Mafia's babygirl || jjk ff

By Meghayunvi

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Jungkook:"I will kill them mercilessly who try to harm my babygirl". The world of cruelty and selfishness she... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
11 chapter
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18

chapter 12

308 8 0
By Meghayunvi

    Next morning at 9,jungkook and soo-ah was at dinning hall and the maid bring breakfast about serve then
Yuna:"good morning kook " said cheerfully while coming to dinning hall. Jungkook annoyingly look at her before saying
Jungkook:"How many times I said not call me kook " said coldly
Yuna:"we are friends so, what's wrong in it "said angryly
Jungkook:"I already told you I'm only friend with you for my mom . So, don't try to act close UNDERSTAND!!" Said glaring ,made her shut up while nodding fear said yes. Then Mrs lee serving them, jungkook is feeding soo-ah and Yuna seeing them with fire eye especially at soo-ah. when a Mrs - lee serving her juice, Yuna move her hand while glaring at soo-ah and the glass slip on Yuna dress. She angryly look at Mrs lee before stand up and slap her make jungkook and soo-ah look at her shock
Yuna: "Are fu*king blind or what!!can't you serve properly. you ruined my dress, are you out of your mind you old women,huh!! Why are standing like stachu . Can't you even speak "said shouting at Mrs lee and jungkook , soo-ah looking at Yuna glaring . She raised her hand to slap Mrs lee again and jungkook is about shout but stop after
Soo-ah:"hey you girl down your hand!! And how dare you to slap my ajumma huh!! "Said glaring at Yuna and jungkook look at her shock as it is first time he see her like this. Yuna looked at her before down her hand and roll her eyes at soo-ah.
Yuna:"Now you will teach how to behave with a maid "said with smirk crossing hand. Mrs lee looking down controlling her tears.
Soo-ah:" she is my ajumma and your a bad and stupid girl. how can you slap my ajmma ". Said with angry glaring at soo-ah before going to Mrs lee and hug her while jungkook look at proud smile .
Yuna:"YOU!! How dare you!! You are a mental here and you teaching me and call me stupid. You are the stupid bit*h here "she cut off by jungkook bang on the table. He get up from chair and look at Yuna with dangerous glare make her shiver
Jungkook:"HOW DARE YOU!! How dare you to call my wife like that, HUH!! And how dare you to slap Mrs lee. If you ever dare to misbehave with my wife I won't hesitate to kick you out my house. If it is not for my mom I would have kill you by now. And apologize to Mrs lee for disrespecting her, She is like my second mother and you won't disrespect any one here!! If you do you will out of this house with in next second!!" Said while shouting make everyone flinch and soo-ah immediately hug Mrs lee in fear.
Yuna:"s-s-orry Mrs Lee "said shutter. Jungkook glare at Yuna before his eyes fall on soo-ah who is hugging Mrs lee in fear,Mrs lee patting her head to calm her down and he cursed under breathe for shouting in front of soo-ah, then mrslee break the hug as she saw him come near soo-ah. But when he place his hand on her she flinched and back off
Soo-ah:"Don't come near me!don't come "said while shivering and backing making everyone look at her confused but jungkook try to council her and about to hug her but she stepped back more shaking in fear with tear eyes making jungkook heart clenching and look at her worried he about say something but cut off by soo-ah Shout "Don't come near me!! YOU KILLED HIM!! "said while crying stepping back from jungkook while jungkook and others looking confused
Jungkook:"babygirl what are you talking I'm your kookie look at me see,! I'm your kookie don't be scared, hmm. "Said with worriedly and soo-ah look at him as come near her and said with tears.
Soo-ah:"kookie!!" Said and hug him while crying.
Jungkook:"shush stop crying I'm here nothing will happened, hmm." Said softly while caressing her hair.
Soo-ah:"k-kookie! H-he killed ji-hu!!" Said sobbing and caressing her hair after understanding she got same flashback and Yuna got suspicious. Soo-ah cry for some time and faint on jungkook arms. He look at her and pick her up in his arms and went to room and call j-hope explain everything happen while ago. J-hope said' he will come to hom with in 15 mins,' jungkook hung up the call and sit beside soo-ah and kiss her forehead caressing her cheeks. Aftersome time j-hope came and check her and said
J-hope:"nothing to worry for now jungkook. I think we should fastly find out her past. There something which is she fear about and this flashback making her stress, It is not good. So we need to hurry , hmm." Jungkook looked j-hope and nodded with dull face "hey jungkook-ah nothing will happen I'm here for our soo-ah. I'll do anything to cure her but your love will her cure faster then my treatment, so take care and call me if anything happen ok." Said softly
Jungkook:"ok hyung "said calmly.but they don't know someone was eavesdropping at their conversation that non other yuna and think like 'what's with her past, it may related to that psycho and is she taking about that crazy psycho'she ask herself and went from there as they were come near door. Then j-hope went from there and jungkook stay by home for soo-ah.
     After sometime soo-ah get up and saw her kookie sit beside her looking at her. She give him her sweetest smile and sit before hugging jungkook , he smile hug her back and peck her templet made her sit on his lap.
Jungkook:"How are you feeling babygirl" Asked softly.
Soo-ah:"I'm fine kookie , just head paining little."Said with cute pout make jungkook chuckle and peck her pouty lips. She smile sweetly at him
Jungkook:"ok then , I'll make soup for you, till then you take rest" said while pecking her head. Then went to kitchen where maids present
Maid:"Sir, do you need something" said after bowing
Jungkook:"Nothing I come here to make soup, give ingredients needed and went out from kitchen" said cold with expressionless face. after giving ingredients they went out and jungkook started to make soup, after fifteen minutes he complete making soup and serve it on bowl with small smile before taking to bedroom to feed her. Yuna who was seen all this get furious seeing his care and love for soo-ah and went to her room close the door before throwing vase on the wall make shutter.
Yuna:"I'll not leave soo-ah, jungkook is mine, I'll make your live hell ,you mental wait and watch." said glaring

      At evening Jungkook is sitting in meeting room of his farm house wait for someone with his hyungs. Then the door open revealing si-soon.He come and wish them but they look at him seriously making him confused.
Si-soon:"what happen! Why are you looking serious something wrong " Asked confuse . All of them look at jungkook who is looking at si-soon with cold gaze.
Jungkook:"Hyung, I want to know about my wife " He asked straight. Si-soon go stiff listening jungkook and smile ackwardly before saying
Si-soon:"what do want know jungkook, you know about her. " Said looking everywhere but not jungkook eyes.
Jungkook:"Hyung, you know what I'm talking about and if you won't tell then I have my ways to findout about my wife past, but I want know soon as possible from you and I'm waiting for you tell me from so nearly one month,but you guys didn't ready to tell me so I call you to my farmhouse ,I know something happened for her this condition and I want to know everything "said coldly with straight face making si-soon gulp.
Si-soon:"T-there is n-no-nothing like that she got a-a-ccident and b-ecome like this "said looking away.
Jungkook:"I want only truth, don't make force you, it is about my wife and her safety "said glaring at si-soon. Then yoongi spoke gaining attention from all
Yoongi:"you know si-soon ,the person behind soo-ah is again trying to come to her and you better tell us about her past for her safety "si-soon eyes widen and ask
Si-soon:"How you guys know there is someone behind her " he asked shocking.
Jungkook:" next day evening of our marriage we watching movie she suddenly started crying saying 'he killed ji-hu' , I didn't understand what happened then I ask yoongi hyung to about her information and but you guys are keep her past information secretly. So, I wait for you family tell me about her past but your not willing so, it's better you tell about her or I'll not hesitate to force you for my wife safety "said last dangerously. Si-soon look at them for some time sighs and made fist remember her past.
Si-soon:"There is a psycho bastard behind her who is also belongs to underworld mafia and he made her peaceful hell for his crazy obsession for my sister!! Said shouting last line make all members go still with shock.

                To be continue

Hello guys here go new chapter hope enjoy. Byeee

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