye later alright?" She said trying to hide the fact she just cried by turning around quickly.

Jul 15, 2023, 12:27 PM


Astrid saw the scene from where she was but of course didn't want to embarrass her about it so she smiled back and said, "Alright." She then looked back at her friends as Snotlout had Tuffnut over a cliff. "Put him down!" she scolded.

On the rich green cliffsides of Scotland, Edinburgh Castle was full of light and hope for the future. The bringing about the peace between dragons in the north, inspired the likes of all kinds all over its surrounding areas. This would be the first time Scotland would unite its forces.

And to celebrate, the leaders of the kingdoms and clans filled the tables in the inner halls, the room echoing with chatter as the flames in the fireplace roared with warmth from the frigid night air.

"I don't think there's much of a celebration without wine and women," one of the leaders of another clan complained, stroking his long white beard.

"I heard they'll be bringing out the wine soon enough," a duke he was speaking to said back. "And as for the other comment I'm not sure your wife would find that prospect appealing."

"You're a rather tiresome fellow, aren't you?" he snickered.

"Sometimes, your grace," he shrugged it off.

The pounding of a cane and the announcing of a name was heard over all of the talking in the room. "Prince Edmund, and his wife Princess Besseta, of Scotland!"

Their garb was complimentary to their high status as the others in the room bowed at their entry, Besseta's hand on her husband's as she smiled at everyone and they entered the room.

"Leave it to Christane to wear every jewel she owns to this feast," she whispered to Edmund when leaning to him once the conversing had resumed. Her eyes were on the woman who was his brother's wife, as she said this.


Edmund as the oldest was the crown prince and next in line and the people here knew that. He looked around the room when they walked in spotting everyone he knew that was important giving them a smile. He couldn't help but chuckle when his wife pointed that out. "Like always she wants to show of the riches she got from Edgar.." he whispered to her as they reached the table on the far end where his brothers, Christane and the war chief with his son were already sitting. He greeted them with a nod while helping his wife with her chair before sitting down himself. They were seated right next to the king.

Jul 17, 2023, 1:15 PM


"Leave it to you two to be late," Christane said in a smug way, smiling at them.

"Welcome, my boy," the king told him. "I hope the journey north wasn't too cumbersome."


Edmund ignored his sister-in-law and turned his attention to his father. "It wasn't at was quite interesting." He replied with a calm expression on his face.


"I'm glad you could make it. This feast marks the last of the Scottish kingdoms to sign the treaty and unite under one banner. Soon our power will rival England's," the old man said with confidence. "And then perhaps even overcome it." There was more to that, Edmund could see it in his eyes.


Edmund nodded smiling "I am glad I could make it as's the first time in history all of Scotland is United." He then noticed the look in his father's eyes. "you wish to rule over England as well father?" He asked him quietly so only he could hear.

Jul 17, 2023, 1:50 PM


"Who knows what could happen in future... Berk has risen to power exponentially in the last five years, proving that an alliance with the Vikings could be a ticket to much greater power... Of course along with dragons. I intend to get us those by any means necessary..."

"And how are you going to do that while you are still using all of your resources to find that little lost princess?" Besseta chimed in.

Edgar and Christane were on the other side of the king beside his advisor and their conversation seemed dull compared to this one, both of them glancing over every so often as if to listen in.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand what it is to lose your property, dear," Malcolm told her with some attitude. "Since you have none to begin with."


There was a deeply rooted anger in his words that didn't reveal itself very much, but Edmund was smart and could see through his father's mask.


Edmund nodded again at what his father said but wasn't sure if the Vikings would help them go to war with England when the conversation went the other way. Although they never mentioned their sister she somehow kept coming up in conversation at random. He sighed softly when seeing his father's anger. "I am sure we will find her..she is smart enough to survive." He said calmly ignoring his father's comment about them not having an heir yet. He always kept up a calm expression while meanwhile inside he wasn't calm at all. The fact that he as crown Prince didn't have an heir yet put his position in danger.


"Why did she leave anyway?" Besseta asked her husband, her earrings glistening from the light of the fire that made her blonde locks look auburn.


Edmund sighed softly again before turning to his wife looking at her with his pale blue eyes. "..she always said she felt trapped..moira is a very free spirit.." he whispered to her careful not to upset his father.


"So she'd rather go out there and get killed or enslaved by dragon riding pirates, fighting off hunger, thirst, and dangerous people every day rather than marry some handsome dignitary and live in prosperity and safety all of her days? Oh count me right out," she replied, not understanding Moira's motives at all.


Edmund nodded not going into a discussion with her about it. ".. aye just different.." he stated before facing the room again. Despite everything he did miss his sister. He didn't see her much before she left but when he was with her it always had been different from being with others at court. Moira had been a bit rebellious always but that she left even shocked him.

Jul 17, 2023, 2:32 PM


"Hm... ...Well... despite our differences, I do agree with your father on one thing," she said. "That Scotland is going to become a feared and respected people... especially when my own handsome dignitary takes the throne," she finished with a smirk, sliding her hand across his as her eyes looked at him with admiration.

The servants were now beginning to bring out the platters of food to set on the wide U shaped table, the aroma of the extravagant feast filling the room as they did so.


Edmund looked her way again and gave her a loving smile. He was one of a few words but strong minded. He wasn't like his younger brother who bragged all the time and was arrogant in character. And they weren't like their younger brother who was a chatterbox and very energetic.

Jul 17, 2023, 3:06 PM


"Where's that damned wine?" Malcolm complained, hearing the similar words of other guests who were wondering the same, despite their admiration for the foods before them.

"Here, sire," a woman's voice said. It was a young fourteen year old girl with dark brown hair cut at shoulder length but she had it pulled up into a bun as she gently poured the dark crimson liquid from the silver pitcher into his goblet.

Other maids were doing similarly with everyone else's cups, leaving when they were all full.

"Ah, wonderful," he said and stood up, everyone else doing the same when he did so. "A toast then!"

Edmund realized that the young girl who poured his father's drink was the only one of the maids who remained in the room.

"To the united and to the bright future that awaits the north! No one will be capable of bringing down such an empire created with all of you! I thank you for your allegiance! To Scotland!" the king said.

"To Scotland!" the others echoed with their goblets raised before lowering them to then take their first sips of the delicious drink.

Sitting down once more, they began to dig into the feast gladly, their stomachs nearly growling from the wait, no conversing taking place now as people were too focused on the meal.

Glancing at his wife, Besseta smiled at Edmund but her expression fell a bit, her brows pulling together as if she was uncomfortable.


Edmund toasted with the rest of them as he kept observing the room but when he saw his wife's expression change he looked a bit concerned. "What's wrong my love?" He asked her whispering noticing her discomfort immediately.


"I must not be used to this kind of wine. Went down a bit harder than I expected," she said with a forced smile.

The white bearded clan leader let out a couple of coughs.

"Slow your eating, sire or you'll choke on a bone again," his advisor said to him with a chuckle.

"I'm alright," Besseta added as she went back to delicately eating. But she then took out a handkerchief and coughed once in it. Clearing her throat she looked at the fabric to see spots of red...

"An urgent letter for you, your highness," the maid behind the king said and she placed a piece of folded parchment on the table.

He frowned. "At this hour?" he said with confusion before taking the note and opening it up. Scribbled in black letters was the phrase: Tempus Mora sends his regards.

His brows pulled together in confusion at this.


Edmund looked unsure and still concerned when she said that but nodded before turning to Besseta as his eyes widen when he saw the blood on her handkerchief. Then his father got that letter. His mind started racing as he put everything together. "Oh's poisoned.." he said as he realised that when more people got similar reactions. "It's the wine, don't drink it!" He said to the crowd as he started to feel really dizzy and coughing as well.


A sudden thunk was heard in Edmund's ears and he looked at the right side of the table to see someone had collapsed onto the floor.

King Malcolm stood up immediately, his heart skipping a beat as he saw this happen and worry suddenly flooded his system, added with what Edmund had said. He looked to his left as a chief on the other side of the table coughed out a mouthful of blood, the dark red splattering on the food before he fell forward and knocked over his goblet of wine that spilled into the floor.

Besseta coughed horrifically. "Edm..." she tried ot croak but then she, too, collapsed in her seat.


Edmund tried to ignore all his own symptoms as well as he could as he looked over at his wife. "B-Besseta..!" He tried to wake her while barely being able to stay awake himself. He managed to look over at his father his eyes now full of fear "F-Father..wh-.." He then collapsed himself as everything went black in front of his eyes.


Malcolm's heart split in two when he saw his son fall from his place, spitting blood like a stuck pig. But before he could grasp his son and weep, he looked to his right when Edgar screamed for his wife who had blood running from her mouth and nose as she fell backwards but he began coughing out her name before he grasped his own burning throat, the pain all too much as he keeled over.

Left and right, Malcolm watched in horror as every chief, leader, king, duke... all of them toppled over, dropping like flies as the room was filled with blood paired with the spilled wine that now burned against the flesh of the guests.

His heart was racing in terror and his mind flooded with too much for him to make out one thought as panic was the only thing running his system. Before he could shout for help from the guards, a hand covered his mouth and Runa, who was the young maid serving him, whispered in his ear, "To Scotland," echoing his toast. She then slit a clean horizontal line, letting his blood spill from his throat as he choked on it and brought up his hand to grasp the wound as if that would help.


He slowly fell to his knees and onto the table, the corner of the note now beginning to soak with drops of his blood.

Runa looked upon her work and then turned as she heard the guards coming in, disappearing through the doorway behind her as the Scottish soldiers came in to look over the carnage she left behind.

On her way out, the man who was supposed to be in charge of tasting the wine said to her, "Good luck, sister," before ducking away, ready to be blamed for the poison and die.

She went out the way she came in, hearing the shouting of the guards behind her as she exited.

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