Doll Master ( Dr.Jeon ) || JK...

By jeons_saram

309K 14.5K 6.2K

Horror is consuming her mind, her entire world seems to be collapsing before the man who is standing infront... More

* TW *
~ Prologue ~
Chapter - ONE
" Pre - Chapter Two "
Chapter - THREE
Chapter - FIVE
Chapter - SIX
Chapter - SEVEN
Chapter - EIGHT
Chapter - NINE
Chapter - TEN
Chapter - 10.5
Chapter - ELEVEN
* Note and Visuals *
Chapter - TWELVE
Chapter - 12.5
Chapter - THIRTEEN
Chapter - FOURTEEN
Chapter - FIFTEEN
Chapter - 15.5
Chapter - SIXTEEN
Chapter - 16.5
Chapter - EIGHTEEN
Chapter - 18.01 ( Fractured )
Chapter - NINETEEN
Chapter - TWENTY

Chapter - FOUR

14K 585 355
By jeons_saram

◆ Present ◆

" Jungkook "

The expression on peoples faces after watching my sweet, gentle side is cool. Having the idea about being idollized by people is thrilling. The 'awe' in peoples face whenever they see my appearance, instantly talking behind me that
" Ohh he is handsome! ",
it's kind of cute.

These scene happening to me is something that iam very used to. Once i used to get fun with this scenarios happening towards me. Acting like a person who iam not actually was a source of thrill to me.

But then, as time passed, none of these attention even mattered to me at some point actually. Like always, i got bored.

But the look of admiration from my Doll ? The exciting look of her eyes, the amazed expression of her face while looking at me? Well it's something which makes me wanna thank the Creator who has created me on this way. For the first time of my life, iam genuinely so much thankful to my Creator for making me this attractive and good looking naturally.

Because right now, my Doll is looking at me with the extreme amusement on her eyes. She is looking at me like she can't take her eyes off of me. My pretty little Doll, my sweet sweet melody, she is fascinated with the appearance of Dr.Jeon.

And that was my intention behind of putting on a mask and putting on full sleeved clothes with gloves to hide all my tattoos. That was the reason that i always talked to her while changing the tone of my voice. That was the reason i took off my lip piercing and iam never going to let her know that her stalker has lip piercing on his lip until it's the right time. Well the piercing on my cock is something different though. I have opposite kind of plan with them.

I did all that, kept my appearance totally hidden so that when she would see Dr.Jeon finally, she couldn't take any hint that Dr.Jeon and her shadow stalker, Doll Master is the same person.

And now as my tattoo is half showing and i have put on lenses on my eyes today also under my glasses, making the appearance of Dr.Jeon extra different for her and her only, i can't but feel more proud of myself for doing all those things on this way.

Because it's the rules of the game that iam going to play with my Doll. The our  kind of hide and seek. The our kind of chase.

Well last night, was out of our game though. Last night, i didn't have any planning for fucking her at first . Not wholly at least. But once she was in front of me, so close, under my mercy, drunk and needy and when she fucking asked me to stay when i was leaving, i just couldn't control myself anymore. So i ended up doing something unplanned last night .

But do i regret doing that? Absolutely no.

Last night i knew how drunk she was and that's the reason that i went close to her without putting a mask on. Well i had painted my face well enough but still, still i couldn't just let her take any kind of idea of the structure of my face when it was already planned that i was joining medical academic site as Dr.Jeon from today.

I couldn't let her get any glimpse of my facial structure and that's why when i fucked her, i fucked her from behind, knowing well enough she will forget half of the session that happened last night.

And she might have forgotten already. Iam sure she did. She surely have forgotten that she came three times around my cock when i was buried deep inside of her.

But how can i forget just how good i felt when i was inside of her? How can i forget how tight she was and how tightly she was gripping me. How can i forget how she hissed on pain at first, struggling hard to adjust and then once i made it fit inside of her, buried myself so deep, how she moaned with her melodic voice. God i can still hear her moans ringing on my ears. How can i forget that she felt a thousand time more heavenly than i was imagining her to be!

But well, last night wasn't actually any part of the play that me and my Doll will actually play. The Doll Master didn't include last nights special moment on his play list. The real stage of our game will be starting from now.

So, be ready my Doll. Our real play is going to just begin .


" Y/N "

Dr. Jeon is handsome. More handsome than what Anala described to me earlier. 

He joined our college just today morning and everyone is crushing over him already. Can't even blame people because i myself got a huge crush on him. And trust me, anyone would have feel the same for him as soon as their eyes would fall on him.

His sharp jaw line, his crescent moon shaped pair of pink lips, his big doe eyes under his glasses, his beautifully built masculine body, the innocent and sweet looking face, the straight short hair, everything, everything about him is gorgeous. And his double lip piercing plus his tattoos? I don't know how much tattoos he has but just catching a glimpse of the ink on his forearm it's something that makes me feel more curious about him. The details just make him more handsome and utterly gorgeous somehow.

He even has a mole under his lip and one big mole on his neck.

In short, he is the kind of man who is the ideal type and desire of every woman. I don't know even of men maybe!

From what i heard about him, i know now that he was a student of this college also and he was working on hospital side before joining here. He was already super popular among the students because of his looks and well manners before he even joined as a lecturer. And now as he is here, iam sure he is just going to be the favorite teacher of all students. Including mine also i guess.

It's our break time now and iam currently sitting at the cafeteria, looking towards the direction of Dr.Jeon with the admiration visible on my eyes. Dr.Jeon who sits just across my seat to the opposite side of the cafeteria.

Anala is sitting beside of me, talking to me nonstop about how she should leave her boyfriend and find a man like Dr.Jeon. But iam too busy to admire Dr.Jeon that iam not even listening to what she is blabbing.

As i look at Dr.Jeon who is sipping on his drink, a little smile curve into my face without any reason.

He is just cute.

Then Anala suddenly mentions Loke and all my attention turns towards her.

Giving my attention towards her, I look at Anala as she speaks towards me ,

- You know? Loke will be leaving this medical Y/N. I went to meet him. He said he won't study here anymore because it's too much stressful here.

- Ohhhh.

I speak towards Anala, not knowing what else to say. Because i know why Loke is running away from here and i can't speak about it to Anala.

Anala doesn't know anything about my stalker or the things that he is doing to me because i didn't feel confident enough to talk to her about him. I don't know how she will even react but iam too scared that if she finds out and tries to help me out, the stalker might just harm her also like he did to Loke .

Thinking of the stalker i suddenly recall of the things that happened to me last night . Though i don't remember most of the things still the things i remember, i just can't recover from it.

And today morning i asked Anala that if she hadn't brought me to my apartment so why she wasn't worried about me that i suddenly went missing last night. And she just rolled her eyes at me while showing me the text that came from my own fucking number saying,

" Iam leaving the party Anala. I don't like it here. Moreover i feel a little sick. Don't worry about me iam already on my way to home. "

But i didn't text her last night. I don't even remember texting her or how did i even reach to my apartment. I was just too drunk and wasted last night. Was totally exhausted.

And honestly i don't know anymore about what is actually happening on my life. Iam just so clue less and for some reason, i just don't want to stop anything that's happening regarding that one creepy man of my life.


A week passes as get busy with my regular life and academic pressure. And if i talk about Dr.Jeon then i have to say that he now takes our lectures of Anatomy subject and i already am a big fan of hid teaching skill.

All the students, specially the girls try to impress him on various way, continuesly trying to make themselves his favorite student.

But one thing that i have noticed about Dr. Jeon is, i have never seen him doing any partiality to anyone. He is just genuinely humble to everyone and i like him a lot for his personality.

Now if i keep Dr.Jeon aside, the only man that crosses my mind more than anyone else is my shadow monster. He is the main source of my overthinkings.  There doesn't pass a single moment of my life nowadays when the thoughts of him doesn't cross my mind.

He didn't show up physically infront of me from that night of Halloween though. Not through the whole week. He just fucked me that night and,...okay i won't even think about it.

But that doesn't mean i haven't feel him on my shadows to almost everywhere. He was always around me, surrounding me like the air.

And as always his gift boxes, three different roses, those letters and my pictures, they all were delivered to me time to time, continuesly reminding me that he is always out there for me. And when he would feel like to show up again, he would just do that without my acknowledgment.


One week later at night, as iam here on my apartment, being so worked up with my academic stress, i decide to take a shower to relax my mind.

I pack my bag for the next day and then i take my steps towards the washroom to take a shower as per my plan.

After taking a long soothing steamy shower and drying myself half, i wrap my body with the body towel. I use another towel made up of cotton fabric to wrap my wet hair.

I usually don't like to dry my whole body fully after a shower. This is my habit. Or bad habit perhaps! Everytime after taking a shower, there always has to be some drops of water on my body or else i would feel like i didn't even take a shower ever.

Taking my steps to outside of the washroom, i slowly walk towards my bed where lies my nightime shorts and tank top at a corner.

As i stand near to my bed, a cold breeze with the smell of earth touches my skin vastly through the window which is attached near to me, just beside of my bed. The sky growls angry outside as i shiver with the cold wind.

Okay so it's gonna rain heavy soon. The winter is really crazy for this rain i swear!

And now i have to close the window and turn my heater on immediately. Or iam going to catch a cold for sure.

I go near to the window, close it tightly and turn around to pick my dress up from the bed.

But just when iam going to pick my dress up, a sudden sound of a phone ringing catches my whole attention. And the tune of the ring, it's not from my phone. The ring ends within a second, so fast that it's leaving me confused over if i actually heard something or it was just in my brain.

Am i imagining things or i did i hear it right? It was a ring on someone's phone right? 

Standing just beside of my bed, I look around myself, trying to find for a clue about what i just heard.

One moment passes, two passes next. And then another two passes also as i don't hear any further noises coming from anywhere.

But i don't know why, i just can feel someon all of a sudden. The sense of someone being so close to me is eating me out alive.

Taking a deep breath i try to crawl to my bed and grab my dress. But when my legs are still on the ground, i suddenly feel a slight touch near to my foot.

A soft light touch, almost like a ghost touch.

God! Someone is here! Someone is here, just under my bed.

I can't breath , i can't think of anything anymore. My legs shake, my throat dries, my body turns into cold. So freaking cold!

" Monster! "

"Psychopath! "

"Serial Killer! "

" Ghost "

It could be anything! Anything that's hiding under my bed on my room of my house where no one lives other than me!

No! Iam not going to look under my bed! Iam not going to look who or what's hiding under there on the dark. Even though i suspect of knowing whom i will find. Even though i know it must be my stalker who has come to see me from close again finally.

I don't wanna see and face him now or ever again. Because, because i don't know who he actually is. I don't know anything about my stalker. I don't know how he found me and why is he after me. I don't know how he looks or anything about him.

"But you got fucked by him when he was wearing that goddamn painted mask on that party of the Halloween. You were drunk and let your stalker fuck you from the behind on that piano table that night even though you knew it was wrong. Even though you didn't see his face and even though he called  you his doll . His Fuck Doll.  You tempted him to force you, you let him to fuck you, stuff you with his cum and you enjoyed it so freaking much. "

The voice screams on my head strongly but i shake my head to refuse.

No, no, no. I didn't let him fuck me. I was drunk and wasn't on my mind. No he forced me. No he manipulated me into doing that by doing all those little filthy things before. No no. I won't recall anything from that night of Halloween or from that stormy night when we first met. Not now. Not ever.

I will turn around and run! Run and hide. No run and leave this house and never come back unless iam sure he's gone from under my bed. No i have to call 911. No what should i do? What should i do?

Okay run. First and formest thing to do is " Run ". I have to pretend i didn't suspect anything and leave the room first without making the 'someone' hiding under my bed get this idea that i already caught this information of  him being here.

I turn around and pretend to take normal steps. Just the door, i have to pretend this until i reach to the door. I can do it. I can do it. I totally can.

Step, step, step, step.

Iam close to the door. I have to pass it. Just have to pass it. It will end soon. I will run soon.

Iam about to cross the door but a deep sinister voice drags my attention towards it. Leaving me all on shivers and chaos. Like i will pass out from the extreme fear and die from a immediate cardiac attack.

- Run while you can run doll. And hide while you can hide. But don't pretend that you don't want your Master to own you my pretty doll. I, Your Master, will own you soon.

The moment his voice reaches to my ears, a huge thunder fell outside, adding the unnecessary music to my already vulnerable situation of horror.

Not wasting any other single moment, i run to the direction of outside. I run towards the dining area of my apartment, trying my best to pass this area and reach to the other room i have on this apartment.

I will just go to that room and lock it tightly.

I had enough of him. I don't want anything from him anymore. I won't let him do anything anymore.

But misfortune is something which never likes to leave me alone. Just like my stalker, misfortune must be so obsessed with me also.

As iam running through the dark portion of my dining area, i mentally curse myself for not having the lights on through all over my house. Soon i collide with a chair, trip down and directly fall to the ground on my stomach.

God damn! My leg! Fuck.

The towel from my head has already fallen somewhere behind as my wet hair is now touching my bare shoulder, giving me extra chills through my whole body.

As i try to get up, suddenly someone grabs my leg from the behind and pull me to the backwards.

- Caught you! Poor Doll. You fell? Are you broken yet?

God! This psycho just caught me. He caught me.

- Nahh, you're not broken yet. But you will be. When iam gonna be done with  you finally tonight, you're gonna be broken then. Beautifully. Trust me. I promise. So beautifully.

- You are crazy! You're a monster. You're a psychopath.

I yell at him with the horror coated cracked voice of mine.

- Yess. All of the above. And your Master too.

He laughs ironically, as if he is so excited or something. As if he is having the best fun of his life while making me a prey of him.

A monstrous predator, an insane hunter.

He again pulls me by my leg, drags me to backwards and a real horror creeps inside of my head so fast. I try to make a stupid attempt of grabbing the hard floor, try to dig my nails to the ground as i scream,

- Please, leave me. Please. What do you want from me? Please don't hurt me. Please.

- Uh uh, no Doll. Iam not going to hurt you this way. Iam not that monstrous. I will take care of my Doll.

He towers over my fallen body, sinks his hands under my body as he pull me up and take me to his arm. The second later i realize he is carrying me on bridal style, almost like a lover would do.

The lightning of the sky helps me this time to see through his face finally after all those time of our running and chasing game.

And along with his full sleeved tight t shirt, he is wearing a ghost face mask today. The one that we see on TV series, as the psycho serial killers put on their face when they go to kill their victim. He is wearing that kind of mask. And like always, he also has his black golves on his hands.

I try to struggle on his hold but his grip is so tight and savage that i can't even move properly on his arm.

As he carries me towards my own bedroom, a wicked idea crosses my mind and i try to take my hand to his mask.

I wanna see his face. I wanna know who he actually is and how does he actually look.

So reaching for the mask i try to remove it from his face somehow.

But his mind works faster than mine and his reflex action is way more faster than my attack.

He immediately grabs my hand with his hand and protest me from doing anything else as he speaks towards me,

- Relax Doll. I know you're curious about how do i look but, it's gonna be this way until i want you to see me. And well if you're wondering weather iam ugly or not, trust me iam not at all. Exactly the opposite actually. My look might even change your decision of protest and fight against me at some point.

- I thought you're only a psychopath. But now i see you're a narcissist too.

I speak at a low tone, spark of fear is still on my voice. And to my comment he just chuckles deeply.

Soon he takes me to my bedroom, takes me to my bed and places me on the bed gently.

Yes gently. Like real gently, as if he wasn't just dragging me through the floor by grabbing my legs a few moments ago.

I look over my dress, which is still laying on the bed. And then i look at him sitting just infront of me. His leaning body just a few inches away from mine, his gloved hands touching my bare thighs.

- Ohh Doll ! You're just so pretty. Like this body,

he slides his hand upwards to my thigh, making the small towel sliding up from my skin.

- It's the reason behind my apocalypse.

I gasp with his touches as i try to shut my legs together. I already have nothing on my body other than this short towel which is barely hiding my body from him. And if he only pull it a little, the towel will be all gone from my body too which will leave me utterly, entirely naked before him.

Though he has touched me everywhere already, has been inside of me also but i was never fully naked infront of him like this. And the thought of being naked under of him when he is fully dressed, not a single glimpse of his skin can be seen, it actually makes a weird kind of mess on my head.

God iam wet! That's so dirty and fucked up. Why do i just get this wet when this man does nothing but scaring the life out of me and then makes me hate him more and more with his actions? What kind of twisted desire is this?

Then it happens, exactly what i was thinking about. He grabs the upper portion of the towel, find the corner of it which was tugged just infront of tits and pull it strong.

Soon i get all naked infront of him, my each and every part of the skin is visible through the semi darkness and semi lightning of my room.

My room had always that sort of ray of light from the outside big street lamps, which makes everything very clearly visible on my room and now i hate it for being like this.

He throws the towel so far away from our sight as it falls somewhere to the ground.

I immediately try to make a bad attempt of grabbing my clothes from the other side of the bed but as i try to move away from my place, he immediately grabs me and makes me fall to the bed under him.

He pinns my hands against the soft mattress of the bed as his knee get placed just between my legs, pressing against my wet fold.

- Relax Doll. You don't have to hide your body from me. It's nothing that i haven't seen already. I have seen it before, when you used to change your clothes at this room. I saw it all while hiding on your other side of the closet, or from under your bed. And then, i have touched you Doll. I have been fucking inside of you and i buried my cum so deep inside of you.

- How? How many times? Since when? How did you break into my apartment? I changed my security system few months ago after finding out that you might have broken into my house. Then how?

- What Doll? You're so silly! Iam a stalker Doll, your Master. It wasn't even a big deal for me.

He places both of my hands above my head, places them together and hold them tight with his one hand. And then his other hand comes to my boobs, grabbing and molesting them with his that gloved hand one by one .

I shut my eyes close from his touches as he continue squeezing the meat of my boobs while his knee is messaging my wet fold and clit slowly.

I try to suppress my moan but he pinches my hard sensitive nipple. He pinches so hard and then i cry.

He slaps my tits, squeeze them again and then again slaps them hard.

And if he continue doing this, i just think something very rare and unique is going to happen with me within some moment. The term that seemed so unbelievable to me when i first heard about it. The term that i never thought would be applicable for me. A nipple orgasm.

Because right now i can feel an orgasm building up at the core of my inside.

He pinches my nipple again, this time his attention is to my one particular nipple. The right one.

Maybe he had found out that it's my dominating nipple and it will lead me through a fucking orgasm. How did he find it? I don't fucking know! I don't know how he knows about my body anatomy more than me already.

- Are you gonna come my Doll?

He taunts me with his voice, teases me with his touches as i bite my lip hard to suppress a moan.

Then he slaps my boobs again and this time, he does it so hard that i immediately scream.

- What did i tell you about trying to suppress your moans and cries? Didn't i tell you i love to listen you sing?

The orgasm is building so fast already. Iam close, fuck iam so close.

- You are a brat. And you know what happens to brats?

He speaks to me as i shake my head left and right, trying to keep myself at sane as iam just too close to release myself.

He pinches my right nipple one last time as he growls towards me,

- Brats don't get to fucking come. 

And he suddenly releases me from his grip, withdraw his every inch of body from me, leaving me all hot and frustrated there.

He sits there at the edge of the bed as i stare at the ceiling with anger and frustration. The rain has started pouring heavy already outside. The sound of rain, the sound of rain on the glass of my window, it fills the room immediately with my sighs of anger.

I get up and sit down on my bed, look at him with the ultimate haterd that i have for him and yell towards his direction,

- I hate you. I just hate you too much.

He giggles behind his mask, as if he doesn't believe me at all but still he replies to me with his deep voice,

- I already know that. Tell me something that i don't know Doll.

I clench my teeth hard together as i speak to him,

- Is there anything that you don't know about me already you creep?

He shakes his head as an affirmative response as i hear him speaking,

- Yes. I still don't know how that little pussy of your tastes Doll. Should i try it today? Will you be my dinner and let me taste you?

A heat rushes all around my body as my clit starts throbbing hard.

- God iam dying to taste your pussy Doll. It will be such an honor to taste you like the best dinner of my life.

The thought of his lips on my pussy makes me wanna go crazy because even if i don't remember most of the thing from that night of Halloween but i do remember how good his lips, his tongue was feeling against my skin. But then again, he just messed with me a moments ago, leaving me frustrated and desperate for a release. So if he is desperate to know how i taste then fuck him for that. My orgasm had already died so i better just try to run and leave this room again.

I take a deep breath, look over the door of my room as i pour the courage inside of me me fully. Then i immediately jump from the bed and my feet touch the ground.

But i can't even take a single step ahead as he comes from behind of me and grab the fistful of my hair tightly.

I immediately groan at his painful fist and he just pull my more than half wet hair more tightly.

- Ahh it hurts. Please...

I tell him yelling as he takes his another hand and pull me to the backwards, pulling me closer to his sitting posture.

The rain pours more heavily outside as the dim ray of light and the flickering of lights and sound on the sky keeps me more thrilled on the inside.

Why the fuck am i thrilled even?

He sits at the edge of my bed as he is still gripping the fistful of my hair from the behind. My eyes are locked on the door as iam fighting so hard to make his hands to let go off my hair so that i can run and get out of this room.

But my fights are all helpless as i feel him yanking my body from the behind as i fell on his lap helplessly. His hand goes from my hair to my thighs as i feel him parting my legs and wrapping them around his waist. It's a weird position already but it become weirdest as he pushes my upper portion down to the floor while my face is facing the floor from just a few inches apart. My hairs are touching the ground and iam about to fall but i somehow manage to hold myself from falling on my face or skull to the hard floor by placing both of my hands there against the floor.

Iam now on the lap of my stalker who has mask on his face. My face down to the floor, my lower portion placed on his lap on a weird back way.

- Keep your hands as a support or you're gonna fell and get hit on your pretty face and little skull. If you try to do any kind of mischief, you will only bleed hard my doll. And don't think i will stop doing whatever iam doing if you're bleeding. I won't stop even if you become senseless. I pretty much would enjoy to fuck you while you will have blood all over your face . Blood happens to be my favorite liquid.

And i do believe whatever he says. Because he sounds just angry.

He is dangerous, he is deedliest of all beasts and iam already aware of that.

So i stay still, trying not to do any funny businesses anymore.


One, two, three, four, slaps.

He spanks my ass so hard that i cry out in pain and weird kind of satisfaction. Then all of a sudden, i feel him sinking his teeth inside of my flesh, biting the cheek of my ass hard.

Okay so he had removed his mask? Or he just pulled it up to expose his lips and mouth? Judging by his twisted personality, he must have done the second one. And also i can't see him anyway because my body is upside down, my head is pushed downwards. So theres no point.

He bites the flesh of my ass cheek again as i scream at his bites,

- Aaahhh god!! Iam sure if past life ever exists, you were a wolf on your past life. Fucking wild animal.

Listening to my comment, he just laughs. And then smacking my ass another time, he clicks a photo of my ass with a flashlight on by using his device.

A sudden memory of the night of Halloween hits my head as i remember him clicking a photo of my whole body after fucking me that night last time.

He then smack my ass again as the next moment i feel his lips on my cunt. A huge shiver rolls down through my spine as he kisses my clit, then my fold and then lick all the way to my ass.

Gosh! He is so dirty. I have never had any man down there on my pussy but the way he is eating me! I don't know what to even comment on it.

- Mmmmmm! Doll! You taste better than i imagined. Please! You're my new favorite meal to have. Fucking delicious.

He suck my soaked cunt, lick and play with my clit by using his tongue.

And then the moment i feel his tongue thursting inside of my entrance, i scream and come fucking hard on his tongue. It all just happens so fast without me having any time to even process.

But he doesn't stop at my release. He keeps fucking me with his tongue on that weird position as i at one point start to shake physically from that position.

He eats me out for how long i don't know. He eats me out until my head starts to feel dizzy and my vision starts to blur completely. Then just the moment i feel like i can't just hold myself with my hand anymore and am gonna fall to the ground, he stops eating me and get a moment of pause.

Then he slowly makes me crawl to the ground as the moment later he picks me up and places me on the bed at my back.

He has his mask on again and he is hovering over me now.

He pets my head with his gloved hands as he speaks towards me,

- Thanks for the meal Doll. I enjoyed it so much. A five star meal definitely. Will try again and again.

Then he pulls something out of his pocket and i gasp the moment i realize what he is dragging out.

He was carrying that around?

He drags out a pair of handcuff from his pocket, hold my hands together above my head and makes me cuffed under his hold.

And this time i don't have any energy or will to fight against him also. So i don't fight. I just let him cuff my both hands together.

Then i watch him sitting down in between my parted legs as i notice him working on his belt.

He opens his belt, unzips himself and pull down his pants and underwear all together.

And the moment he makes his hard cock frees, visible infront of my eyes, i feel like my eyes coming out off it's own place.

He is big ! Not only big but, too much big. Unnecessarily inhumanic kind of big. And not only big but also too much thick. All the veins of his thick long cock! God now i know why i couldn't walk properly for days after that night of Halloween.

And what's that? The shining thing at the crown of his cock? It's a...! It's a fucking piercing!

Suspense is killing me already as iam continuesly thinking about what is he going to do exactly to me next.

What's with the suspense even y/n? He is going to fuck you stupid girl! 

As i think on my mind, i watch him coming near to my mouth with his that monsterous cock. I gulp my saliva down as he places his cock just before my mouth. I shallow my saliva as his cock stays a few inches away for my lips.

And yes it's really a piercing that's shining around the crown of his cock.

Killing all of my suspenses, he commands me quickly then ,

- Open your mouth Doll.

I shake my head to refuse but he slaps the head of his cock on my lips and growls again,

- I said open your mouth. Don't make me ask you a third time or else you don't know what i will do. And you don't wanna even know i swear.

He growls again as i immediately open my mouth for him.

- Wider.

One word, one command and i open up wider for him.

Then he push himself inside of my mouth and i immediately try to push him out as my gag reflection occurs.

But he doesn't let go his cock from my mouth as he hold it to my mouth and orders me,

- Suck Doll. Suck it, soak it and make it prepare for your cunt.

Well i might have had sex before two times but i have never take anything on my mouth during that time. So it's my first time, taking a huge dick inside of my mouth and i, i think i kind of like it.

I try to move my mouth but i fail around his thickness and length. The cold metal piercing feels good on my mouth as i try to suck for a few moments .

Then i suddenly feel him pulling it out and then going back between my parted legs again. 

I stare at him with a questionable look as i watch him pulling my legs to his shoulder and place them there.

- Don't worry Doll, i will make you suck my cock properly the other day. Iam not in the mood right now. Iam prefering your tight and wet cunt more tonight.

Saying that, he places himself on the position, point his cock just before my cunt as he rub my clit with the crown of his cock. The cold metal of his piercing sends a different kind of sensation to my body as i breath heavy from his teasing.

But then i try to keep myself a little cool as i speak towards him,

- Ever heard of protection you asshole? You know what STD is?

He suddenly leans from that position, my legs still on his shoulder as his gloved hands come around my throat and he wraps them around my neck tightly.

- What did i tell you about your foul mouth Doll? And well as the answer of your question, iam clean relax. I just got checked up last month also and i hadn't been sticking my cock other than any other hole other than your cunt also. I didn't fuck anyone before you for almost like five months. So you can relax. And if you ask about condoms, fuck them, i don't like the idea of a barrier between us. I will always feel you raw and will make you take every last drop of my cum inside of you.

As he is about to push his cock inside i again interrupt him with another question,

- You know about reproductive system ? A natural thing? What if i get pregnant you creep?

His chokehold around my throat tightens as he dive himself all way inside of me with one single thurst.

- Come on miss little Doctor, i know the rules of your hospital. They make sure no students suffer from any unwanted pregnancy so you have been under birth control. Iam a stalker remember?

I can't even concentrate on any of his words, or any other things other than struggling under his chokehold and his cock buried inside of me.

God he is so big. I can't adjust. It just hurts too much.

Tears roll down from my eyes as he push more deeper while choking me harsh with his hand.

- Hurts. Please, it hurts. You're too big fuck.

I cry out, my voice cracking from his chokehold.

He loosen up his grip a little from my throat as he speaks while moving slow inside of me,

- But you take me so well Doll. You're doing great trust me. Iam so proud of you.

I don't know what his words do to me but i suddenly become desperate to let him take me however he wants me to.

And the chokehold, i would be lying if i say that it's not stimulating me to make me just getting wetter for him.

Some moment passes, my pain starts to fade soon as he slowly pace up his thursts.

Then the magic happens, all the pain completely faints and i moan out with his faster speed,

- God! Oh God! Please...

- Master. It's Master for you Doll. Not god. Moan Master. Do it.

He stroke harder and i moan out louder,

- Yesss, Master, yess please.

- Look at you taking your Masters cock so well Doll hmm? Just like a greedy little slut, you're talking every inch of it. You like how your Master is owning you?

His chokehold tighten again as he speaks,

- You're my fuck Doll aren't you? A greedy little personal slut. My own personal fuck Doll.

- Ohh my god, please Master, just there , yes yes.

He hits the spots inside of me that i never knew existed. He fucks me like there is no tomorrow. He fucks me with that ghost face mask on his face. He fucks me until i totally forget that he is my stalker and what iam doing, how iam enjoying this, it is a fucking wrong thing.

Soon my ear rings, i see white dots over black visual and then, then i come even  harder than before.

He changes our position, makes me lay sideways as he fuck me on that position.

He fucks me sideways, then from the behind when iam on my knees for him. He doesn't talk much again as i only hear him just groaning and moaning.

And his groans and moans? They are just too hot. Hottest than anything i have ever heard.

I scream again, coming all around his cock for the third time at this night.

Then he fucks me until i get my fourth orgasm when we are back to the position of when iam under him and he is above me.

And then after a long crazy hour, he finally showers me with his cum. He comes so deep inside of me and i don't even complain. He makes sure that every last drop of his cum is buried inside of me and i just hopelessly let him do that.

And when he is finally finished with me, i see him taking out his camera and taking another picture of my naked destroyed and exhausted body.

A body that he claimed. A dirty, filthy body assaulted by him.

Once he finishes with me finally, i see him grabbing the bottle of my water from my table.

I am already breathing hard after the very long session of sinful sex with my own stalker.

He sits with the bottle until my breathing gets a little normal. Then he hands me over the bottle and orders me,

- Drink water Doll. All of it. Finish the whole bottle.

I stare at him like a numb person as he again speaks,

- Doll, do what i said. Drink all of the water. Now.

- Why?

- To stay hydrated my pretty Doll. Now drink.

And i do. I drink the whole bottle of water slowly.

Then he tells me to get freshen up, tells me to make sure that i pee because it's important after having sex.

And then he leaves me numb on my bed. Leaves from my apartment totally  and i just lay numb with the instant emptyness which i shouldn't even feel.

I lay there on my bed, exhausted, numb and stupid as i speak on my mind ,

" I just HATE him too much . "


(( A/N :

Tadaaa! So iam here again, with an update. A long long hot update hehe.
See? As you guys voted me and encouraged me via the last chapter of this story, your author just came back sooner with an update due to the ultimate happiness!

Okay sorry for the unnecessary cheesy lines.

I just want to say guys, please let me know how you like this story so far. I just wanna know if iam serving you guys right or not? So please please let me know if i can create the thrill among your mind or not. It's really important for me to know.

And please do vote and comment and show year love towards the story to keep your author on the track.

Well my head is just, empty rn and i don't know what else i should say. So iam ending my annoying talks here.

Stay healthy and happy until i come back with a new chapter guys. Love yall. ))

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