Macaque's mother

By JadeLefebvre7

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Macaque after a little while of hanging out with Wukong, is wondering why he doesnt remember a lot from his c... More

The suspisions
Where is Mk?
Something is off.
The lie
Change of plans
Not what was expected
An impossible combat?
An other version of me
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Remember me?

143 1 0
By JadeLefebvre7

As Macaque woke up he felt.. smaller? He had his eye and he was in a familiar bed in a familiar room.. He jumped when someone came rushing in the room.

Kathie: Sweetie... Mamma has something you need to drink!.. or else dadda is gonna get angry again!..

This time, instead of a strong determinated women he saw last time as his mom, he saw a young scared women holding a drink that looks like a potion. She doesnt have her black scar on her eye. Is he in the past? Is this his memories? He didnt knew for sure. Kathie and Macaque both have dark purple hair. But now, they both had dark black hair with a green reflection. Kathie is getting unpatient with Macaque not responding.

Kathie: Lu'er emperor! Answer my question this instant!

Lu'er emperor? What? Is that his full name? He didnt knew, he was so confused.

Macaque: sorry mother... I just woke up and im still a little dizzy..

Kathie: that's alright sweet pie! You just need to drink this so your father will finally stop complaining about our failure as a successor! Anyways, i will drink mine aswell.

She just hands one potion to Macaque and drinks one herself. Successor?? What was she talking about? Macaque just drank the potion aswell. They both turn to the original color Macaque knew the both of them were. Strange, why would'nt it be is original fur color?

Macaque: why did my fur change?..

Kathie: Im sorry sweetie but people cant know our origines, we must hide and look like your father or else you could... You know what, forget it. Its just a little precaution ok?..

Macaque stood there, wondering what could happen to him if he didnt drink that potion. Thats when, an average monkey man enter the room. This time, instead of looking exactly like Macaque, he had a lot of different features. For exemple, his mark on his face was blue instead of red and he had bigger arms then Macaque.

Kathie: Hey s-

The man slaps Kathie out of no where and drags her out of the room by the neck. Macaque stood there in shock but could'nt move for some reasons. He just stood there and heard slapping and punching and yelling sounds. Mostly from the man, less from his mother. That's when Macaque woke up in his mom's arms right where he was before that scene.

Kathie: so, you got your memories back fully or should we do it a couple more times?

Macaque: i think im full now.

Lady bone demon comes with Mayor along side her.

Lbd: Miss, it seems that Sun Wukong is more angry then you predicted. He is already regrouping an army to try to defeat us.

Kathie just laugh calmly and so did the Lady bone demon.

Kathie: you know, the fun fact is that he thinks he can defeat me again. Now, i finally have my son with me. Maybe i will even find my other child.

Macaque: wait, i have a simbling??

Lbd: Miss, you should probably wait to tell him this story. Destiny can not wait any longer.

Mayor: My Lady, i am so happy that we can finally do your awesome plan!

Kathie rolls her eyes and just leaves in the shadows.

Macaque: Lady..bone.. demon? How am i suppose to call you?

Lbd: Call me bone. Its shorter.

Macaque: alright, bone, how did she get her scar? Do you know?

Lady bone demon looks up at Macaque and smiles.

Lbd: only the person that did this to her knows.

With that, she left with the Mayor who knows where, leaving Macaque alone at the old Samadhi fire ritual place. He looked around to see if there was any remindings of the past events of the ritual, but nothing. It was more empty then an empty box.

(Hope you liked this chapter!!! Sorry for the bad grammar i dont correct myself so-)

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