chapter 17

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After the meeting with si-soon jungkook come to home to see his babygirl and take her in his arms protectively hide her from this cruel world. When he enter into living room it was totally silent make him frowned as soo-ah and bam always play there. He went near his bedroom and hear soo-ah crying make him worried, he immediately run to the room and saw Mrs Lee counseling her and bam is put her head on soo-ah shoulder as he Conseling her. Mrs Lee stand and went out with bam after saw him. He went near soo-ah sat on bed. She look at him with her teary eye make his heartache and immediately hug him while crying make his heart shutter. He hug her back protectively caressing her head to calm her as she breathing heavily.
Jungkook:"shhh babygirl calm down, look I'm here, now stop cry" said pecking her head but she didn't stop make him more worry." Babygirl please calm down and tell me what happened Hmm"asked with soft voice caressing her head. After some time she calm down still in his arms. He pull away from hug look at her red eyes ,cheeks and nose because of cry but still looking cute .
Jungkook:"Now tell me what happened, why are you crying "asked while caressing her cheek softly. Soo-ah eye again become teary.
Soo-ah:"kookie you will leave me right!! You don't love me!! Because of my behaviour " said again started to crying, jungkook look at her bewildered and asked
Jungkook:"babygirl what are you saying, I'll never leave, I love you , how can I leave you "said holding her face in his big palms softly.
Soo-ah:"I know you'll leave me because I'm mental, she told me you'll leave me, I'm mental girl . Please don't leave me kookie, I want to be with you please "said while crying and hug make jungkook hug her back. But his eyes become dark as he know who said these thing to her . He broke the hug look at soo-ah, his eyes soften and cup her face lovingly
Jungkook:"babygirl I would never leave you!!I love you!! How can I leave without you and your not mental, The one who said you these things is the mental" said caressing her cheek and "tell me what happened and what she told you " Said holding her hands. Soo-ah look at jungkook eyes with her puffy teary eyes and said

Flash back :
Soo-ah was playing with bam who running here and there to catch the ball. Suddenly the ball went to yuna room with that bam also went there make soo-ah worry as she know she will behave rude ,yuna who was dancing in the room saw bam running into her room make her shout .soo-ah immediately went in saw yuna on her bed look at bam glare then to soo-ah
Yuna:"why your stupid dog enter into my room "said angrily make soo-ah take bam in her hand near her chest with fear.
Soo-ah:"s-sorry "said shattering
Yuna: scoff "keep your stupid sorry with you and what you're doing when your idiot dog enter into my room" said glare
Soo-ah: "don't call him idiot, he is smart, and his name is bam "said glaring. Yuna laugh at soo-ah mockingly
Yuna:"oh! You can get angry also. You mental girl you can't even act like normal and see audacity of you!! You brainless girl " said shouting make soo-ah eyes teary and bam bark at Yuna while she glare at him then soo-ah.
Soo-ah:"I-i am n-not m-mental "said with crack voice.
Yuna: "huh! Then tell me what's are your and the way you behave is normal. You're a mental and always cry like a kid, stupid!! Look at your self!! " shouting make Mrs lee come because of Yuna shout and bam barks. "I don't understand how jungkook marry you. And you think he will love you?? Huh!! No, he'll leave you " said smirking make soo-ah heart pain with her words and water flow uncontrollable Mrs lee come to soo-ah and held her
Soo-ah: "ko-okie l-love me, he will n-not l-leave me "said shattering with watery eyes. Yuna smirk wide looking at her state.
Yuna:"he'll leave you " she come near her ear and whisper "I'll make him love me" said make her heart break. "Now get out you stupid face" push her out of the room made her stumble but Mrs Lee catch her and look at Yuna with angry then soo-ah with soft eye who crying
Mrs Lee: "honey let's go to your room"

End of the flash back

She told and hug him tightly, jungkook eyes become dark as if he ready to kill her but his thought interpreted by bady voice.
Soo-ah: "K-kookie pl-ease don't l-leave me "said while crying make him hug her tightly before look at her eyes
Jungkook:"I'll never leave. Even you say to leave me I won't and I love you!! don't listen to her.she is the one stupid hmm "said before kiss her forehead and peck her whole face then lay her on bed and placed himself besides her cuddling. "Now sleep hmm" said caressing her hair after some time she sleep. Then he moved away from her slowly and peck her forehead softly made his way out of room and closing the door looking at her sleeping figure . After closing door his aura also change into dark and went to living room.
Jungkook:"Mrs Lee, please call Yuna down " said with cold voice. Mrs Lee immediately went and call Yuna who come living room with smile thinking he want to talk to her alone.
Yuna:" kook, you call me " said with shy smile but it faded when he look her dangerously
Jungkook:"what did you say to my wife?? "asked angrily glaring at her made her blood run cold due to fear "I asked what you said to my wife dammit!!"said shouting make her flinch.
Yuna:"w-what are t-talking about k-ook "said shattering with fear.
Jungkook:"Not kook it's jungkook for you. you know what I'm talking about and HOW DARE YOU TO CALL MY WIFE THAT AND PRETENDING LIKE NOTHING IN FRONT OF ME!!! "said loudly gritting his teeth. Yuna just look at him scared even to let out a word shaking while stand there." I have warned you stay away from my wife didn't I!! ....SAY!!!Said growling
Jungkook:" Then why you say that word to my wife ,huh!! "Said taking steps towards her like she prey and he going to hunt her make her step back. "I'm just controlling myself not kill you right know for insulting my wife because of my mother!!. I have told you many times I enduring you just for my mother sake but not after insulting my wife!!Get out!! "Said make her eyes wide ."go before I do something to you " but she just look at him shock make him loose control. "GET THE F*CK OUT!! "Said loud at dangerous made her scared as hell,went to her room to take her luggage and came out then heading out while crying.

To be continue

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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